MTL - Ultimate Scheming System-Chapter 1837 The way to leave

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The many monks present were shocked and admired Xu Que.

They themselves compared the divine writing table to translate the content on this stone tablet, and it was extremely difficult.

Because divine writing is not as simple as ordinary writing, it contains a lot of changes. To recognize and translate, you need to concentrate and concentrate.

These geniuses, who are known as extremely talented, can translate as fast as the master Tang Sanzang!

"Master Tang Sanzang is worthy of being a Buddhist monk, so he can even translate divine texts with ease."

"If there is a figure like Master Tang Sanzang in my Holy Moon Hall, why can't it develop?"

"It's a pity that Master Tang is so talented that he can only be exalted in the blasting gang, which is really regrettable."

Speaking of this, many cultivators have a sad expression. It seems that the Bombing Heaven Gang is a heinous gang, and it is not worthy of Master Tang Sanzang's stay.

Xu Que was full of disgust when he saw it.

I wondered how my Zhantian Gang offended you, and I still have this expression... It must be Ergouzi and Duan Jiude who are making trouble outside, making everyone criticize the Zhantian Gang!

Throw the two of you out of the back!

Xu Que glared at both of them fiercely, completely forgetting that even if the three of them were added, there would be no more than ten core members of the Zhantian Gang.

Er Gouzi was seen aroused and jumped directly from the ground, leaning against Duan Jiude.

"Teacher Duan, look at Brother Que to see if our eyes are extremely fierce."

Duan Jiude had a benevolent expression, and the old **** said: "Please remove the word "because your expression is particularly fierce."

"Wow, you, the goddess has always treated you as a grandson. How can you take care of yourself at the moment of life and death?"

"Amitabha Buddha, the old man was influenced by Master Tang, and now he is ready to escape into the empty door. Don't let the old man do anything that hurts the sky and himself, and sins the worst." Duan Jiude is full of righteousness. Where did the monk come from.

The surrounding monks originally stared at Ergouzi and Duan Jiude with an angry expression. In their opinion, these two guys are mouse shit, which belonged to the scourge of Master Tang Sanzang.

At this time, seeing Duan Jiude escaped into the empty door, his attitude could not help but become friendly.

"It turns out that Master Duan has such a root of wisdom, which is enviable."

"Since Master Duan has reformed, then our grievances will be wiped out."

Er Gouzi saw a monk with his own eyes and went up to shake hands with Duan Jiude, almost astonished by the shamelessness of the dead old man.

Immediately afterwards, it saw Xu Que's gaze on Duan Jiude became much more relaxed.

Having restored the reputation of the Zhantian Gang, the old section is still very good.

Xu Que thought so.

Immediately, he looked at Ergouzi fiercely again.

In addition to this, the monks present also pointed their fingers at it.

Er Gouzi suddenly felt that the world was full of malice towards him.

So it made a decision.

"Master Tang! What's the matter with Master Tang!" Er Gouzi wailed, and rushed to Xu Que's feet.

Everyone shuddered and glared at them, almost howling their souls.

I saw Er Gouzi hugged Xu Que's thigh, crying bitterly and said: "The deity has already felt it, Master Tang, your vitality is weakening! The deity has persuaded you many times, this divine text translation It's terrible to get up, you absolutely don't want to do this, but in order to let these monks get out of danger as soon as possible... unexpectedly, you were willing to sacrifice yourself, which really moved the deity! This deity really can't bear to look at it..."

Duan Jiude was shocked.

Fuck, this dog always stays with himself on weekdays, knows his roots and knows the bottom, never thought he would secretly cultivate such eloquence, it shows how much effort he has put in secretly!

At the beginning, Xu Que was shivered by Er Gouzi's howling, wondering if this dead dog was ready to turn back at the critical moment?

You must know that the reputation of Quede Dog has already reverberated through Xianyunzhou. Everyone knows that Xu Que is the first of the three, and he is the most despicable, shameless, and lewd person among them.

Not to mention that when he was in Tianzhou before, he had offended the two saints, Qiu Zili and Ling Nishang.

If the real body was exposed at this time, it is estimated that all the cultivators present would turn back on the spot.

In the next second, those crying sounds of Er Gouzi suddenly passed into Xu Que's ears like a natural sound.

What life is dying, sacrificing oneself, such stellar and stalwart words are applied to oneself one by one, it is simply like a spring breeze.

Ergouzi, you are really a good dog. It is worthwhile to force the saint to teach me carefully on weekdays. The key is that you are good at it!

As a result, Xu Que's face suddenly became pale, and his body trembled slightly, as if there was a huge burden on his shoulders.

He was so angry, but he still said with difficulty: "It's okay... the poor monk, as a buddhist son, can help the world... In order to let all the fellow Taoists go out, even if he pays his life, the poor monk still I don’t hesitate..."

Upon hearing this, all the monks around were terrified.

Tang Sanzang can't die!

If he died, we people would really not be able to get out!

What, you said Tobu Ki can understand divine texts?

He is just a disciple of the immortal emperor and knows the divine text of a hammer!

Translating a divine text is the same as constipation. When he translates the divine text on the stone tablet, it is estimated that the body of the big guy will be over seven years old.

"Master Tang, I have medicine here!"

"Master Tang, don't worry, I have a thousand-year-old supreme spiritual grass!"

"All get out of the way, UU read, I have Wannian Yulu here, which can supplement Master Tang's nutrition."

All of a sudden, all kinds of treasures were sent to Xu Que as if they didn't need money.

These monks all took out their treasures under the box, hoping to supplement Xu Que's exhausted strength, lest he really die from exhaustion.

Xu Que looked at the treasures of heaven and earth in front of him, and he was moved to leave saliva...No, tears.

He took a deep breath, looked around, and said solemnly: "The kindness of fellow Taoists has been received by the poor monks. It is the lifelong wish of the poor monks to save the world. I will definitely take you out of here."

While talking, these heaven, material and earth treasures were collected into the system space.

The monks originally wanted to persuade a few words, but in a blink of an eye they saw that the treasures of heaven and earth in their hands were gone, so they had to stop and stand in place and laugh.

After another wave of benefits, Xu Que no longer delayed, quickly translated the content on the stone tablet.

Afterwards, he led everyone and set off towards the place recorded on the stone tablet.

Soon, a huge stone pillar appeared in front of everyone.

"Everyone, this should be the place to go out."

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