MTL - Ultimate Scheming System-Chapter 1850 Blame it all 2

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In the sky, there are figures of evil demons from outside the territory.

At a glance, they were densely packed, like locusts.

The first to bear the brunt was Macabaka, who had previously been deflated by Xu Que.

After several days of training, his injuries have been fully recovered, and now he looks even more vigorous, with a layer of black and gold armor on his body, as if he has made sufficient preparations for combat.

Seeing Xu Que coming out, Makabaka laughed and said, "Monk, today my army of the demons will attack, and we must destroy the eternal family. You can't stop us!"

Xu Que didn't speak, but just raised a **** at Macabaka.

Having fought with humans for many years, Makabaka is well versed in local customs and naturally understands the meaning of the middle finger.

Upon seeing this, he suddenly felt angry from his heart, and waved his big hand: "Little ones, give me a blow! The eternal clan will be destroyed, just today!"

Following his order, countless extraterritorial demons in the sky swooped down like fighter jets.

In fact, most of the extraterritorial demons have no human form, and only a general of commanding level like Makkabaka has a human form.

Most of the outer demons swooping down now resemble ladybugs, except that they are completely black and still have a lot of magic energy attached to their bodies.


Thousands of extraterritorial demons swooped down, and the sight of this sight made people feel numb and hairs exploded all over the body.

Xu Que did not seem to be stupid, standing still on the spot.

Er Gouzi hugged his head and yelled in panic: "It's over, this deity is going to explain here today, this deity can't die, this deity hasn't left any descendants yet!"

The eternal family who had expected Xu Que to save them, saw that Xu Que didn't react at all, and despair surged in his heart.

"What happened to Tang Sanzang?" Dong Lingcao asked in a low voice.

Shui Ruyi walked to her, looked towards the sky, his eyes calm: "Master Tang, it should be too poor, this is the final destination of our eternal race..."

She is ready for death.

"Unfortunately, my strength is too weak to drag these extraterritorial demons together..."

At this moment, Xu Que finally moved.

I saw him pull out a control panel from behind, with countless control buttons on it.

"Finally entered the firing range." Xu Que raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, "Experience the feast of firepower!"

After speaking, his finger pressed **** one of the buttons.


At the moment of pressing, a sound similar to the flow of electric current began to sound in the entire Eternal Forest.

Immediately afterwards, countless ground, tree trunks opened, revealing the objects in them.

Those were black barrels, most of which were covered up, but the barrel alone made people feel a cold killing intent.

Xu Que laughed and said, "Welcome to the fear, Ollie here!"

boom! boom! boom!

Countless barrels were launched at the same time.

A large amount of artillery fire blasted directly at the extraterritorial evil in the sky, and every ammunition blasted an extraterritorial evil to pieces.

Almost a few short breaths of time, the first batch of extraterritorial demons that rushed in was annihilated.

Makkabaka looked stupid, and she was terrified in horror.

What is this special girl?

Xu Que smiled triumphantly and pressed the second button.

A black barrel that was several times larger than the other barrels slowly rose from the back of the tree house and pointed directly at the Macabaka.

"Amitabha, this is the Nanwu Gatlin cannon built by poor monks, shelling armor-piercing depleted uranium bombs!"

The voice fell, and there was a loud noise.


The huge fireball engulfed countless golden lights and flew straight to Macabaka.

The speed is three points faster than lightning, almost at the time of a thought, it has already arrived.

Macabaka was so frightened that his soul flew away, and the devilish energy around his body spewed frantically, and a huge devilish shield was condensed in front of him. At the same time, his feet moved wildly, wanting to escape from here.

However, his speed was not as fast as the ammunition after all, and he was hit directly.


A brilliant spark suddenly exploded in the sky, and a black shadow fell straight from the sky like a meteor.

"Hmph, dare you still threaten the poor monk?" Xu Que sneered again and again.

He didn't have any spare time, spent a lot of money to exchange countless mechanical firepower devices from the system, and then modified these devices through the system.

Of course, this is mainly time spent, after all, it is now in a state of free for the whole audience.

If it were to be changed to normal, the modification of these firepower devices would cost hundreds of millions of dollars. He would not get it.

However, the power of wealth is huge. After the transformation of these firepower devices, not only the attack speed power has a significant increase, but also has a powerful lethal effect on the evil demons outside the territory.

This is also the reason why he had to provoke the evil demon outside the territory and let him go.

If you want to help the eternal clan destroy the enemy, it is impossible to take people to the territory of the evil demon outside the territory to find fault, right?

The best way is to draw the enemy over.

It's a pity that he has countless calculations, but he failed to calculate that Er Gouzi set up a formation in advance to block the attack of the evil demons outside the territory.

By coincidence, he broke the formation again, and this situation appeared today.

This may be destiny.

Xu Que thought for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. If Ergouzi were not there, how could his plan go wrong?

Without Ergouzi, extraterritorial evil spirits would invade, and he would be more vigilant, and would help the eternal race to set up a formation in advance, and naturally would not lose as much as it is now.

Damn, it's all to blame for this dead dog!

"It's all because of you to go to Nima!" Xu Que put his foot on Ergouzi's **** and cursed.

Ergouzi was kicked with a dazed expression, thinking that it was not because you broke the formation that the evil demon from outside the territory invaded? Why is it blaming me?

But looking at Xu Que's murderous face, Er Gouzi was daring not to speak, as long as he slandered in his heart.

With strong firepower support, UU reading www.uukanshu. Demons outside the com domain cannot invade at all.

Xu Que also took the people of the eternal clan, and began to rush directly against the lonely extraterritorial demons.

There are free blessings in the audience, Xu Que is almost a BUG-level existence. Seeing one kills one, the gods block and kill the gods and Buddhas.

Soon, the first group of invading extraterritorial demons were completely killed.

Fortunately, he also found Makhabaka after being bombarded by giant artillery.

"Oh, you have a hard life, you are not dead like this?" Xu Que sneered looking at the extraterritorial evil that was almost turned into coke.

Makkabaka twitched the corners of his mouth with difficulty, and turned out to show a mocking smile: "Don't...satisfied, the whole army of the demon is wiped out...soon, Lord Demon will send more troops... then none of you will be able to escape. Lose…"