MTL - Ultimate Scheming System-Chapter 1884 Troubles of handsome guy

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At Xu Que's current speed, these so-called geniuses were directly thrown away by him.

"No, you are too hated!" After Xu Que thought carefully, he felt that he could no longer bring Ergouzi.

This guy has done things that I don't know how many days of anger and resentment in Xitianmen City, and then took it with him. Before he had time to trouble others, he came to the door for a lot of trouble.

Er Gouzi suddenly refused to accept: "He is a heroic man, and those guys are jealous that the **** is handsomer than them, so that's why they are so slanderous!"

"Bullshit!" Xu Que didn't want to listen to him at all. "There is another way, you can turn me into another species."

Hearing this, Ergouzi said righteously: "Impossible! Even if the deity is dead, if he jumps from here, he cannot become another species!"

"Ten skewers of grilled chicken wings."

"make a deal!"

In Qiongyu Pavilion, enchanting geniuses from all major forces are gathering together at this time to guess the situation of this selection.

The commotion caused by Ergouzi and others soon subsided.

Those chasing the killers just gave up their plans to continue chasing and killing them not far away.

An extraordinary, unrestrained young man appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Anyone who saw this young monk was amazed.

A monk startled and said: "So handsome..."

On the roadside, a couple of Taoists who were arguing even stopped the quarrel and stared at the young man in a daze.

The young man walked closer, looked at the monk who was chasing him out, smiled and said, "Everyone, seeing you look so flustered, could it be that something big happened?"

The monk who was questioned was stunned, his face suddenly reddened, and he muttered: "This fellow Daoist, you are so handsome..."

The young man smiled lightly and said, "I have heard this sentence many times, so why are you stuck here?"

The cultivator suddenly woke up and quickly said, "Oh, just now, a very evil person fled from here. We are pursuing it. Dare to ask fellow daoists if I saw a dog and a young cultivator passing by here?"

"No." The young man shook his head regretfully, and then smiled, "If I see it, I will definitely take it down."

The monk stared blankly, and suddenly woke up for a while.

Damn, I'm also a man, blushing!

When he looked back, he found that the boy had drifted away.

Just as he felt regretful, he suddenly heard an inexplicable noise behind him.

"Slightly slightly!"

At the end of the street, an unidentified white object was running frantically towards this side.

"What the **** is it?"

Before the cultivator could react, he only heard a sound of "Bah", and only felt that his face was moist.

He wiped **** his face, reached the tip of his nose and smelled it, and his color suddenly changed.

"This thing, spit my mouth!"

The monk was furious and chased directly at the unknown white object.

I saw this thing rampant on the street, unscrupulous, it can be described as arrogant to the extreme.

Every monk he passed by could not escape the bad luck of spitting.

After a while, an extremely spectacular scene appeared on the street.

The white unidentified object rushed forward, and countless monks followed closely, yelling.

"Brothers, this thing spit my mouth!"

"You got vomited too? I got vomited too!"

"Catch him! You must kill him!"

The crowd swaggered across the city in a mighty force, causing the entire Xitianmen City to jump around.

After a while, an immortal figure appeared in front of him. It was the young man who was just now.

"Fellow Daoist in front, get away, this fierce beast will spray human water!" a monk shouted hoarsely behind him.

Upon hearing this, the young man turned around, with a light smile on his face, and stretched out his hand.

The white unidentified object stopped abruptly, and under the stunned gaze of everyone, it leaned on the side of the young man neatly, without the posture of just running and spitting.

"Everyone, don't panic, this beast is my pet." The boy said lightly, "Grass and mud horse!"

The monks: "???"

How can you swear?

Don't think you're handsome and won't beat you up!

"Oh, sorry, I'm not scolding everyone." Seeing that everyone looked wrong, the young man suddenly woke up and waved his hands again and again, "It's the name of this beast, it's called the grass mud horse."

Seeing everyone's skeptical look, the young man slightly chin his head, and immediately began to show it in public.

"Grass mud horse, sit down."

"Grass mud horse, stand up."

"Grass mud horse, bow to fellow daoists."

Seeing that the monster beast actually made various actions according to the boy's words, everyone believed his words.

But many people still look weird, because they don't feel like listening to them.

It always feels like someone is pointing to his nose and cursing, but he is still happy.

"Since it is Fellow Daoist's monster, then we don't need to investigate too much." The leading monk arched his hands and glanced in front of him, and asked, "Fellow Daoist is going to Qiongyu Pavilion?"

The young man nodded and stroked Cao Mu Ma's head: "Yes, I am going to participate in the selection of the principal's disciple."

Before the headed monk could speak, a female nun squeezed out, winking and saying: "Friends, there are so many roads here, it is easy to get lost, let me take you there."

Before the teenager could agree, another female sister rushed out: "Friends of Taoism, let me come. I am a believer of Baimeijiao."

Baimei Sect, the first demon sect of Chengyuan Immortal Domain.

Said to be the magic sect, it mainly relies on double cultivation to become famous. There are a large number of female cultivators in the sect. They have a great number of single monks with their own strength. They can be called female bodhisattvas among the monks.

The boy's eyes lit up, and before he could speak, a bunch of female cultivators suddenly rushed out and directly surrounded Tuantuan.

"Friends, let me take you there."

"Go away, let me take this fellow Taoist!"

"All get out of the way! Fellow Daoist is mine!"

A group of female cultivators beckoned and tweeted, so that the male cultivators around them were not envious.

"Superficial!" a male repairer scolded.

"Yes, I can't appreciate the connotation of those of us at all!"

"Simply superficial!"

In a corner where everyone hadn't noticed, the boy and the grass mud horse slid out in embarrassment.

"Damn." The boy wiped his sweat. "These people are so crazy, they almost can't get out."

The grass mud horse raised his head triumphantly: "That's because the deity is so likable, that's why these ignorant monks flock to them. UU reading"

"Fart!" The young man snorted, "Is it the handsomeness of the sage?"

"Bullshit! Because the deity is cute!"

"This is forcing the saint handsome!"



One person, one grass and mud horse, before they arrived at Yuqiong Pavilion, they began to fight each other.

After a while, the boy sat on the ground and waved his hand: "Damn, it's not coming, it's important to do business."

"Exactly, we have to save the world."

【Happy Mid-autumn Festival! 】

(End of this chapter)