MTL - Undead Farm-Chapter 448 Disappearing food

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The northern line's enemies are mainly Yu races, so the defense lines over there are mainly long-range troops. Now if there is no defense over there, the human side can get another 500,000 long-range troops.

This has a great effect on the frontal battlefield, and it can also make the mage's pressure less.

But this has something to do with them!

I was just angry and turned to anger, but none of those commanders dare to jump out and say something. We must know that the first army **** of the Tianwei Empire had no solution!

别 Don't look at this guy as an old man who is about to get into the ground, but that mind is not comparable to ordinary people. If it weren't for his position, humans would not be able to survive to this day.

I think of this old man's irritable temper, and his son Tang Wuji, even a few people dare not refute.

I can't compare my mind, I'm looking for death, I can't beat my son with my fist, let alone bankruptcy ...

The captains who were spotted reluctantly let the deputy hand over the gold coins to Ye San Geng, and Ye San Geng laughed and put aside the heavy money bags behind him, and soon piled up. It became a small hill, and those guys turned blue.

"Thank you for your support, please have free time to eat baked sweet potatoes!"

There was a muttering sound, and a neat swallowing sound suddenly sounded in the whole account, scaring Ye San to take a step back more fiercely, blocking the small money bag behind him.

But when I saw the faces of those big people turned ruddy, I realized that at night.

These guys, are you hungry? !!

怎么 "Why? Are you losing weight? Why are you hungry just after the meal?" Ye San scratched his head.

Aston, who was aside, sighed deeply, "Why can't I lose weight, but ..."

住 "Stop, that's our top secret, how can you tell others!" Said the captain, who had just pulled out the money, angrily.

"It's okay, the situation of the orc opposite is the same as mine. Yesterday according to the news from Tianwei City, it is estimated that there is no difference between the entire Holy Stone Continent, and it is no longer a secret." Tang Wujie waved.

"Let's say, our food is almost gone!"

Gone? !!

Mi Ye San looked at all the people in the account suspiciously to see that their expressions did not seem to be fraudulent. The key to their stomach was not to deceive, and the grunting sound was not his hallucination.

"There are so many wheat fields in the Tianwei Empire, and the reserves of Tuntian District, even if this war consumes a bit, but it will not be so poor that you will be hungry?"

Ye Yesan asked while looking at a archbishop who had been silent in the corner.

Xutuntian District is responsible for the Holy Silver Church. The guy is not the Archbishop of the Southern Kingdom. In addition, he has not seen the people of the Holy Silver Church in the war. Can it be said that ...

Aston sighed, "Our food is really short."

可能 "Maybe you have been flying in the sky for a while, I do n’t know. In this month, the groundwater of the entire Holy Stone Continent has almost dried up, and all the seasonal crops have withered.

But this is not terrible, because we have a perfect reserve plan, and we are afraid of such natural disasters. The grain stored in the grain storages in various places is enough for our entire empire to eat for three years, but unfortunately ... "

"What a pity?" Ye San blinked.

"Unfortunately, all the grain in the warehouse was gone overnight!" The archbishop in the red robe stood up and looked at Ye San more faintly.

"It was like God was joking with us. Overnight, all the grain in the 35,800 reserve granaries of the whole empire disappeared!

Only the food in the core granaries guarded by the palace and our church's heavy soldiers has not been attacked, but the remaining food cannot support us to end this war. "

就 "Even if we win and solve the problem of groundwater, there is not enough time for us to wait for new crops to mature, because before then, all of us will starve to death!"


Hearing the news, Ye San was a little surprised.

的 The groundwater on the entire continent has disappeared. If so, it would be terrible, so it is not a problem to be classified as a natural disaster, but it is not very fatal.

Before he came in, he wondered why a group of water mages mumbled water, indicating that human water can still be replenished by spells, at least the water element has not disappeared.

But all the food was stolen, it was a bit scary.

I can evacuate all the granaries guarded by heavy soldiers without knowing it, and almost none are leaked. What a powerful intelligence strength, and how terrible the infiltration and sneak ability!

Doesn't this mean that either there is a super power that no one can imagine, or there is a terrible group that controls everything behind it?

等等 "Wait, you just said that you don't know the Tianwei Empire, but the whole continent is like this, that orc side ..."

Wu Tang nodded without a solution: "The orcs are also facing a crisis of food outages, and they are worse than us, because they have no water resources, so they can use the cannon fodder so crazy."

"Not only to destroy us, they are also streamlining the orc population, while taking advantage of creating an orc low empire full of elites, right?"

"You can't tell them that there may be manipulation in it, should the two parties find the black hands behind the scenes first?" Aston exited.

"Master, let me go to the orcs and talk to them ~ ~ This way, it will hurt you to defeat both!"

"It's useless!"

Susan Yegan and Tang Wujie suddenly shared the same voice. The two looked at each other in surprise, Tang Wujie smiled, and signaled Ye San to speak first.

Yan Yesan shrugged even more, respecting the old and loving the young.

"The orcs now cannot stop even if they want to stop."

"They sent out almost all the fighters. If they could not defeat us, they would only starve to death, but if we humans are destroyed, then they can attack or enslave other weak principalities under Jaeger-LeCoultre. they."

别 "Don't forget, they are beasts. They don't need to develop agriculture like we do. As long as there is war, they can live until the unification of the Holy Stone Continent or ... perish."


Wu Tang clapped his hands with satisfaction: "Indeed, there is only one way for the orcs to survive, and that is to continue to fight!"

"And our way of life is ... keep it, and then wait for the success of Xintuntian District in the back, to provide us with food!"

"This is also what Tianwei the Great and the Pope mean," the strange archbishop nodded.

"The rest of the archbishops have taken the priesthood staff of the Holy Silver Church to transform the fields on the outskirts of Tianwei City, guarded by them, and believe that the thief would not dare to come out, but before that, we must survive, and absolutely must not let The enemy broke through this line of defense! "

With a grunt, everyone's expressions changed again.