MTL - Under the Tutelage of the Golden Lion: The Beginning of the Overlord-Chapter 1

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Under the tutelage of the golden lion: the beginning of the overlord color winding

Traveling through the world of pirates, Shane fell from the sky and knocked out Shiki, the golden lion who was patrolling the floating island.

With a dazed expression, the large beasts on the island heard the sound and opened their **** mouths one by one.

Fortunately, the system was awakened, and at the beginning of the game, he obtained the full-level overlord and domineering.

Xia En was full of firepower, stunned millions of beasts, awakened the golden lion, and vowed to accept Xia En as a disciple.

Since then, this sea has completely fallen into rampage because of his appearance.

"The indescribable monster born under the Golden Lion Gate appeared in the sea!"

"The evil generation Shane established an evil pirate group."

"The despicable and shameless pirate Shane begins his **** journey."

"The emperor-like Shane led his kings across the great route."

"The great Lord Shane has arrived at his faithful holy place, Mary Joa."

"His Majesty Shane, the unparalleled nobility, delivered a fatal blow to the dictator of the World Government."

On the Red Earth Continent Pan Ancient City, Xia En stepped on the Void Throne and looked down at many sea powerhouses.

"I come, I see, I conquer!"

Chapter 1: The Young Master of the Flying Sky Pirates, Shane

East China Sea.

10,000 meters in the sky.

A huge floating island, surrounded by dozens of small islands, is like a star holding the moon, floating on the sea of ​​clouds, like a fairyland dream.

One of the islands with towering ancient trees.

clang clang—

The sound of swords colliding with Jin Ge reverberated, towering ancient trees collapsed, and the river broke, setting off endless dust.

Two figures shuttled through the forest at high speed.

Every time it collided, the terrifying sword energy erupted, destroying everything around it.

"As expected of the young master, in less than two years, swordsmanship has become so powerful!"

"And it's not suitable for a famous sword."

Indigo, the ship doctor of the Air Pirates, was surprised.

"Since Shane is so powerful, does that mean he can leave?"

Next to it, a beautiful girl with short orange hair, wearing shorts and a vest, with tattoos on her arms, asked with glowing eyes.


Indigo glanced sideways at Nami, then smiled and said nothing.

The captain's will, he is a ship doctor, but there is no way to decide.

Nami was also very clear about this, and she suddenly looked puffed up and stared at the battlefield in the center of the island, hoping that Shane would hammer the old man

This is the base camp of the flying pirates.

battlefield center.

That burly old man with blond hair like a lion's hair, with a rudder on his head.

Impressively, it is one of the three legendary pirates who is legendary with Roger One Piece and Newgate the Whitebeard.

Golden Lion Shiki!

The other was a boy who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old.

His black hair fluttered, Chiguo's upper body muscles were well-proportioned, and his handsome face was full of concentration and seriousness.


The golden lion drank coldly.

Installed on both knees, in place of the two famous swords that cut off both feet, withered wood and Sakuraju, kicked out two flaming sword lights in an instant.

The earth was cut open, the river was cut off, and the vegetation was smashed to pieces.

"This old guy is so disabled, how terrifying it would be if he was in his prime."

Xia En's face changed drastically, and in a hurry, he only had time to raise his double knives to block.


The two collided, and the shock wave generated directly wiped out the jungle with a radius of 1,000 meters.

Xia En was the first to bear the brunt, and his body was knocked away by an unparalleled force. One of the long knives he was holding broke apart and fell into pieces from the air.

"Jie Hahaha, Xia En kid, be careful!"

The golden lion laughed and chased, and with a flash, it swooped down from the sky.

The speed was so fast that it turned into a golden beam.

The two famous knives flew towards Shane like the claws of a lion.

"Old guy, don't underestimate people!"

Feeling the strong murderous intent coming, Shane gritted his teeth and growled, his pupils shrank suddenly.


A tyrannical arrogance that swallowed mountains and rivers, like a raging wave, suddenly vented violently from Xia En's body.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the earth cracked.

Even the speed of the golden lion was affected to some extent, and fell into a sluggishness for a moment.

However, as a legendary great pirate, although his strength has declined due to his disability.

But Sheng is rich in experience, and quickly recovered from the impact of domineering.

"Hey! This tyrannical arrogance..."

In the distance, the ship doctor Indigo said with a face full of horror: "I conquered the heart of the Admiral and said that the young master Xia En is the most powerful and domineering owner he has ever met!"

Nami raised her hands to block the rushing wind, her big eyes narrowed slightly.

"Is this the domineering domineering you're talking about?" She couldn't understand it, but her heart was shaken.

The aftermath of the edge of the island makes people feel like they are in a stormy sea.

If standing in front of Xia En, how terrifying the pressure would be?

"Wait, what is that?"

Indigo suddenly looked horrified and screamed.

The scene in front of him, he has followed the golden lion for many years, can only be seen in the battle of the overlord of the old era.


The violent overlord's domineering arrogance is like a flood venting at this moment.

The sky and the earth rubbed out endless golden lightning.

The young man with black hair like a waterfall was holding a broken long sword in both hands.

For a time, the lightning rubbed by the domineering arrogance of the overlord was like a stream of water, crazily wrapping around the long knife.

"Is that the trick...??"

The swooping golden lion widened his eyes.

"One Blade Stream: Contempt of the King!"

Xia En roared, his feet touched the ground, and the whole person rose into the sky.

The name of the move is like the power of a long knife, despising the arrival of the king of the world, and has the power to destroy everything.

next second.

Boom! !

The two collided in mid-air, and the resulting circular shock wave spread wildly in all directions.

A mushroom cloud of dust and light rose up.

The entire island, a volcanic eruption-like earthquake.



"It hurts! Take it easy, girls shouldn't be so rough."

"Who are you calling rude?"

"Ah, I didn't say you were rough, but you can be a little more gentle!"


The edge of the floating island.

On top of a boulder, Xia En Chiguo put on his upper body, wearing only a pair of large colored pants, and sat down like this.

Nami stood aside, "carefully and tenderly" helping him bandage, he bared his teeth and grinned in pain.

Such a quarrel with each other.

In two years, the two have experienced no less than dozens of times.

And the reason why Nami is here.

In fact, it was also because of Shane.

two years ago.

Shane fell from the sky and stunned Shiki, the golden lion who was patrolling the floating island.

With a confused look on their faces, the large beasts on the island heard the sound and opened their **** mouths one by one, wanting to devour Xia En and the Golden Lion.

Fortunately, the standard of the traverser, the golden finger belonging to Shane was also activated at this time.

The beginning of the awakening of the full-level overlord is domineering.

The overlord is domineering, but among the three colors of domineering, it is the most peculiar kind of domineering.

It represents the aptitude of the king, which cannot be cultivated.

Full level!

It means that the limit of the rules of this world has been reached.

In this world, there is no one who can surpass Xia En's domineering arrogance, and at most can only be side by side with him.

The red-haired Shanks, one of the four emperors, is so terrifying that he can even cause physical effects.

And Xia En, a full-level overlord, is absolutely impossible to be weaker than the red hair of the four emperors.

As you can imagine.

When Shane's firepower is fully activated, he unleashes a domineering arrogance.

Not only did he resolve the crisis of the beast, but also awakened Shi Ji, the twilight lion, vowing to accept Xia En as a disciple, willing to pay all the price, only to teach Xia En to become the supreme power of the sea.

And Shane is the deity crossing.

However, in the process of crossing, it seems that some changes have taken place, and the rejuvenation has reached the age of thirteen or fourteen.

In this world, Shane had no relatives and no reason.

So, he was confused and agreed to the golden lion's request.