MTL - Under the Tutelage of the Golden Lion: The Beginning of the Overlord-Chapter 179

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The golden lion even rolled his eyes and said, "Nonsense, when I was approaching Dressrosa Island, I already felt that the decisive battle between you and Kaido had come to the most white-hot stage."

"And the Akainu at that time, they already wanted to directly intervene in this battle, how could I see this happening and be indifferent."

Hearing a moving expression on Xia En's face here, he said with a complex expression: "Actually, you could have joined us directly and quickly at the time. If that was the case, maybe you wouldn't be here now."

However, the golden lion at this moment waved his hand casually and said, "What are you talking about, anyway, things are already done."

Then, Shane and Golden Lion began to talk about their first (good) meeting, and then talked about Shane's growth, which shocked the Golden Lion.

Nami, who was standing on the side, watched the two people in front of her continue to talk, and there was always a feeling in her heart, but she couldn't say what was going on.

Nami couldn't help turning her head to look at the golden lion beside her, and frowned subconsciously, always feeling that something was wrong with the golden lion at the moment.

At this moment, the golden lion, who was laughing happily, suddenly stopped, and then began to gasp violently, quickly waving his hands, and his voice became hurried.

Seeing this scene, Nami suddenly felt a shudder in her heart, and hurriedly said, "Xia En, let's get out of here first!"

"After we go out, you can also reminisce."

At this time, Xia En was silent, and the expression on his face was calm, making people unable to understand what Xia En was thinking at the moment.

Chapter 222: The lion's twilight, the end of life

A faint smile appeared on the face of the golden lion on the side, and he gently waved his hand by the way.

"You two can leave early, but I don't need to leave anymore."

When I said this, I saw a brighter smile on the face of the golden lion.

"Because my life will come to an end here."

"The last journey of life started after escaping from here. Now that I have come back here again, let's just let everything come to an end here."

After saying this, the golden lion in front of him seemed to have completely unloaded the burden, and the whole person looked much more relaxed.

The golden lion, which originally looked very domineering, seemed very calm at this moment.

At this moment, the golden lion is just an ordinary person who is waiting for the last moment of his life on the brink of death.

And when she heard this, Nami understood why Xia En and Golden Lion in front of her looked so weird.

At this time, she also understood why she felt a very strange feeling deep in her heart.

Because standing in front of her is a 333 life, a person who is about to come to the end.

I saw two lines of tears flowing directly from Nami's eyes, but Nami did not cry.

In Nami's mind, she began to recall the scenes she used to get along with the golden lion, and a strong sadness began to emerge in her heart.

For Nami, she is also somewhat unable to accept the status quo that the golden lion will die suddenly in front of her.

Nami also understands very well that a strong man like the Golden Lion must have a corresponding feeling when the last moment of his life is really about to come.

It was precisely because Xia En was aware of this at this moment that he did not take the Golden Lion to leave immediately.

And that's why Shane couldn't completely lock the golden lion's breath when he was above the sky.

The breath of a dying person will become very weak, even if Xia En is separated by a certain distance, it is difficult to lock it easily.

Seeing that the expression on Shane's face has become much more serious at this moment, she is also a little hard to accept the scene in front of her, but (chbb) he also doesn't know how to change the current situation.

After all, the Golden Lion and One Piece Roger used to be people of the same era, and basically all the people of that era have come to an end.

The golden lion is definitely one of the brightest living people.

How many people can still resist the attack of the two admirals from the front at this stage.

Of course, it was precisely because the Golden Lion and the two admirals experienced a real battle some time ago, so his body was gradually unable to bear it.

Under such circumstances, the expression on the face of the golden lion at this moment became more and more relaxed.

Because at this time, he can face death completely calmly.

"Shaen, what do you want to do next?"

"Now the whole sea is messed up by you."

What happened on Dressrosa Island some time ago has thrown the entire sea into turmoil.

Much of what happened next was due to what happened in the Dressrosa language.

Because of this, Golden Lion didn't believe that all this was a coincidence. Instead, he saw the shadow of Xia En and others in everything.

When he heard this, Xia En calmed down his inner emotions a little, and then slowly said: "According to my plan, I will be the first to become one of the real four emperors, and now, since this step has been achieved , then we can only change according to the situation above the sea, and the next plan."

"The head-to-head battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy is coming soon, and the decisive battle between them will also plunge the entire sea into chaos again."

"And I also received the rest of Wanguo's movements some time ago, so if there is a chance, my next goal is to directly annex the entire Wanguo."

"Then, my ultimate goal is to completely occupy the entire world and control 80% of the entire world's territory in my hands, then at that time I should have enough strength to wrestle with Holy Land Mary Joa."

Shane's plan has always been very clear, that is, to completely overthrow the world government, the cinnabar here, and all the Tianlong people.

Because of this, Xia En never lost himself on the road of becoming stronger, and every plan he made was slowly realized step by step.

Under such circumstances, the golden lion in front of him couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Although he has no chance to see the future government situation, he just needs to imagine these pictures that may happen in the future, and the whole person's mood becomes much happier.

In terms of choosing an address, no one from that era could match him.

Every time I think of this, the golden lion's whole person becomes more and more relaxed.

Seeing Xia En here, he shook his head a little mockingly and said, "I didn't expect you to leave so soon. It seems that the agreement I made with you shouldn't be able to be implemented."

According to Xia En's idea, in the future, when he has completely stood at the top of the world, no matter what kind of things the crazy character of the golden lion prompts him to do, Xia En can take all of this. Things are all smoothed out.

However, the golden lion's body at the moment could no longer hold it, and he was about to leave this world directly.

When he heard this, the smile on the golden lion's face became even brighter.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I already know now, what kind of achievements will you achieve in the future?"

"And I'm also very confident that you will reach that level."

Because at this moment, the golden lion's situation is very bad, therefore, Xia En did not move the golden lion rashly, and the conversation between the two was completely carried out in the sixth layer of infinite hell.

It is precisely because of this that all these conversations were heard by many prisoners around.

Many prisoners around were shocked by Shane's arrogant speech at first, but at this time they began to ridicule wildly.

"Two guys who don't know the sky and the earth, just rely on you to control the whole world, it's really whimsical."

"Golden Lion, you are just an old guy who has been eliminated by the times. What qualifications do you have to make a big deal here?".

Chapter 223: Pirates should accept death calmly

"An old thing is no longer worthy of living in this world, so let's die early."

Many prisoners around have been detained here for a long time, so many people have accumulated grievances in their hearts, but instead use this matter as a vent, and madly abuse.

The golden lion, who was walking on the last edge of his life, didn't care about all this at all, he just listened to the scolding of the people around him indifferently.

But Xia En's face turned gloomy.


The next moment, a violent breath burst out directly from the surface of Shane's body, and quickly swept the entire sixth-layer prison.

boom! boom! !

Then, one after another voices continued to appear, and the next moment, most of the prisoners in the sixth-floor prison, who had been clamoring just now, fell into a coma.

The sudden impact of the domineering and domineering makes them completely lose consciousness without making any reaction at all.

First of all, because Shane's comprehension of domineering and domineering has reached a very deep stage, he can exert such a powerful impact.

On the other hand, it is also because everyone in the sixth-level prison is limited in strength by Hailoushi, and they have not received enough exercise-time in the prison for a long time.

Because of this, the strength of these people is basically at the bottom of the whole life, so they are not even able to take any effective countermeasures under the impact of the tyrannical domineering.

At this time, the appearance of the prisoners falling to the ground one after another was completely awakened, and the many guards guarding the infinite hell.

Many guards also spotted Shane and Nami standing in front of the Golden Lion's cell for the first time.

In an instant, the faces of many guards became very ugly.

"How the **** did these two guys get in? We've never seen them."

"Is there a secret passage in this prison? Otherwise, how could they bypass us and go directly to the cell?"

"What the **** is going on? Get these guys quickly."

"There are some foreign invaders again. They should have entered here with the power of devil fruit! Immediately expel them both."

Then, the first of the many cells quickly started to move, approaching Nami and the two.

At this time, Nami had tears on her face, and she had no time to take care of everything around her.

Shane also looked at the golden lion in front of him with a serious expression.

Just when many prisoners raised their spears.

hum! !

A strong tyrannical domineering immediately spread to the train of thought, and then completely swept the guards in an instant.


The sound of heavy impact continued to sound, and all the guards holding weapons fell to the ground, and the whole person completely lost consciousness.

The moment they decided to attack Shane, Shane's tyrannical arrogance inadvertently defending himself completely made them lose consciousness.

At this time, Xia En didn't pay attention to it at all. The many prison guards around him fell to the ground. Instead, they said calmly: "Our fate has started from a very early time..."

Golden Lion is also recalling the scenes with Xia En, sometimes interspersed with some very powerful things he did in the past.

While bragging, the golden lion sighed with emotion that the atmosphere of the conversation between the two was very harmonious.

And think this is, push into the city warden's office, I saw that Magellan at this moment received the corresponding alarm information at the first time.

"Are you kidding me, is there anyone who can sneak into the advance city?"

"It's impossible, otherwise, why isn't my hand sending any message?"

In the street, after the corresponding situation, Magellan shook his head helplessly, and in his heart he had already regarded this as someone who was doing a prank.

However, at this moment, after he looked up, he saw Shane and Nami appearing on the monitor.


The next moment, Magellan's forehead was immediately covered with cold sweat, and the whole person looked a little dazed.

A strong sense of horror immediately spread in his body unconsciously.

"What, how is this possible?"

"Isn't this the worst generation of Shane? How could she have entered the advance city? And why can he bypass all the guards?"

I saw that Magellan's thoughts at this moment only stopped for a moment, and then he directly pressed the highest alarm of the prison.

hum! !

The harsh sound of prison sirens began to echo wildly in the venue.

At the same time, Magellan, who got the corresponding news for the first time, quickly contacted Hanbani.

Hanbani, who was the warden of the Buddhist scriptures, also had a stunned expression on his face, but his first reaction was indeed to inform the Navy Headquarters directly of the matter.

This guy, Hambani, wears the headdress of an Egyptian pharaoh on his head, and his belly bulges high like the stomach of a hungry ghost.

And this guy has tightly squeezed a trident in his hand, and the whole person's face looks very nervous.

"How on earth did this Shane sneak in? Why didn't we find out at all just now? How did he do all this?"


You must know that in the entire advancing city, infinitely lower is the place with the highest defense level.

And at this time, Xia En was quietly in the front wheel, so it can only prove that Xia En may have mastered a method that can quickly reach a certain area.