MTL - Underworld Game Producer-Chapter 144 Game media? Gotta stuff the money!

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【Death Game Producer】【】

It is precisely because of such a sincere remake of the game that the sequel to Happy Paradise Resident Evil 2 has attracted the attention of so many old players.

Xiaotian has died ten times before seeing the licker since the live broadcast.

The final death is after the attic where the Licker's second frightening glimpse was.

This time the licker crawled through the window, which was more oppressive than the first time I saw it.

Xiaotian and the audience not only saw the huge body of the licker, but also saw the nimble movement of the licker, which was so fast that the naked eye could not catch up with it.

Well, forgive her disapproval when she saw the licker earlier.

This speed, this physique, feels very difficult to deal with.

After collecting the batteries, go out from the side door of the attic to the police station library, and receive a message from Marvin, telling her to go there quickly.

She thought something important was going to happen, so she was in a hurry and didn't notice a bunch of zombies in the library.

Then she was surrounded by zombies!

Although the speed of zombies is slow, they are still very difficult to deal with when there are too many.

Under the siege again, she confessed here with almost no resistance.

Although she had died ten times, it didn't make her lose interest in playing, but it was time for the next broadcast.

Amidst the barrage of audience scolding her for whetting her appetite, the live broadcast was happily closed.

Why is it so happy, because she wants to play Battle Royale!

From the beginning, I had no interest in this game, and now I have to play it every day to sleep peacefully.

Today she has been playing Battle Royale for a long time before going live.

She mainly plays in qualifying, because she needs a more sensitive delay, so when playing Battle Royale, she does not turn on the time acceleration, and uses the regular time.

There is no way, if you want to play qualifying matches and become a well-known master of battle royale, time acceleration is definitely useless.

Now her greatest joy in the battle royale is sprinting the leaderboard. Her points are already in the top 1,000 range of the leaderboard, currently 986.

Nine hundred and eighty six?

Regardless of just over 900, this result is already quite good.

In the beginning, Battle Royale was only operated on the domestic ste platform.

But because it was so popular, foreign players also learned about such a free game.

te does not support players changing servers. If you want to play, you can only register for a new account on the national server.

Every region has language restrictions. Although there are translators to help, it is indeed a lot more troublesome than the native language.

Moreover, it is very troublesome to re-register a new account. Without the help of domestic friends, it is almost impossible to apply.

In the previous ste, you could change regions at any time, but because the prices in each region are different, servers in those low-priced regions have naturally become the first choice for players.

For example, Afu, a country with a population of only tens of millions, has a ste registration number as high as 1 billion people...


The whole world is plucking the wool of Afu. Not only the ste platform is dissatisfied with this, but the game manufacturers are also not happy.

Who doesn't want their games to sell more expensive?

Therefore, after a series of updates, ste successfully prevented players from playing across servers.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

Of course, it's not 100% impossible to cross-server, but cross-server is very troublesome now, and it's not as simple as changing the region with a click of the mouse.

Because Battle Royale is only released on the national server, foreigners who want to play can only register a new account to the national server, which is extremely troublesome.

Many foreigners even issued a petition to let Happy Paradise open other servers.

At present, there is only such a battle royale game on the market. It is very interesting to watch the anchor play.

The quality of the game is very high, and it's free. Foreigners can't play such a good game. No wonder it's not in a hurry!

More and more foreigners are petitioning, and even the people at Ste's headquarters have contacted Happy Paradise.

In the end, Happy Paradise opened the Ste full-server battle royale.

Today, every server in Ste can play Battle Royale for free.

It is precisely because of the influx of players from all over the world that the number of online gamers has remained at a new high.

However, the proportion of krypton gold for foreigners is much lower than that of domestic players.

This is why Li Wen doesn't want to open a full server for foreigners to play.

Not only need to spend a lot of operating expenses, but also to deal with zzzq and other factors.

It's hard not to be criticized if you don't have a girl or something!

If you buy outright games, whether you like to buy them or not, there is no problem at all.

But as a long-term online battle, it is not the same, and there are many troubles.

He didn't even intend to make Battle Royale go live on the full ste server from the beginning.

Just make a fortune on the domestic server! How nice!

Even the people from Ste's headquarters have come to discuss it, so why not give others face, after all, the cooperation between Happy Paradise and Ste has been very pleasant so far.

It's a good partner.

Nowadays, there are more and more players playing ranked matches.

Players who can rank within one thousand are considered to be the best players in the battle royale game.

After all, the player base is there.

The game is where players from all over the world are crowded into the same server to compete for rankings.

It took Xiaotian a lot of talent to break into the top 1,000, mainly because of her good game talent.

The game of battle royale is very addictive, she just feels that she has never been so addicted to a game.

However, being addicted to a game is a good thing for a game anchor like her.

At least during live time, she had a good time, and so did the audience.

Live broadcast of Resident Evil 2 today, although Resident Evil 2 is also very fun, it brought her a new gaming experience.

However, because she has been thinking about the battle royale ranking, she is a little distracted.

That's why he died so many times.

It's not that Resident Evil 2 isn't good, it's just that she's addicted to battle royale now.

No way, when a person is addicted to a certain thing, he will not be very interested in everything else.


The live broadcast of Resident Evil 2 in advance has generated good feedback from the players.

In particular, the game pays more attention to the game itself, rather than making some nonsense, which has won a lot of praise from the players.

In the current happy paradise, the game Resident Evil 2 has attracted much attention.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

Even a lot of game media are contacting Happy Paradise to try and evaluate in advance.

This is something that has never happened before.

That's thanks to Escape's nomination for Game of the Year, as well as its nomination for Horror Game of the Year.

Originally, Happy Paradise was well-known in the game circle, but now because of the nomination of the game, its status has been improved a lot.

Media like this play the game in advance, and evaluate and score the game. Only those first-tier and top manufacturers can enjoy the treatment.

There is still a long way to go for Happy Paradise to become a first-tier manufacturer, but the treatment it receives is not bad compared to first-tier manufacturers.

It can be seen from the press conference of the second world.

Although the second world press conference invited domestic game manufacturers.

But there are also many first- and second-tier manufacturers in China who did not receive the invitation, and instead invited Happy Paradise, a company that has just entered the third-tier manufacturer.

The manufacturer who showed the new game with him on the same stage at that time.

Either the top manufacturers, or the ceiling companies of first-tier manufacturers.

Happy Paradise is like a toddler in front of these manufacturers.

However, under the leadership of Li Wen, Happy Paradise did not have any stage fright, and even produced a Silent Hill pt that scared countless live players.

Up to now, most players still want Li Wen to release a full version of Silent Hill pt.

It's just that neither Li Wen nor Happy Paradise responded to these players.

It is indeed possible to do it, but once commercialization is considered, the game must not be as scary as the trial version.

This will bring a strong sense of gap to players who have played the trial version.

Not only will it ruin word of mouth, but it will even affect sales, so shelving it is actually the best choice.

On the second day after Xiaotian's live broadcast ended.

The Three Moms Media first commented on the game Resident Evil 2.

The website gave Resident Evil 2 a high score of nine.

Previously, the Three Moms website gave Escape 1 a score of 9.5.

The review lists the advantages and disadvantages of the game without spoiling the content of the game.

It's a very good review.

What the game media get is the full version of the game experience, not the so-called trial version.

'The game is divided into two lines, a and b, respectively Clair line a and b, and Lyon line a and b. '

‘After clearing the game, after sorting out the plot, it is recommended that players play the Claire A route and Lyon B route, which should be the official route. '

‘Of course, any character’s a and b lines can be played, and it won’t have much impact. '

‘At first I thought that line a and line b should be similar, but apart from the same map, both decryption and combat are different from line a. '

'In order to avoid spoilers, players please experience the thrill of starting the b-line by themselves. I can only say that it is Li Wen, and it has to be you. '

'After clearing the two lines a and b, I still have some ideas, and then guess what? '

‘It turned out that the large dlc content was unlocked for free. This is what I can say after communicating with Happy Paradise. '

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【Death Game Producer】【】

‘The large-scale dlc first-seeing process takes about three to five hours, and it is well-made, and the character controlled is Jill, who is familiar to a generation of old players. '

'Because the protagonist in the dlc is a member of the special police force, it has been strengthened a lot in some aspects, making it easier to operate. '

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‘This is a work of conscience. Not only the process and game quality of this article, but also the gameplay are very good, and the quality of the dlc is also maintained at the same level, and even technically better than this article. '

‘It’s the first time I’ve seen such a conscientious and free dlc as a game media person for more than ten years. '

This is the evaluation of Resident Evil 2 by the three big mother game media people.

Many domestic game media have also obtained the full version of Resident Evil 2.

In the end, Resident Evil 2 got an average score of 8.8 in the domestic game media.

Compared with Escape 1, the average score of 9.3 is indeed lower, but this score can be considered a high score.

Because there are too many game productions in this world, and there are too many games that need to be evaluated.

Every game reviewer's vision is very high, and it is also very harsh.

It is difficult to praise the advantages of a game in the evaluation. It is often just to mention the advantages of the game, and then start to criticize the shortcomings of the game.

The final score of the game is almost always low.

Is there a solution?

Of course there is, just plug in the money.

Although these game reviewers will not change the ratings after the money has been stuffed, they will praise the advantages of the game, while the disadvantages will be brushed aside.

Although the rating of the game has not been improved because of the money, it has greatly helped the sales of the game under the constant praise of its advantages.

When many players buy a game, they will first go to the game review to see if the game is suitable for them.

Often when players see that the advantages of a game praised by reviewers are just right for them, they will buy the game without hesitation.

Although this game has many shortcomings, players play the game itself and buy it for one of the advantages of this game.

Therefore, game reviews only talk about the advantages and minimize the disadvantages, which is definitely beneficial to game manufacturers.

Even the top manufacturers will still stuff money.

Happy Paradise naturally stuffed money, which is an unspoken rule in the game industry.

Manufacturers who don't waste money are only those mid-stream and downstream game companies that no one cares about.

These companies still don't realize the joy of being pre-heated by major game organizations before the game is released.


Most second- and third-tier manufacturers can't experience this kind of happiness.

After all, there are so many excellent game companies, and the game media will also find popular manufacturers and popular games for evaluation.

Find some unpopular manufacturers to evaluate games in advance, maybe there is something wrong with your head.

Although it is money stuffed, UU Reading However, the game review will still list the advantages and disadvantages, and the score will not be affected by the money stuffing.

All graded professionally.

Therefore, the rating of the game will not be exaggerated, which can be trusted by the game media.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

When players choose games, they usually trust themselves with high game ratings, and trust the media with low game ratings.

High ratings are mainly due to the fact that every player has different tastes.

Just like Resident Evil 2, some players like it very much, and they can't wait to play it right away.

Other players have no interest at all, and even feel that this is a garbage game.

These are all very normal things.

Under the evaluation of the game media, the popularity of Resident Evil 2 has received a lot of attention before it was released.

This makes other third-tier manufacturers, and even colleagues of second-tier manufacturers very jealous.

Originally, there was the full promotion of Xiaotian, the number one game anchor in China.

Coupled with the boasting of countless domestic media, it is almost the same treatment as the top-tier manufacturers.

Can this not make these manufacturers jealous?

Jealousy is jealousy, but everyone is decent now, at least on the surface they will be very friendly.

Even send a scarf to praise the game Resident Evil 2.

But behind the scenes, there will definitely be some small tricks to try to hack Resident Evil 2 and Happy Paradise.

Colleagues are enemies.

None of the peers like each other better than themselves!