MTL - Underworld Game Producer-Chapter 206 80 million sales

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【Death Game Producer】【】

Although Li Wen also loves money, he will not squeeze all the remaining value of an IP for money like Caudick.

Although the Escape series is not the most profitable IP in Happy Paradise, it can be regarded as the mainstay.

No matter what the quality of the game is, as long as the sequel is made, there will be loyal fans of the series who will buy the game.

Basically, it is a business with steady profit and no loss.

But he didn't go on to do Escape 4.

It's very simple. Although the word-of-mouth of Escape 3 is not bad, the series has begun to decline.

If it continues forcibly, the reputation of the escape series will collapse.

It is not the purpose of Happy Paradise for players to buy games and not enjoy them.

After all, from the very beginning, Li Wen decided to let the players go to heaven happily.

The escape series has come to an end.

Although there are still many players petitioning to let Li Wen continue to launch escape.

In fact, it is really easy for Tianhappy Paradise to escape.

It's nothing more than writing a good game script.

There are no other difficulties. According to the current efficiency of the production team of Happy Paradise, an escape sequel can be made in a week at most.

However, the same model will cause players aesthetic fatigue.

Therefore, there is only continuous innovation to create new models.

And the escape series is not the same as the Resident Evil series.

Although the escape series are based on the same world view, the protagonists have no good ending in the end.

The Resident Evil series is different. Although the protagonists of each series are also different, they all end with a family carnival.

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Also, each protagonist has a certain connection.

For example, at the beginning of Resident Evil 5, there are Easter eggs of Resident Evil 4 Leon.

To put it bluntly, the Resident Evil series is about selling feelings.

Especially Resident Evil 6 came directly to a big reunion.

Basically, the protagonists of the previous work have come to a large collection.

It's a little regrettable that there is no Claire, Jill.

Whether Resident Evil 6 is fun or not is second, and the most important thing is that this wave of feelings really makes old players very happy.

Of course, it is also the most criticized game.

After all, masters in physical skills and abundant resources made Resident Evil no longer look like Resident Evil.

But the sales of Resident Evil 6 will not lie, making everyone who makes money laughing.

After the big feelings are over.

The new screenwriter arrived, and because Resident Evil 6 took too many steps, the new screenwriter didn't know how to get it right.


Since it won't be round anymore, then start a new script and start a new story!

It was also this decision that Resident Evil 7 was reformed again to become a first-person game.

Although the mold virus is getting more and more exaggerated, it can also control other people's thoughts, which is very abnormal.

But fortunately, it can still be justified, after all, Resident Evil is not a realistic game.

It's a soft sci-fi game.

The image of Yin Sen as a good husband and a good father was created in this way.

The main story of the Resident Evil series, each of which has a different screenwriter.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

So it will often give players a sense of fragmentation.

But it will not affect players' liking for the ip of Resident Evil.

Li Wen will definitely not give players a bad game in order to squeeze out the value of a series of ip.

He is such a person.

Only interested in money and making games.

Therefore, this time, the surprise carefully arranged by the senior management of the Happy Paradise Conferred God Group and other groups was in vain.

He wasn't a cannon fodder character in a horror movie, he would rush to give away the head when he saw something abnormal.

There was an abnormality in the hotel last night, so it is better to hide and wait for the staff to notify.

Not running around like a headless chicken, if something happened.

Running around is putting yourself in danger.

Although there were no surprises, today was also Li Wen's birthday.

So, without any surprises, I followed Zhang Chunsheng and Xiao Huang to the event hall.

He looked at the people who were already falling asleep in the event hall.

The birthday celebration has come to a successful conclusion.

Everyone, except Li Wen, left the highest peak hotel with regret.

Each of them was thinking in their hearts that they must successfully surprise Li Wen next year.


The celebration of the Fengshen production team has officially ended, and the working group has slowly started preparations for the sequel to Fengshen.

In one month, Fengshen sold 80 million copies.

All of a sudden, Happy Paradise became a second-tier game manufacturer.

When Happy Paradise announced the sale.

Many first- and second-tier game manufacturers have issued congratulatory remarks.

It is not difficult to become a third-tier manufacturer. As long as you can make a high-quality game, you have a high chance of becoming a third-tier manufacturer.

Of course, high quality is not determined by the production team.

Whether the quality of the game is high or not is all up to the player to decide.

To put it bluntly, games are made to sell.

The more you sell, the more fun it is.

Only sales are the touchstone of a game.

After a month of conferring the gods, sales finally dropped.

However, more and more people scolded Li Wen.

Conferring the Gods is mainly because it is really difficult. Many players can break through the defense, but they can't stop, and they have to continue playing.

Emotions can't be vented in the game, so naturally they have to find a place to pour out.

Naturally, Li Wen's scarf became a feng shui treasure for these players to vent their emotions.

As for the scarf of the real producer Fang Hong.

Some are not the same as Li Wen. At the beginning, his scarf was also scolded by the players.

After all, he has never experienced so many things that players complained about.

At the very beginning, he was almost overwhelmed by these messages scolding him.

If he hadn't ran to Li Wen's scarf to look around, he would definitely not be able to pass this hurdle.

He also didn't expect that Li Wen would be treated so badly by the players.

Compared with Li Wen's, his message is like the difference between the light of a firefly and the light of a bright moon.

Not worth mentioning at all.

Suddenly I feel better.

Later, because of Fengshen's sales, it got better and better.

There are also more messages on his scarf.

Moreover, less and less people scolded him, and more players praised him for being a good player.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

Of course, Li Wen's scarf also has players who praise him for his good game, but it's really insignificant compared to those who scold him.

But he is different, the players who praise him account for the vast majority.

This is very strange, obviously he made the game, why the players would scold Li Wen.

Not to mention that he couldn't figure it out, even Li Wen couldn't figure it out.

Li Wen was also a little speechless. He only participated in the design of the script and some levels in the game of Fengshen.

The whole game is not named, and the person who finally decides the direction of the whole game has always been Fang Hong.

Maybe it's his relationship with 'a lot of evil'?

He thought about it carefully, besides Brother Sledgehammer who disgusted players, he didn't have any other games that disgusted players.

He sure doesn't know.

Although the escape game is not as disgusting as Brother Sledgehammer.

But it's very scary, especially when playing alone.

At that time, countless anchors were terrified and screamed when they played solo, and some players were even so frightened that they broke their mouse.

Not to mention ordinary players playing alone.

He was even more frightened into a Muggle.

The multiplayer online mode is also a super pit.

Obviously, many players started playing multiplayer online because they were afraid.

Use hugs to reduce fear of the game.

However, this multiplayer online game has a very bad setting.

That is, there will be a certain probability that players will form a five-player game.


The game of five directly upgrades the easy mode of the game to the normal mode.

Those monsters that were already scary became even scarier with the blessing of the normal mode.

Even if the player hides under the bed or in a safe place like a wardrobe, he will be picked out and beaten by normal monsters.

The mentality of these violently beaten players exploded immediately.

In addition, there was a very magical Trojan horse circulating on the Internet at that time.

This Trojan horse has nothing to do with Happy Paradise, but it fits very well with the escape game.

When the player is really scared and wants to close the game.

The Trojan horse jumped out to taunt the player in various ways, so that the player can only close the game if the power is turned off.

When the two are multiplied together, which player's mentality does not explode.

Although both Li Wen and the Escape official came out to explain, the Escape game can be exited in the game.

But because there was a previous game where Brother Sledgehammer tortured the players so much, the players didn't believe his nonsense at all.

It is agreed that he did the trick.

In addition, in his games, there is such an insult to players as the simple mode.

As a result, the players really don't want to see him, and whenever they are unhappy in the game, they will choose to leave a message on Li Wen's scarf to vent their emotions.

Over time, Li Wen's scarf has become a space for players to manage their emotions.

Sometimes Li Wen would interact with players who scolded him, so the players knew that he would read the messages.

In this way, the players who scolded him became more and more energetic.

At that time, Fang Hong was not in Happy Paradise, although he knew about the escape game and Li Wen.

But he didn't pay much attention at that time.

The game circle itself is huge, and there are many producers who suddenly become famous because of a work from time to time.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

But the vast majority of producers quickly disappear silently.

Therefore, he didn't care too much about Li Wen, and he didn't know much about what happened to Li Wen before.


Demon's Souls is also well into its finale.

With the help of the previous production team of the whole company, the production progress has indeed taken off.

But after all, it is not the same production team, and the game types of each production team are different.

Although the progress is much faster, it still needs to be revised slowly so that the works made by other production teams can be perfectly integrated into the whole.

The workload is indeed much less than before.

But it still took two weeks to polish the details of the game.

The game is also really made.

This is the Devil's Soul made by Li Wen, a pure soul game.

There are no fancy attacks, and the most unpretentious attacks are used to challenge exaggerated bosses one after another.

Of course, due to the reasons of the next era, the movements of the characters are much more flexible than those of the original Demon's Soul.

After all, it is neural control, and the improvement of the character's attributes can be more intuitive for players to experience.

After the characters are more flexible, in order to make the difficulty of the game meet expectations, the things to do are also very simple.

That is to increase the attributes of monsters.

Player flexible?

That monster is more flexible than the player.

Especially the boss, who can definitely let the players enjoy what it means to suffer.

Since Demon's Soul is the first Soul game of the old thief, there are many places that are very anti-human.

For example, various grasses that return blood.

And these grasses also take up a lot of weight.

Li Wen directly replaced the recovered grass with a recovery item similar to the element bottle.

And directly cancel the backpack load.

The old thief probably also realized this, and all the subsequent soul games did not have a backpack to carry the weight.

Demon's Soul is also known as the Soul of the Mage.

There is a very fierce magic, it is simply invincible magic, it can instantly kill most of the bosses, it is almost poisonous.

Li Wen naturally balanced all of these.

Although each genre has its strengths and weaknesses, it is not as exaggerated as the original Demon's Soul.

A magic directly kills the boss, it's almost like opening and hanging, and suddenly has no friends.

After all kinds of balance are settled, the players will neither crash the game nor let the players pass the level easily.

There is also the giant's map, which Li Wen made according to his own understanding.

This map is full of Li Wen's malice.

Arguably the most disgusting and difficult map in the entire game.

Referring to the second level of Bloodborne Nightmare, it can definitely make players feel sick enough to vomit blood.

He didn't have much confidence in the game Demon's Soul.

Even if Fengshen's sales almost exceeded 100 million, he still didn't have much confidence.

It's very simple, even ordinary players in Fengshenzhong can perform handsome and high damage combos.

Ordinary players who are familiar with the game can easily suppress most bosses to death.

Let the boss have no power to fight This kind of refreshing feeling cannot be provided by other games.

After all, the player was tortured to death by most of the bosses at the beginning, and everyone was numb.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

It took a long time to get the game cleared, which took a lot of time.

After ordinary players spend a lot of time deepening their understanding of the game, even handicapped players can play very smoothly.

In other words, all players can become masters in Conferred Gods.

This makes the game very interesting.

Not only that, Fengshen also updated the arena mode.

Players whose attributes have been balanced fight in the arena.

This is much happier than killing a boss.

No one can refuse to kill other players in a gorgeous, handsome and pretentious way.

Since the operation is very simple, the battle between players has become extremely exciting.

Of course, simple operation does not mean that it is not competitive.

On the contrary, the Conferred God Arena is very competitive.

The pvp videos of those master players can give goose bumps to players who don't play Fengshen.

What kind of long-range props bounce off the tip of the sword, wearing a set of the most sensitive clothes, and creating body skills such as Lingbo Weibu.

The whole battle was so exciting that the people watching were suffocated.

It is even more exciting than those high-cost martial arts fighting scenes.

It was also the pvp videos of these masters that caused Fengshen, whose sales had already begun to decline, to surge in sales, successfully breaking through the 80 million mark.