MTL - Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again-Chapter 574 Tauren face to face

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It has to be said that Alec Black Prince's action has brought Zhou Fangwu a lot of trouble.

[Perception] The skill was indeed in the center of the Great Labyrinth, and he found the Mitaurus Minotaur as a key node, but he didn't know how to get there for a while.

The easiest way to escape from this maze is to use the golden sword to directly cut through this power, but the problem is that the master who controls this maze is not here at all, and Zhou Fangwu is far away from the central node.

I couldn't think of any other way for a while, and I was really stuck here.

This big labyrinth seems very ordinary, but it is changing passages and directions all the time, plus it can disturb the senses of the godslayer, it is really difficult to break out without special powers.

In particular, dangerous traps and powerful monsters were arranged everywhere in the maze, Zhou Fangwu's head grew bigger.

This should have been specially prepared by Black Prince Alec for the Godslayer Civil War.

Never thought that it would be used by him on himself.

Now, Zhou Fangwu fell into a decision.

Is it a forced entry?

Or looking for a solution?

Any labyrinth will not be an endless loop, this is the inherent characteristic of authority, even the Black Prince Alec, who is the master of the labyrinth, cannot change this fact.

After all, this is a power usurped from Minos, the **** of the earth and the labyrinth.

And the power of the gods is endowed by the myths woven by humans, so how could they not leave a way out for themselves?

One takes a short time, but you may encounter difficult monsters; the other takes a long time, but it is relatively safe.

Especially with the [Perception] skill to detect the surroundings, it was enough for him to avoid most dangers.

Therefore, Zhou Fangwu chooses...

Break in!

Under other circumstances, Zhou Fangwu would be willing to play hide-and-seek with Prince Alec, but now he is going to join other godslayers to deal with him. up!

Now, we must fight for more seconds!

Use flying magic to come up to 30 cm above the city wall, and fly in the direction detected by the [Perception] skill in your mind.

At this time, it is most efficient to use flying magic, after all, it can avoid most of the enemies or traps hidden in the maze floor.

But obviously Zhou Fangwu thought too much.

With the resourcefulness of the Black Prince Alec, how could he not have thought that the godslayers would use flying magic to enter the deepest part of the maze from mid-air?

Although there was no attack from the monsters on the ground, the fog in the mid-air of the city wall was getting bigger and bigger the closer to the center of the maze, and it had a bigger impact on Zhou Fangwu's senses.

[Perception] After all, it is not a power, but a skill. It is restrained by power innately. Even with the blessing of divine power, it cannot break through the layers of fog and reach the deepest part of the maze.

"Troublesome Powers."

This power doesn't have huge lethality, but it is very useful for delaying and wearing down the enemy.

In addition, monsters can be added to the maze without limit, increasing the difficulty and danger of the maze.

It can be said that the Black Prince Alec has made full use of this power.

Zhou Fangwuzi, who was in mid-air, knew that he could no longer use flying magic to go straight to the center of the maze, so he chose to land in the maze.

After all, there is no reference object, and the fog is getting thicker and thicker.

[Perception] After the skill does not work, it is very easy to fall into the trap that the enemy has already set up, and the delay time will become longer.

Plans change!

From flight to ground!

In mid-air, Zhou Fangwu used the [Perception] skill for the last time, remembering the location of the center of the maze.

Even if he breaks through from the ground, Zhou Fangwu doesn't intend to follow the maze passage.

He wants to destroy the city wall and break in straight!

Pulling out a small pistol from his waist, Zhou Fangwu shot at the city wall in front of him.

【Power·Magic Bullet】

This is the power he has just usurped from Hades.

This power can adjust the power according to the amount of mana, and it is just right to use it now.

Thanks to Godslayer being able to use the power proficiently immediately after obtaining the power, Zhou Fangwu is also quite handy in using this newly acquired power.

But what he used was not real bullets, but air bombs.

After all, you can only use 6 rounds a month.

It's just a labyrinth without the master's control. The city wall is not very strong at all, and the power of the air bomb is enough.

Zhou Fangwu ran straight to the center of the maze without stopping.

The speed is very fast, whether it is a city wall or a monster on the road, he can easily deal with it.

During the period, the maze changed its direction several times, but Zhou Fangwu rushed forward regardless of the abyss or trap in front of him.

He had made up his mind long before entering the maze.

【Maintaining the status quo】

The characteristic of the big maze is that it cannot move, no matter how it changes direction or passage, the center point of the maze starts from the moment the maze layout is completed, and it can no longer move.

It was also because of this that Zhou Fangwu sprinted forward resolutely.

It may be like in a fairy tale, the closer the protagonist is to the final level, the stronger the enemy he will face.

Gradually, the strength of the monsters encountered on the road became stronger and stronger.

Although they are not a threat to Zhou Fangwu, but there are really a lot of them, and it is quite troublesome to deal with them.

"Tsk, it would be great if I could use the Fairy Corridor."

[Power · Fairy Corridor] is a skill that can open the passage to the Netherworld, but it is not only the ability to lead to the Netherworld, it can also allow the godslayer to go to another place without any influence through it.

It is precisely because of this that Mrs. Aisha can escape smoothly every time.


There is a prerequisite for using this ability, which is to set the coordinates somewhere first.

It is also this coordinate that Anne Charlton can return from the distant past.

However, Zhou Fangwu usurped the authority of the two of them, no matter whether it was [Power - Fairy King's Crown] or [Power - Fairy Corridor], he couldn't use the leftover coordinate points.

Because there is no aura of his own...or in other words, this is not a coordinate point set by him.

There was no other way, Zhou Fangwu had no choice but to break through the level honestly, exerting all his strength to speed up his escape from the maze.

Finally, it took an hour to reach the center of the Great Maze.

He thought that as long as he solved the Minotaur inside, he could leave the big maze.


Alec the Black Prince was far wiser and more cautious than he thought.

Not only did he summon the Mitaurus Minotaur to guard the Great Labyrinth, but he also had another handy assist at his best.

In the center of the maze, there is a huge building that looks like a cathedral.

After walking in, I found that there is a large space inside, and all kinds of strange patterns are carved on the roof, including monsters, humans, beasts, and sun, moon and stars.

And on the roof, there is a beautiful snake.

It's a real beauty snake.

Her upper body is a red-haired woman with white bird wings, her lower body is the body of a snake, and there are fish fins at the tail. The whole person looks quite weird.

In addition to the obvious female torso, the face is also blurred. In addition, the other bodies are more like assembled from the limbs of various animals. It is absolutely a monster.

Some are physically uncomfortable.

But a powerful spell surged from her body, and a dangerous atmosphere enveloped the entire church. Even the giant Minotaur in the center was suppressed by her.

—[The Faceless Queen Meluxin]!

Although she doesn't look strong, Zhou Fangwu will not despise her, because the assembled monster in front of her is the goddess herself!

Even if she can't catch up with the real **** of disobedience because of being empowered, she is intelligent and good at magic. Whether it is mobility or destructive power, she is equal to or even superior to the gods and beasts.


As soon as they met, a strange and piercing cry came from the mouth of the monster goddess. This sonic attack instantly distracted Zhou Fangwu's brain, and his consciousness was affected to a certain extent.

Gu This kind of excellent opportunity, the faceless queen will not miss it.

She waved her long white bird wings, and blew a strong and cold wind, blowing the black mist from the scorched land in front of her.

And the Minotaur Minotaur on the ground, after hearing the strange cry of the Faceless Queen, seemed to have received some kind of signal, and rushed towards Zhou Fangwu waving the giant stone ax in his hand.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The huge body trembled wildly from the earthquake, and the violent breath came oncoming.

As expected of the boss in the center of the maze, this coercion is comparable to that of ordinary beasts.

The Minotaur hidden in the black mist is a great threat, but Zhou Fangwu, who has the skill of [Perception], can't help him.

He kept an eye on its position through his skills.

At the moment when the giant stone ax was about to fall to the top of his head, a long stick emerged from his hand, and he stopped this powerful blow forcefully with only his body.

But before he could fight back, his brain issued a strong warning, and a sense of danger came from the ground.

Subconsciously raised the golden cudgel in his hand, at the same time, his body was pulled back as hard as a tight bow.

call out!

A black ray of light flashed past Zhou Fangwu's shoulder.

If he hadn't pulled back in time, the light would have shot right into his heart.

"This is…"

Zhou Fangwu's body pulled back mustered all his strength, and he used a long stick to blow away the black mist blown up by the strong wind in front of him.

At the same time, he raised his head and looked towards the roof of the church.


The two-tailed beauty snake above disappeared.

"Is it hidden in the shadow of Minotaur?" Zhou Fangwu murmured softly.

[Queen without Face] can use magic to lurk in the shadows, and is very good at protection and assassination.

And just now, she was lurking in the shadow of Minotaur, and when Zhou Fangwu blocked Minotaur's attack, she suddenly launched a attack. If she hadn't dodged quickly, she might have been attacked successfully.


Zhou Fangwu praised her sincerely.

Don't look at the weird shape, it may even cause some physical discomfort, but she is a helpful helper whether it is fighting or guarding.

Most importantly, she has wisdom!

Compared with those divine beasts who only know how to follow their inner desires to wreak havoc and rampage, Meluxin, who is wise and stronger than the divine beasts, is quite a brilliant helper.

In fact, Alec Black Prince also regarded her as a versatile assistant, a very precious power.

But she also has shortcomings.

That is not good at close combat.

She is good at long-distance attack and sneak attack, but as long as she is approached by a powerful enemy, she can't use all her abilities.

In other words, the faceless queen is a follower of an assassin and part-time mage.

That being the case, first destroy the body she stored.

Minotaur, whose giant ax was swung away, had a red light in his eyes, panting heavily like a mad bull, waving the giant ax in his hand, and came straight to Zhou Fangwu.

"Well done."

Even so, Zhou Fangwu didn't intend to compete head-on with it.

After all, there is the Assassin Queen hiding in the dark, and he hasn't grown up to that level yet.

After simply calculating the distance to the Minotaur, Zhou Fangwu gathered the magic power in his body and squandered it all at once.


To deal with this kind of physical monster without magic resistance, using magic is the best way.

Moreover, the powerful magic not only caused a lot of damage to the Minotaur Minotaur, but also had a considerable impact on the [Shameless Queen Merusin] hidden in its body.

Even though she relied on her characteristics and natural vigilance to avoid the explosion magic first, she was still affected by the powerful magic.

She is as white as a white bird's wings, and there is a conspicuous red on her wings, which means she is injured.

However, compared to the slightly injured Assassin Queen, the Minotaur Minotaur was much miserable.

It had been completely charred by the explosion magic, and even Zhou Fangwu could still smell the aroma of beef.

I don't know if it's because it's a beast, but the smell of meat in the air is quite attractive, and the saliva can't help but flow out.

Poison in the middle of the night.

He hasn't eaten roasted beast meat yet.

You must try it if you have the opportunity.

But right now there are still powerful enemies to deal with, and if you want to satisfy your desire for words, you can only wait for the end of the Godslayer civil war.

With the death of the Minotaur, the Great Labyrinth, shrouded in mist, disappeared.

But the church where Zhou Fangwu was located did not disappear.

Turning his eyes to the weird goddess who was entrenched on the roof of the church again, a golden sword emerged from Zhou Fangwu's hand.


To deal with beasts or gods who do not obey, this golden sword that can tear apart the godhead is the best to use.

"Your upper body is a female with white bird wings, and your lower body is the body of a snake with fins on your tail.

And the only one with this characteristic is the water nymph in European legend who often wanders around the river bank in the form of a mermaid with two wings and two tails!

Two-tailed mermaid, half-human, half-snake goddess—Meluxin!


The snake is not what you really look like!

You are the daughter of Plessina, the spring spirit, cursed by your mother for imprisoning your father with your sisters—cursed into a snake one day a week!

So, you are not a snake, but a dragon!

Your real name is not Meluxin, but Melugina! "

Following Zhou Fangwu's words, Meluxin's true identity was also revealed, and the golden sword in his hand also completely changed its appearance.

There are two small wings on the hilt, like a dragon flying.

There are also more spikes in the sound of the It looks full of lethality.

But it didn't expand the golden field.

After all, the current Meluxin is not the God of Disobedience, but the summoned familiar of the Godslayer.

Holding the golden sword in his hand, Zhou Fangwu didn't give the Faceless Queen a chance to resist, and stabbed her into the chest to know her life.

But not only beheaded her, Zhou Fangwu also planned to use [Usurp the Disk] to turn her into his own authority.

He has been coveting such a powerful assistant for a long time.

Since the Black Prince Alek was let go, he should first usurp his Assassin Queen as his own compensation.


"You bastard...stop it!"

Not far away, a silent black lightning came from far to near, and it came to Zhou Fangwu's figure in an instant.

It's Alec the Black Prince!

He wants to save the Faceless Queen and regain his power.


The moment before the Black Prince Yarek was about to rescue his summoned familiar, the Faceless Queen had already turned into a streamer of light, blending into Zhou Fangwu's body in the blink of an eye.

He was still one step too late.

Face to face N (cow) T (head) R (person) belongs to yes.

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