MTL - Unforgettable Emperor’s Favor-Chapter 59 come back

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It was the first time for Bai Rong to stand so close to the young master, her whole body was tense, and her palms were sweating from the tension.

In Bai Rong's eyes, Murong Yan has always been a figure in legends. She is an orphan, adopted by the East Palace forces since she was a child, and specially trained to help the inner house. But before they had grown to the right age, something happened to the ex-prince.

After experiencing the **** storm in the last years of Emperor Ming Wu, Bai Rong and several other women also migrated. After many screenings and tests, they were finally qualified to be transferred to the first son of the former master, who is now her new master, King Langya. subordinate. She and Bai Lu received a secret letter some time ago, asking them to enter the Yu Mansion as servant girls.

The military adviser and others are starting to let their own people slowly infiltrate the young master. Now that there is such a good opportunity, He Guang immediately agrees. Bai Rong and Bai Lu changed their appearances, and each fabricated a new identity to mix into the team of matchmakers, and then they were bought by Mrs. Yu Liu as a matter of course. As for how to ensure that she is picked by Yu Qingjia among the many girls... If this kind of thing still needs to be taught, then Bai Rong doesn't have to continue to live.

Bai Rong's original plan was that the two of them would infiltrate the Yu mansion, and then be picked up by Yu Qingjia together, and then follow the young master as a guard and messenger. However, in the end, there were some minor accidents. Yu Qingya's movements were too fast, and she walked directly towards Bai Lu. At that moment, both Bai Rong and Bai Lu almost thought that the plan had been revealed. Fortunately, it was just a false alarm in the end, but Bai Lu was asked to leave by Yu Qingya, and Bai Lu didn't even have time to react.

Naturally, Bai Lu wasn't originally called Bai Lu, but people like them shouldn't expect to have their own name. Before Bai Lu left, she was named Bai Lu by Yu Qingya, and Bai Rong was also bought by Yu Qingjia, Bai Lu Bai Rong, this is their names and identities.

Bai Rong was caught off guard by Cai Cai's accident, but judging from the young master's performance and the ambiguous instructions in his letter, it seemed that this kind of development was his real plan. Bai Rong pondered for a moment, silently suppressing the doubts in her heart. It seems that the young master and the fourth young lady of the Yu family have secrets, and it seems that the young master is planning to use his tricks... But these are not things that a slave should consider.

Bai Rong followed behind Murong Yan, feeling quite anxious. Murong Yan walked in front quietly, as if Bai Rong was just a completely unrelated stranger to him. Yu Qingjia didn't know anything about the undercurrent around her. She sighed very sadly and said, "What should I do? She has succeeded again."

"Do you like the other one more?" Murong Yan said in a very calm tone, "In this case, just ask for the other one."

Whether it's Bai Rong or Bai Lu, there is no difference in Murong's eyes. Although it is a bit troublesome, as long as Yu Qingjia likes it, find a way to get Bai Lu back from Yu Qingya. Murong Yan originally had other arrangements for placing Bai Lu there, but now, he didn't even think about it, and overthrew the planned plan if he wanted to overthrow it.

Except for Yu Qingjia, everyone else is the same in Murong Yan's eyes, they are objects anyway.

Yu Qingjia was taken aback. She quickly turned her head to look at Bai Rong, and elbowed Murong Yan: "What are you talking about? That's not what I meant."

Bai Rong was very calm about this, she followed behind, lowered her eyebrows and said pleasantly: "It's a servant girl who can't meet the lady's requirements, please punish me."

Yu Qingjia became even more embarrassed when she heard that, last time Yu Qingya snatched her accountant, and this time she snatched away her maid again, how could Yu Qingjia feel so angry. However, she said this not because she was dissatisfied with Bai Rong, she was just angry because of Yu Qingya's ugly eating.

Besides, in all fairness, Bai Rong's performance was not bad. This section of the road, Bai Rong was calm and calm, advancing and retreating with discretion, she didn't look like a prostitute in the folk at all, on the contrary, she seemed to have been specially trained. It is no exaggeration to say that even Bai Rong was sent to the palace as a female official. Such a person came to be her maid, Yu Qingjia was already ashamed, how could she eat from the bowl and look at the pot, and say that another person is better in front of Bai Rong?

Although she was cut off, in fact, it seemed that she was not at a loss.

Yu Qingjia said to Bai Rong: "I'm not dissatisfied with you, it's just that there are many reasons involved in it, and it's inconvenient to tell you now."

Bai Rong was a little surprised, the education she received since she was a child was to obey orders, no matter what the crown princess or the future princess wanted to do, she just had to be obedient. Bai Rong didn't expect that this ridiculously beautiful little lady would make a special trip to explain to her.

Bai Rong developed a lot of affection for Yu Qingjia, and she became more submissive, and said: "My lady, what you say is disgusting. You have a rich body, you have your own reasons for whatever you want to do, and you don't need to explain it to your servant."

Murong Yan glanced at Bai Rong, feeling very uncomfortable with the scene in front of him. Yu Qingjia often tolerates him, so in Murongyan's values, Yu Qingjia's patience should belong to him, and he can't tolerate Yu Qingjia showing a pleasant expression to another person at all.

Now Murong Yan is seriously considering the plan to drive Bai Rong out, he thought about everything, and said: "The matchmaker should not be far away now."

When Bai Rong heard this, she immediately knelt down and apologized. Yu Qingjia became anxious, and gave Murong Yan a hard look: "You still say it!"

She snorted at Murong Yan, turned around and took Bai Rong's hand, pulled him to her side, and made a clear statement: "He is like this, he always says some very exaggerated things, don't forget In my heart. Let's ignore him, I'll take you back first."

Bai Rong originally just pleaded guilty, but now her knees softened, and she almost knelt down to beg for death. How noble is the young master, how can she dare to hate him? And it's not a secret that the young master is ruthless and moody.

Bai Rong was dripping with cold sweat, this Miss Yu Liu dared to talk to the young master in such a tone, I'm afraid there will be trouble now. However, Bai Rong waited anxiously for a while, only to find that her young master showed no signs of anger, he just approached slowly, and said in a soft and slow tone, "You still don't let go?"

Bai Rong was stunned for a moment. After realizing what the young master was talking about, she quickly took her hand out of Yu Qingjia's palm, took two steps back, and respectfully followed behind the two masters. Murong Yan finally felt comfortable with his eyes. He held Yu Qingjia's wrist and said, "There's so much nonsense, let's go."

Bai Rong stayed where she was, and it took her a long time to realize that she followed quickly. Bai Rong sits behind King Langya, who is famous for his beauty and ruthlessness, and she is very incredible in her heart. Could it be that people from the opposite family have been slandering the son's reputation before? Young Master is clearly not the ruthless and ruthless person in the rumors...

Because Baizhi Baiji will come back soon, Yu Qingjia didn't buy more people today, but kept Bai Rong. Now there are Bairong and Yinzhu in the courtyard, together with the original Baiji Baizhi, the four gaps around her have been filled.

Although Bai Rong is from the East Palace, she knows that since she was bought by Yu Qingjia, she will always be by Yu Qingjia's side from now on. Now the young master is hiding in Yu's house for the time being, and Bai Rong secretly drives the young master, delivering news for the young master and the military adviser. When the young master raises troops in the future, Bai Rong's role will be invalidated, and he will completely become Yu Qingjia's maid. Being able to stay in the inner house safely is obviously much better than going through the wind and rain all the time. Bai Rong cherished this opportunity very much, so after kowtowing to Yu Qingjia, she was determined to show her skills in front of her future master, so she rushed to serve tea and water and other things, and she had to do 80% perfect and 100% perfect.

In just one afternoon, the entire second room seemed to have been sorted out, and it was much organized inside and out. Standing aside, Yinzhu found that the hot tea had been replaced by Bai Rong, the tables and cabinets had been wiped twice, and even the stove had been taken care of by Bai Rong. She stood at a loss for a while, and suddenly realized that she seemed completely useless.

Yinzhu was a little disappointed, and went to Yu Qingjia to complain sullenly: "Miss, Bai Rong can do everything well, and she does things well and quickly, but slaves seem to be useless."

Yu Qingjia gave her a funny look: "It's good that you know."

Yinzhu pursed her mouth, becoming more and more depressed. Although Yu Qingjia said this to Yinzhu, she was also muttering in her heart. The group of people like Bai Rong were just bought by the matchmaker from the village, and they had never learned how to serve others, so this is even more strange, Bai Rong's performance is all innate? Such a smart person, who is outstanding in terms of efficiency and handling people, what are the chances of being bought by her? Even if it's a **** luck, it's too mysterious.

Yu Qingjia had doubts, so she pressed it for now. As time goes by, she can observe people's hearts slowly. If Bai Rong has another purpose, it will be revealed sooner or later; if it's just that Yu Qingjia is thinking too much, then it is obviously better. There is a capable maid by her side, which saves a lot of worry.

Yu Laojun hurriedly asked Yu Qingjia to fill up the manpower, and sure enough, within two days, Yu Wenjun came back.

Yu Wenjun went to Qingzhou three years ago to take up his post. He insisted on going his own way and had a decisive attitude. He seemed to have broken with his family. Now that he returned to Yanzhou again, this was a great event for the entire Yu family. Yu Qingjia hurried into Old Master Yu's yard, and before he could catch his breath, he hurriedly grabbed the maid on the verandah and asked, "Where is Father?"

"Da Lang is in Laojun's house, talking to Laojun."

Yu Qingjia immediately pushed the door open and entered the room, and upon entering the door, a warm fragrance came over her face, completely different from the dry and cold outside world. On the opposite side of the most senior old gentleman, a man with wide shirt and big sleeves, wearing a loose shirt and a belt, is sitting upright. Yu Laojun and the others looked very excited, but in the center of their eyes, the person who had been talked about by everyone calmly restrained himself, looking like a wealthy idler who didn't care. Hearing the sound of entering the door, he turned his head to look at the door, the indifferent expression on his face quickly faded, he was surprised and happy, almost stood up: "Jiajia."

Yu Qingjia also choked up and said, "Father."

The father and daughter were caught off guard when they parted last time. They all thought it was just an ordinary day. At the moment of the accident, Yu Wenjun didn't even say a few words to Yu Qingjia. Yu Wenjun watched Yu Qingjia's carriage run away helplessly, and was so worried that he wished he could replace him with his own body, but actually he couldn't do anything. Later, Yu Wenjun experienced many adventures. From September to the end of the year, it can be regarded as seeing his daughter.

Yu Qingjia was unscathed and returned to Yanzhou smoothly, this is probably the most gratifying thing for Yu Wenjun. When the father and daughter met, both of them were so excited that they couldn't speak, and Mr. Yu looked at the scene in front of him, which was indescribably dazzling.

Yu Wenjun was indifferent to everyone just now, Laojun Yu asked him a question and he answered it in a very leisurely manner, without the slightest excitement when seeing his relatives. Old Master Yu has been thinking about it for a few months without thinking about food or tea, and now he asks about the details of the attack on Yu Wenjun's road. It would be fine if it had always been like this, but after arriving at Yu Qingjia, Yu Wenjun changed his leisurely demeanor and asked about his health, wanting to ask all about Yu Qingjia's affairs during this period.

Children are debts, and they will always be relatives from top to bottom. Mr. Yu understands this truth, but Mr. Yu still feels very uncomfortable with such obvious discrimination by Yu Wenjun.

Even though he had already known in the letter that his father was fine, no matter how many times he heard it from others, it was not as reassuring as seeing it with his own eyes. Yu Qingjia looked at Yu Wenjun carefully, and found that his father had lost a lot of weight and darkened in the past few months. Although his actions looked the same, he could still find a little stagnation when he looked closely.

Yu Qingjia sighed, she had a lot of things to ask, such as what happened when they were assassinated on the road, and why Yu Wenjun hid the matter of Murong Yan. But now that there are too many people, it is obviously not the time to ask.

Yu Wenjun asked Yu Qingjia with concern: "Is your journey going well? Are you injured?"

"No." Yu Qingjia shook her head. She was a little ashamed when she said this, she was indeed not injured, but Murong Yan was injured when she dealt with the chasing soldiers, and then she had to find her way and arrange her itinerary, basically supporting all the mental and physical work along the way. Thinking about it this way, Yu Qingjia found that she didn't seem to have played any role.

She was still laughing at Yinzhu in the afternoon, in fact, she herself was not much better...

Yu Wenjun felt relieved when he heard Yu Qingjia's words. Fortunately, the young master saw his face and supported Jiajia a lot. Yu Wenjun was very moved when he thought of this, because for some helpless reasons, he had to let the son live in the backyard in the name of a woman. Yu Wenjun has been worried about this for a long time. Murong Yan hates people talking about his appearance the most, but now he wants to show others as a woman. Yu Wenjun is afraid that Murong Yan will have prejudice or even disgust towards the Yu family because of this.

Fortunately, everything is just Yu Wenjun treating a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain. The young master is not such a small-hearted person. Even if Yu Qingjia offended him like that before, the young master is still willing to take care of Jiajia in the face of his courtier. It can be seen that the saying that the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change is not necessarily true, and the young master is the best example.

Yu Wenjun was very pleased, and suddenly felt a sense of mission.