MTL - Unlimited Cycles of Death-Chapter 105 Dream back 01: I'm really afraid he will never wake up again.

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The strong "I seem to have forgotten" feeling has been around the apex of Zhou Yue since the day he awoke in the hospital.

This feeling made Zhou Yue feel uncomfortable, made him nervous during the day, and made him sleepless at night.

In order to reduce or eliminate this growing anxiety and panic, Zhou Yue tried to find out those memories that she had forgotten. He repeatedly searched his existing memories in the hope that he could get clues that might be relevant in the existing memories.

But he found nothing, Zhou Yue found that his mind seemed to be paste, and was stirred into a mess by a blender. There seemed to be a few bees humming inside. Constantly, Zhou Yue was restless.

Giving up searching for her own memories, Zhou Yue began to start with people or things around him. He knocked sideways from his mother's interpretation of bamboo, wondering what happened during the two-year sleep, or who came?

He hoped Muqin had come.

Mu Qin is the first love lover of Zhou Yue who has been separated for more than ten years. They fell in love in high school and could not let go of each other. But somehow, after graduating from high school, Mu Qin disappeared into Zhou Yue's life silently.

This once caused Zhou Yue a very painful period. Zhou Yue was caught in the vortex of missing each other day and night and could not extricate himself. He was decadent and weak, almost crazy.

Of course, Zhou Yue tried hard to find Mu Qin, but due to the strict family education of Zhou family, Zhou Yue's freedom of life was severely restricted by his parents. He could not look for Mu Qin openly, let alone his parents know that he liked a man, otherwise By the means of Zhou Yue's father at the time, Zhou Yue was afraid that he would not be able to meet Mu Qin in this life.

Later, Zhou Yue learned from an acquaintance that Mu Qin had gone to the army, so Zhou Yue followed the rhetoric to trick his parents into asking them to serve him.

As a result, he stayed in the army for seven or eight years.

Because of the involvement of Zhou Yue's father, Zhou Yue failed to go to the military area where Mu Qin was located as expected. Later, when his rank was free, when he went to Mu Qin again, he learned that Mu Qin had retired and was not there army.

Finally, Zhou Yue also started to prepare for the resignation, and wanted to leave the team to find Muqin's trace.

However, he did not expect that accidents happened frequently at the critical moment. In the last mission, Zhou Yue was shot in the head during the battle with the terrorists. Although this did not kill Zhou Yue, the bullet oppressed part of his brain and nerves, making Zhou Yue became a vegetative and slept for two years.

The plan to go to Muqin was put on hold again.

Once woke up, things are wrong. After so many years of going around, Zhou Yue was still unable to meet Mu Qin due to various inexplicable accidents. After so long, Zhou Yue also became timid.

He was afraid that Muqin no longer liked him.

This long time passed too long, and Mu Qin never seemed to want to come back and look for Zhou Yue. Full of fear of the past good times, Zhou Yue thought that for Mu Qin at that time, Zhou Yue was just a passer-by who had had close contact in his life but was destined to be separated.

Obviously many times thought of giving up, but still can see the other person's erratic back in his sleep, that is his favorite person in this life, Zhou Yue can not even imagine that he loves others except Muqin.

He was lucky, and after waking up for two years, he always hoped that Muqin had been there.

Because Xie Zhu did not tell Zhou Yue about Mu Qin, and did not tell Zhou Yue, Mu Qin had taken care of him for three months before he slept.

Xie Zhu always maintained a masked smile and told Zhou Yue that he had only been sleeping for the past two years, and nothing else had happened.

Xie Zhu repeatedly emphasized that "nothing happened." Instead, Zhou Yue felt strange. He could not help but have some doubts. He felt that there must be something to hide from Xie Zhu ... something that he did not understand had happened.

It was just that Xie Zhu was unwilling to come true, and Zhou Yue had no way to force or threaten her to speak out. Coupled with Zhou Yue's inconvenience now, the investigation is difficult.

Zhou Yue thought about it, and decided to take the hospital that he woke up a week ago as a breakthrough.

Speaking of the hospital where he was awake ... it's strange.

Because this hospital is located in city S, which is very far from Zhou's house, the hospital is called "Linhao General Hospital". At the same time, it is a private hospital. Although its equipment and medical level are not bad, it is not top notch.

According to the current financial and human resources of the Zhou family, even though Zhou Yue's parents no longer treat Zhou Yue as a son, anyway, they will not treat Zhou Yue in terms of material economy, so how could his parents let him live in such a house without In a special hospital far from home?

This is a doubt, and Zhou Yue feels that she is fully capable of starting an investigation from this hospital.

But the investigation requires human resources, and Zhou Yue slept for too long. I don't know if some of the contacts and networks I had before can still work.

Zhou Yue found his new mobile phone, which Xie Zhu bought for him. During the two-year slumber, his old cell phone was out of date ... At that time, the army was very disciplined. Every day except training, it was a mission, and there was basically no free time for soldiers to play with the cell phone.

Therefore, the operation of modern intelligent machines is still quite new to Zhou Yue.

The clever Zhou Yue quickly grasped it. He used the network in Zhou's mansion to log in to his previous QQ account and wanted to see if those people he had known were still online.

Zhou Yue quickly contacted some special intelligence personnel whom she had known before. There are actually quite a lot of people like the military. If they are good, it is not difficult for them to help investigate some things.

Zhou Yue held her cell phone for more than half an hour, and then dropped the cell phone, and let the servant push himself to the study upstairs to use the computer. Another hour later, he got a copy of the information.

It is the information of the "Linhao General Hospital" where he lived a week ago. According to the data, the director of this hospital also has a military background. His ancestors have served in the army for generations, and there is even a general at home.

After reading through the material, Zhou Yue then made a decision.

The next day, Zhou Yue told his mother Xie Zhu that he had left something important in the hospital where he was staying and wanted to find it in the past.

"Stuff?" Jiezhu frowned after hearing. "What can you leave? When I went to pick you up, I searched your ward completely."

"But I do have one thing missing." Zhou Yue quickly turned his head and replied, "I used to have a small model, a snake-wrapped cross model. That thing is relatively small and can be held by one hand. I'm not too Remember where I put it, I didn't see it when I searched the room. Maybe it was my personal belongings kept in the hospital's storage room while I was sleeping? "

After Zhou Yue mentioned the snake-wrapped cross model, Jie Zhu immediately recalled it.

At first, in order to try to wake up Zhou Yue, she invited Mu Qin to look after him. Later, she also took Mu Qin to the Zhou family mansion and took Mu Qin to Zhou Yue's room for a look.

After that, Mu Qin seemed to follow a small model on the table in Zhou Yue's room, and asked if Xie Zhu could take it away? Xie Zhu didn't care at the time and let Mu Qin take the model away.

Now when Zhou Yue mentions it, Xie Zhu immediately feels slightly distressed. She raises her hand to cover her mouth and coughs twice, her eyes flickering away from Zhou Yue's eyes, and she says, "Model ... you are not a child anymore, kind Lost things, right? "

"It's very important." Zhou Yue noticed the guilty conscience of Zhu, and he deliberately raised the volume to enhance his momentum. "That was a gift from a superior officer. It has special significance. I don't think I can just throw it away."

"This ... this ..." Jie Zhu was even more guilty. "Then I'll send someone to look for it in the hospital?"

"No, I'll just look for it myself." Zhou Yue made his request, "I've been moldy in the house. It's not too much to go out and walk around?"

Xie Zhu said, "Your dad doesn't want you to go out casually ..."

"You have been obedient to him for so many years? Haven't you a little bit of your own opinion?" Zhou Yue deliberately used such words to stimulate Jiezhu.

Sure enough, Xie Zhu seemed a bit angry, saying, "Okay! You go if you want to go! But ... I will send someone to follow you, and you will be reported to me in words and deeds, and I hope you will be a bit safer."

What Zhou Yue wanted was this result. Next, he did not reconcile the bamboo, so he prepared the car. A team of bodyguards dispatched by the reconciliation bamboo got on the car and galloped all the way to the "Linhao General Hospital" next to S city. Passed.

After Zhou Yue left, Xie Zhu also started to call Mu Qin, wanting to return to the model of the cross he had taken away from Mu Qin.

However, Xie Zhu was destined to be unable to reach Mu Qin's phone. Mu Qin was then kept in his sister's hospital by Xu Haoyu, who had agreed to do so. His sister Xu Lin arranged a special ward to protect Mu Qin.

Muqin's clothes and other personal belongings were placed in the patient's locker in the ward. Muqin's cell phone was also there, but because it had not been charged for a long time, it automatically shut down.

After Xie Zhu called, he got only a manual reply like "The user you called has been shut down."

Xie Zhu hung up the phone, clenched the phone and bit his teeth.

In fact, Zhou Yue had woke up once before. Mu Qin was still taking care of him when he woke up. Zhou Yue was normal at that time, and there was no memory loss. Xie Zhu felt that situation at the time. Zhou Yue stayed with Mu Qin, maybe he could recover better, so he didn't take them apart for the time being.

But somehow, less than two days after waking up, Zhou Yue fell into a coma again for unknown reasons, and had been lethargic for two weeks.

Xu Lin, the director of Linhao General Hospital, personally called Xie Zhu, saying that her son was unconscious because they couldn't find out the reason for her son's coma. Repeated physical examinations did not reveal anything wrong with Zhou Yue. Out of doctor's responsibility, Xu Lin suggested that Xie Zhu transfer Zhou Yue to other hospitals with better equipment.

Xie Zhu had no choice but to check Zhou Yue's situation himself. What was unexpected was that on the day when the bamboo was unraveled, Zhou Yue woke up somehow.

And after waking up, Zhou Yue lost her memory and completely forgot Mu Qin, only remembering what happened two years ago.

When he discovered that his son had amnesia, Xie Zhu realized at the time that this was a great opportunity to break up Zhou Yue and Mu Qin. She wanted her son to think that Mu Qin had never returned, so she immediately discharged Zhou Yue and brought Zhou Yue back to Zhou's house.

Because in the end, he had an agreement with Mu Qin. Out of responsibility, Xie Zhu had planned to speak to Mu Qin before taking Zhou Yue away, but she did not see Mu Qin's people in the hospital and beat Mu Chin's phone was also turned off.

Xie Zhu then asked the hospital director Xu Lin, where was Mu Qin, who was hospitalized with her son?

Xu Lin lied that Mu Qin was picked up by his friend.

When Xie Zhu heard it, she was very angry. She specifically asked Muqin to come and take care of her son Zhou Yue, but Mu Qin said nothing, followed the friend and left Zhou Yue alone in the hospital.

Therefore, she felt that Muqin did not want to continue fulfilling their agreement.

However, it is also easy to do so. Jijie has been troubled. After Zhou Yue gets better, how will she separate Zhou Yue from Mu Qin?

Mu Qin took the initiative to leave so familiarly, she also saved a lot of trouble.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yuean was divided into less than a week, and she began to make trouble and returned to the hospital to find her.

Xie Zhu did not worry about what Zhou Yue could find out when she returned to the hospital. She was mainly worried that she would run into Mu Qin when Zhou Yue returned to that hospital.

Although Dean Xu Lin had previously told Xie Zhu that Mu Qin was taken away by his friend, Xie Zhu was still uneasy. She couldn't reach Mu Qin's phone, so she called Dean Xu Lin and asked Xu Lin if Mu Qin had been back.

"Mu Qin?" Xu Lin dressed seamlessly on the phone and laughed: "Mrs. Zhou, didn't I say that? Mu Qin has been picked up by his friends, and they seem to be transferred to the hospitals in the southern coastal cities. And Mu Qin had a car accident and had a broken leg. He could n’t walk for two months. How could he come back? ”

As soon as Xie Zhu heard it, he finally felt relieved and said to Xu Lin; "That's all right, so I can rest assured ... Dean Xu, my son said that he had something left in the hospital, he had to go back to your hospital to find He estimated that he would drive over after a while. I have someone to follow him. Just let him find a place like the storage room. If he has caused any trouble to your hospital, you can say that the loss is caused by Will I be reimbursed? "

"Okay." Xu Lin smiled on the phone and became fox eyes. "Relax, we will take good care of your son."

Xie Zhu finally relaxed, and after a few words with Xu Linhan hung up.

After answering the call, Xu Lin turned her phone to her brother Xu Haoyu.

"That Zhou Yue's mother has been asking Mu Qin's whereabouts." Xu Lin said to her brother on the phone. "And Zhou Yue will come today, saying that something was lost in my hospital, so I have to come and look for it."

Xu Haoyu said, "Throwing a fart, Zhou Yue obviously feels wrong, and wants to go back to the hospital to find the clues before his amnesia, and his mother has been fooled by him."

Xu Lin also said, "You said that the relationship between these people is so complicated, and the thinking is so casual? Come back and forth, when my hospital is a hotel? Just live in and go out, and then come in, I It's **** fainted! It's a day **! "

Xu Haoyu with a black line on his face: "Sister, please say less swear words, pay attention to your image, and hold on to ... hold on ..."

"I'm willing to swear, but I won't say it to the client patient anyway! Why, you should bother me if you say two swear words in front of you, right?" Xu Lin said in a low tone, looming threats.

Xu Haoyu withered immediately and coaxed her: "How can you sister! Just say anything! You can drown in the ocean of dirty words!"

Xu Lin laughed at him over there and said to Xu Haoyu: "Don't be poor, you don't have time, come back and see Mu Qin?"

Xu Haoyu looked at the work at hand, and sighed, "I have no time, sister, and I have to work on my side ... You can do it. Don't let Zhou Yue meet with Mu Qin."

"The young couple obviously have a good relationship, so why can't they meet?" Xu Lin was puzzled.

Xu Haoyu said: "I don't know, Mu Qin specifically told me before he went to bed, saying that he would send Zhou Yue away, and never let them meet."

"Don't care so much about it, just do what Muqin said."

"But he is always asleep here with me, who pays for the nutrition and nursing expenses." Of course, Xu Lin didn't figure this money, but she wanted to pit her brother, so she laughed very evil.

Xu Haoyu knew that her older sister was going to pit herself, and she looked downcast bitterly, "I'm out, isn't it OK if I come out?"

"Okay! My brother is so good, what is it!" Xu Lin immediately beamed up.

What a ghost! Xu Haoyu covered his face extremely silently.


After that, Zhou Yue returned to Xu Lin, a private hospital as scheduled, and used the interface to find what she had left behind.

Xu Lin opened the hospital's storage room and let Zhou Yue go in to find it ... This storage room is located in a room on the left side of the hospital lobby, which contains items stolen or lost by hospital patients.

Zhou Yue ’s main purpose was not really to come and find something. After two turns in the locker room, he came out, and then found Xu Lin, saying that there was no in the locker room, and he wanted to go to the ward where he lived. Look.

Xu Lin pretended to look helpless and discouraged: "Master Chou, our hospital ward will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after the patient is discharged. If you really drop anything, our cleaning staff will definitely find out It's in the storage room. There are already other patients in the ward you lived in now. You have a lung disease. You have to go in and disturb you. This is definitely not good! "

Zhou Yue didn't really want to go to that ward. He began to slam on Xu Lin. "I heard that President Xu ... is the daughter of General Xu Guoen, right?"

Xu Lin's eyes rolled slowly: "Yes."

"I heard you have a younger brother, Xu Haoyu?"

Xu Lin laughed: "How did this happen to my brother again?"

"Xu Haoyu and Mu Qin are comrades-in-arms in the same period." Zhou Yue remembered the contents of his investigation data. "President Xu, I want to contact your brother and ask him about Mu Qin's whereabouts. I have been searching for Mu Qin for a long time. Now. "

Xu Lin continued to laugh: "I don't know the Muqin you said."

"It doesn't matter if Dean Xu doesn't know it, your brother just needs to know it." Zhou Yue obviously didn't plan to go round and round with Xu Lin and cut into the subject with one-stop approach. "Can Dean Xu give me your brother's contact information?"

Xu Lin thought about it and replied, "Okay, it's okay to tell you. I heard that Master Zhou was also a soldier in the army, so I must talk to my brother about some topics."

Xu Lin was quite generous at this time. She directly gave Xu Haoyu's personal number to Zhou Yue. What she thought was to let Xu Haoyu deal with this **** of plague. When she got on the phone, Zhou Yue would be content to leave.

But Xu Lin underestimated Zhou Yue's inquiry.

Zhou Yue, who was on the phone, didn't mean to leave Xu Lin Hospital. He asked Xu Lin, "Can I visit your hospital? I have been lying here for two years and have never seen this place."

Xu Lin felt that her head was too big, and her temples were faintly painful. She was thinking, "Looking at a wool hospital is good-looking? Do you have a problem with IQ!" With such words, the right corner of the mouth still smiles just right: "Visit Yes, but Master Zhou, you have not been lying in our hospital for two years. You were transferred to our hospital last month. "

"That means I was in another hospital before?" Zhou Yue asked subconsciously.

Xu Lin felt that she was a bit leaky, but felt that there was no problem in revealing this level of information, and she continued: "Yes."

"Why would I be transferred to your hospital?" Zhou Yue asked again.

Xu Lin said, "Well ... I don't know. It was your mother who turned you over."

"I see." Zhou Yue stopped, and he began to visit Xu Lin's hospital, and he was not allowed to accompany him. Although Xu Lin didn't understand what the hospital had to visit, Xu Lin couldn't stop it. She could only tell her subordinates to strictly guard the ward where Mu Qin was lying, that is, to isolate the ward and not let anyone enter.

Ensuring nothing was wrong, Xu Linton felt relieved and went back to her office to organize the documents.

However, nothing in this world is truly foolproof.

Although it feels that Xu Lin's hospital must be an entry point, the hospital is really nothing to visit. People push a wheelchair and walk around a few times. Zhou Yue did not find any valuable clues, which slightly disappointed him.

When disappointed, Zhou Yue finally planned to give up when she was about to leave the hospital and walk to the front desk of the hospital gate. At the front desk was a tall man wearing a gray hoodie and a hood and a face mask asking the receptionist at the front desk. The man asked, "Excuse me, is Muqin in this hospital?"

The receptionist raised her head and stunned the heavily armed man who wrapped herself tightly, vigilantly, "Are you the family member of the patient?"

"No, I'm a doctor." The mask man said an unexpected answer. "I'm a psychiatrist. I have a patient who seems to be hospitalized here. His condition is complicated and needs constant attention. I have never contacted him. , So I want to check it out. "

The man and the receptionist were completely heard by Zhou Yue passing by. Zhou Yue immediately stopped the bodyguard pushing the wheelchair behind him, and then pushed the wheelchair tires forward to talk to the man.

Zhou Yue said, "Do you know Mu Qin? Mu next to the word He, Tie Yu Qin?"

The hooded mask man turned to look at Zhou Yue: "Yes, that's Muqin."

Zhou Yue smiled: "I'm Mu Qin's friend, and I'm looking for him ... Well, listen to you say you are a psychologist, is there any psychological problem with Mu Qin?"

The hooded mask man ... that is, Dr. He Qiu, he thought to Zhou Yue and said, "Mu Qin's mental illness is quite serious. If I don't find him soon, I'm really afraid he will never wake up again . "