MTL - Unlimited Cycles of Death-Chapter 122 The silent classroom was 11 and he couldn't stop.

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Muqin, who couldn't speak, could never vent his anger to the faceless people in front of him by roaring or hysterical.

Because of this, he looks very calm and calm. In the same place, bloodshot eyes drooped down, staring intently at the faceless person. Under the calm eyes, it seemed to be a choppy killing intention.

"Did I anger you? I'm sorry." The faceless man saw his malice and smiled helplessly at Mu Qin. "I just hope you can see the situation clearly, not for the ants like Zhou Yue, There is no need to sacrifice. "

"I never sacrifice myself." Mu Qin suddenly opened his mouth and said nothing, but his lips were moving.

The faceless person can only understand his lip shape very reluctantly, but only barely. In addition to the dim light around him, the faceless person cannot see clearly. There is also a reason that Muqin's features are destroyed and deformed. The corners of his mouth were torn, part of his teeth were leaking, his lips were missing when he opened his mouth, and his lips were distorted. If he said more and more complicated, even if he understood the lip, he would not understand what he was saying.

For all these reasons, the faceless person must narrow his eyes and stare at Muqin's lips carefully. He must remember a moment in his mind to understand the sentence that Muqin just said, but the faceless man focused on Muqin When his mouth was on his mouth, Mu Qin stretched out his hand swiftly and caught the faceless man's neck with a violent gesture, which surprised the faceless man.

In addition to being fierce at first, Mu Qin's movements in his neck were not heavy, and his hands were very light. Although he scared the faceless person, the faceless person calmed down quickly. He did not try to break Mu Qin's hand. Instead, he relaxed his body and completely ignored Mu Qin's paw on his neck.

Then the faceless man smiled and said, "Do you want to strangle me?"

It was impossible for Muqin to reply, and the faceless person continued: "You can try it, I think you should want to try it out, and how it feels to restart the game."

Muqin did not choose to strangle him, but he did not remove his hand from the faceless man's neck. He looked at the faceless man up and down with no intention. The faceless man thought for a moment and guessed Muqin's intention. The faceless person said, "Don't you want to control me? For example, stun me? Bind your hands and feet and close them?"

"Make me incapacitated, so I can't use suicide to restart the world? Then you and Zhou Yue can move freely as you like?"

Mu Qin really had this idea, and the faceless person who saw this continued to laugh: "Don't waste your efforts, do you know? In this game, even if I just lose consciousness, the system will define me as dead, and then Immediately let the world restart. And with my consciousness, even if my hands and feet are tied, I can 'suicide' anytime, anywhere. "

"This also means that if you don't want this game to restart repeatedly, it's best not to hurt me too much, lest I lose my consciousness and cause the game to restart. It's also best not to anger me easily, otherwise I might When he got angry, he committed suicide. "

"I won't feel much pain yet." The faceless man reached out and touched Mu Qin's hand that gripped his throat, with ambiguous and gentle movements. "The means of torture are useless."

"What about this?" Mu Qin said silently. He suddenly took a card from his pocket and stuck the card directly to the faceless man's head like a spell to a zombie. The card immediately It went into effect and disappeared, making the faceless person tremble like an electric shock.

Mu Qin's card was an inverse demon.

Reaper can control a human with an inverse demon, allowing him to become his puppet servant within ten minutes, greatly improving his overall ability, possessing the same self-healing ability as the card of death, and absolutely obeying any kind of death Claim.

But the inverse demonic card has only ten minutes of effectiveness. Once the aging time expires, the controlled human will be free, but at the same time, it will also be in a state of dying.

Although the faceless person's identity in the game is npc, since he said that he can use the player's cards, he can naturally be bound by these cards.

Therefore, Mu Qin tried to use an inverse demon on him, and in one fell swoop, the faceless man suddenly became stiff and unable to move, only staring at Mu Qin.

It is interesting that although the person controlled by the inverse demon has his body controlled, his mind still retains a certain self, and he can still speak.

The faceless person said, "An inverse demon ... this really works for me, but do you think I can't commit suicide when I'm under control? I should have just said that as long as I'm awake, I'll be anywhere, anytime Can 'suicide'! "

Mu Qin turned a blind eye to the faceless person, but drew the corner of his mouth to smile at the faceless person. The cracked smile on the corner of his mouth was very stingy.

Although he couldn't speak, it did not affect Muqin ’s control and become a faceless faceless man. Muqin first took out his knife and stuffed it into the right hand of the faceless man, then raised his left hand and pointed in one direction. Then he felt his body acted involuntarily and ran in the direction of Muqin's fingers. The body strengthened by the demon in the opposite direction was really strong in all aspects. Faceless people felt like they were running like a gust of wind.

As long as you stay awake, faceless people can actually commit suicide at any time without control.

Just like in some computer games, you use the console to enter a character suicide command, and then the character in the game will die immediately.

However, the suicide instruction has a cool-down time. After using it, you need to wait ten minutes for cd. The cd time is slightly longer, because the suicide instruction in edge games is basically equivalent to cheating. The edge world system does not allow cheating in games. Faceless people have such privileges.

However, if the faceless person is directly killed or accidentally killed in the game, as long as it is not the death caused by the suicide instruction, cd is not required.

The cd of the suicide instruction is very long, so the faceless person must treat it properly. He must wait until he really does not have a good choice other than suicide before using this instruction. Therefore, when he was under the control of Muqin, he did not commit suicide immediately. Instead, he wanted to wait and see what Muqin wanted to control him.

However, since Mu Qin, the killer, has stuck the knife in his hand, Mu Qin's purpose of controlling him is obvious. In addition, Mu Qin's finger points in the direction that Zhou Yue left just now. The faceless man has been running in this direction. Soon I saw Zhou Yue who didn't go far.

The moment he saw Zhou Yue, the faceless man's controlled body swooped up with a knife, and the blade pointed directly at the key of Zhou Yue's back. Zhou Yue noticed it, quickly reacted, and rolled over to avoid the attack. .

Faceless people undoubtedly do not want Zhou Yue to die. He wants Zhou Yue to escape alive, so Muqin will lose in this game.

But at this moment, seeing Zhou Yue avoiding her attack smoothly, the faceless person was not happy, but became more and more heavy.

Faceless people originally thought that no matter how indifferent Mu Qin's feelings were, there must be a bond that could not be separated from Zhou Yue. After all, they had been there for the past three years. The school they were in was theirs. Proof of love. So in the face of Zhou Yue, Mu Qin will certainly be unable to help.

The previous two attacks also confirmed the idea of ​​the faceless person. Mu Qin was really merciful when attacking Zhou Yue, otherwise Zhou Yue would have died.

Faceless people thought that as long as Mu Qin still remembered Zhou Yue, he didn't need to worry too much about Zhou Yue's life and death. He can let Zhou Yue take this time and let Zhou Yue conduct a survey and search of the map situation at will, so that Zhou Yue can work hard to find clues to escape from birth.

As long as Muqin has been soft-hearted and merciless, he may not have to go through a reincarnation, Zhou Yue can escape at once, and Muqin will always stay in the marginal world.

But this can only be the case in the first game of reincarnation.

Faceless people know that once he really uses the ability of "backtracking", it means that Mu Qin has completely cared about Zhou Yue's life and death, on behalf of Mu Qin for his victory and for leaving the marginal world, he really intends Sacrifice Zhou Yue.

Since Zhou Yue is going to sacrifice Zhou Yue, then restarting the game and reincarnation are not a hindrance to Mu Qin. Mu Qin will go all out next, and he will try again and again before the faceless person dies Kill Zhou Yue, and the faceless person must restart the world again and again before Zhou Yue's death.

If the situation really evolves like this, even a faceless person can't guarantee that he can successfully "save" next week Yue. If the situation is even worse, the faceless person must keep Zhou Yue at the beginning of each game. And the suicide restarted, then there is really endless, he and Mu Qin and Zhou Yue three may be involved in the reincarnation of this game forever.

This is actually the result that the faceless people do not want to see. Like Muqin, he does not really want to make this game a dead end.

So his idea is that if the "reincarnation mode" is turned on as a last resort, the faceless person will shuffle the card of death or reverse death through the shuffle when the game restarts, so that Zhou Yue will not die so easily. Zhou Yue can also win this game by counter killing Mu Qin.

The fringe system has analyzed the combat effectiveness of Zhou Yue and Mu Qin. Zhou Yue's overall strength is a bit higher than Mu Qin. Once both people have the death card and under the same conditions, Zhou Yue has a 70% chance of winning. Mu Qin only accounts for the remaining 30%, provided that Zhou Yue must go all out.

In this game, Muqin can be regarded as a "fixed death seat", because before the game, Muqin is the king on the butterfly throne, and he has a death card on him, which allows the faceless person to bring the card in. No matter what card Mu Qin draws in the game, he will be the killer.

In addition, because Muqin's death card is brought in from the outside, he can still draw two cards in this game, which means that Muqin can have three different tarot cards.

But this is a two-player game. One of the two players must draw the death card. As long as Zhou Yue did not draw the death card, then the death card must be with Muqin, so Muqin may have two duplicate death cards. The effect of the Grim Reaper card does not stack. In addition to the Grim Reaper card, Muqin only has the last card available, but the last card may also be an upright card that the killer cannot use.

Faceless people can be said to be well-intentioned, in order to comply with the rules as much as possible, suppress Muqin's winning face in this game.

However, Mu Qin is not completely without the possibility of winning. As long as he discards all unnecessary thoughts and tries his best to kill Zhou Yue, Zhou Yue has no tarot cards, even if he has multiple tarot cards, to protect himself Capacity is still very limited.

The Faceless Man did indeed realize Mu Qin's intention to kill Zhou Yue because he was already under Mu Qin's control. His actions represented Mu Qin's will. He had just died to Zhou Yue. The hand, if Zhou Yue had not responded quickly, his blade had been inserted into Zhou Yue's neck, and that force would undoubtedly kill Zhou Yue on the spot.

Why did Muqin control him to kill? Is she still cherished by Zhou Yue? So I dare not do it myself. Still to prove to the faceless man, Zhou Yue's life and death are worthless to his Muqin.

No one can think about it. His body is still acting uncontrollably. Seeing that Zhou Yue's blow was unsuccessful, he quickly took the second blow. He took a knife and stabbed at Zhou Yue's eye socket. Zhou Yue instinctively lowered her waist and avoided, and her right hand supported a beautiful sideways turn. She also kicked out the faceless man's calf while turning over, and brought the faceless man down.

Zhou Yue has gone through hundreds of battles. How can the fighting ability be comparable to the faceless person? Fortunately, the faceless person is now strengthened by the inverse demon, and his speed and reaction ability are twice as strong as Zhou Yue. The opponent gradually adapted to Zhou Yue's attack mode The two of them met face-to-face, but they were evenly matched.

I ca n’t help seeing anyone, and the faceless person is relieved, knowing that Zhou Yue is not going to Huangquan so easily at the moment, as long as Zhou Yue is smart, he will get rid of the faceless person and escape.

However, Zhou Yue hadn't waited to get rid of the faceless person. Mu Qin over there slowly and slowly followed him. When he saw the faceless person and Zhou Yue fighting, Mu Qin flew over to join the battle.

Mu Qin pointed his finger at Zhou Yue, and actually began to "beat" Zhou Yue with the faceless person. Zhou Yue was quite easy to deal with the faceless person. With the addition of Muqin, he was not an opponent at all. After avoiding the blow from the faceless man, Mu Qin hit his face with a fist, seemingly hurting his left eye.

Faceless people can't control their bodies, and they are so anxious when they see all this, thinking that they still have to commit suicide.

The faceless man gnashing his teeth was about to use the suicide command, but at this moment, Muqin suddenly reached out and grabbed the arm of the faceless man, and threw the faceless man towards Zhou Yue like a sandbag. Zhou Yue suddenly looked up Looking at the faceless man who slammed towards him, he evaded sideways, then stretched out his hand in the gallop, and snatched the knife from the faceless man.

Then the faceless person fell to the ground without balance, Zhou Yue crouched down and caught the throat of the faceless person, stabbed across it, and cut a knife in the eyes of the faceless person.

Although the faceless man could not feel too much pain, the feeling of being cut off remained deeply in his mind, and without his vision, his eyes were suddenly dark.

He suddenly panicked.

He lost his vision and wanted to use the suicide command almost immediately, but felt that Zhou Yue choked him with one hand after cutting his eyes, holding his shoulder with his arm like a hostage, and pressing the knife against his Throat, then shouted at Muqin: "Stop!"

Then everything stopped still.

Zhou Yue seemed to regard the faceless man as a shield, holding him back slowly, and Mu Qin on the opposite side did not seem to chase him. The faceless person feels that his controlled body has no other movements, and is obediently held by Zhou Yuezhen.

The faceless person couldn't see anything at this time, but heard the sound of Zhou Yue's breathing sounding loudly in his ear. Zhou Yue's breathing was rapid and her heartbeat was very fast, which means that he is very nervous now, his body is tight, and he is ready to go anytime, anywhere.

The faceless person is a bit confused. He doesn't know if he should use suicide command now. He thought about it when the three were playing together, but his thoughts changed due to the changing situation. He always felt that he should not use suicide instructions easily when Zhou Yue was about to die, after all, cd was really too long.

After the suicide command was used once, the game restarted. It took 10 minutes to restart after the restart ... The ghost knew what would happen after the game restarted. After all, the three of them had different "birth points", and Mu Qin and Zhou Yue's The birth point seems to be closer, which means that Mu Qin may find Zhou Yue one step faster than the faceless person and then kill him. At that time, the faceless person who cannot use the suicide instruction must find a way to commit suicide manually.

Faceless people are thinking about these things in a variety of ways. Now he has lost his vision and has not seen the "eye contact" between Zhou Yue and Mu Qin.

Although there is a deep tacit understanding between Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, they have nothing like the power of mind reading or spiritual dialogue. The two parties can only look at me and look at you, as if facing each other briefly and eternally.

Zhou Yue only read the word "Gentle" in Mu Qin's eyes looking at himself. Mu Qin looked at Zhou Yue with such gentle eyes. The bloodshot eyes contained infinite tenderness. Yue was so weak that she just wanted to toss the faceless man she was holding around to the ground, and then pounced on Mu Qin's body.

Zhou Yue actually still doesn't understand Mu Qin's intention at this moment. Although he previously dumped the faceless person and Mu Qin's "private meeting", he said that he would follow Mu Qin's idea, even if he let him die. Complaints, but they could not communicate, Zhou Yue could not correctly interpret Mu Qin's ideas. They looked at each other two meters apart, but seemed to be separated by thousands of miles.

Sure enough, this is a well-deserved death.

Zhou Yue thought that even if the World Card of Luck was drawn, the World Card would only make people's luck better. If Zhou Yue was drawn to the World, it would be easy to avoid danger and be difficult to kill. If Muqin pumped into the world, he could hunt his prey more quickly.

Even if they want to use the world card to deal with faceless people, faceless people can simply kill themselves by breaking the game.

After all, luck is not easy to control. If a faceless person wants to die, he can stun himself against the wall and restart the world.

And even if you can do everything possible to trap the faceless person from suicide, what can you do? The condition of this game is that only if one of them dies, the other can go out. Owing to the limitation of this iron rule, they have no choice but to come up with many ways.

If you really reach this step.

Sure enough, I hope you can survive.

Zhou Yue also couldn't restrain herself. He looked at Mu Qin with affectionate eyes. He couldn't understand how he loved a person so much that he was willing to die for him. But Zhou Yue was full of regrets at this moment, even if Mu Qin was not Love as much as Zhou Yue, even if Mu Qin is likely to just use Zhou Yue to achieve his escape, Zhou Yue does not feel regret.

It's terrible. Why do humans have such feelings?

Why do I love him so much?

Zhou Yue suddenly felt scared. The inexplicable fear multiplied fiercely on his heart. The Muqin in front of him seemed to be the source of his fear, which made him feel miserable. No words could describe the pain he felt at the moment, but it was so painful However, Zhou Yue couldn't look away from Mu Qin in front of him, and stared at Mu Qin in a masochistic manner.

Mu Qin smiled at him suddenly, very ugly, and the ugly face made this smile ugly.

He smiled so that Zhou Yue almost wanted tears to end.

Then Mu Qin opened his mouth and said three words to Zhou Yue silently.

Very short three words, even if Mu Qin's lip shape is damaged, Zhou Yue can easily interpret the three words.

"I love you."

There is no regret in this life.


The faceless man finally used the suicide command, because Mu Qin rushed over there, and the footsteps of him rushed through, and Zhou Yue holding the faceless man seemed panicked. , Actually let go of the faceless person, as if turning around and trying to run.

The faceless person has no vision. After Zhou Yue released him, the faceless person could not perceive Zhou Yue's breathing and heartbeat, and could not observe the situation of Zhou Yue. Zhou Yue may die in Muqin's hands at any time. Faceless people can only use suicide instructions.

Immediately after that was a whirlwind.

Time seems to flow quickly, and it seems to have frozen and stopped.

No language can describe this feeling of being trapped in freezing time, and consciousness seems to have eternal life at this moment, immortal and endless.

Zhou Yue opened her eyes and found herself sitting in front of an old piano again. His trembling hands were placed on the black and white keys, and no decent music could be played.

Don't know what happened, he found himself crying, tears falling down one by one, leaving him with a stony man, washing his face with tears like a heartbroken and weak woman.

And he couldn't stop.