MTL - Unrivaled Medicine God-Chapter 3058 Get the best!

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Chapter 3058 is the best!

"Sure enough, is chaos dominated here? Can you find other Wanjieshan here?" Ye Yuansi said.

For Wanjieshan, Ye Yuan is still quite interested.

This chaotic treasure is the chaos master of the hard work.

Every piece is a treasure of nothing.

Seven in one, power is boundless!

And this treasure is undoubtedly the best for him.

Since the practice of chaos is wrong, then the method of cultivating this treasure is naturally wrong.

Ye Yuan thought, if you use the Ganges chaos to sacrifice, is it better?

Ye Yuan, who had previously obtained two pieces of Wanjie Mountain, has re-educated in the Ganges.

The power of the two pieces of Wanjie Mountain has reached the level of Sanpin Hongmeng Tianbao.

With this third piece, there is no problem with stepping into the four products.

Not long after, everyone found a piece of stone in the pile, and there are seven or eight treasures!

"That is... Qingling mixed yuan sword?"

"There are also 'Yun Nie', this is the treasure of the life that was dominated by Yuyang that year, and it has the power to go all out!"

"Good things! Really good things! There are two chaotic treasures in the light! Musk, look at you!"


Excited by a host of masters, the treasures here are not as good as before, but the quality is even better!

These people saw, how can they not be excited?

Muxiang from the channel: "Reassuringly, this seat has been studying the circuit for a lifetime. I have seen more formations than this kid has eaten, and can you lose to him?"

Ye Yuan smiled and said: "Do not say too much, be careful to be beaten."

Musk disdain: "Just by you? Kid, you still think about it, after you understand the ‘day’ array, how can you behave yourself!”

Ye Yuan smiled and said nothing.

Muxiang said: "You guys and old guys are also working **** this seat! Otherwise, no one wants to get out of this big battle! Let's get started!"

Zhang Hexin and other six main control stations set the position, and the scent of the scented scented, the six people burst out like lightning, and rushed to those treasures.




The explosion came again, and the six people were blown up, so they were not embarrassed.

To put it bluntly, they are going to find abuse.

The power of this partial large array is not big, and it is not too small to say that it is small.

A few people were blown up with a bruised face and a lack of arms and legs. It was inevitable.

It’s time to make a decision.

Why not let other people go?

If you don't go to the main situation, you will die if you go. If you can't touch the law, you will have no value at all.

Therefore, only a few elderly people can be wronged.

"His uncle, Laozi lived this age, or was the first time to be a monkey! Musk, if you lose to the kid, this seat is not finished with you!" A human race dominated the roar.

"I know that there are still some old guys hiding. If you have the ability, you should never show up! Hey!"

The six masters are also very depressed, but there is no way, who let them jump out first?

Every lord has his own means. They use their own means to hide in tens of thousands of people. There is really no way to find them.

But you can be sure that there are definitely a lot of hidden old guys.

Muxiang and Ye Yuan are staring at the big array and feeling the big moves.

The big array is an organic whole, but there is no doubt that the treasure is the only passage for the big array.

If you want to know the "day" array, you can only start from here.

Almost at the same time, Ye Yuan and Muxiang held a stone in their hands, began to draw pictures on the ground, and fell into a bitter mind.

Obviously, this subarray is more difficult and complicated than the previous one.

Because before, Ye Yuan did not draw a picture.

Everyone saw it and they came together.

"You see, Muxiang dominates and Ye Yuan, they have drawn nine symbols. These nine symbols, each symbol, represent an array of elements. It is difficult, this is the world's first killing of the 'day' array, only Nine Dao Yuan? This... is too incredible!"

The source who understands the law, began to explain the meaning of these symbols to others.

Many people listened and they were amazed.

There are many genres in the array, and there are many kinds of arrays.

The most basic array of elements, there are nine hundred and eighty one.

And some high-order array elements are derived from these eighty-one array elements, which are complicated and difficult to master.

The more complex and large the array elements used, the stronger the power of the large array.

But no one thought that the most horrible big story in this legend is so simple!

"Hey, how did Ye Yuan stop?"

"The musk master is still flying like a pen, it seems to be leading Ye Yuan!"

"I just said, how can the district emperor be better than the dominating land? Ye Yuan, this kid, this time is lifting a rock and licking his own feet!"


Suddenly, Musk stopped and said to the six masters: "You, go and do it again!"

The faces of the six people were black at the same time, and almost all of the old blood spouted out.

This process is not so fun!

However, seeing Musk seems to have an advantage, they can only bite the scalp and once again.

The result is self-evident.

The six masters, and the nose and face are swollen back.

"I am bothering your predecessors, and then going to squat." I know that I just came back, Ye Yuan said again.

Zhang Hexin angered: "Kid, are you playing a few of us? Just this time, don't you see?"

Ye Yuan nodded: "Look, but there are still some places that don't understand. So, trouble everyone!"

"I don't go!" Zhang Hexin was furious.

Ye Yuan didn't take it for granted, faintly said: "If you don't go, you can't go, but if the musk master fails, don't look for me. Big deal, let's die here together. There are seven of you, oh no, I guess at least two. The ten masters are here, maybe more! With so many people buried, it’s not a bad idea to come to me!"

Zhang Hexin's face is black, Shen Sheng said: "Come on you! Let's go!"

Now, with the ability to break through, obviously only Ye Yuan and Muxiang dominate the two.

I really sinned this kid, and if the incense really failed, they really have to die here.

The six masters, once again in accordance with the direction pointed by Ye Yuan, also hit a battle.

Oh, it’s miserable!

In this way, Muxiang and Ye Yuan took the six masters as coolies and called them over and over again.

However, the strength of the six masters is there, and they have saved a lot of things.

Three months later, Muxiang suddenly put down the stone in his hand and got up and walked toward the big array.

Everyone, the spirit is shocked!

"Come here! Sure enough, it’s still a master of the day!"

"The musk dominates the first break! Ye Yuan, this kid, some have suffered!"

"Ha ha ha ..., Ye Yuan, you have no use of value! This time, see you are not dead!" Empty laughter.


Ye Yuan ignored him and was still writing and painting.

However, no one has paid attention to him.

Everyone's eyes are focused on the musk master.

(End of this chapter)