MTL - Urban Evil Doctor-Chapter 5418 Yandi pressed into sandbags

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"What's the matter, why did the chaotic flames around Emperor Yan suddenly disappear?"

"I guess, it should be to condense the power of all the chaotic fires and use the real killer move?"

"Absolutely! Defense and dodging are not in line with Emperor Yan's character. Don't you forget that in the previous competition, he was not polite at all, and he was all one move to solve the opponent."

"The outcome of this competition seems to have no suspense at all. Jian Chen is actually stronger than I originally expected, but unfortunately, he encountered Emperor Yan! Emperor Yan's true strength has long surpassed his. realm."


The onlookers naturally didn't know what happened to Emperor Yan. Seeing this scene, they only thought that Emperor Yan wanted to gather all his strength and plan to use the strongest ultimate move to deal with Jian Chen.

Jian Chen also thought so.

He was even more dignified.

Thousands of sword lights flew out of his body, and then gathered together, turning into a giant sword with a length of tens of meters, with an aura that could annihilate the stars, as if crossing time and space, and instantly arrived in front of Emperor Yan.

Faced with this sword, Emperor Yan did not react at all.

It looked the same as before, because he didn't take the opponent's offensive seriously, and because he was extremely confident, he was too lazy to take action until the last moment.

But if you look closely, the expression is completely different from just now!

Clearly shocked and angry!

This time, it's not that he doesn't want to shoot, but he feels that his body is extremely heavy. Although his brain can react, his body can't keep up!

The most terrible thing is that the special abilities of those chaotic fires seem to have all disappeared, no matter how much he tries in his heart, he can't use them.

Not to mention those chaotic strange fires that were swallowed up, even his own power was completely incapable of exerting at this moment!

boom--! !

A terrifying sword slashed at Emperor Yan.

Emperor Yan's whole body exploded like fireworks, turning into countless sparks, swept by the sword energy and flying in all directions, and condensed together in an instant.

Jian Chen took advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, not even giving Yan Emperor a chance to show himself again, but with another strike, the flames that had just gathered together were scattered in all directions.

At first, the onlookers thought that Emperor Yan was using some inconceivable defensive means, so they didn't take Jian Chen's attack seriously at all.

But among them, the few half-step **** kings soon felt that with Jian Chen's repeated shots, the aura of Emperor Yan was rapidly weakening.

"Wh... what's the situation? Why did Emperor Yan get beaten like a sandbag and didn't resist at all?"

"Could it be a special ability of some kind of chaotic fire? When the breath is weak to a certain extent, will it become stronger than before?"

"How is it possible to have this ability! Furthermore, even if he really has this ability, Emperor Yan will not use it right now! It's too embarrassing to be beaten like this in front of everyone's eyes, and it doesn't fit his character at all!"


Everyone was confused and couldn't understand the situation.

But even so, they still do not think that Emperor Yan has the possibility of defeat.

I think that Emperor Yan must have some plans!

Until the King Kaye above said, "Enough! He has already lost."

Divine King Jia Ye had to speak, otherwise Jian Chen would slash like this, and Emperor Yan would really kill him.

That is to say, Emperor Yan is quite special, and his ability to resist beatings is extraordinary. If he was replaced by the half-step **** king of the human race, he would have already died and disappeared.

"Win... I won?"

Jian Chen stopped, his expression a little stunned.

He didn't even use the strongest killing move, yet he already won?

The point is, winning is too weird and too easy!

Emperor Yan was so strong before, but behind him was like an embroidered pillow, or a sandbag.

Although his offensive was airtight and completely blocked the space, the opponent could definitely disappear from his sword by using the ability of the previous chaotic fire!

This victory is really weird, as if the opponent lost to him on purpose.

But how is that possible?

Countless sparks gathered, and Emperor Yan's figure was once again revealed in front of people.

He looked disheveled, his face was pale, and he ignored Jian Chen, who was stunned, and ignored the onlookers who were full of disbelief. He looked at the crowd outside the ring with sharp and puzzled eyes!

To be precise, it was Lin Chen who fell on the crowd: "It's your good deed!"

People followed his line of sight.

"It turned out to be the Earth City Lord! He turned out to be here too?"

"What does Emperor Yan mean? What do you mean by 'you did a good thing'? Could it be that the strange scene just now has something to do with the Earth City Lord?"

"You mean, it was the Earth City Lord who secretly shot, causing Emperor Yan to lose to Jian Chen? Shit! Absurd. Think about it and know it's impossible!

If he has that ability, wouldn't it be good to take power directly and defeat Emperor Yan? And as far as I know, the Earth City Lord and Jian Chen have nothing to do with each other. How could it be possible for Jian Chen to target Yan Emperor like this? "


These onlookers, although not as good as Lin Chen and the Yan Emperor, Jian Chen, and others on the stage, are also unusual characters, with vicious eyes, and naturally they can see that the Yan Emperor lost very abnormally, and there should be something strange in it.

But what's wrong, I can't figure it out even if I break my head.

Seeing Emperor Yan's frightened eyes and staring at him, Lin Chen thought, out of courtesy, should he apologize to the other party?

He didn't expect that just running over to watch the fun would cause Emperor Yan to lose to Jian Chen!

Originally, I was thinking of fighting against Emperor Yan to see the gap between Emperor Yan's flame and the original fire.

He expected that the flame of Emperor Yan would definitely not be comparable to the original fire, but he did not expect it to be so exaggerated!

Without doing anything, the chaotic strange fires were scared to hide!

The key is that Emperor Yan was completely suppressed.

It's like he tied Emperor Yan's hands and feet and let Jian Chen beat him...

"Lin Chen!" The figure of God King Jia Ye disappeared from above and appeared beside Lin Chen.

"I've seen senior." Lin Chen had a good impression of God King Jia Ye, and treated her as a senior, and treated her with respect as a junior.

God King Kaye also felt incomprehensible to what had just happened, and said doubtfully:

"Just now, it was really you who secretly did it—hey! Wait! No, your breath... have you stepped into the level of a **** king?"

Speaking of the back, Kaye God King looked shocked.

Even Divine King Kaye couldn't believe it, let alone others!

Like cold water being poured into a frying pan, with a bang, the scene is completely boiling!

Lin Chen is now a figure in the Demon Suppression Army, and everyone knows that he has not been the half-step **** king for a long time.

As a result, the meaning of the God King Kaye now is that Lin Chen has become a God King!

It was incredible, and made them suspect that something was wrong with their ears. Although everyone previously believed that Lin Chen would be able to become a powerful **** king in the future, it is definitely not now, or not in 100,000 years, or even within a million years!