MTL - Urban Evil Doctor-Chapter 5432 The gate to Hongmeng Realm

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The blue-faced man said: "He wants to try to find a way to repair the damage of the godhead in the Hongmeng world, so he won't give you the only middle-grade Hongmeng treasure right now. However, if you really can't find a way in the future, then— "

"Okay! Needless to say. Since he thinks that thing is more important than his life, then forget it."

Lin Huohuo pouted and said disdainfully, "I really think I'm interested in his middle-grade Hongmeng treasure? Now I'm willing to exchange it, but he doesn't. Then if you come to me again in the future, I may not be interested!"

Lin Chen looked disappointed.

He originally thought that if Lin Huohuo obtained the middle-grade Hongmeng Treasure, he might be able to borrow it?

Now it seems that this wishful thinking is obviously empty!

Seeing that there was no surprised expression on Lin Huohuo's face, it seemed that the other party had already guessed that this would be the result.

Lin Chen has a new understanding of the value of the Chinese-grade Hongmeng treasure in his heart!

In Lin Huohuo's words just now, it is more important than life to be seen by a seventh-order **** king!

Just how amazing is the middle-grade Hongmeng treasure, and can it be valued to such an extent?

Lin Huohuo continued: "We are here, there is one more thing for you to do!"

She spoke rather rudely, in a tone that sounded like an order to a servant.

The blue-faced man didn't care and said, "As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it for you."

Lin Huohuo immediately said that he would move the people of Earth City to the Great Wilderness.

The blue-faced man immediately agreed, saying that there was no problem, and told Lin Chen and Lin Huohuo that Hong Jun had already guessed that Lin Chen would make such a request, and told him in advance that he could agree directly.

There seem to be a lot of people in Earth City, but compared to the countless creatures in the Yin-Yang Ruins, they are not even a drop in the ocean. More importantly, there are no top powerhouses, and the impact at that time can basically be ignored.

Lin Chen said: "There is one more thing, I need to ask your senior for help."

"you say."

The blue-faced man didn't seem to expect that Lin Chen would still call him a senior, showing a smile.

Lin Chen said: "I want to ask you, senior, to help you find someone!"


"Taoyao! It's the woman you saw when you were in the Yin Ruins Realm before. At that time, you reminded Taoyao that her cultivation went astray. You even shot and rescued the Dragon Fu Heavenly Emperor, who was only left with burnt wood. !" Lin Chen said.

The blue-faced man immediately knew who Lin Chen was talking about, nodded and said, "It's okay to help you. But do you know her approximate location?"

Lin Chen shook his head: "I have absolutely no idea where she is now. I went to Longfu Mountain to find her before, but she had already left there. I thought she would come to me, but she didn't show up.

Now, I'm not even sure whether he is in the Yin Ruins Realm or the Yang Ruins Realm! Or, whether it will accidentally go to the Bo Xun Ancient Realm, I don't know. "

The big blue-faced man said, "In this case, I'm afraid I can't help you. If the deity is here, there is a way to conduct a search for you in the entire Yinyang Ruins, but I can't use that method!"

Lin Chen said disappointedly: "Then I don't know when Hong Jun will come back?"

The blue-faced man shook his head, indicating that he was not clear. Seeing that Lin Chen frowned, he said:

"You don't need to worry too much. Back then, because I was quite curious about that willow tree, I left a mark on its body.

The imprint will not have any effect on weekdays, but it has a role. Once the willow tree is facing a crisis and its breath is weakened, I can sense it. If she falls, I will be able to detect it right away!

Right now, I don't sense anything wrong with her. She and that Taoyao girl should be together, since she is fine, then Taoyao girl must be fine too. "

At first, he felt that Emperor Longfu had huge potential. If he could return to the peak, he might become another Yin-Yang Ruins native who had broken through to the fourth-order **** king.

The reason for leaving a mark on the body of the Dragon Fu Tiandi is purely because he did not want the Dragon Fu Tiandi to die prematurely.

And because there is no other idea, the mark can only contact him when the Dragon Fu Heavenly Emperor is in danger and the inner world has signs of collapse.

Right now, there is nothing wrong with Emperor Longfu, and he cannot determine the location of the other party.

"Is this true?" Lin Chen was surprised.

What he was worried about was that Taoyao might be in danger!

And Taoyao must be with Emperor Longfu, if there is no accident with Emperor Longfu, then Taoyao must have no accident!

The blue-faced man smiled and said, "Of course there will be no fakes. If you are still worried, I can still help you find someone. The speed of my finding someone is definitely much faster than your own, but it will take some time. .

How long it will take, I can't make a ticket with you. If she's on the move, not in a specific place, it takes more time. "

Lin Chen was not polite to the other party and asked the other party to help him find Taoyao.

Lin Huohuo looked at him and said, "Do you plan to go to Hongmeng Realm after you find this woman?"

Lin Chen shook his head: "Since she's not in danger, then don't wait. What I owe her will be returned to her when I come back."

He told the blue-faced man that after finding Taoyao, if Taoyao was willing, he would also send Taoyao to the Great Wilderness.

After all that was said, Lin Chen stopped staying and took Lin Huohuo away from the Nightmare Giant Abyss.

"Next, let's go to the Demon Suppression Army. I want to say goodbye to my master. Then, we will set off immediately and head to the Hongmeng Realm."

The masters in Lin Chen's mouth are not only the God King of Huangtian and Teng Snake, but also Shang Yan.

For him, there is no difference in the weight of several masters in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, another day passed.

Town Demon Army Headquarters.

The residence of the God King of the Wild Heaven is quite lively today.

In addition to the God King Huangtian, Teng Snake, Shang Yan, Dongfangji and others, there were also some old acquaintances who came to bid farewell to Lin Chen.

"Are you sure you won't go back to Earth City before you leave?"

The Desolate Heaven God King's tone was somewhat emotional, but he didn't expect Lin Chen, a disciple, to go to the mysterious Hongmeng Realm one step ahead of him.

He and Teng She and others yearned for the Hongmeng Realm in their hearts, but they didn't want to go with Lin Chen at the moment, after all, that would only drag Lin Chen back.

They plan to rely on themselves to break through to the fourth-order **** king, and then go there.

"I won't go back. Everything that should be arranged has been arranged. Go back again. When we part, the little guys will cry again."

Lin Chen shook his head, looking very calm, but his heart was full of reluctance.

next second.

Colorless flames flew out from between his eyebrows, intertwined in mid-air, turning into a huge and complicated pattern.

The pattern turns quickly.

A gate made of light intertwined slowly emerged, and then slowly opened.

Inside the door, there is a thick darkness, and nothing can be seen, but there is an inexplicable and frightening coercion that permeates from it.

"This is the gate to the Hongmeng Realm?"

Lin Chen's heart beat faster. He had a peculiar feeling that behind the door, there seemed to be a pair of invisible eyes looking at him in the darkness.