MTL - Urban Young Fairy-Chapter 2568 When Lingquan matures

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The streets of Yanjing.

Not many people.

The Spring Festival is approaching, and most of the people in the city have returned home for the New Year.

Huaqing University.

前 In front of the school.

"It's no use sitting here waiting for him all day long. After the years, he will come to see you."

"It's cold outside, can you go in with me in the house?"

"You see that the cola in your hand is going to freeze. If you drink it so cold, you will have diarrhea."

Gu Chujie squatted down and looked at Xiaojing, wearing a small red cotton jacket, sitting in front of Huaqing University with a smile.

Koi 菟 wears a small felt hat and has a pair of plush shoes on his feet.

It was bought by Gu Chujie for help.

Zhe Lin also went back to the New Year, and Jing Yan had nowhere to go.

Gu Chujie left her and Duan Gaoyang to spend the New Year in Yanjing.

But since the last time I returned from Bai Nan.

Aya Sui stayed at the gate of Huaqing University for a long time and froze.

抱着 Holding Cola in her arms, she waited for Lin to return.

But waited and waited until Yanjing snow was getting bigger and colder, and the temperature was getting lower and lower, did not wait until Lin Yi came over again.

This is anxious for Gu Chujie.

"I do not want."

Koi shook his head, his eyes still staring blankly outside the school gate.

Her small face frosted in the cold wind.

感觉 The feeling of redness in white.

Makes her look more lovely.

I just now.

I don't know if it's because the weather is getting colder.

Gu Chujie always felt that Jing's complexion was turning pale.

Although it does not look much different from before.

But it just feels weaker and weaker.

For this reason Gu Chujie also wanted to take Jing Yi to the hospital for an examination.

But in the end because of the mismatch of Jing Xu.

"If you've been here all the time, when he comes, you're sick again, wouldn't you be able to play with him?"

Gu Chujie patiently persuaded.

觉得 He felt that in his life, he had not been so patient with the old lady who had been with him for decades.

It was really because of the well in front of him that it was too pity.

"Grandma cooked dumplings for you at home, with dumplings and cola, don't have a taste."

Gu Chujie was still there to persuade with a smile.

Koi 菟 hesitated and hesitated.

Maybe it was because she really didn't want Lin Yilai, because she became ill and could not play with Lin Yi because of her illness. All of this made her a long time to make a little compromise.

"Eat a bowl."

She finished talking and jumped down from her chair.

These words are as heroic as the hero hero bluntly sips a bowl of wine.

But it took too long.

So Koi's legs and feet are tingling.

Plus a layer of frost has formed on the ground.

So Xiaojing 落 landed, stomping on the ground, a ,, almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Gu Chujie's eyes were stricken and his hands were quick. He copied them one-handedly and pinched Jing's collar with one hand, helping her maintain balance.

"Look at you. After staying so long, you are standing still."

"If you stay here, what if something really happens?"

Gu Chujie was dissatisfied.

"Be obedient, eat dumplings first."

"Wait for the New Year, I called in person and let Lin also come over!"

"Let him make a special trip with you!"

Gu Chujie spoke.

Koi 菟 eyes brightened, a little thumb deep in his head, looked at him: "Hook."

"Okay, hook."

The big and small hands pulled a hook in the cold wind.

Gu Chujie held Jing Yan's hand and was about to turn around and go home.

after all.

In the winter of Yanjing, it is too cold outdoors.

Beifeng blew on his face, biting pain.

It's different indoors.

There is heating in the room, and you can eat ice cream in single clothes.

Only Gu Chujie turned around, and suddenly he felt like he felt something.

He and Jing Jing holding hands turned their heads at the same time, looking at the road in front of the school.

There was snow on the road.

Not much driving.

Because of the Nianguan, most people from other places have already returned home for the New Year.

人 There are few people on the street.

But at the moment, at the end of the street, there are several people walking slowly towards the snow.

The person headed by is young.

However, it is because I have a feeling that cannot be ignored.

There were several young people beside him.

All people are young.

They don't seem to be walking fast because they don't run.

And from the end of the road over there to the front of Huaqing University, there is a straight distance of at least three kilometers.

Can be biased.

Within a few seconds, Gu Chujie found that they had grown a lot in sight.

It's not because they are getting bigger.

I just because they are close.

Getting closer.

"Let's go, don't watch."

Gu Chujie held Jing's hand: "Let's go home and eat dumplings."

"Outside, don't bother."

Gu Chujie was a little uneasy, and pulled Jing's hand a bit, but didn't pull it.

He lowered his head and looked at Jing Yan beside him, only to find out, I don't know when it started. Jing Xiao's small, tender face was full of emotions.

I was surprised, quiet, uncomfortable, angry, confused, and a little bit afraid.

Emotional rotation.

But her hand never moved.

In the past, Gu Chujie could easily pick up the little ones.

At this moment, he is as heavy as black iron.

"do you know?"

Gu Chujie whispered a question, feeling more and more uneasy in his heart.

It's like something is coming.

Sugai didn't answer his words.

She just stared straight at the party who was coming this way.

The snow and snow blocked the view.

Rare courage on Xiao's face.

I'm close.

The distance is getting closer.

Gu Chujie's ears can already hear the snoring sounds of those people stepping on the snow ~ ~ Lin Beixun's sight locked the girl in the distance.

His gaze was cold, and he was a little indescribable.

"Time is up, it should always come."

He opened his mouth, his words penetrated the snow and fell into the ears of Jing Yan and Gu Chujie there.

Beside the street, a few pedestrians looked at the scene in front of them, with a bit of confusion and puzzlement.

"Count on the days, the spiritual spring in your body is overflowing, and you should return the aura to this world."

"The situation is unstoppable. Should you hand over the Lingquan to me or let me pick it up myself?"

Zhe Lin looked northward, and everyone at Shangpin Lin's house beside him looked at Jing Xuan one by one.

Ling Lingquan!

所以 The reason why the aura on earth dries up.

He is because all the auras are all in one person!

The spiritual springs in Kusui's body are not so few because they are not mature.

But because of too much, the aura was squeezed together, so that the entire Lingquan completely reached a state of stasis.

Yi Lin also made several explorations and found nothing!

Zhe Lin Bei Xun is moving forward.


not far away.

A figure came together.