MTL - Villain Alpha is Pregnant-Chapter 16 16

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Si Huaixi saw that Pei Zhaozhou's expression was so serious when he came out, thinking that Pei Zhaozhou's condition was very serious, and said in his heart: "What's the matter? What did the doctor say about the test results?"

Pei Zhaozhou frowned and thought about the test report. After all, Si Huaixi was the biological father of the child, so he should be informed no matter what.

But just as he was about to speak, an anxious voice interrupted him.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way—!!"

"Doctor, the patient is an elderly pregnant woman who is bleeding heavily due to a car accident and is now in critical condition. Blood transfusion is urgently needed!"

"Prepare what is needed for the operation. The patient needs to have the operation immediately. The fetus may not be able to be saved, but the patient's life can still be saved!"

Doctors and nurses pushed a pregnant woman with a bulging belly on the hospital bed, ran and talked with extremely solemn expressions, and shouted for passers-by to get out of the way.

Pei Zhaozhou and Si Huaixi quickly got out of the way.

The pale face of the pregnant woman flashed by, and the snow-white sheets under her abdomen were stained with blood, dripping all the way to the clean floor of the hospital.

But at this level, the pregnant woman still retains a trace of consciousness, sobbing and begging the doctor weakly: "This child... please keep him, this is the posthumous child of my deceased husband, without it I have no will to live... "

The doctor's face was bitter: "Patient, you have to do the surgery first."

The pregnant woman's weak palm unexpectedly burst into strength, grabbing the doctor's hand, her weak eyes firm and firm: "Please... save it..."

The doctors and nurses looked at each other, and the people around them started to talk.

"This pregnant woman is very pitiful. She suffered from physical problems in her early years and finally became pregnant, but her husband died in the army. She was left as a pregnant woman who was barely able to live on the pension issued by the army. A car accident, alas, this is life!"

A trace of pain flashed in Si Huaixi's eyes, and strode towards the pregnant woman, her eyes reddened and said: "You too have a life! You don't need to sacrifice for anyone, especially your child! He was left alone and thought this was for the sake of Is he okay?"

"No! If you die, your child will be an orphan at birth! Or an orphan who survived by the sacrifice of his parents! He will only feel extremely guilty and lonely! Only if you survive, your child will be happy! "

Si Huaixi looked very excited, not like him at all, the doctor and nurse angrily wanted to pull him away.

But the pregnant woman who was in the car accident smiled tenderly with motherhood, and said with infinite expectations and tenderness for the child's future: "But I love it, even if the rest of the doctors and nurses give up on it, and I am. The only one who loves it and will never give it up. No matter what happens, someone will say to it that there is a person who has loved it unconditionally and will never abandon it, and it will be happy.”

Si Huaixi's eyes froze for a moment, and he said slowly, "...Is this the reason why you left it alone?"

The doctor and nurse immediately pushed Si Huaixi away, but Si Huaixi, who looked thin and weak, was unexpectedly strong, and several people couldn't push him, so anxious that the doctor almost called for security.

But Si Huaixi suddenly came to his senses, stared at the pregnant woman with complex eyes, held her hand, and whispered, "Then live, live strong."

The pregnant woman stared blankly at the unfamiliar boy, the pain in her abdomen made her unable to open her mouth.

But suddenly I felt a kind of vital energy from the hands of this strange boy, like the warm sun spreading all over the body, the impact after the car accident and the pain of the abdominal bleeding seemed to have been touched by a pair of gentle hands, and the pain gradually eased. , the body regained a little strength.

The pregnant woman stared blankly at this strange young man's face, which gradually turned pale and bloodless, and was finally pulled away by the security guard.

Looking at the unfamiliar boy whose body became weak, the pregnant woman suddenly understood something and silently said 'thank you'.

But by this time she had been pushed into the operating room by doctors and nurses.

The security guard shoved Si Huaixi violently, but the pale boy just now straightened his waist and glanced at him coldly, like an extremely cold blade, and said hoarsely, "You don't need to push, I'll go by myself. ."

The security guard walked away cursing, definitely not frightened by the cold eyes just now.

Si Huaixi looked at Pei Zhaozhou with deep and bright eyes, with a persistent and strict tone like a small hammer hitting Pei Zhaozhou's heart, and said, "Brother Pei, can you show me the inspection report?"

The tone seems to be negotiable, but it is actually irrefutable.

Pei Zhaozhou was inexplicably terrified, looking at Si Huaixi's cold eyes, like a sea filled with dangerous ice fog, the crisis was lurking, if he accidentally stepped on the thin ice layer, he would fall into the deep sea .

His heart was beating, his hands involuntarily tense up, pressing the inspection report through his clothes, Pei Zhaozhou pressed down his trembling voice and asked, "Why did you talk to that pregnant woman just now?"

Si Huaixi frowned slightly, darkened his eyes slightly, and asked, "What?"

Seeing that he didn't admit it, Pei Zhaozhou said directly, "It's you who persuaded that pregnant woman to give up her unborn child!"

Si Huaixi pursed his lower lip: "Shouldn't it be right? Why sacrifice yourself to save an unborn life, even if it's your own child."

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes were stunned, and his heart was full of mixed feelings. Inexplicably, he could think from the perspective of the pregnant woman. If it was him...even if it was dangerous, he would not give up...

"It shouldn't be...that's life too, if it's your child..."

Si Huaixi: "If it were my child, I would give up. It endangers my spouse's life. Even if my spouse wants to give birth to it, I will persuade him to give up."

Pei Zhaozhou took his place, thinking that his child would also be abandoned by this cruel biological father, his heart was sore and painful, his eyes instantly turned red, and he said excitedly: "You! You have no right to decide for your spouse!"

Si Huaixi looked suspiciously at Pei Zhaozhou: "Why are you so angry, Brother Pei? It's not you."

Pei Zhaozhou choked: "I! I'm not angry!"

Si Huaixi suddenly changed the subject, and said sincerely, "Does Brother Pei think I'm cruel? If I am the child who survived by the sacrifice of my parents, then my wish is that I will not be born! No one I will die because of me!"

Pei Zhaozhou's expression froze, seeing Si Huaixi's sudden wry smile, sea-blue eyes condensed with a deep sadness, and said, "Brother Pei, you understand, it's not that I want to be cruel, but that I am so lonely and guilty to survive. children will not be happy.”

Pei Zhaozhou was in a mess, but he still didn't want to give up, even if the doctor said it would be dangerous, it didn't necessarily happen.

Pei Zhaozhou's tone was unavoidable, and he said to Si Huaixi, "That might not necessarily be dangerous, maybe..."

"Maybe." Si Huaixi's eyes narrowed, "If this is possible, no matter how much I want this child, I will never let it endanger my spouse's life."

Pei Zhaozhou argued: "But this is also a life!"

Si Huaixi's eyes flashed a hint of coldness: "The unborn child is not a life in the true sense, how can it be compared to the person who really gave birth to it."

Pei Zhaozhou felt a chill in his heart when he looked at Si Huaixi who suddenly became unfamiliar in front of him.

He couldn't change Si Huaixi's stubborn thoughts. If he knew that being pregnant with this child would threaten his life, Si Huaixi would definitely ruthlessly persuade him to give up the child.

But... how can this be done.

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes were firm. He would rather tear up the inspection report than tell Si Huaixi that he was pregnant.

But the doctor asked him to approach Si Huaixi again. His pheromone alone is not enough for the development of the fetus, and another blood father of the fetus, that is, Si Huaixi, must provide it.

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes were tangled and complicated, but Si Huaixi noticed that Pei Zhaozhou's mood was not right, and asked softly, "Brother Pei, what did the doctor say? Do you need any medicine? I'll accompany you to get it, and show me the checklist. a bit."

Referring to the checklist, Pei Zhaozhou suddenly woke up and said with a cold face, "I have nothing to eat, just chronic gastrointestinal disease, just go back and rest."

Si Huaixi wondered: "Then you had something very important to tell me just now. What is it?"

Pei Zhaozhou lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then said, "Oh, that's why I want to go to your house for a rest, are you willing?"

Si Huaixi's eyes were a little surprised: "This, Brother Pei, why is it so sudden?"

Pei Zhaozhou: "It's nothing, it's just that I feel cold when I get home. I want to find someone I know. It's a little uncomfortable when I'm sick."

After Si Huaixi heard this, he looked at Brother Pei, who had always been strong and stubborn because of his illness, like a prickly kitten putting away his minions, his amber-gold eyes were moist, and there was a hint of fragility after being sick. .

Si Huaixi's heart was touched, and he felt his heart swell, overflowing with infinite love and pity.

With a slight movement of his fingers, Si Huaixi lowered his eyes slightly, looked at Pei Zhaozhou intently with a hint of soft light in his eyes, and said with a smile, "Okay, Brother Pei, come to my house."

Hearing Si Huaixi's affirmative answer, Pei Zhaozhou relaxed in his heart, but after a while, a guilty conscience appeared and his eyes flickered.

- He didn't lie to Si Huaixi, but he did want to be closer to Si Huaixi. It's better to live in the same room, sleep on the same bed, and **** the smell of his body. Who wants him to conceive It's Si Huaixi's child, and this cruel father should be held responsible!

Si Huaixi also said that as long as he is pregnant, he will take responsibility! Now... now he's just killing two birds with one stone, not only can he get closer to Si Huaixi, but he can also take care of the children.

Pei Zhaozhou's mood fluctuated along the way, and his brows were knitted because of the complexity.

Really going to follow Si Huaixi to his door, Pei Zhaozhou pursed his lips tightly, and suddenly said timidly, "Why don't I go in?"

Si Huaixi smiled, like a warm sun: "Brother Pei, don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you."

Then he firmly took Pei Zhaozhou's hand and entered the door.

Pei Zhaozhou: "..."

- So, it's not his fault.

He had given Si Huaixi a chance, and since he entered this door, what he should be afraid of is that Si Huaixi won't do anything to him.