MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 1

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In June, the south has entered the hot summer season.

After half a month of hard work, the Qingyuan production team finally harvested all the rice in the first half of this year.

Being busy until after eight o'clock in the evening, all the members went home from work in the ground.

In this harvest season, the team did not have the joy of a bumper harvest, because the first rice harvest this year was not ideal.

The educated youth who jumped in the Qingyuan production team also walked towards the educated youth point with the mighty off-duty team.

It is said to be an educated youth spot, but it is actually the old granary of the production team.

The old granary, which had been in disrepair for a long time, was already crumbling. Originally, the county allocated funds to demolish the old granary and build it into a dormitory for educated youth.

If this rice harvest is good, Lu Dazhou, the new leader of the production team, wants to use the surplus in the team to build the educated youth point, so as not to be ridiculed by other production teams, but in this situation, only Continue to be laughed at by others.

The group returned to the educated youth point, hungry and tired, but had no food to eat.

In fact, they usually leave an educated youth to cook, but recently, the children who can walk on the production team are picking up rice ears.

So, recently, everyone takes turns to cook, and it happens to be Jiang Yao's turn today.

Among this batch of educated youths, Jiang Yao is the most lazy one, but in the past half a month, she has done some real work, even if it is too little.

But she was too tired recently to care about the food that the educated youth ordered. She came back every night to take a bath first, and then went to bed after eating a bowl of sweet potato rice that always had more sweet potatoes than rice.

But there is no such treatment today, she can only accept her destiny to cook.

She has never cooked a few meals in her life, but a sweet potato rice that does not pay attention to taste but only pays attention to cooked, she can make it after seeing others do it a lot.

Actually, as a beautiful educated youth in the Qingyuan production team and even in the entire Shanping Commune, her graceful back fascinates all beings, and a smile when she looks back is even more beautiful. Usually when I go to work, there are people who come over to help me with their hospitality, and more people take advantage of the opportunity to show off leisure skills like cooking.

Of course, these efforts are limited to men, not women.


"No, we are all on duty. It would be bad if we broke the rules and let everyone have opinions." Jiang Yao refused coldly.

In fact, she doesn't care about the rules and regulations, she just doesn't want to have any relationship or ambiguity with any man other than Zhao Pengfei. If he misunderstood, then she would go to the countryside to jump in line with the blessings of the city, wouldn't she suffer all in vain?

While speaking, Jiang Yao has already started to wash rice, leaving Jiang Chao a slender and ruthless back.

He was not reconciled, but he could only greedily take a second glance, then turned around and went out.

Jiang Yao cleaned the rice, then added half a pot of water, put the pot on the stove and peeled the sweet potatoes.

When she cut the peeled sweet potatoes into granules and poured them into the pot, Du Yuejiao walked in quietly.

"Yaoyao." Du Yuejiao quietly walked to Jiang Yao's side and called her softly.

"Jiaojiao, have you finished your bath?" Jiang Yao smelled the familiar soapy smell on her body and laughed.

"It's done!" Du Yuejiao also smiled and said, "The soap you gave me is very fragrant, thank you so much!"

"What are you doing so politely? We are good sisters, of course we have the same blessings and the same difficulties." Jiang Yao said sincerely.

Du Yuejiao sneered in her heart, but her face remained calm, and she leaned closer to Jiang Yao.

Everyone has been sweating all day, no one who hasn't bathed at this moment must have a smell of sweat, but Jiang Yao doesn't have an unpleasant smell. Also, she wraps herself up tightly, and everyone else is blackened, but her skin is still tender and white.

Du Yuejiao was too jealous, she forcibly suppressed the discomfort in her heart, and whispered: "I have already helped you find the things, the production team will not be working tomorrow, tonight is a must It's a good opportunity, take it well."

Speaking, she took out a small bag from her pocket, and then quickly stuffed it into Jiang Yao's trousers pocket.

Although Du Yuejiao didn't say it clearly, Jiang Yao knew it was mei/drug.

A few days ago, when Jiang Yao made up her mind to go out, she was arrogant. Now that things are ready, she is a little timid.

She looked at the door, and after confirming that no one was there, she hesitantly said to Du Yuejiao: "That...I I want this?"

God knows how much effort Du Yuejiao took to bring Jiang Yao into the pit calmly, which gave her the idea of ​​pretending to be drugged and then taking the opportunity to seduce/ seduce Zhao Pengfei. If she flinched now, wouldn't she be busy working in vain?

Du Yuejiao looked at her hesitant appearance and said, "If you don't, Zhao Pengfei is really going to fly."

Aware that she was too emotional, she slowed her tone and said, "Yaoyao, I'm worried for you, don't you realize that Zhao Pengfei recently returned to his cousin's house after leaving work, Is he almost inseparable from my sister?"

Jiang Yao of course saw it. For the past half month, Du Yuejia and Zhao Pengfei have stayed together as soon as they got to work. Zhao Pengfei did a lot of work for Du Yuejia, otherwise she was also a female educated youth, no matter how capable she was, she wouldn't be able to get ten centimeters a day.

Forget about centimeters, she doesn't rely on centimeters to eat anyway, what makes her ticklish the most is that now the entire production team is rumored that they are dealing with people.

Usually the women of the production team made fun of them, and neither of them explained or responded, which made people even more imaginative.

"I know, I'll act tonight." Jiang Yao relented.

If you want to marry Zhao Pengfei in the future, it will be regarded as the first time ahead of schedule, so you don't have to be afraid."

"I...not afraid." Jiang Yao rarely showed the shyness of a girl.

Zhao Pengfei is the man she has put on her heart since she was a child. In this life, she does not want to marry anyone except him. Even though her name was not proper, her words were not right, and she heard that it was painful for the first time, she was not afraid at all, but was looking forward to it.

Du Yuejiao looked at her eyes / Han / Chun, secretly contemptuous but also very satisfied.

Zhao Pengfei can usually resist Jiang Yao's beauty, but after she takes medicine, she becomes more charming and seductive, alone, with a man and a widow in the same room, can he still be Liuxiahui under the fire ? She doesn't believe it anyway.

After dinner, the men and women returned to their rooms.

Everyone was exhausted and paralyzed. Those who took a bath went straight to bed, and those who didn’t take a bath, then went to bed.

When Jiang Yao returned to the room after taking a bath, everyone was already asleep.

She deliberately looked at the bed in the corner and saw that Du Yuejia was already asleep, she couldn't help but raised the corners of her victory lips.

Jiang Yao looked away, thinking that she was going to be with Zhao Pengfei tonight, she put on the slim-fitting pinch-waist dress at the bottom of the press box, and then put the packet of powder that Du Yuejiao gave her, and it was cold The water was swallowed.

She didn't know how long it would take for the medicine to take effect, but there was a distance from the educated youth's point to the small house where Zhao Pengfei lived, and she should be almost there now.

She blew out the kerosene lamp, and then crept out.

The moment the door was closed, Du Yuejiao, who had been "sleeping", suddenly opened her eyes.

She had seen Jiang Yao take the medicine, but she was still worried, just wanted to go out, but Du Yuejia next door was woken up by her movement.

"Jiaojiao, you are moving around, can't you fall asleep?" Du Yuejia asked in a low voice.

" can I not sleep after a long day? I'm just thirsty." Du Yuejiao made up her mind.

Du Yuejia: "Do you want me to light a kerosene lamp for you?"

"Sister, no need." Du Yuejiao hurriedly said, "I...have already drank it, go to sleep now, you...go to sleep too."

Du Yuejia heard the words, said "go to bed early", then closed her eyes and stopped talking.

Du Yuejiao sighed in the darkness, even though her heart was still hanging, she didn't dare to get up again. If everyone finds out that Jiang Yao is not here, tonight's affairs will be in vain.

After Jiang Yao walked out of the gate of the educated youth point, she turned on the flashlight, and ran towards Zhao Pengfei's small house excitedly.

I don't know if it was because of the vigorous running or the effect of the medicine. Her body felt more and more hot, and Zhao Pengfei's figure was all over her brain, especially when he went to the ground, wearing a white vest, showing that although he was thin Arms that do not lack a sense of strength.

If she could be embraced by such an arm... As soon as she thought of this, she was eager to pounce on Zhao Pengfei the next moment, and the speed of running under her feet couldn't help speeding up.

Suddenly, I stumbled on something under my feet, and my whole person jumped forward uncontrollably...


Jiang Yao seldom drinks, but the amount of alcohol is not too bad. But tonight she only had two drinks, and she felt groggy.

What's more, the air conditioner was running at 25 degrees at home, she was wearing cool pajamas, but she felt very hot. This feeling made her very uncomfortable. She wanted to go back to the bedroom to sleep, so she got up from the sofa, but just lifted her foot and hit the coffee table.


She opened her eyes, but the bright living room turned into darkness.

Is this a power outage? She moved, and suddenly felt the soft carpet under her body hurt her whole body. She looked down and saw that the carpet had turned into a pothole of mud.

She sat up, and after her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she looked around.

This is still her big flat with a river view, it is clearly a wilderness.

What happened?

Jiang Yao's professional quality in the face of danger kept her from panicking. She forced herself to calm down and analyze the current situation.

But before she could come up with a reason, the hot feeling on her body became stronger and stronger.

The strangest thing is that there is an increasingly crazy idea in her mind, that is, she wants to hug a man very much.

Single for 30 years, this is the first time I have such a crazy desire.

Judging from the past cases, she has a high probability of being prescribed/medicated.

She remembered that when she walked out of the court last month, the defendant who lost the case pointed at her and yelled at her, making her wait for the day when she was called out.

She doesn't know if she will be sent to a group of men, but before the other party does anything, she must save herself as much as possible.

She looked left and right, and caught a glimpse of a pond with white light not far away, and she immediately had an idea in her heart.

She staggered over and jumped down.

Just when she wondered if it was an earthquake, a man emerged from the water.

Jiang Yao's eyes widened in shock, but when she saw the man's wet clothes against his strong muscles, the flames in her eyes gradually overwhelmed her surprise, and the slightly lowered body temperature returned again. It rose at the speed of a rocket.

Her brain is probably burned out, because at the moment there is only one thought, that is to jump on it.

She thought so and did it.

"I'm so uncomfortable, please save me." Jiang Yao knew that she was out of control, and she could only use her remaining sanity to call for help to the man.

Lu Che just wanted to touch a fish tonight. Tomorrow, I will make a fish soup for my grandma to nourish my body. I didn't expect to touch it for a long time, but I didn't touch the fish, but a "mermaid" came to my door. .

"Mermaid" hugged him and kept moving, and his always cold eyes became ice and fire.

The moment she called for help, he raised his hand and slashed towards her neck...