MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 22

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On the tenth day of planting, Lu Che estimated that he could complete the task in the remaining five days, so he asked Jiang Yao and Lu Qing to go to the ground for two hours a day, and go through the scene to sign the attendance.

Leaving Lu Che to struggle alone, Jiang Yao was not willing, but Lu Qing came to persuade her: "The captain said, as long as this household completes the task of transplanting rice, all the labor force of this household will be I can remember ten centimeters in half a month. Since Lu Che can do it well, let's not go and stay at home to do other work? Besides, the tomato and cucumber seedlings in the vegetable garden are starting to climb the vines. We have to take care of it."

Jiang Yao is so tired recently that she almost forgot her tomatoes and cucumbers. Also, the county fair is coming again, and while the weather is still hot, she sells jelly twice more.

After weighing, she still obeyed Lu Che's arrangement.

Being busy in the rice fields until the sun came out, Jiang Yao and Lu Qing went back to Lu's house.

Jiang Yao first went to the vegetable garden after entering the door. At first glance, the two rows of light yellow tripods had been added with a hint of green.

She walked over excitedly and watched for a long time before standing up. Just when she was about to water, she was stopped by Lu Qing, "I'll water it again in the afternoon, Lu Che has already watered it in the morning. "

"Oh." Jiang Yao responded, a feeling of distress suddenly appeared in her heart.

Lu Che was very tired from planting rice, and he took over the heavy work of the family. She was really afraid that he would not be able to endure it.

Lu Qing could see her thoughts, patted her hand, and comforted: "he is working hard now, but I know he is willing. Yaoyao, I really want to talk to you Thank you, because of you, my brother is very happy now."

Before she was born, the Lu family had been looked down upon, and even more after Lu Che was born. Later, her father committed the crime of hooliganism, which made the originally heavy family even more depressed, and her mother could not resist such pressure and died in depression.

Others say that Lu Che is thorny and gloomy, but he was born in such a family. Otherwise, they would have problems even survival.

But Lu Qing has always known that Lu Che's nature is good, a person who has been working hard for his family, can he be good?

"Sister Qing, don't say that." Jiang Yao smiled slightly, "I am also very happy with him."

Jiang Yao's heartfelt words have not been told to Lu Che, but she really thinks so. Although life is hard now, but the two of them work together every day, she feels that life is very promising.

"That's good." Lu Qing nodded, "As long as you have always been like this, then I will leave with confidence in the future."

"You want to leave?" Jiang Yao asked in surprise.

Lu Qing gave a "hmm" and said, "It's not a long-term solution for me and Yangyang's father to be separated, and the two children also need a father. There was no way before, his father is considerate of me. It’s okay to accommodate me, and when it stabilizes, I will go with the army.”

Jiang Yao thought about it too, and asked, "When are you going to join the army?"

"It's not determined yet, it's best before the two children go to school." Lu Qing gave Jiang Yao a meaningful look and said, "If you marry Lu Che, then I will definitely Don't worry, you can take your child to find your father."

"..." Jiang Yao obviously felt that she was being urged to marry.

She actually wanted to tell Lu Qing that she and Lu Che had only been with Lu Che for less than two months, but the words were swallowed again. These days, it is a normal process for a blind date to know each other for a month and get married. It is basically non-existent to talk about two or three years before getting married in later generations.

"Okay, tomorrow is the market day, Lu Che is not free, I will go to the county town with you to set up a stall and see what preparations are to be done." Lu Qing knew that the young girl was thin-skinned, Change the subject at the right time.

Jiang Yao: "Let's sort out the ingredients to be used first."

This time, when setting up the stall, Jiang Yao said nothing and would not let Lu Che help, but he still went to bed after grinding the rice milk at night.

When it was more than three in the morning, he also got up and accompanied them to the county seat. After setting up the stalls, he returned to Qingyuan Village to work.

The items to be sold at the fair this time are similar to the last time, but the stall was sold out after 2pm. Because it is a busy farming season, there are not many farmers who come to the market today, so their stalls sell things quickly.

Lu Qing can drive an ox cart, so there is no need for Lu Che to pick it up. The two of them put things on the ox cart and went back.

It was only 3:30 in the afternoon when I got back to Lu's house. Lu Qing wanted Jiang Yao to rest, but Jiang Yao wanted to cook a hearty dinner for Lu Che.

Since the young couple can love each other and take care of each other, Lu Qing is optimistic and let her go.

Jiang Yao simply took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and went to work in the kitchen.

She went to the supply and marketing agency this morning to buy half a catty of pork belly, a large piece of pork liver, and two large bones.

Lu Che likes to eat taro pork, so she makes pork belly into taro pork, as for the pork liver, cut it into thin slices, and when the white porridge is boiled, make it into raw rolled pork liver Porridge.

The big bones are stewed together with the radish into a pot of radish bone soup.

In addition, she also made a leek omelette and fried cabbage heart.

When Zhou Yang and Zhou Xin saw the food on the dinner table, they suddenly felt a new year feeling.

The old lady Lu was both happy and embarrassed, and said to Jiang Yao, "Yaoyao, why did you cost me again today?"

"Grandma Lu, please don't say that, this time, I got your light on the rice planting, otherwise I don't know what to do?" Jiang Yao said "you" didn't say" "Lu Che", because of a guilty conscience, after all, the old lady still doesn't know about her relationship with Lu Che.

"What are you doing so politely?" Mrs. Lu said indifferently: "We have all the strength, this is nothing." After speaking, she said to Lu Che: " Cheche, Yaoyao is polite, you are really welcome, please eat such a good meal, and quickly say thank you to others."

The Lu family's dining table is a square table. Jiang Yao and Lu Che are sitting on two adjacent sides. Although they are not close to each other, they are only separated by a corner.

Lu Che turned his head to look at Jiang Yao and said solemnly, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." Jiang Yao also answered in good order.

As soon as she finished speaking, her hand under the table was suddenly held.

The warm palm covered with calluses gently groped her tender little hand, Jiang Yao knew who it was without looking.

A large family was sitting together, but they blatantly darkened under the table, Jiang Yao was very nervous, she wanted to let go of his hand but did not dare to use force, for fear of being seen, she could only He quietly warned him with his eyes.

He turned a blind eye, picked up the chopsticks, and ate.

"Yaoyao, why don't you eat it?" Madam Lu asked when Jiang Yao didn't move her chopsticks.

Jiang Yao thought that your grandson would hold my right hand, how can I hold chopsticks.

"...Eat, eat now." Jiang Yao snorted and struggled twice before Lu Che let go.

After a few days, the Qingyuan production team finally completed the planting and transplanting work, and Lu Dazhou gave all the members a day off.

After so many days of exhaustion, she can finally rest. Of course Jiang Yao wanted Lu Che to go to bed early, but someone would stay in her room until ten o'clock under the pretence of not having to go to work tomorrow. I didn't know how many times I kissed her during the departure.

The next day, Jiang Yao went back to sleep after the biological clock woke her up.

I don't know how long she slept, her door was slammed, she thought it was Lu Che, who knew that when she opened the door, she saw Zhou Xin standing outside.

"Xinxin, is something wrong?" Jiang Yao asked.

Zhou Xin looked up at her and said, "Sister Yaoyao, my great grandma asked you to go to the main room."

After speaking, Zhou Xin ran away.

Jiang Yao didn't know why, but she changed clothes and washed quickly, and then walked towards the front yard.

When she walked to the main room, she saw Mrs. Lu sitting in the middle, and Lu Che was also sitting on the side.

When the old lady saw her coming, she waved to her and said, "Yaoyao, sit down."

"Okay." Jiang Yao took a seat and secretly exchanged glances with Lu Che, but his appearance obviously didn't know what was going on.

"Cough cough cough..." The old lady Lu cleared her throat, Jiang Yao and Lu Che stopped eye contact immediately, both looked at the old lady, and then heard her ask: "Are you two? Did you forget to tell me something?"

"..." Was the old lady found out about their relationship? This was Jiang Yao's first reaction, but not many people knew about it. The two of them didn't say it, and Lu Qing didn't say it. Logically, she wouldn't know.

Jiang Yao glanced at Lu Che, and Lu Che said to the old lady, "Grandma, what are you talking about? I don't understand."

"You don't understand?" The old lady snorted coldly, "You and Yaoyao didn't tell you to nurse me, did you take me seriously?"

"..." It did! !

Jiang Yao saw the unhappy old lady, and immediately said: "Grandma Lu, even if you don't agree with me and Lu Che, don't be angry, your health is important."

"Who said I'm unhappy? I'm very happy." The old lady changed her face in a second and laughed cheerfully, "This kid is so capable, he can make Yaoyao you Such a good girl catches up. Yaoyao, don't get me wrong, grandma likes you, in fact, I wanted you to be my granddaughter-in-law for a long time, but my family background is not good, I'm afraid of climbing you. "

Lu Che saw that his aunt was angry and happy at the same time, making everyone dizzy, and said angrily: "Damn, if this is the case, why are you angry?"

"Of course you're angry that you didn't tell me." The old lady pouted and said, "I'm already half into the loess. It's rare to have such a big happy event, but you hide it from me. It's so irritating. If it weren't for the fact that the entire production team has been rumored to be your partner recently, Aunt Huang next door came to ask me, I might have to wait until you get married to find out. "

"The entire production team is talking about who we are dealing with?" Now it was Lu Che and Jiang Yao's turn to be surprised.

"Yes, Aunt Huang said." The old lady said.

Jiang Yao: "But...but we don't have any overstepping behavior outside? How did everyone...know?" She told Zhao Pengfei about this, but he didn't say it casually people.

In this way, no one will believe that it is not the target. The eyes of the masses are sharp, and this sentence is indeed true."


The old lady chatted with them for a while, then left Lu Che and let Jiang Yao have breakfast.

When Jiang Yao left the hall, the old lady called Lu Che into her room, then dug out an iron can from under the bed and handed it to him, "Open it."

"What is this?" Lu Che patted off the dust on the tin can. When he opened the tin can, he saw a picture of unity, and a few pieces and a few cents. points.

The old lady said: "There are about 1,200 yuan here, which was sent to me by your aunt, and what you usually earn. I put them here. Now that you are in a relationship, you have to Be responsible for other girls, milk is not to urge you to get married, but marriage is the greatest sincerity to Yaoyao."

Lu Che has worked very hard to earn money these years. He knows how much money he may earn. Anyway, he is far from 1,200 yuan. Most of the money was sent back by Lu Yuan.

"Your aunt gave me this money, I can spend it how I like." The old lady said emotionally: "Chech, I know you are high-spirited and want to marry a daughter-in-law based on your ability. , but now look at how much money you can make in a month? Yaoyao doesn't dislike your background, but you can't let others wait and live up to them."

If you really can't pass the test in your heart, just think that the money is milk and lend it to you, and when you earn money in the future, you can pay it back to me, right?"

Speaking of this, Lu Che's expression was a little loose, and the old lady added another strong medicine, saying: "Even if Yaoyao can wait for you, I'm afraid I can't wait, I can see Qingqing's children, and I hope to see your children."

The last sentence finally touched Lu Che.

He covered the tin can, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the old lady, solemnly assured: "Milk, I will definitely pay you back."

"Can I still trust you?" The old lady pulled him up and said, "If you promise me a big fat great-grandson, that's about the same."

"Milk, definitely." Lu Che said with a loud voice and full of confidence.

The old lady smiled brightly, shook her hand at him, and said, "Okay, you can go out. Let's see if Yaoyao has finished her breakfast, and let her come to me after eating. "

"Milk, what do you want to do?" Lu Che said defensively.

"Stinky boy." The old lady went down again and said, "See if you are in a hurry, can I eat Yaoyao?"

Lu Che said of course: "That's my daughter-in-law, can I not be in a hurry?"

When Jiang Yao heard that the old lady was looking for her, she was quite nervous, but she had to go.

She thought that the old lady would put her heart to heart and let her treat Lu Che well, but who knew that she just lit up a gold bracelet and came out.

"This bracelet was originally a pair. When Qingqing got married, I gave her one, and the rest will be handed over to you." The old lady put it into Jiang Yao's hand , said: "This thing is very sensitive now and can't be worn out. You should keep it as a family heirloom and pass it on to you and Cheche's descendants in the future. It can be regarded as an inheritance of our old Lu family."

As soon as they disagreed, they uploaded the family treasure. Jiang Yao was a little flattered. She wanted to dodge, but she heard the old lady say: "I know we are up to you, if you really don't dislike him, then Take it."

"..." So, if she didn't accept it, she would dislike Lu boss?

Jiang Yao did not accept it, nor did he accept it, and finally accepted it.

When she returned to the room, when Lu Che came to her, she threw the hot potato to him, "I can't take your family heirloom."

"Of course I can take it." Lu Che took out the bracelet, put it on her hand, admired it for a while, and said, "This thing will be handed over to you for safekeeping sooner or later. If you accept it now, let my mother rest assured."

"Don't worry? What can I worry about your milk?" Jiang Yao asked.

Lu Che hugged her and said, "My grandmother thinks you are too good, she is uneasy, afraid that you will run away and give you the bracelet, she will feel more at ease."

"...What am I running? Am I that kind of person?" Jiang Yao muttered unconvinced.

"I know you're not that kind of person, but don't talk about my milk, I haven't married you in a day, and my heart has been hanging." Lu Che said, hugging the person even more tight.

Jiang Yao knew that he was insecure, so he hugged him with more strength, and said, "Don't worry, as long as you are wholehearted with me, what I have decided by Jiang Yao will not change easily. ."

"Yeah." Lu Che rubbed against her neck and said, "Yaoyao, I know you're still young, but I'm not young anymore. Get married if you recognize each other, okay?"

"I promise, after marriage, I will not let you be wronged, I will let you live a good life, I will take care of you for a lifetime, love you for a lifetime."

His vows were simple and unadorned, which made Jiang Yao very at ease.

Have been dating for half a year and got married. Although she was in a hurry, Jiang Yao found that she did not reject it. She nodded and replied softly, "Okay."

After a few days, the matter of Jiang Yao and Lu Che's relationship spread widely throughout the Qingyuan production team.

In fact, since Jiang Yao moved into the Lu family, I guessed that they were secretive to Chen Cang, but at that time they were talking secretly in private.

Now that it is confirmed, everyone will say it outright.

Of course, most of the remarks are not very friendly.

Jiang Yao took the initiative to apply to live in the Lu family, which was reminiscent of being elegant and criticized a lot.

Jiang Yao didn't care much about this, because she had expected the result and didn't care what others said.

As for Lu Che, no matter what others say about him, it's fine to say anything about Jiang Yao, otherwise he will beat him up. However, he didn't have the chance to raise his fist either, because no matter what others did, he wouldn't dare to force it in front of him.

Don't say that others are afraid of his fist, because he can repair tractors, his reputation in the production team has improved a lot recently.

In a twinkling of an eye, the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, Zhu Xia organized all the educated youth, and on August 14th, the Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated at the educated youth point.

It used to be the 15th day of August, but after this rice transplanting, the farmers have changed a lot about the educated youth, and they have invited the educated youth to celebrate the festival with them at home. get together.

Since it is the Mid-Autumn Festival, of course there must be moon cakes for the festival.

The supply and marketing cooperative's moon cakes not only required tickets but also very few, they couldn't buy them, so Zhu Xia proposed to buy the raw materials and make them by themselves. But she wouldn't do it, so she gave this task to Jiang Yao.

Jiang Yao is not very good at making traditional moon cakes, and she does not have an oven. She weighed it and decided to make snow skin moon cakes.

On August 13th, Lu Che went to the county to deliver firewood, and Jiang Yao asked him to buy three catties of glutinous rice flour, one catty of red beans, and one catty of white sugar. She allocated 2/3 to the educated youth and left the rest to the old Lu family for the holidays.

She made an appointment with Zhu Xia, Zhou Qiong and Wen Qian to make moon cakes in the old granary on the morning of the 14th.

Jiang Yao set off to the old granary after a busy day in the vegetable garden this morning. When she arrived, the other three had already arrived.

I finally caught her, of course everyone will not miss the gossip about her and Lu Che.

"Yaoyao, when did you and Lu Che get together?" Zhou Qiong asked curiously.

Jiang Yao felt that there was nothing to hide, thought about it, and said, "Two months ago."

"Isn't that when Lu Che was wronged?" Zhu Xia jokingly said: "No wonder I was so nervous at the time, running around for him, please tell me, was it at that time? Did you see someone?"

"Yes, I liked it at that time." Jiang Yao admitted generously.

Seeing her happy face, everyone could not help but feel a sour feeling unique to single dogs.

"Yaoyao, to be honest, it's irrational to be a person in a rural area, but I envy you very much. Someone protects you and makes you happy." Wen Qian said.

"If you are envious, find one." Jiang Yao smiled.

Wen Qian shook her head, "I don't have the courage of yours, I still want to go back to the city."

"I also want to go back to the city." Zhu Xia asked: "Yaoyao, are you not afraid that you won't be able to return to the city in the future, and will stay in the countryside for the rest of your life?"

"Don't be afraid." There will be a major turning point in the country in a few years. Jiang Yao has nothing to be afraid of, not to mention that Lu Che is a promising person and will not let her stay here forever. However, she couldn't say anything, she just said, "As long as Lu Che is nice to me, what about staying in the countryside?"

"Call for..."

Jiang Yao's love made everyone get goosebumps.

Jiang Yao had not returned to Lu's house when she saw a postman at the door from a distance.

She took it over and found that it was a telegram sent to her by Jiang Zhen.

In these days, unless it is urgent, everyone usually writes letters, because telegrams are too expensive. Jiang Zhen suddenly sent her a telegram, and she couldn't help but panic, worried about receiving news of his injury.

It happened that Lu Che came back from work and saw her standing at the door, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

"My brother sent me a telegram."

Lu Che saw her pale face, his heart sank, and said, "Hurry up and take a look."

"Okay." Jiang Yao quickly opened it, and when she saw it, she was stunned.

"What did your brother say?" Lu Che asked with concern.

Jiang Yao looked up at him and said, "My brother said, he wants to see me, I guess he is already on his way."


The author has something to say:

Lu Che: What do you think my uncle is here for?

Xiaomi: Let’s beat someone.

Lu Che:…

 Little Angel: 1 bottle of Mudan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!