MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 50

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From the first day Jiang Zhen and Tao Su came, the old lady began to think about what to bring back when they left. There are not many specialties here. She can only take out the dried cabbage and dried winter melon that were dried at the end of last year, and pack a large bag for them to take back.

She actually wants to give bacon most, so it looks generous, but unfortunately the bacon is eaten up soon in the spring, because they cannot be stored for a long time, otherwise they will be broken.

As for Jiang Yao, after hearing that Tao Su was pregnant, she made clothes and diapers for her future nephew (female) for several nights in a row. Pack out the better preserved clothes and bring them back together.

He added, "Both cabbage and winter melon are cold in nature. If you are pregnant, don't eat them first, but you can boil some for Jiang Zhen. Young people are full of energy, so it's better to give him some relief."

"..." Tao Su didn't know if she thought too much. She always felt that the old lady's sentence "vigorous" had something special, but whether it was or not, she pretended not to know and took the package He said, "Thank you, grandma, these are all good things. We are over there, and there is nowhere to buy them if we want to."

After the old lady delivered the things, it was Jiang Yao's turn. She handed the bag containing the clothes to Jiang Zhen and said, "It's all clothes for the baby, there are new ones, and there are also Changchang and Xiaolu. The ones that have been worn before, the children grow up fast, you will order them."

"Okay." Jiang Zhen took the bag with a smile, and Tao Su said, "I'm really not good at manual work. Fortunately, you have prepared it for me."

Yes." Jiang Yao said.

"This is too much trouble for you." Tao Su said a little embarrassedly: "I will learn from others and try to do it myself."

"No trouble, I have a sewing machine, as long as I have the fabric, I can make it very quickly." Jiang Yao actually felt sorry for Tao Su. She doesn't have an in-laws, so it is estimated that the relationship with her parents is not special. Well, in the future, when a child is born, basically everything has to be depended on by oneself.

Jiang Zhen is a soldier, so he can help him even if he does not have a mission. Once he is on a mission, he may not be home for half a year or a few months. This is not easy for military wives, but from the moment they marry soldiers, they have to be prepared for this.

"This is Yaoyao's heart, don't let it go." Jiang Zhen is not polite to his sister, he loves Tao Su, and does not want her to work too hard in the future.

"Then I'll be more respectful than obedient." Tao Su smiled.

"That's right, that's the attitude." Jiang Yao pointed to the bag, and added, "Brother and sister-in-law are married, and Lu Che and I have nothing to express, just keep it simple and give You guys are wrapping up a red envelope, it's in the bag, remember to put it away."

"Yaoyao, why don't you have a red envelope yet?" Tao Su said in surprise.

"That's right, it's ridiculous." Jiang Zhen was about to open the bag, but was stopped by the old lady, "This is something to please, just accept it, don't worry about it. Don't change it back, it's unlucky."

When the old lady said this, Jiang Zhen lost his temper and could only put his hand down.

"Okay, it's getting late." Lu Che said, "Brother, sister-in-law, Yaoyao and I will take you to the bus station."

"Okay." Considering that Tao Su was pregnant now, Jiang Zhen didn't shirk, because Lu Che borrowed Zhang Dong's bicycle, so they could go to the station by bicycle, which would save some energy.

Arriving at the station, there was still some time before the car departed, Jiang Yao pulled Jiang Zhen aside and said, "Brother, you don't have to give me money to follow the ticket when you send me letters in the future, Lu Che and I both go to work now, and besides the salary, there are also tickets issued, plus what he does, we are at least one hundred and seventy-eight a month, you really don't have to worry about us."

"But this is the confidence I gave you." Jiang Zhen said.

"I'm grown now, I can earn money to support myself, you don't have to worry about me." Jiang Yao said: "You're ready to be a father, raising children is very expensive. And , Sister-in-law is your daughter-in-law, and you should hand over all your future wages to her for safekeeping."

"I handed it over to her when I got married, but she didn't want it." Jiang Zhen said with some distress.

"Don't have to throw it to her directly, she can't throw it away." Jiang Yao reminded: "Talking about money is tacky, but marriage is so down-to-earth, you don't say that sister-in-law is too independent Is it? You have to interweave everything with you, and she will depend on you."

"I didn't expect it to be your turn to teach your brother to be a man." Jiang Zhen raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Of course." Jiang Yao raised her chin arrogantly, "In married life, I am your senior, you should study hard."

"Okay, I understand." Jiang Zhen patted her head, "When you are busy with work, you should also pay attention to your body and keep in touch. After the child is born, I will take time off and come back to see you. ."

"Well, you have to pay attention to your own safety. You are not alone now, you are someone with a daughter-in-law and children. Remember to think about them when you are desperate."

Even if they were reluctant, Jiang Zhen and Tao Su embarked on the road back to the military camp.

Jiang Yao and Lu Che watched the car go further and further away, until it shrank to a small point and disappeared from their sight, then they left on a bicycle.

After Jiang Zhen left, the nursery was officially opened, and Jiang Yao, the childcare team leader, took office, and Lu Zhaoyang and Lu Zhaoyue also ushered in their first enrollment in their lives.

When the nursery school started to enroll students, Jiang Yao had already registered them both, and paid a month's admission fee, two yuan per person per month, five yuan per person, two is five yuan.

Every day from 7:30 in the morning to 6:00 in the afternoon, nearly 11 hours of babysitting, and also taking care of breakfast and lunch, if it weren't for the generous subsidies of the mechanical and electrical power plant, the two dollars and five would not matter at all.

Because the fee is cheap and it provides convenience for dual-employee families, the nursery school has been very popular. Now looking at the factories in the county, there is no one who does not envy the electromechanical power plant.

There are other factories or relatives of employees who want to enroll here, but Jiang Yao treats them equally and refuses them all. This will offend many people, but once a gap is opened, people who walk through the back door will not be able to block it.

Director Li also likes Jiang Yao's unique style. When others want to leave her, she pulls Jiang Yao out as a "shield".

Of course, school enrollment is only the beginning of everything, and the challenge begins when the child enters the kindergarten.

Jiang Yao divides all infants into three classes according to age groups, one class for children under one year old, one class for one to two years old, and one class for two to three years old.

Taking care of children under one year old is the most labor-intensive, Jiang Yao arranged ten nurses to be in charge of this class, and five nurses each for the other two classes.

Changchang and Xiaolu have already turned one year old and were placed in the middle class. Because they go to work with their mother, they have already adapted to the life in the nursery without overdoing it.

As for other children, they must face separation from their parents.


Even if you have prepared for it, everyone is still a little overwhelmed. Fortunately, most of the children are free now, and they are not as squeamish as later generations. After a week, everyone basically integrates into the life of the nursery.

The nursery school goes to school six days a week, and after this week, Jiang Yao is obviously thinner than before, Lu Che hugged at night, not to mention how distressed, "If it's too hard, don't done."

"It's okay, everything is difficult at the beginning, and it shouldn't be so hard after the transition is over." Jiang Yao said: "I feel a great sense of accomplishment to be able to run a nursery school, you just Don't stop me."

She is telling the truth, it is better to go outside and work hard instead of staying at home with a baby every day and guarding a square inch.

"Okay." Lu Che couldn't stop her, but he couldn't help sighing, "Anyway, you can do it yourself, don't be too reluctant."

"I see." Jiang Yao didn't want him to continue nagging, and said, "My shoulders are sore, so help me squeeze them."

"Okay." Lu Che took the order.

"Okay, don't press any more, let's sleep." Jiang Yao said.

"Aren't you tired?" Lu Che asked.

In hindsight, she realized that someone was trying to trick herself, but unfortunately it was too slow, because Lu Che had already stepped up, "Since you're not tired, let's exercise. "

"I'm just talking about it when you feel bad? I have to go to work tomorrow, so hurry up and sleep."

"Daughter-in-law, tomorrow is Sunday. It's a holiday. You can sleep as long as you like. Leave the child to me, you don't have to worry about it."


After two months passed, the operation of the nursery was officially on track, and Zhu Xia was also ready to give birth.

She was originally a childcare worker in a small class. She had nine childcare workers on her maternity leave, and Jiang Yao could occasionally help, so this was not a big problem.

When Zhu Xia was due to give birth a week ago, Jiang Yao let her go home to give birth.

"I'll continue to work." Zhu Xia said: "My mother-in-law is crazy about her son and grandson. I'm at home and I'm afraid to be alone with her, so it's better to work here. Anyway, Zhang Dong I also go to work, and if I really start, I can directly ask him to take me to the hospital."

"Okay, as long as you don't feel forced." Jiang Yao said worriedly: "Your mother-in-law is so powerful, what if you really have a daughter?"

"I'm not afraid of this. Zhang Dong said that although he wants a son, it doesn't matter if he has a daughter, just chase another child." Zhu Xia said comfortingly: "If my mother-in-law When I get angry, our family of three will learn from you, rent a house and move out. I don’t need her to wait on my confinement, and I will take my child to work after the maternity leave. I think now, it is good to be a 'mother' in a nursery school. , don't worry about no one taking the child."

Jiang Yao laughed when she heard it, "It's not wrong to see Zhang Dong, he has an idea, and he won't go to his mother regardless of right and wrong."

"Yes, as the saying goes, men are afraid of marrying the wrong man." Zhu Xia whispered: "I still have some friendship with Du Yuejia, she will return to the city. Afterwards, I also corresponded by letter. Guess what she said to me?"

"What did you say? She's pregnant?" Jiang Yao said.

"She is pregnant, but the month is still young." Zhu Xia said excitedly: "She said that Du Yuejiao gave birth to a child some time ago, and gave birth to a daughter, her man and her mother-in-law do not Happy, she quarreled with her man and ran back to her mother's house. Although it's wrong for me to gloat at misfortune, she was so arrogant before, and now it's hard for me to be unhappy when I see her deflated."

"It's great." Jiang Yao was even more extreme than Zhu Xia, and showed a big smile. Others didn't know that she had a happy event, "A person like Du Yuejiao is not good enough. end."

"That's right, she used to pretend to be pitiful when she jumped in line, but it's really bad. It's even worse when she's married. Before Du Yuejia got married, she was bullied badly by her."

Actually, Jiang Yao thinks Du Yuejia's temperament can be a little tougher, so that she will not be bullied at will, but temperament is hard to say, it is often innate, so she is inconvenient to comment, There was no response to Zhu Xia.

Zhu Xia saw that she didn't respond, and added: "Du Yuejia also said that Zhao Pengfei didn't mind if she gave birth to a daughter, and said it would be good to have a daughter."

"This is good." Jiang Yao said, "Aunt Yang is not as traditional as ordinary parents."

"It's true, but Du Yuejia is also very worried, because her mother-in-law said that if she had a girl as beautiful as Yaoyao, she would be satisfied."

“…Isn’t this deliberately looking for trouble?”

"Who said no? I guess Zhao Pengfei agreed to their marriage on the surface, but deep down he was not happy, so he tried his best to respond to her."

"...Okay, don't say it anymore, it's not good for your child to listen to such dark things too much." Jiang Yao said and pulled her up, "before you give birth, you Hurry up and walk more, and you will be better at that time."

"Okay." Zhu Xia was about to get up, but suddenly there was a pain in her stomach, and she couldn't help but let out a "hiss".

Jiang Yao turned her head to the side when she heard the sound, saw that her face was ugly, and immediately asked, "Zhu Xia, are you going to give birth?"

"Maybe... yes." Zhu Xia spit out a few words with difficulty.

"Don't be afraid, I will go to Zhang Dong now and ask him to take you to the hospital."

Jiang Yao said, stood up, ran back to the nursery and called someone to take care of Zhu Xia, and then ran to the workshop to find Zhang Dong.

When Zhang Dong heard that Zhu Xia was about to give birth, everyone was stunned. It was only when Lu Che pushed him out that he reacted, and then ran to the nursery at the speed of a 100-meter sprint go.

Zhu Xia is the first child, and she has just started, so it won't be so painful that she can't walk. Zhang Dong helped her to the bicycle shed, and then rode her to the hospital.

The nursery was not over yet, so Jiang Yao could not leave for a while. After school, she sent the siblings home first, and then took the meals to the hospital.

The doctor was asking Zhu Xia to eat to save her energy, and this meal was just in time.

When Zhu Xia finished eating, she would not give birth for a while, so Jiang Yao and Lu Che went home first.

When I got home, it was already dark.

The old lady had already fed Changchang and Xiaolu, and she had eaten it herself. She was playing with them in the main room. When she saw them coming back, she asked them to eat quickly, and then asked, "How is Zhu Xia? already?"

"The doctor said that it's just the beginning, it's the first child again, and it will be good to have it tomorrow morning." Jiang Yao said.

"Women have to suffer this crime when they give birth to children, but when they give birth to children and see how cute they are, they will feel that everything is worth it." The old lady said, looking at the brothers and sisters, "Changchang, Xiaolu, you must be filial to your mother in the future. She gave birth to the two of you at one time, which is twice as hard as others."

As soon as the voice fell, the deer shouted: "Mom, Dad, Mom, Dad..."

Although the little guy is only one year, two or three months old, the pronunciation is very clear, and the pronunciation of milky voice makes people feel soft.

When Lu Che heard his daughter calling him, he picked her up without thinking about eating, "My sweet little deer, why are you so cute!" After saying that, "mua" was heard in the little deer's A hard kiss on the face.

Changchang saw his father hugging his sister, he wanted to hug him too, stood up awkwardly, stretched out his hand to Lu Che, and then shouted "Ya ya ya ya", but he didn't know how to "Dad" came out.

Obviously they are twins, the little deer will call mom and dad in eleven months, but Changchang still doesn't call. Moreover, the distance between the brother and sister's language development level is getting wider and wider, because the deer can speak more and more words, but the most basic ones have not yet been learned.

Lu Che saw that his son had been shouting for a long time and didn't say why, and he got angry and said, "Why are you so stupid, you still can't call Mom and Dad, if you don't call me, just call me not hug you."

The old lady listened and encouraged Changchang, "Little Ancestor, you call Dad, if you call, Dad will hug you."

Changchang should have understood what the adults said. He tried hard to pronounce, and his little face was so anxious, but no matter how anxious he was, he just couldn't shout.

Lu Che's face became more and more ugly because of his repeated failures. Chang Chang could see that his father was unhappy, his mouth was flat, and he almost cried.

Seeing this, Jiang Yao immediately picked him up, put him in her arms, and comforted him warmly: "Chang Chang, don't be in a hurry, take your time, I won't call Dad today, tomorrow Keep working hard and you will shout one day."

Changchang listened to her mother's comfort, and suddenly felt even more aggrieved, and cried out with a "wow".

Lu Che was upset at first, but now that he saw Chang Chang crying, he got angry and scolded: "Why are you crying, you are stupid, why do you cry?"

Chang Chang heard the sound and cried even more!

"Lu Che." Jiang Yao shouted coldly: "Changchang is still young, what are you yelling at him for, it will frighten him."

The wife is angry, no matter how dissatisfied Lu Che is, he can only temporarily "truce".

Seeing this, the old lady immediately took the attitude of protecting her grandson-in-law and severely criticized Lu Che.

Changchang already felt his father's "hostility" towards him. He didn't want to let him wash himself when he took a shower that night. Lu Che was a little helpless because of him, and Jiang Yao said coolly A sentence: "Deserving it."

"..." Mr. Lu felt that he had made a big mistake and offended his daughter-in-law and son.

He basically did the job of bathing the child. Jiang Yao was not skilled, so bathing and washing Chang Chang was a little slow. Lying in bed drinking malted milk.

"Daughter-in-law, go take a bath, I'll help Chang Chang get dressed." Lu Che said flatteringly.

Jiang Yao snorted coldly and said, "I don't need you, lest you be dissatisfied and scolded by you again."

"..." Failed to show goodwill, Big Brother Lu was not discouraged. While Jiang Yao was dressing Chang Chang, he quickly soaked the malted milk essence, and waited for Chang Chang to put on his pajamas, He immediately handed over the bottle, showing the appearance of a loving father, and said, "Chang Chang, drink malted milk essence."

Changchang is a snack foodie, and especially likes to drink wheat milk essence. When I see the milk bottle, it seems that I have completely forgotten the vicious father just now. He stretched out his hand to Lu Che, "Yeah. Yeah" said he wanted to drink.

This time, Lu Che didn't dare to take the opportunity to seduce him to call "Dad", he quickly put the bottle into his mouth, raised his hand to hold the bottle, and drank happily.

When she walked out of the room, Lu Che said in a smooth voice, "Your mother loves you more than me now, I have offended you now, and I will have to work hard tonight. Let your mother forgive me."

Changchang only has malted milk in his eyes and mouth. As for what Dad said, he can't hear it at all.

Both brothers and sisters are experts in drinking malted milk, and a bottle of 250 ml of malted milk was quickly consumed. Lu Che carried them to the crib and began to sing a lullaby to lull them to sleep.

In normal times, after he sang two or three lullabies, the brothers and sisters fell asleep, but today they sang the fifth song and they were still in good spirits.

Are they deliberately going against him? He knew he was going to coax his daughter-in-law tonight, but he refused to sleep.

When Jiang Yao came back from taking a bath to take over, and when he came back after taking a bath, Chang Chang and Xiao Lu still didn't feel sleepy at all.

Lu Che had no choice but to do everything he could, making faces and riding big horses, until they were tired of playing, then Duke Zhou would go.

"Daughter-in-law..." After covering the children with a small quilt, Lu Che turned around and hugged Jiang Yao.

"You go away, I don't want to talk to you now." Jiang Yao reached out to push him, but he was not willing to let go, and held on tight.

The disparity in strength was too great, Jiang Yao decided to give up, but she did not speak, expressing her confrontation.

Lu Che coaxed for a long time to no avail, kissed her lips directly, pryed her lips a little, and finally got into her mouth.

She swore to resist at first, but he was patient and aggressive, she was defeated, and finally he succeeded.

Next, it is not just as simple as kissing, but more in-depth exchanges follow.

Is it her own "punishment"?