MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 53

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"Yaoyao, are you alright? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Zhu Xia asked worriedly when she saw Jiang Yao suddenly sit down with a pale face.

"I...I'm fine." Jiang Yao came back to her senses and forced herself to stand up, "I'll go back first."

Lawyer Jiang has seen strong winds and waves, but this may involve Lu Che, which made her panic for a while. The more nervous it is, the more she needs to cheer up. If Lu Che is really caught, the family will depend on her to support her.

It is very serious to be caught buying and selling without permission these days. If it was a human loot, no matter how powerful her lawyer Jiang's mouth was, it would be impossible to fish Lu Che out of it.

She put the siblings on the cart and said goodbye to Zhu Xia. Zhu Xia was a little uneasy about her and wanted to send her back, but she refused, "I'm really fine, I probably didn't eat much at noon, and now I'm so hungry that I'm dizzy, I'll be fine tonight if I'm full. "

"Why aren't you full at noon?" Zhu Xia was distressed and angry, she took a piece of candy and handed it to her, "Hurry up and eat it, or you will faint and no one will know. ."

"Okay." Jiang Yao took off the wrapping paper and stuffed the candy into her mouth. Only then did Zhu Xia let her go back.

People like to eat sugar these days, and the sugar is also very sweet. After a while, the rich sweetness filled her mouth, but she tasted a bitter taste.

I am not sure whether Lu Che has been arrested or not. Jiang Yao wants to confirm, she must go to the police station first. If he was really caught, she would have to find a way to reduce his sentence as much as possible.

She pushed her brother and sister to the house while thinking, until she heard the clear voice of the deer: "Dad, Daddy..."

Jiang Yao raised her head abruptly, and saw Lu Che riding a bicycle towards them from not far away.

"Xiaolu, Cheche, daughter-in-law, go home for dinner." Lu Che waved at them while riding, until he stopped in front of them, only to find that Jiang Yao's face was very bad.

"Daughter-in-law, are you sick?" Lu Che frowned and asked anxiously.

"No..." Jiang Yao reacted, grabbed Lu Che's arm and asked, "Are you all right? Where did you go all day today?"

"What can I do?" Lu Che looked puzzled, "I went back to Qingyuan to find a master, and there was a problem that bothered me for a long time, so I went to ask him. I I told you when I went out in the morning, did you forget?"

" have been in Qingyuan all day today, haven't you gone anywhere?"

"Yes." Lu Che was really getting more and more dizzy by her troubles, "Daughter-in-law, tell me quickly if something happened to you, I'm hanging on to it."

"It's okay." Jiang Yao finally smiled and said, "Let's go home, I'll tell you something after dinner."

There are residential houses around to prevent the partition wall from having ears, and private business cannot be said outside.

Lu Che was full of curiosity, but Jiang Yao didn't say that there must be her reason, and he didn't force it.

When the two children fell asleep at night, Lu Che asked, "What happened?"

"Zhang Dongyi's relative who was involved in private business was arrested today when he was in contact with the source. It is estimated that it was a big operation. I heard that a lot of people were arrested." I'm sorry, "I was too sleepy in the morning, and I didn't hear you say to go back to Qingyuan. When you went out, the milk went to buy food, so I didn't know where you were going, so I thought you went to the provincial capital to pick up the goods today. "

"Fool, I've been going to the provincial capital by car recently. When you see that my bicycle is not at home, you know that I'm not going to pick up the goods." Lu Che said helplessly and indulgently.

"If I don't care about it, it will be messed up?" Jiang Yao was ashamed, "Anyway, you are lucky to escape this time, but you can't have luck, let's not do it in the future, okay? Otherwise, I will be worried day by day, will I be able to live this day?"

"Okay, I promise you, I won't touch this in the future." Lu Che said with emotion: "Daughter-in-law, it's really thanks to you that I can escape this disaster this time. If you hadn't reminded you in advance Me, I might actually go to the provincial capital today."

Jiang Yao did not dare to take credit and said, "It should be God who favors us, and we must cherish it. I think the trend of sports will pick up again after the new year, so we can keep a low profile if we can."

"I think this trend will pass sooner or later, but before that, we can't be caught with a whip, otherwise it will be doomed. Accumulated and thin hair."

"Okay." Lu Che nodded in response, "Today, the master also said something to me, and the effect is similar to yours. There is also good news to tell you, he has been rehabilitated."

"Really?" Jiang Yao's eyes were full of surprises, "When did it happen? Is he going back?"

Lu Che: "Really, he told me today that he received a notice last week that he would return to the original unit in the capital after the year. But he didn't make a sound. Now, except for Lu Dazhou, everyone in the production team is do not know."

"It's great." Jiang Yao was really happy for Elder Yue. After so many years, she finally got through. However, she still didn't understand, "Why didn't Mr. Yue tell the news of his vindication, so that at least he wouldn't have to be bullied by others."

"The master said that the situation is still very serious now. Although he worked hard in Qingyuan, it was a shelter for him. When he went back, he could not tell whether it was a good thing or a bad thing." Lu Che said: "He I said that I should try my best to keep a low profile after I go back, and if I really can't, just pretend to be sick and stay at home first, and talk about the future things later."

"Elder Yue really sees clearly." Jiang Yao said, "After he returns this time, I don't know when we will meet in the future. Let's go back to Qingyuan for the New Year. For the past few days, your master and apprentice will be well Get together."

"I know, when the New Year's Eve dinner comes, he will be called as usual."

This year is doomed to be an uneasy year because of the surprise private sale.

After this day, as soon as Jiang Yao went out, she could hear people discussing this matter, and Lu Che also heard people talking about it all the time when he was working in the mechanical and electrical power plant.

As for Zhang Dong's relative, even if he spends money to get rid of the relationship, he will definitely not escape if he is sentenced to labor reform.

Jiang Yao and Lu Che remained silent on the matter and did not make any remarks. He secretly went to inquire with his former partners and said that the few people he cooperated with rarely cooperated with the source of the arrest, so they all escaped.

"We have been in this business for so many years, although we are secretive, but we are still loyal and trustworthy people, otherwise we will not be able to do it for so long." The partner said: "I have cooperated with you for a few times. Nian, you haven't treated us badly, it's unlucky to say that one day whoever of us is locked up will not confess the others."

"Thank you." Lu Che sincerely thanked.

"What is there to thank for this?" The partner is almost forty years old, and he is considered a junior elder of Lu Che. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "You have a stable job. , don't do it in the future. It's hard to say what will happen in the future, but if there is no firewood left, I have talked to a few other people, and they all said to stop temporarily. We have made a lot of money in these years, and we have to maintain a two-year run. Three years of life is not a problem."

"I see." Lu Che said, "I'm not very skilled, but if you need me in the future, feel free to speak."

"Okay, tomorrow will be New Year's Eve, go back early to prepare for the New Year with your wife and children."

Because Jiang Yao's mood was still affected by this incident recently, Lu Che did not set an example this year, choosing to take a holiday on New Year's Eve, the first and second days of the new year, and go back to Qingyuan with them to celebrate the New Year.

Although the Lu family has no relatives to leave, it is a joy to stay together during the New Year.

On the morning of New Year's Eve, everyone got up early, and then started to tie up the back of Jiang Yao's bicycle. When she goes back, she is responsible for pulling the luggage, and Lu Che is responsible for taking the old lady and two children.

"Are you ready to go back?" Zhu Xia ran over early in the morning and walked in directly when she saw that the door was open.

"Yes." Jiang Yao smiled when she saw her, "Why are you so busy? Didn't you go back to your mother-in-law's house today?"

"Well." Zhu Xia was obviously not interested in going back to her mother-in-law's house, but she was very excited when she thought of going back to her mother-in-law's house in the provincial capital in the first two days, and pulled Jiang Yao and asked, "I'm going to be with Zhang Dongchu in the second year. Tong returned to the provincial capital, he said that Lu Che was also on holiday that day, do you want to go back with us?"

"This..." Jiang Yao habitually looked at Lu Che, he also heard Zhu Xia's words, and said, "Look at you, if you want to come back to us, it won't be very easy to take a car anyway. Tired." He saw that she was nervous recently, and if she wanted, she might as well go to the provincial capital.

"Okay, then let's come back early in the morning of the second day of the first day of the new year, and then meet you and set off together." Jiang Yao said.

"It's settled." Zhu Xia laughed, "I'll go first, Happy New Year everyone!"

"Everyone is happy!" Jiang Yao said with a smile.

Shortly after Zhu Xia left, they packed up and rode their bicycles back to Qingyuan.

When she returned to the old house, it was too early. Jiang Yao handed over her brother and sister to the old lady, while she cleaned up with Lu Che.

The house was covered with dust, and there was no place for the two children to play, so the old lady simply pushed them to Aunt Zhang's house. She has brought two little guys for a few months, and she can be regarded as their grandmother.

Jiang Yao heard that the old lady was going to Aunt Zhang's house, and immediately took out some snacks and candies from her luggage and asked her to take them there.

After the old lady took it, she went out with her brother and sister.

Jiang Yao and Lu Che were busy all morning before tidying up the house, while the old lady and the little guys came back after dinner.

"Are you two playing so much that you don't want to come back?" Jiang Yao said with a smile when she saw them coming back.

"No." The old lady said nervously, "I asked Aunt Zhang for news, so I came back so late."

"What news?" Lu Che, who was cutting meat, raised his head and asked.

The old lady lowered her voice and said: "I heard that some families from poor backgrounds in the production team next door have been bullied again recently. If you two became workers, we would move to the county town again. Emperor Shangao is far away, it is estimated that our family will end up the same."

When Lu Che and Jiang Yao heard it, his mood also sank a little, but he comforted the old lady, "Damn, don't be afraid, we are different now. Anyway, we are going to the provincial capital on the second day of the new year. , go back early in the morning, you are really worried, we will leave tomorrow afternoon."

"Then leave tomorrow afternoon." In order not to have too many dreams at night, the old lady made a decisive decision.

"Okay." Lu Che said: "Don't think too much, celebrate the New Year first, no matter what others do, they won't make trouble during the Spring Festival. I'm worried about ruining my home."

"It's the same reason." The old lady nodded and said, "Let's not invite Mr. Yue over tonight, so as not to implicate him."

The old lady was worried that she would affect Yue Lao, but Yue Lao was not afraid.

He heard the reason why the old lady didn't want to invite him over, and said quickly, "I'm not afraid, I'm going back to the capital in the second year of junior high, so what else should I be afraid of."

As soon as Lu Che heard this, he asked, "Master, are you going to the county town to go to the provincial railway station in the morning of the second day of the first day? If so, let's go to the provincial capital that day."

"Yes." Elder Yue said, "We'll be together then."

The old lady: "Tomorrow afternoon we will go back to the provincial capital, you can follow us back and stay in the county town for one night, there is a room there."

Elder Yue did not shirk when he heard the sound, "Then I would be more respectful than obedient."

Probably because he was rehabilitated, Mr. Yue was in high spirits that night. In addition to playing with his brother and sister all the time, he also kept drinking with Lu Che.

Lu Che was reluctant to bear this teacher, and he drank too high unconsciously.

When she went to bed at night, Jiang Yao wanted to push him to take a bath, but she didn't push him for a long time. In the end, she even used beauty to confuse him. He was still indifferent. She finally believed that someone was really drunk. .

The next day, Lu Che slept in for a rare time, and Jiang Yao followed him.

It wasn't until noon that he and Mr. Yue woke up and ate the first lunch of the new year together.

After dinner, everyone took another nap and set off back to the county seat.

When she entered the house in the county seat, the old lady sighed in relief and asked Lu Che, "Are the doors and windows of the old house tightly closed?"

"It's all closed, what's wrong?" Lu Che asked.

"It's good to close it tightly." The old lady said, "From now on, we won't go back if we don't go back."

Everyone understands why she said this, Jiang Yao asked: "Damn, you have lived in the old house for decades, even if the journey is far away, are you willing to go back so close?"

"What's there to be reluctant to give up?" The old lady said, "As Mr. Yue said, these days, a place that can be a safe haven and safe is a good place. I don't care about those."

"Lu Che is his mother, you can think so." Yue Lao praised: "We are old people, we just have to look at it so that we can live comfortably."

"That's right." The old lady smiled and said, "I will go to the provincial capital with you tomorrow, to see and see together."

"Milk, are you willing to go with us?" Jiang Yao said in surprise.

"Yes, bring crutches, I'll walk slowly and you can wait for me."

The next day, everyone got up early, and then went to the provincial capital with Zhu Xia for three rounds.

Since Yue Lao had to catch a train, he went straight to the railway station when he arrived in the provincial capital. Lu Che wanted to see him off, but he refused, "It is inconvenient for you to bring a family with you, so you can see him for thousands of miles. You have to say goodbye in the end, just send it here."

"Then pay attention to safety on the road, send me a telegram to report safety when you arrive, and keep in touch by letter in the future." Lu Che said.

"Okay." Elder Yue patted Lu Che on the shoulder and said, "I have taught for so many years, and you are the most savvy I have ever seen. If the master can return to the previous height in the future, You are welcome to come to the capital to find me, and I will do my best to help you develop better."

"Master, I will definitely." Lu Che smiled: "Then I will thank you in advance."

Everyone said goodbye again, and then Lao Yue turned around and left.

Lu Che looked at his slightly vicissitudes back, and felt a lot of emotion for a while.

Zhu Xia and the three returned to Zhu's house to pay New Year's greetings, Jiang Yao and Lu Che took the old lady and two children to play in the downtown and the park.

The festive atmosphere of the provincial capital is stronger than that of the county town. Chang Chang, Xiaolu, and the old lady are full of curiosity and excitement, like grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

They had lunch at the state-run hotel at noon. The decoration of the state-run hotel was luxurious in this era. The old lady sat in it and said with a sense: "In those days, Lu Che's grandfather once said that he would bring me to the province. See the city, who would have known that the family would become like this later, I thought I would never have a chance to come here to take a look in my life."

"Don't worry, milk, there will be more opportunities in the future." Jiang Yao comforted: "In the future, let's take you to the capital to see Yue Lao, how about it?"

"Of course." The old lady's eyes narrowed with a smile, and she said, "Then I will work hard and try to live until that day. As for how to get to the capital, it all depends on your efforts, rely on You've figured it out."

"Milk, no problem, leave it to us, and the solution has already been figured out." Jiang Yao said.


"Of course it is."

The solution that Jiang Yao said is actually very simple, that is, until the end of next year, keep a low profile and not show any limelight. They can only spend these two years smoothly, their era, and their good days will come as promised.

When I got home in the evening, I waited for the two little guys to take a bath, and when they were coaxed to sleep, Jiang Yao pulled Lu Che and said, "You are going to work tomorrow, let's agree, from now on, you can have more Low-key is as low-key as possible, credit and limelight can be robbed by others, as long as you do your own job well and don’t make mistakes.”

So many things have happened recently, of course Lu Che understands Jiang Yao's intention, he nodded, hugged the person tightly, and said, "I understand, it's just suffering you, Follow me in fear."

"What nonsense are you talking about." Jiang Yao rubbed in his arms, raised her hand and drew circles on his chest, "We are husband and wife, if even this difficulty is enough If we can't face it together, how can we talk about growing old together? Trust me, it won't be like this forever, it will get better soon."

"I know." Lu Che's voice suddenly became hoarse, Jiang Yao looked up, and saw him staring at her deeply, "Daughter-in-law, it's hard for you to draw circles like this. Let me not misunderstand, you are seducing and seducing me."

" think too much, I don't mean it."

"I've thought about it too much, so I'll be wrong." As he spoke, his lips fell.

A few days after Lu Che went to work, Jiang Yao also started work.

One of them is busy with research and the other is busy with kindergarten. They keep spinning like a spinning top every day, but they never complain.

Director Wu and Director Li both affirmed their work. In addition to thanking the old leaders for their appreciation, they all consciously pushed the credit to the team members, but they just didn’t want to take the credit.

Lu Che and Jiang Yao not only did not want to take credit, but even Director Wu and Director Li wanted to push them to the podium, but they refused.

Whether it is the outstanding employees in the mechanical and electrical power plant or the outstanding workers in the county to be commended every year, when they face each honor, they all give them to others people.

Not only Factory Director Wu and Director Li were confused by the reputation of these two couples, but also the employees of the mechanical and electrical plant and kindergarten couldn't understand it.

Occasionally someone came to ask them why they didn't want to be promoted or won an award.

Even when Zhu Xia and Zhang Dong came to ask, they didn't tell the truth.

After more than a year, Changchang and Xiaolu were three years old and officially entered kindergarten in September 1976.

Not long after they became small class students, Jiang Yao's long-awaited historical turning point finally came.

During this period of time, the whole society was plunged into a complex mood of extreme grief and extreme excitement. Jiang Yao and Lu Che still maintain the Buddhist system, and do not talk about any politics-related topics outside.

However, the old lady is very happy recently, because there is no sports atmosphere now, she no longer has to worry about being bullied suddenly one day.

On the winter solstice, she got up early in the morning to go grocery shopping, and was busy at home all day. When Lu Che came back in a few nights, a sumptuous dinner was waiting for them.

"Wow, grandma, many times today." Xiaolu said in a clear voice.

"Of course, today is the winter solstice." Chang Chang explained to his sister that since he said the first sentence, his speech has improved by leaps and bounds, and his brain is flexible, and now he understands better than children of the same age Much more.

"Brother, what is the winter solstice?" Xiaolu asked with his head tilted.

"The winter solstice is..." When Changchang was about to explain, the old lady said, "Okay, it's cold, you brothers and sisters don't care about talking, eat first, talk while eating, grandma Each of you left a big drumstick."

"It's great! There are big drumsticks to eat!" The little guys jumped and jumped with excitement.

When they had the chicken legs, the adults also sat down to eat, the old lady pointed to a plate of bacon on the table and said, "This is what Mr. Yue sent us last time, hurry up Try it." After speaking, she muttered again: "I don't know how Elder Yue has been doing recently? Now the situation is good, he is a university professor again, and he should be re-entrusted with important tasks."

"Honey, if you want to know if Mr. Yue is okay, just let Lu Che see what he wrote in his letter." Jiang Yao said, took out a letter from the messenger bag and handed it to him. To Lu Che, "I went out with my co-workers at noon, and happened to get it back from the post office."

Lu Che saw that it was Elder Yue's letter, so he took it and opened it.

"What did Mr. Yue say?" Lu Che didn't speak for a long time, Jiang Yao couldn't help asking.

Lu Che looked up at Jiang Yao. Although his face was calm, his eyes couldn't hide his excitement. He said, "Daughter-in-law, Mr. Yue asked me to go to work in the capital."

The author has something to say:

 Little Angel: 2 Su Mu;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: just a ball wow 5 bottles; 397536043 bottles; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!