MTL - Virtual World: Close Combat Mage-v3 Chapter 878 has plans?

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The 168th chapter has a plan?

After more than ten hours of continuous work, a total of 774 pieces of valuable entertainment were thrown out. These are all data that can be easily counted. Even a player who has worked hard for more than a dozen hours and has nothing to gain, has to admit that this is an unprecedented masterpiece. They can only blame their bad luck, but in any case they can't find out what is very bad. The way of smashing things in every round is now counted one by one. Although it is very shameless to change, it has to be said that the methods are quite fair and fair, without any partiality. In this case, in addition to blaming your luck, who can blame?

Fortunately, the player who picked up the baby was finally free at the moment, and they began to show off on the forum. Someone specially prepared a forum for these people to post. A lot of players drooling at the posts while cursing the winners are not allowed to die. However, watching a lot of players who grabbed the equipment unfortunately died under the control of the scene, and they were hanged, and everyone finally got some comfort. Everyone is very clear in their hearts. It is not accidental whether they are out of control or missed. Who makes this a game, there is no constraint. If there is no law in reality, there are probably five million people in the street who are likely to have a lifeless life.

Very anti-day and the festival of Yingqi studio? Now there are people who care about this. However, some people are asking when they are going to rob the Inge Studio once and say that the comrades are looking forward to this day!

The game company also took a breath after the event. Although they brought a lot of trouble to them, but in the end there was no big trouble, and the enthusiasm of the players *** infected them, the big boss personally speak, to learn from it! Learn how people mobilize their emotions. The staff are speechless and use this way to mobilize the player's emotions, which is a breeze for their game company, but they certainly can't do it. But what should I do? Learn! Workaround! The boss left with two words and the staff were very depressed.

In the past ten hours, the most uncomfortable and most suffering, of course, is Yingqi’s boss. Honestly, the guys of the Eagle Group and his studio are not bad, so the goods are robbed, on the surface is also worried and angry, how the heart is really thinking of the benevolent. So in the end, only the true master of these things, Geshi Qiying is really heartache, really want to commit suicide.

As a studio, he received a notice from the game company that the transfer reel was temporarily banned. Therefore, he also knows that the mailbox problem is just a scorpion of the game company. The purpose is obviously to control the number of people who can go to the moon and night in the cloud. As a result, Geishitchi is also controlled. He even has scrolls in these two cities, but he has not The method does the coordinates and sends the reel. As the largest studio in the industry, he and the game company are still somewhat related to a little channel, but the incident is urgent, he has no time to clear. What's more, the big bosses of the game company have been sitting in the town personally, and dredging may not be of much use.

The whimsical whimsy can only contact as much as possible the bottom-level employees in the two cities, so that they can get back equipment as much as possible. However, this reward can not appreciate the value of the equipment itself. The employees at this level usually do not have the qualification to join the warehouse. It is known that they are very limited in trust. At this time, let alone the hope of picking up the equipment, even if they really pick it up, they will Selling self-reliance is also much more profitable than paying the organization. The studio system is currently very formal and very restrained. These temporary workers on the ground floor can hardly be said. If you want to pursue the studio as a career, you may be handed over to the organization for promotion and salary increase, but more people are just taking part-time jobs. How can you have money?

Although Kishinqi knows that there is no difference between this arrangement and the arrangement, it is ultimately a glimmer of hope. As a result, every time every hour is thrown, there is no news from the two cities. These ones are so discouraged that they are thrown away by people, and they are all worth their own money! This time, it is inevitable that Kishinqi is not in the game, but is kept offline, or it is inevitable to be kicked by the system.

Looking at the forum players are happy to discuss, Geshi Qiying is also depressed. He commanded the gunmen to sneak into the forum, trying to criticize the players from a moral point of view, letting them realize that they are making mistakes, they are doing something for the tiger. The gunmen also take money to do things. People say how they write, but they feel that it is naive to do so. If they say so, they can return the players who picked things to the Inch Studio. The peace of the world has already been realized.

As the gunmen expected, such persuasion is ineffective, and the players are even too lazy to care. At most, they despise them from saying that they can't eat grapes and say grapes.

Geshiqi Ying was angry and went to the website reporter to let them despise this behavior. As a result, the website reporter did not hesitate to say that such map contempt is impossible. Their website is supported by these players, and everyone is despised. Is the website still confusing? When you are finished, you can open a solution to the world: What is it that you despise? The things you lost are still the same and you can't find them. How much can you despise?

Geshiqiying is lonely and hateful! Things are completely beyond the scope of his control. People threw his things, grabbed his things, took his things with pleasure, and held his things to talk about, but he himself did not even have a chance to participate. The mouse has already been crushed by the singularity of the world. The five-night singer is fortunate that he is not at the side of the world. Otherwise, the singularity of the world will not have any thoughts to control the emotions. Eighty percent will directly kill the five nights.

In this way, Kishin Ying followed the activity and stayed up until the night. How much is it against the sky? This is very counter-informed, and Geshiqiying knows. After the start of the twelfth to the tenth minute, the world’s countless Kisei knows that this thing will be thrown away irretrievably, and there will be no root hair. And what he knows better than anything is that it is very counterintuitive to throw away all the stolen things. Actually, I really didn’t leave it for myself. I feel strange about this. This group of people is really Take madness as the highest pursuit!

A little bit, the very bad friend of the day announced the end of the event in the forum, the players also began to recollect and discuss, Ge Shiqiying has not received a message, he sent hope to his own people to grab the equipment handed in Things didn't happen at all, or maybe, the equipment was caught, but the turn-in was definitely not happening.

Geshiqi Ying was connected to the game. The five nights of the studio, the eagle's group, and so on were all online. They suffered such a big blow. They all estimated that the boss would madly retaliate against the counterattack. The Eagle Group is already ready to fight. Made, and five nights... just waiting to be kicked to death by the boss.

In the new warehouse, Geshiqi Ying saw these loyalty. The warehouse that was robbed by the very bad guys has been repacked, and the 774 warehouse is missing. I have thought about it for five nights and then I will take stock of a warehouse to replenish it here, but I think that such a naive thing seems to be meaningless...

And forever, think about it at this time. He thought of the unwillingness and reconciliation of the world, and the tough attitude was to force him to continue against them and to do so, and this led to such a tragedy. In order to always understand the world, he feels that the unwillingness and reconciliation of the world is definitely not an irritating thing. There must be any plans and plans. But it was very counter-attacking that the method of counterattacking so strongly was definitely beyond his expectation. I always know the source of the confidence of the company, that is, how the players fight with their studios, and can not move his roots, but this time, it is very counter-attacks that overturned his confidence. It completely moved his fundamentals.

And what about the previous digging? It is only a coincidence that this is a very coincident one. If this is also a very sinister attack, it means that this opponent is very clear early, and the studio is confronted with a special way. Killing can't be solved fundamentally.

So far, what is the next step for Kishining? I have been thinking about this problem forever. He has had some ideas for himself, but at this time he did not say a word. He just wanted to hear what it means.

Geshiqiying walked around the room and his expression looked calm. After a lap, he went to the crowd and said, "The problem with the mailbox has not been completely solved."

"I know." Nodded forever. Five nights don't say anything, he is very courageous to stand here at this time, and he dares to speak.

"This is just a means of official *** this incident, the mailbox certainly does not have any real problems, but since it is a blind man, I think they may not immediately announce the cancellation of the fault, how much more time." Geish Ying said.

"Yeah." Never nod.

"How is the matter for you to do?" asked Geishi.

"Not too smooth..." Forever, "Even after this happened today, these people know what the warehouses on our side have. Most of them say they don't want money, and they want some special equipment or props."

The eyes of the world are stunned. Indeed, today’s incident is also an exposure to the old base of his Inge Studio. From the things thrown out, the discerning person can even see their business strategy and marketing methods. Like some things that have no price and no market at this time, it is naturally exposed that this “valuable and no market” is intentionally created by the studio. In this way, the minded player will naturally think that Inge will have more such similar things. Such things, people holding money may not sell you, so of course it is more valuable to directly name things. many.

"What do they want?" Keshiqiying took a deep breath and asked.

"I have written it down here." I took a few sheets of paper in my pocket and handed it to Kishin Shiying.

After taking a look at the world, the paper first introduced each person's information in detail, analyzed the value of the person, and marked the person's request at the end. These people come from the major cities of the parallel world. They obviously have one thing in common: they are the backbone members of the powerful guilds of the main cities. They have a wide range of friends and a good relationship.

"Do people rely on it?" asked Geishi.

"People are all screened by me. They are all characters and loyal characters. I don't think I will lie to us in this way." Forever.

“How many people are there?”

"Thirty-one people." Answer forever.

Ki Shiying also looked at the information carefully. There are 30 people, but the background is not necessarily the 31 guilds. Some people have a wide range of friends, and one person can bring out several backgrounds, and even move one after another. There are people in the city.

"Okay, give them!" Geshiqiying gritted his teeth.

I nodded forever and said: "When is it time to arrange for everyone to meet?"

Geshiqiying nodded: "Time, let's arrange it, give them what they want when they meet."


Keshiqiying turned his eyes and looked to the side for five nights. He bowed his head five nights, like a child who made a mistake.

Kishinki sighed and asked: "Is that kind of person found?"

Five nights did not dare to carry: "Not yet..." He caused a disaster-like disaster, and now there is no positive reprimand for him. The same commanded to go to work, always there is a well-organized and well-organized, and he still has no clues here, and his five-night heart is also very embarrassing.

"Why?" asked Shiaiqiying.

"We haven't touched this kind of person, I don't know where to start... I am working hard to get started." Five nights said.

"As soon as possible!" Geishic is a simple sentence, no reprimand and no encouragement.

Who are you looking for? The heart of one side is stunned forever. He also just knew that Geshiying had such instructions for five nights. He is more and more sure that there is any plan for Kishin. This plan must have been set when he decided not to reconcile with the very bad, and the warehouse was robbed should be an unplanned thing, but it does not seem to affect the continuation of the plan. However, what is the purpose of this plan? Judging from the things that let him go, it is like revenge against the sky, it seems that it has nothing to do with Yingqi’s business! Is this really a matter of arrogance? Never believe, he never believes. Because he is very clear to see, the composition of the businessman in the world is far greater than the player, his major decision must be considered from the perspective of the businessman. I can't see it myself, maybe because I am just a player! Sigh forever, don't ask too much and don't think too much.

"Okay, you are all busy!" Geshiqiying waved his hand and left forever for five nights.

Cloud City, a very rescuing place, a room is really a member of the Plenary, so the residences of all the districts are open, and everyone almost directly moved the pub to the guild station. Celebrations take place in different places at the same time. With a common guild channel, common exchanges can be carried out here.

"Happy, really **** happy, hahahaha!!!" The cloud screamed and shouted at the bottle. The action that ended at one point is now quite different from two points. Although the amount of alcohol in the cloud is not outstanding, it is already drunk so quickly, showing how excited it is at this moment. And his average brother is the same as his temper. Fifty minutes, these heroes from the Tenth League have been drunk. In addition to not drunk, the amount of alcohol is slightly larger, but it is estimated that drunk is within half an hour. They were stunned by Yingqi, and they were crushed by the eagle’s group. The sulking sigh in the chest was finally vented today. For this loyal moonlight city hero, there is nothing more than this. More happy.

"Hahaha, it’s better to have a few girls at this time!!" The drunken pig fairy said that it was even more unobtrusive.

"Your grandfather, you are a rogue, get out of Laozi, don't be blind here." In the clouds, drunkenness, swearing that the pig fairy is still so smooth, it is a kind of skill deep into the bone marrow.

"Hey, there are beautiful women here..." The pig fairy walked and swayed.

"He is really drunk, really..." Among the brothers in the cloud, there were two people who didn't drink alcohol and dragged the pig fairy away. This bastard, even the Han family couldn't recognize it, actually wanted to play. The drunk was awakened halfway.

The brothers and brothers did not hurt, and the gods and gods shrank in the corner, secretly observing the reaction of the Han family, and they were very disappointed. The Han family did not respond.

"Don't he notice?" Yu Tian Shen muttered.


"I thought there would be a good show!" Youge unfortunately closed his notebook.

In the other corner of the room, drifting is holding a wine glass and a sword ghost: "Sword ghost boss, seeing the brothers so happy, I still feel that my plan is too much?"

"This is two different things." Sword ghost replied indifferently, I am afraid that only one of him is drinking alcohol in the house. It is obvious that the sword ghost will not be excited about this matter.

"It’s a pity. When you throw equipment today, you should put two pieces in your pocket." Drifting said.

"As long as people still have games, what equipment has a chance to get." Sword ghost patted him.

"Speak well, say it well, and respect you." Drifting said that he had done a cup, and the swordsman also carefully cleared his own cup.

"Talk to you about business," said drifting.

"What is it?" asked the sword ghost.

"I am sending the door reel, is it reimbursed on the organization?"

The sword ghost smiled: "Of course."

"Hahaha, I am joking, that thing is nothing." Drifting said.

"Oh, of course, that's not what you really need." Sword ghost said.

"What do I need?" asked drifting.

"I don't know, but I saw it." Sword ghost said.

"See what?" Drifting doubts.

"You know what I see." Sword ghost said.

The drifting face suddenly changed.

"Is there a good friend in the Eagles?" said the sword ghost.

"Hey, here too, there are also my very good friends, why haven’t you seen a day today?" drifting away.