MTL - Virtual World: Close Combat Mage-v3 Chapter 896 Depressed

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Chapter VIII is extremely depressed

Reading the wind cream is very confusing at this time, very confusing. Even if the person in the reflection group is promoted to the thunderstorm, he should not die! Because the reflection damage does not bounce the long-range attack, to use the reflection damage, read the wind cream, of course, they have a detailed understanding of the setting of this property.

However, the problem that has been entangled in the reading of the wind cream has not been taken care of by others. Everyone is more concerned about it: a thousand miles of drunkenness and death.

I don’t know if I’m reading the wind cream. I don’t know the players in the reflection group who are drunk and heavy. They want to kill a thousand miles and get drunk, but they die. Reading the wind cream at this time to see his own loss, but also a wailing. He is too depressed, he hangs, it is actually two levels, because his body is more than three points pk value.

There is no doubt that this pk value is for the reflection group players. They were pushed into the thunderstorm, a bunch of spells were killed, and none of them survived. And three of them have fallen in pk, and then he hangs himself again...

"Too back!!" Full of reading the wind cream depressed. This is inexplicably dead, not to mention, or a death with pk. What is even more tragic is that there are no even comforting people. The news of the big guys is all about how the plan will fail, and it’s drunk and dead.

A thousand miles drunk and died? I also want to know when I am reading the wind and I want to know. He hurriedly contacted the players present, but the result was added to depression. A thousand miles of drunkenness did not die, he did not touch pk to kill their pile of people, and then left. Surrounded by the wind and frost, there is no problem. The problem is that suddenly came the peripheral assistance, and it was easy to save the drunkenness.

There is also a news that makes the reading of the windy frost feel depressed: the reflection group was pushed into the thunderstorm, but the one who was killed was only one. Others use the sky to fire the fire tree Thousands of flames, no doubt are long-range spells, isn't their own lightning array in the system judgment is not a remote spell? But this is definitely not a melee spell. The only meaning of reading the wind cream is that it has a new understanding of the thunder ray of its own skills, and it is full of wind and frost to cry.

"What should I do now?" After reading the wind and frost, I thought that the big man asked him that he had already answered the question. He simply said the process, and everyone listened to it without temper. It is impossible to stop the attack immediately at the moment of detecting the damage. This is the answer they collectively came up in the course of practice. But now that it is so anti-human, it is just what he can do. What else can you say? This cannot be said to be the responsibility of reading the weather.

"He is hanging, he must be hanging!!" There are more and more supporters who are drunk and open.

"Where are you now?" Someone finally expressed concern about the current situation of reading the wind cream.


"Is there a scroll coming over?" asked the man.

"There is...but we got it from Yunteng." Read the wind cream.

Buying scrolls from Yunteng is a plan they will count. Deliberately asked for 20 reels with the same coordinates, and made them illusion that a group of people would collectively reach the cloud city. It seems that the other party is fooled, but it is still incapable of dealing with it.

"That can not be used temporarily." The other party was busy.

"I know." Read the wind cream, because the coordinate area on this scroll is now a position that is "very against the sky", and it is the sheep that enters the tiger.

"You wait a little longer or find another reel, we will deal with it as soon as possible." The other party told me to read the weather.

"A thousand miles and a drunken side... What happened?" After reading the weather, I really didn't want to mention this name.

"Oh, I said that it was a few people who helped him break out and rushed out. This is really a bit of a foreign aid. But it is not going to turn around. It’s now being shackled by the pk value. We are fighting for it. At some point, I’m now organizing to step up the attack and let the bunch of people eat it first.”

"Then you cheer, I will come to find the scroll." Read the wind and sigh. I haven’t been able to get drunk in a thousand miles. This is always a big problem. At this time, I can only take a step and take a step. While reading the wind and frost, while thinking about going to the mailbox of the main city, he contacted some buyers who sent the reels. Although it was not properly done, it was always going to the mailbox to pick up the goods.

"Hey, the person in front." Suddenly I heard someone calling behind me, and reading the wind and frost was not too serious, just casually turned back. After the return, I suddenly found it very wrong, very wrong, so I went back again, the black robe mage, the purple black sword, this this...

Read the wind and frost directly to move a few meters in a moment, pull out the legs and run wild, and look around if there is a ramp alley.

"Using the terrain, I want to use the terrain! This is my main city. I want to use the terrain to get rid of him." Read the wind and the heart is mad, and desperately explore the surrounding terrain. Even if there is a mouse hole, I am afraid he will I went in without hesitation.

Gu Fei was opened a few meters, but he was not in a hurry. It was useless to move instantly. The other party is just a common mage, or a normal mage. On the speed of moving and he is the gap between heaven and earth, catching up is just a matter of time.

Gu Fei strode back and read the wind and frost while running back and looking back from time to time. He saw a thousand miles drunk and approached quickly, but he did not find any available terrain. I was so confused that I didn’t know how to be good. I saw a familiar face in front of me. After reading the wind cream for a while, I was suddenly ecstatic. What is this place? This is his hometown. Is it his only advantage to be familiar with the terrain? Of course not, here is the city full of his friends, the city is his acquaintance!

"Qiaoqi!!" At this moment, the reading of the wind cream has shouted in the opening.

The acquaintance heard the sound and looked over. He saw the wind and frost immediately laughed out: "The wind cream, what are you running?"

"Help me, be chased!" Read the wind and frost.

“What a joke?” The full name of Qiaoqi is Qiaoqiqiao, a stab one. Although it is not in the forefront of the world-class rankings, it is also a famous master in the main city of Fengshuang. At this time, with ten people, I was about to form a team to go out to level up, but I saw that I was flustered and asked for help. Qiao Qiqiao said that 10,000 unbelief, reading the wind cream is the big man of their guild, good karma, they are very open in their entire main city, who is so long to dare to find him trouble?

But the next second, Qiaoqiqiao, I found out that this is not a joke. After reading the wind and frost, I really chased it up. Why do you say that you are leisurely? It's really because the speed of the person is completely disproportionate to the reading of the wind cream. Just follow the run and catch up. Can you not sleep?

"The wind is coming over." The cleverness of Qi Qiao was immediately serious. He was full of wind cream, but he was a master. Now he has been chased by the streets and chaos. There is no such thing as a chasing guy. This chasing guy is naturally not small. Who can reach this level in their main city? Qiao Qiqiao thinks about it and can't think of it, and this person who is getting closer and closer, Qiao Qiqiao is basically sure that he never knows. This can be blamed, all the famous masters in the main city, not to say that they are fully cooked, at least they have been photographed, and they can't recognize it. Who is this person?

"Beware, you are drunk in a thousand miles." Read the wind cream has given him the answer.

"A thousand miles a drunk?" Qiao Qiqiao was puzzled.

"The cloud city is drunk, it is very powerful. You are a little bit circling, I will call people again. He has a high pk value. There should be scruples." The people who read the wind and frost are confused and their minds are sober. Thousands of miles drunk actually chased his hometown so quickly, certainly will not have time to wash the pk value, it is estimated that there are more than 20 points now! Qiao Qiqiao, how do you say this is also a dozen people, he has the courage to kill all? This is a hurry to play at home to make people feel good, take him pk to scruple him once again, this time he can have any rescue? A thousand miles drunk, you care!

Read the wind cream, think about it and be excited, crazy call in the friend bar, guild, outside, male and female, online is not online, anyway, the news is all the group sent out, even the big people in the cloud city They didn't leak, and they made those people confused. They all came to the news and asked what the wind was.

“A thousand miles of drunk?” Qiao Qiqiao has already stopped people in the street, and the oncoming Gu Fei has been surrounded by a hidden trend. At first glance, it is also a level of regular friends and friends.

"Well, who are you?" Gu Fei and others are polite.

"My name is Qiaoqiqiao, you don't know me." Qiaoqiqiao knows that his fame is far from going to the world. After a brief introduction, he immediately said: "The wind cream is a good person, how can you offend you?"

Qiao Qiqiao is also a clever guy. When I look at the wind and frost, I will be rushing to work. I will call him a dozen people, and the tone is stubborn. It is estimated that this is a drunken estimate of truth and rumors. The same is counterintuitive. Qiao Qiqiao is proficient in online games yy novels, very familiar with this gorgeous strongman, so I don’t have to be self-confident at all, and drag the time on this topic.

"Not a personal grudge." Gu Fei said.

"That is?"

"Probably I am in self-defense!" Gu Fei said.

A bunch of people face each other, chasing people running across the street, saying that they are self-defense, who believes?

"This is this... it doesn't seem like it?" Qiao Qiqiao said.

Gu Fei was about to answer, and suddenly a female voice came: "What happened, how did you talk, the goal? You lost it?"

Everyone looked at it with a sigh of relief. A girl in red was killing at a high speed. People had already asked questions before they had been in front of them.

"In the case!" Gu Fei said.

"That's fast, what?" said the thin waist dance.

"This will start." Gu Fei nodded, and the sword waved: "The overnight mission, nothing to let, chat, etc.!"

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