MTL - Wagging Your Tail In the Arms of President Iceberg-Chapter 100

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After being pulled into the safe house by Fu Anyu, Mingying listened to the screams outside, felt the vibration of the ground, and clenched Fu Anyu's clothes tightly.

"How come it's real..." She asked in a trembling voice, "Shouldn't we be in some kind of fantasy?"

"It's not an illusion." Fu Anyu shook his head, "I didn't feel any spiritual power fluctuations or demonic energy, these should just be scenarios simulated by technology."

"Just now you saw that the wall was damaged. It should be holographic projection technology. Now it is an earthquake simulated by 4D effect."

When Ming Ying held her head and squatted, she noticed that the falling dust did not accumulate on the ground, but scattered in an unnatural state. When you meet it, you will understand what "holographic projection" is.

She suddenly became bold and even planned to stand up when Fu Anyu suddenly covered her left shoulder.

"Are you seriously injured?" Fu Anyu asked with concern.

Ming Ying actually still feels a dull pain in her left shoulder. The seed that was said by the electronic female voice to be "parasitic" seems to be moving in her left arm. This feeling is very subtle and makes her afraid Yu , actually aroused curiosity .

She told Fu Anyu about her injury and saw Fu Anyu frown.

"When I was queuing, I searched for some strategies." Fu Anyu said, "Once the 'tree man seed' is parasitic, it will continue to deduct blood, and the parasitic state cannot be removed for more than five minutes, and the player's blood The volume will drop directly to 50 points."

"So much?!" Ming Ying's eyes widened, "Then how to solve it? Find the tree man just now to recycle it?"

"Find a tree person, or find a designated medical device for virtual surgery." Fu Anyu pulled her to stand up, looked around, felt that the whole room was collapsing, and the entrance was blocked by fallen stones live.

"According to the settings of the haunted house, the door of this safe house is probably locked and cannot be opened from the inside." As if welded to death, "Let's find another exit."

Ming Ying followed her obediently, avoiding the falling stones and the ceiling, to prevent the game from being over due to the huge deduction of blood, and formed a barrier to protect them around them to prevent them from being blamed again Something sneaks up.

This time, Fu Anyu did not stop her from using spiritual power.

The safe house is a laboratory. After going out, one person and one fox went to an abandoned pharmacy.

"There are no instruments for surgery here." Fu Anyu whispered, "Let's go to the operating room."

"Where is the operating room?" Mingying asked, "Is there a map here?"

"On the Internet, but the regular roads are blocked." Fu Anyu led her through the rusty pan, "You may encounter zombies when you go out, so don't make a sound. , follow me."

Ming Ying was so frightened that she shuddered, and she responded repeatedly, almost walking next to Fu Anyu.

The decoction pharmacy is not big, but Mingying can smell the bitter herbal smell, and at the same time hear the electronic female voice reporting that her blood volume continues to decline.

She was about to tell Fu Anyu this situation, only to hear Fu Anyu say: "We have to go quickly, the smell of medicine here will deplete blood."

"Is the isolation barrier useless?" Mingying asked.

Fu Anyu was silent for a second, then waved his hand to set up an isolation barrier, and Mingying couldn't hear the real-time blood deduction report of the electronic female voice.

"Are we cheating like this?" Mingying asked in a low voice. After she found out that she had entered the haunted house, she had a lot of problems.

"It's just a game, not an assessment." Fu Anyu reminded her, then raised her hand to the door a few steps away, and the spiritual power rushed over and opened the door.

Ming Ying sensed the breath of three living creatures. Like the tree people just now, they were all end-time creatures played by living people. However, as players, she and Fu Anyu respected these three creatures a little bit, carefully moved to the door, observed them, and then walked around them and walked up the stairs surrounded by vines.

Fu Anyu's movements were very light, and Mingying followed her footsteps and deliberately condensed her spirit on the soles of her feet, almost wiping out the sound of footsteps. One person and one fox quickly arrived at the waiting hall on the second floor, but found five zombies in hospital uniforms wandering.

Ming Ying saw the sign near the hall at a glance, with the words "operating room" vaguely printed on it, and the place pointed by the sign happened to pass through those zombies.

She froze in her heart, thinking about how they would pass those zombies safely, but Fu Anyu dragged her through the toilet at the back of the hall and went around to the other side of the hall.

There are also signs leading to the operating room, but there are no zombies along the way, only tentacles that stick out from the ground from time to time.

Ming Ying walked and looked at the ground, for fear that she would be caught by the tentacles that suddenly sprang out.

However, not long after she lowered her head, she found that there were not only tentacles on the ground, but also eyeballs that opened from time to time, which made her goosebumps all over. When she stepped up, she accidentally stepped on a few The eyeballs screamed "Aahah" in shock, but didn't dare to scream too loudly, and immediately clenched his teeth, making "Aahah" into "嘤嘤嘤".

"Don't be afraid, it's all fake." When Fu Anyu comforted her, he stepped on a tentacle that had just broken the ground and was trying to wrap around Mingying.

Even though she was only twenty meters away from the operating room, Ming Ying felt like she had walked for twenty years.

When Fu Anyu pushed open the door of the operating room, Mingying almost frightened out of her demon body when she saw the naked and bleeding corpse lying under the dim light.

The first thought in my mind: There are so many amusement park projects, why did she choose the haunted house? !

What else can this place do other than scare people into nightmares at night? !

Perhaps to reduce the difficulty of the game, the operating room is not guarded by strange things, but Fu Anyu dragged Mingying to the operating table, looking for suitable medical equipment, Mingying felt like a fox I was numb, and my mind was full of thoughts.

She even wanted to go outside and find a random zombie to bump into, and she would be able to go out after forcing the deduction of blood to zero. However, she was even more afraid that if she did this, she would face the situation of being attacked by five zombies in turn, and the level of fear would directly increase five times. She couldn't stand it.

Between life and death, Ming Ying finally chose to live.

As long as you follow Fu Anyu, customs clearance is only a matter of time.

Fu Anyu quickly found a medical device that could remove the parasitic seeds. She made Mingying turn her back to herself, and then touched her shoulder with the medical device to start the virtual surgery.

It was clearly just touching, but Mingying only felt that the part where she was hit by the seeds was painful, and at the same time, the electronic female voice that reported every half minute began to broadcast the blood loss in real time.

"The current player's HP is 87/100, and it is detected that the parasitic seeds are being taken out. There is still one minute left to complete the parasitism. Now the countdown begins. 59, 58, 57..."

The electronic female voice kept talking like a bell.

Ming Ying was nervous again, and at the same time did not forget to look at the door.

"There are 45 seconds left." After a while, she reluctantly said to Fu Anyu, "Are you ready?"

Once the seed is fully parasitized, her health will drop directly to 50. I don't know what enemies I will encounter in the future, whether this 50 points of blood is enough to deduct.

"Soon." Fu Anyu said, "Give me another ten seconds."

Ming Ying was inexplicably calmed by her calm voice.

The corners of her eyes suddenly warmed, and Ming Ying raised her head in amazement, only to see that there were still water stains on Fu Anyu's lips, and she suddenly felt numb all over.

"You, you don't have to, you don't have to be like this..." She was too shy to say anything.

Fu Anyu didn't talk, and kissed the tears away from the other corner of her eye. She turned around and found a bandage tube in the toolbox. She didn't know what switch was pressed, and put it on her shoulder.

Ming Ying saw the image of the bandage appear, wrapping around her shoulders in circles, and at the same time feeling tight.

She and Fu Anyu left the operating room after making sure that the blood loss broadcast stopped.

Fu Anyu had long been aware of her fear, so in the second half of the escape, she directly blocked their breath with her spiritual power, escaped all organs and poisonous gas, and found them as quickly as possible Export.

The moment she took off her helmet, took off her vest, and saw the sun again, Mingying felt that the whole fox was alive.

After getting away from the haunted house, Ming Ying leaned against Fu Anyu with some relief.

"Let's find a place to sit." She murmured, "I'm a little tired..."

In fact, the amount of exercise in the haunted house is not large, mainly because of tiredness. She never wanted to go to such a hellish place again.

Fu Anyu nodded and asked, "Do you want to go home directly?"

"Come back." Ming Ying raised her hand to block the sunlight, admiring her engagement ring, "I want to eat a bowl of spicy noodles made by Xiaodu, to get rid of the yin."

Fu Anyu took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Chen Yan.

"You were so calm the whole time." Ming Ying said as she recalled, "Is it because you often go to such a terrible place to perform tasks?"

"Maybe." Fu Anyu lowered her eyes and looked at the tears on her face, "It may also be because of frequent nightmares. Compared with nightmares, these false horrors are nothing."

"Isn't Kemeng also fake?" Ming Ying puzzled.

Fu Anyu shook her head and did not continue to talk about the topic. She looked up and saw a marshmallow shop not far away, so she asked Mingying, "Want to try some marshmallows? "

"Where's the marshmallow?" Ming Ying was refreshed, and hurriedly followed her gaze, "Okay! Let's see what flavors it has!"

The cotton candy made by this machine is big, cheap, fluffy and sticky.

Thinking that the little fox will go home for dinner later, Fu Anyu only bought one marshmallow, but asked the seller to make two flavors.

So Mingying got a two-color marshmallow with orange as the bottom and pure white on the other half.

She carefully took a bite of the white marshmallow, which was very sweet, then took another bite of the orange one, and tasted a little sweet orange scent, and she felt better after being frightened by the haunted house. After taking a few bites under the shade of the tree, he handed the marshmallow to Fu Anyu: "Do you want to try it too?"

Fu Anyu looked at her lips that were still glued to the sugar silk, said "OK", and lowered her head to kiss.

The author has something to say:The second update is coming~ Give me "sweet" on the public screen!