MTL - Wagging Your Tail In the Arms of President Iceberg-Chapter 53

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The drinks and cakes Fu Anyu ordered were quickly delivered.

Ming Ying imitated Fu Anyu's action, carefully cut a piece of her cake, fork it, and put it in her mouth to taste.

Ming Ying licked the cream on her lips, then picked up the cup and took a sip of the raw coconut latte.

She had eaten coconut meat from the southern demon clan before, and drank coconut juice. When she tasted the familiar taste, she could not help but miss it.

"Why do humans always give food with strange names?" she asked, holding the cup.

It was coffee, but it was called "latte", she thought it was tea brewed with ground rust.

"Some have historical allusions, and some are transliterations of drinks from foreign countries." Fu Anyu replied, "Like 'latte' is the transliteration of 'milk' in Italian."

"The human world is very convenient." Ming Ying nodded, "You don't need to go far, you can eat delicious food from other countries."

They chatted one after another, but obviously one person and one fox are not good at chatting in this environment.

Ming Ying really couldn't find a suitable topic. After all, she knew very little about Fu Anyu. The questions she wanted to ask were either incompatible with the current relationship or too private. I'm afraid it will make Fu Anyu angry.

Fu Anyu didn't have much interest in chatting at all, just because Mingying wanted to come out for coffee, she sat with her in the cafe for a while.

Ming Ying has been eating a lot recently. When she was racking her brains to think about a suitable topic, she quickly ate her cake.

Seeing this, Fu Anyu called the waiter and ordered two more desserts.

Ming Ying was too embarrassed, so she hurriedly found a reason to persuade Fu Anyu: "Don't order so much, eat too much sweetness at night, it will make my stomach uncomfortable, I will ask Xiaodu to serve another bowl of noodles after I go back. Enough."

Fu Anyu did not nod or shake her head, but instead asked, "You really don't want to try it?"

"I..." Ming Ying certainly thought about it, and she said that the stomach discomfort was just an excuse to persuade Fu Anyu to order less.

Seeing her hesitation in her eyes, Fu Anyu said to the waiter, "All these, plus a takeaway hazelnut waffle."

After the waiter left, Mingying blocked the half cup of raw coconut latte in front of her, blushed and said thank you, "You always seem to know what I really want... "

"It's not hard to guess what you think." Fu Anyu explained tactfully, "Don't be polite to me, I prefer to listen to the truth."

Simpleness always has the advantage of simplicity, and she is willing to accommodate the simplicity of the little fox.

Ming Ying fell silent, and when she met Fu Anyu's sincere gaze, although she didn't reveal anything on her face, she was so frightened that she hid the thought that had just arisen in her heart even deeper.

Fu Anyu doesn't like the topic of love, so she must not let her know her current thoughts.

This is her only friend who is most trusted in the human world, and she is also a family member. She doesn't want to see Fu Anyu get angry because of her gaffe.

The little fox with poor social experience instantly felt that he could no longer stay in the cafe. The atmosphere here was too suitable for imagining, and after holding back, he said, "Then let's go home and watch "Inuyasha" !"

The waiter who just pushed the door in and heard this sentence: ?

Not only the waiter, but also Fu Anyu was surprised.

Being focused by the eyes of the two at the same time, Mingying inexplicably felt that she had said something wrong, but it seemed that it was too late to change her words, she had to bite the bullet and explain: "Tonight is not too early. Now, don't you have to get up early for work tomorrow? Anyway, the pastries here can be taken out..."

The more she talks, the less confident she is.

Fu Anyu observed her expression, thought for a while, and said to the waiter, "Then please pack it for us."

Leaving Donglanwan Cafe and on the way home, Ming Ying looked at the three exquisite packaging boxes in Fu Anyu's hand, thinking about how to face Xiao Du's disappointed expression when she got home.

In order to make her go to the meeting in the best condition, Xiao Du helped her dress up all day, but she flinched before sitting in the cafe for an hour.

"You are not happy." Fu Anyu said suddenly.

"I didn't." Mingying lied subconsciously, but she raised her head to meet Fu Anyu's eyes, and involuntarily turned her face away and looked into the dark.

Although she is simple-minded, Fu Anyu can't see through or guess why she is angry at the moment, so she can't help being a little anxious, "Tell the truth."

"...I'm a little unhappy." After a long time, she heard the little fox humming in a low voice, "But I'm unhappy because of my lack of ability."

When the waiter went to pack snacks for them just now, she was thinking, if she could be as enthusiastic and active as Hu Xiuli or Dr. He, would she not be so self-blaming tonight.

But she thought about it again, Fu Anyu's attitude towards these two people is very cold, cold and alienated, even though she has been their classmates for many years, she has not saved them face because of it.

"The ability is reflected in many aspects." Fu Anyu said, "It's like learning a partial subject and eating a picky eater. Different people and demons have their own abilities and abilities that they are not good at. Don't belittle yourself."

Ming Ying felt that she was actually quite confident, but she was not familiar with the customs of the human world, especially... in terms of getting closer.

The demon and the demon want to get closer to each other, the way is very simple. But it is not realistic for her to fight with Fu Anyu now. She has no money to buy food, so I am afraid that the food will not be made by herself, and the bowl will be broken first.

She remembered what Fu Anyu just said tonight, social interaction is essential to integrate into the human world. At that time, she interrupted her words hastily. Now that she recalled it, she couldn't help but look at Fu Anyu, planning to ask her about social matters.

Who knew that Fu Anyu's cell phone rang at this moment, she took out her cell phone and glanced at the news, her brows furrowed.

The news was sent by Hu Xiuli, but his tone was rarely serious.

【Hu Xiuli】I was injured by evil spirits and was hospitalized. I won’t be able to invite you for coffee tomorrow.

[Hu Xiuli] The evil in your community is very powerful, I am afraid I will trouble you to deal with it.

What follows is the coordinates of the evil spirit.

Fu Anyu and Hu Xiuli are both registered demon slayers in H City. Usually Fu Anyu is busy with work, and he always transfers the tasks assigned to him to Hu Xiuli. The remuneration will also follow. Hu Xiuli now relies on writing for a living, and is naturally willing to make an extra income.

This is the first time she has received a task from Hu Xiuli in three years. She can focus on the evil spirits in the hospital from the Taoism she practiced since childhood, which should not be underestimated.

"Fu Anyu?" Ming Ying's voice pulled her thoughts back, "We're home, can I ask you a little something later?"

Fu Anyu raised her head, her villa was brightly lit and peaceful.

She looked down at the coordinates of the evil spirit again, and found that it was not far from her home. No wonder Hu Xiuli would drop by to see the little fox when he was removing the evil spirit during the day.

"Okay, you go home first." She immediately put the snack bag in her hand in Ming Ying's hand, "I'll be back when I go."

After she finished speaking, she left the door of the house without looking back and walked into the darkness.

Mingying saw her step into the night, her figure was gradually engulfed in darkness, she felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in her heart, she hurriedly knocked on the door, and shouted to lure Du Yunxin over, handing over the snack bag, "I'll be back when I go!"

Du Yunxin watched her trot away in confusion.

And she also felt more and more heavy, and her breathing was not smooth, as if something was stuck on her body.

She stopped immediately, gathered her spirits at her fingertips, chanted a spell with her fingers, and said "Break", the sticky feeling wrapped around her body disappeared immediately.

"Sister!" Ming Ying called loudly. In the enchantment where the identity of the arranger is unknown, she did not dare to call Fu Anyu's name, for fear that the arranger would listen and control Fu Anyu with the spirit of words.

There is water spiritual power that turns into an ice cone and shoots at something in the darkness.

Ming Ying instantly smelled Fu Anyu's smell, and at the same time smelled a strange **** smell, which must have come from the cat demon who couldn't see her figure.

When it was time to tie the cat demon, he immediately pulled hard, and in the next second, a black shadow was pulled down from mid-air and dragged under the street lamp.

It was a male black cat, but its size was ridiculously large, like a giant beast, it could even swallow Mingying's head whole when it opened its mouth.

Ming Ying was the first time to fight one-on-one with the cat demon. After dragging the other party over, she was a little scared, trembling hands and clenching the spiritual power line at a loss, even the hidden demon body Scared out.

"You're... a nine-tailed fox demon?!" The cat demon suddenly spit out human words, all the cat hair exploded, and the back arched, "It's obviously a big demon, how can you get rid of it? —”

Before he finished speaking, he was knocked unconscious by Fu Anyu who arrived.

"I told you to go home, why did you follow me?" Fu Anyu turned to Mingying and asked angrily.

Ming Ying was most afraid of her anger, she folded her ears and said in a trembling voice: "I, I'm not at ease, I'll come and see you..."

"It's dangerous here, you..." Fu Anyu wanted to say a few more words, but then she thought that she really didn't explain it to the little fox, so she consciously pinched the second half of the sentence and took it from Mingying The spiritual power line, with a strong shake, the huge black cat was shrunk by her magic, wrapped in the spiritual power line that had become a net and lifted.

"Come on, let's go home." She held the black cat in one hand and reached out to Mingying with the other. Seeing that the little fox was still folding her ears, she added warmly, "Go home and tell you in detail. ."

The author has something to say:First update, cough really affects the code word status, it's late _(:з"∠)_