MTL - Waiting For You Online-Chapter 160 Extra (5)

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Fanwai (5)

The "intelligence" of Tangyuan exceeded the expectations of He Jin and Qin Yu. In addition to observing the words and reviewing the situation, it also has a high learning ability.

Fortunately, its function is limited to the living support area, otherwise He Jin is afraid that the IQ of this little thing will exceed himself and Qin Hao!

A month later, the same Yuanxiao version of the baby is also made, this special custom shape of the baby each price is more than two million, He Jin lamented the price is expensive, most people can not afford.

Qin Lan: "The leisure cloud business is so big, this money is nothing to him."

"So I said that ‘the average person’ can’t afford it!” He Jin highlighted the point.

Qin Lan said: "Two million is already very cheap. You calculate how much it costs to train a child now. Two million is estimated to be enough for preschool education, but to buy a smart baby, you only need to pay for electricity. And also free firmware upgrades for life!"

He Jin: "But raising a child will grow up and will flourish. The dumpling is just a pet like a kitten."

“What is really important for us? Although this is a must for human beings, I feel that your concept is still too traditional,” Qin said with a shrug. “In fact, many people now raise their children to accompany them. And there is an essential difference between the dumplings and the cats and dogs, that is, 'smart', it can understand our words, and can communicate with us, except that they will not grow up, there will be no weird rebellious period, youthful Ah, there are almost no shortcomings... Oh, even grandchildren can use technology to solve them. You can create one yourself by turning back, as long as you can build the feelings of grandparents and grandchildren with new babies."

He Jin heard a black line: "Well, you won..."

Qin Hao suddenly whimsy: "Is it a cloud crane? I don’t want Yuan Zhen and Tang Yuan to fix the baby? You can bring Yuan Lan back to our house in advance to let him and Tang Yuan get along with each other for a while. The bad boy in the province is doing it every time. When things are bothering, I suspect it is intentional!"

He Jin: "This is not very good, they should hope that the first person to contact the baby is themselves."

Qin Lan: "They can communicate with Yuanxiao in the game. Anyway, all the memories are all figured out."

He Jin: "..."

"I will give them a call first, if they are not happy," Qin took out the mobile phone and dialed the mobile phone number of the idle cloud. After connecting, he said that he could receive the Lantern Festival and proposed My own opinion.

Idle cloud heard the words and said: "Is there anything wrong? Just like me and Yehe usually work very busy, my baby express is definitely not assured, you will take it back first, and I will fly over with the wild cranes on the weekend. Then personally visit you and He Jin, and ask you about the experience of bringing a smart baby."

Hanging up the phone, Qin Xiao shook his mobile phone: "Have you heard?"

He Jin has nothing to say, can only rely on Qin.

On the night, the two brought the Yuanxiao back home. When he arrived home, He Jinxian summoned the dumplings and followed the good deeds: "Baby, this is the younger brother of Yuanxiao, it is the baby of the idle cloud and Uncle Crane, to live with us first. God, you have to take care of it in these days, and become a good friend, you know?"

If it was before, He Jin would never say "Don't bully it" with Tang Yuan, but during this time, He Jin felt that it was still necessary.

In addition to the personality information in the game system, the physical baby also writes into certain characteristics of human children. For example, they occasionally make troubles, do mischief and so on.

When Tang Yuangang saw Yuan Zhen, he was still very vigilant. The pupils were thin and the wings were flying fast. A pair of "petitioners" appeared, and they appeared as if they were enemies. After He Jin explained it, he slowly relaxed. The milk sounds the air: "The baby knows."

Then, Qin Lan took the Lantern from the shock box and officially pressed the start button.

After half a second, Yuanxiao's eyelashes flashed and slowly opened his eyes. White clothes with white wings, such as amber, are a big-eyed little angel!

Although this Protoss baby is as big as the dumplings, the actual age is less than half a year. In the game, neither the combat experience nor the field game experience is as good as the dumplings, let alone the experience of the entity and human beings.

The little guy looked at the person in front of him and his eyes suddenly became watery, revealing a look that was about to cry.

"Oh, bad!" He Jin hugged him. "Isn't you seeing Mom and Dad at first sight, are you scared to cry?"

"Cry what, oh kiss one!" Qin Hao took Yuan Zhen from He Jin’s hand and slammed it into his arms.

But he forgot that the robot baby did not have human aesthetic ability at all. It would not be because of Qin Hao’s handsome appearance, but he was rather grievanced by him. Instead, he was abducted by Tian Da, and he screamed with wings.

"Hey." Qin Xiao loosened it, and the little guy flew straight into the gap between the sofa and the wall to hide.

The two men spent a long time on the edge of the sofa, and the Lantern did not come out.

"Ah~~~咋!" Qin Hao hugged his head in disbelief.

"I said that it is not very good to bring it back in advance. The leisurely cloud character is so easy-going. It is definitely embarrassing to refuse your request before you agree." He Jin reluctantly said, "You still call the idle cloud again, let He and the wild crane quickly find time to play the game, do the ideological work for Yuan Zhen, and then let them get it as soon as possible."

"First wait," Qin Yu enriched the soup round, "Baby, you go to find Yuanxiao brother."

Tang Yuan nodded seriously, a pair of "give me your peace of mind" expression, launched the radar into the gap behind the sofa.

The two listened only to the sound of the mechanical communication of "叽叽咕咕" from behind the sofa. In a short while, the dumplings pushed Yuanxiao out of the sofa. He Jin and Qin Hao showed their surprised expressions and their mouths grew. o font type.

Qin Lan: "The baby is great!"

He Jin grabbed the Yuanxiao, who was still in tears, and gently rubbed the gray on his body, and asked Yuanyuan: "Baby, what did you say to Yuanxiao?"

Dumpling waved his little fist, like to take credit for showing off road in front of his father:. "Baby, if he would not come out, the baby would beat him."

He Jin: "..."

Qin Wei: "..."

Yuan Zhen flattened his mouth in a timely manner and shrank his neck, as if he was crying again.

He Jin teaches Yuyuan: "Baby! Can't use threats! You will scare Yuanxiao!"

Tang Yuan succumbed: "What is a threat?"

He Jin explained: "It is to use violence to force the other party to submit."

Yuanyuan seems to understand and understand, and finally learned the meaning of the word through his own network, and slowly said: "This method is the fastest and most effective."

He Jin was a poor word, and he was anxious to Qin Xiaodao: "Well, Idle Cloud and Wild Crane know that our Tang Yuan is so estimated that his son will kill us!"

Qin Lan: "No, you think too much."

Tang Yuan also felt that there was no big deal. He also made a demonstration and launched a high-intensity signal directly to Yuanxiao, so that Yuan Zhen was scared and turned his eyes and directly stood by.

"Hey, look, he can't obey, I can do this, so it will definitely be embarrassing." Tang Yuan excited.

He Jin: "..." Your sister, who said that the physical baby does not have a combat system! Tat

That night, He Jin made a slap in the face of the Tang Yuan, and then repeated education, only to wake up the Lantern Festival again.

Playing games with smart babies will increase the degree of affection between the two sides. He Jin accompanied him with a stone scissors cloth and a riddle puzzle that night, and then he said that Yuan Zhen had said two words to himself, and he also called the voice "蜀黍".

Tang Yuan envied on one side and flew around He Jin. From time to time, he called "粑粑" and looked for the sense of existence while reminding Yuan Zhen that this human being belongs to himself.

Sleeping at night, in order to prevent the dumplings from bullying, He Jin turned them into artificial rest mode, watching the two babies snuggle together and slumbering, and He Jincai returned to the bedroom with peace of mind.

The next morning, there was no dumplings flying in to wake up, and He Jin was not used to it.

Qin Lan felt that it was rare to be quiet, and he took a good start with He Jin.

Taking He Jin to take a shower, Qin Lan came to the baby room, first awakened the dumplings, and the rice dumpling opened his eyes and grievously called "Dad". Since it came to this home, He Jin and Qin Hao were letting him freely move. Even the charging is carried out by itself. It has never experienced the "manual rest mode". This mode can only be dismissed by external force intervention, which is equivalent to confinement for smart babies.

Qin Lan kissed his head and whispered: "Baby, you can't make Ajin angry again. You must be good to Yuanxiao's younger brother, because it will be your wife in the future."

The soup rounded his eyes twice: "Wife?"

Qin Xiao smirked a bit and patted it ass, saying: "Search on your own network."

When he went out to work, He Jin still had a little bit of worrying about putting two babies directly at home. Qin Hao pushed away: "Oh, you really have to eat radish and take care of them. They have a lot of signal waves attacking each other and can't hurt the body." ”

Well, what Qin said is correct. Even if it causes psychological shadows, it is better to fix the high-level system.

Just living with the dumplings for a while, He Jin no longer regards the smart baby as a pure robot, but feels that it is like his own flesh and blood, to his own people, maybe Yuanxiao is also the same for the idle cloud wild crane, so He is more cautious.

Sitting up all night, He Jin returned home early in the evening, just opened the door, just wanted to call the names of Tang Yuan and Yuan Zhen, and they saw that they had already flown in and out to meet.

“Hey~~” Every day I saw He Jin coming back, the dumplings were especially excited.

What surprised He Jin was that Yuan Zhen also squatted on the edge of the dumplings, and there was no fear and uneasiness on the surface.

He Jinyi touched the heads of two babies and asked them: "Yuan Lan, how are you doing today? Do you not bully your brother?"

Yuan Yuan took a look at the dumplings, and there was a shyness on his face.

"Hey!" Tang Yuan took the hand of Yuan Zhen and seriously corrected He Jin. "Yuan Lan is not a younger brother, he is a fiancee!"

"Hey..." He Jin squirted an old blood and felt that something had collapsed.