MTL - Wall Street Legend-Chapter 18 Transaction (seeking collection, recommendation ticket)

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  Chapter 18 Transactions (for collection, recommendation ticket)

  A shady deal has been negotiated.

   I don’t know the exact amount for the time being, but as long as it is done well, the old Sam’s trust is gained, and the transfer transaction of that building is successfully won, the return will probably not be much less.

  No one said that money laundering can only wash book wealth, and real estate can also be "whitewashed". Find a way to transfer it from one person to another to avoid paying high tax rates. This is in line with the current needs of the old man.

The building under his name is an old building inherited from his own father, which is currently worth nearly 25 million to 30 million U.S. dollars. If the gift tax or inheritance tax is paid honestly and in full, it will probably need to be sent to the New York Taxation Bureau From 6 million to 13 million US dollars, the real amount should be calculated according to the specific situation, anyway, the tax rate is frighteningly high.

  Real estate taxes are so high that U.S. housing prices remain at a reasonable level for a long time, fluctuating slightly up and down.

  The market is relatively healthy, and it is a stable asset worth investing in. Most of the time, it maintains its value and can offset part of the impact of inflation.

  Compared to "money laundering", Ye Dongqing actually prefers others to call herself a financial consultant. One is a criminal, and the other is like a high-ranking gold collar on Wall Street. No one is willing to listen to other guys belittle themselves.

  Before he was killed, his business was quite successful, and he even opened a "consulting company" on Wall Street.

   Both normal business and money laundering business are accepted, and you can do whatever you want to make money. As long as you don't get caught by the police, and there are people covering you, you can still live a cool life.

  In the past, it was not easy to get five points when negotiating business with those powerful guys, usually two to five points, depending on the mood of the other party.

It is very rare for Bai Gan not to pay for his work, and idiots cannot enter their circle. Everyone knows the principle of making money with harmony. In the gray area between black and white, everyone forms a default unspoken rule in the contact, and sends out together. Got rich.

   The commission is too low, but fortunately the amount is huge.

  Ye Dongqing only draws about 3.5 points, which shows how much money those high-level executives who often appear on TV have cheated.

  The state apparatus is in their hands, Ye Dongqing has no confidence to say "no", otherwise, he can be arrested and thrown into prison if the other party finds any reason.

   This is still a good ending. It is more likely that the gods will disappear from the world without anyone noticing. The United States is much darker than people imagined. Various factions have long been formed, and the whole body is affected...

  The small business that I negotiated with old Sam today, the profit is much bigger.

  Although there is only 30,000 US dollars, Ye Dongqing can take 9,000 from it, the cost is negligible, and it is very easy to operate with such a small amount of money.

  I have class tomorrow, and I have to take the exam for two consecutive days in a few days, so I definitely don’t have time to operate.

   After walking for a while, thinking that Old Sam should be almost ready, he found the number just now and called back, and asked the old man to prepare the money and documents and put them by the stairs at the gate, saying that he would pick them up later.

The current amount is still small, even if Ye Dongqing is caught, she is sure to wipe herself clean. I don’t think the old man will suddenly have a sense of justice and shake the whole thing to the police. This will not do Old Sam any good, but will set him up go in.

Judging from the previous tax evasion practices, it is obvious that he is an old man who likes to be greedy for small things. Since he is reluctant to even pay such a small amount of tax, it makes no sense to be willing to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to the IRS. Considering the fine, the amount will only be greater. In his mind, it is a low-risk transaction.

  When I came near the apartment building I was renting, old Sam happened to call and told me that it was ready.

  Not in a hurry to get the money, Ye Dongqing first walked around the surrounding blocks to have a look, and squatted at the intersection for a while, bought a cup of hot cocoa and held it in his hands to keep warm, and stared at the apartment.

  In the past, he used to let his subordinates do this kind of dangerous thing. If you can spend money to hire someone, you don’t have to take the risk yourself. In his line of work, you are most afraid of getting stolen goods. It’s not a big mistake to be careful.

  In all these years in the money laundering business, he only missed once. The price was being prosecuted and fined, and he spent several months in prison. The lesson was too painful, enough for Ye Dongqing to remember forever.

  Of course, he didn't stop later, but he told himself to be more careful in doing things. He was born with an adventurous character, and he was too involved with Washington, D.C., so it was not easy to get out unscathed.

  By the time I stood on the roof and my body was corroded by iodine 131, it was too late to regret.

  Parents died early, and the money left behind was taken away by the aunt's family. Ye Dongqing can only rely on himself. Once he gets the start-up funds, the possible benefits in the future are so great that he is willing to continue taking risks.

   Gambler character is obvious.

  No abnormality was found. In the end, he still walked towards the door of the apartment, took the black bag next to the stairs, squeezed it with his hands, stuffed it into his arms, and left quickly...


   Stand across the road and stay up until old Sam comes into the house.

  Ye Dongqing hurried in and trot upstairs. It's better to avoid meeting the old man these days.

  I didn’t understand it before, but now he guesses why Old Sam didn’t hire help and insisted on managing the apartment by himself—someone pays the rent in cash every day, most of them are worried about being exposed and cutting off their financial resources.

  Once recruiting people, he needs to keep accounts, but now he keeps accounts by himself, he can write whatever he wants, as long as the cash is not recorded, who can find out how many rooms have been rented out?

  The pocket containing the cash was still on Ye Dongqing's body. When she returned to the small apartment she rented, she sat on the bed and counted it. It was indeed thirty thousand dollars.

There are very few one-hundred-dollar denominations, most of which are ten-dollar and twenty-dollar banknotes, which are very easy to be laundered. He even laundered banknotes with serial numbers, which were obtained by robbers who robbed the armored truck. The total was four million dollars. That's the trouble.

  Suddenly felt that the old man was so stupid and cute that he even used a mere 30,000 US dollars to test his own strength.

  He didn't need to make any effort at all, and decided to throw the brand-new Patek Philippe watch to the other party tomorrow. The price was about 30,000 US dollars, not too high.

   turns into physical objects, which is also a very common method of money laundering.

  Patek Philippe is also a hard currency in the market, and it can be easily exchanged for legal income. There are so many people in the United States, and the tax bureau will never investigate one by one. As long as the funds flow normally and there are reasonable reasons, the risk of being detected is extremely low.

   Having suffered from being patronized by thieves last time, Ye Dongqing learned to be shrewd this time, hiding the money in her schoolbag and hanging it on the wall openly.

  The street girl next door started to pick up customers again, and the head of the bed banged against the wall. He was not so naive as to think that someone was still decorating at night.

  Sighed weakly, sat at the desk and opened the textbook to review. There are still a few days left for the exam, and there is not much time left for Ye Dongqing...

  (end of this chapter)