MTL - Want to Ascend? Then Fall in Love-Chapter 167 One hundred and sixty-seven

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Chapter 167

The seven brothers saw them kissing, and this matter still has to be explained.

Shen Qing string eyes squinted and looked deep, as he thought, this guy is obviously looking forward to it.

I dare not really look forward to it, but I can’t help but look forward to it. I think that Shen Qingxian can say something different.

If there is no seal, I think that the Shen Qing string of the year will be like the seven brothers.

However, if there is a decision, the Seventh Division is only afraid that he will immediately return him to Wanfa Zong. When he and Gu see, he will not see each other again.

Therefore, Shen Qingxian can only say: "It is a misunderstanding. The creatures here love pranks. When they see men, they don't let them kiss. I and Qingshen Daojun bring you out, so..."

He said with a calm face, he did not dare to look at it.

Although he didn't look at it, he also felt the eager anticipation of the sudden cooling of the people around him.

It was very embarrassing, and I was afraid that I would have to retract the turtle shell. But there is no way, you must first stabilize the seven divisions.

The seven divisions looked at them and there was some doubt in their demeanor.

Shen Qingxian said with a hard heart: "You only heard it, they want you to kiss Yan Tang, but fortunately, Yan Tang did not wake up."

He said that he reminded the seven brothers.

Shen Qingxian said again: "This third world is a very peaceful small world. The living creatures are also very simple. There is nothing bad, just like watching people."

The seven brothers followed him and said, "Is there such a small world?"

Shen Qingxian said: "Fortunately, we were dragged into here, otherwise the disaster is endless."

Seeing that his speech was so steady, his attitude was as calm and indifferent as before. The seven brothers were slightly relieved. He looked at Gu Shen and said: "It’s hard and clear."

Gu Jianshen stood straight and did not squint, but the sound could not be concealed: "Nothing, it is a blessing to be able to go back together safely."

The seven brothers smiled at him and looked at Shen Qingxian again: "Are you finding the source?"

Shen Qingxian said: "Yes, I still retain the spiritual power, enough to open the door to our world."

The seven brothers said with a sigh of relief: "So very good."

Before leaving, Shen Qingxian and Gu Jianshen did not say a word, clearly that this half year is intimate, but at this moment, when the seven brothers wake up, they become strangers again.

Shen Qingxian condensed the gods to open the gates. When the translucent door appeared out of thin air, he said with deep whispering: "I am sorry that I have not been able to say goodbye to them."

The dumplings are very cute. They have been very happy for the past six months. They can walk through this door and it seems that the dream is about to wake up.

Everything is a bubble that floats in the air, dreamy and fragile, and I don’t know when it will be broken silently.

Shen Qingxian fully supported the boundary door and could not respond to his words.

Gu Jianshen did not seem to want him to respond. He and the seven brothers together sent the comatose brothers into the gates.

In the end, only three of them were left, and the seven divisions said: "Qing Shen Daojun please."

Gu Jian Shen wanted to go last, but the seven brothers obviously did not want him to get along with Shen Qingxian alone, so he offered to let him go first.

After seeing the situation, I should say: "Okay."

He walked into the boundary gate and returned to the realm of comprehension. The fullness of the aura came to him. The Lingtian, which had been exhausted for half a year, was filled up instantly. It was supposed to be extremely refreshing, but the heart was empty.

Immediately after the seven brothers and Shen Qingxian came back together, Gu looked at him and looked at him. Shen Qingxian also looked at him...

The seven division brothers said: "A Qing, come help."

Shen Qingxian should say: "Okay."

Returning to his own world, he can treat the brothers and help them wake up.

Shen Qingxian was busy, he could feel the viscous sticking on his back, but unfortunately could not respond.

After a short time, the brothers and sisters all woke up, and the seven divisions stared at the gods: "How do you feel, okay?"

Yan Tianrui pressed the button on the temple, and after listening to the seven brothers' brief and brief explanations, he held a fist to Shen Qingxian and looked deep into the court: "Working hard!"

Several other brothers also thanked him with a fist.

This time, if they are not Shen Qingxian and Gushen, they are afraid that they will die long ago!

Lanfu Wang is really insidious and cunning, and actually hides such a bad trick, they are really hard to prevent!

The seven divisions said: "Let's go back to Wan Fa Zong first."

They have to report to the head quickly, and the enchantment must be set. Since the Lanfu country does not cooperate, it can only be enforced!

They want to go back to Wan Fa Zong, and they can't follow the deep thoughts. He paused and said: "Go back first."

Yan Tianrui said: "Dao Jun is slow, it is better to return to the Zongmen together, so that I can wait for my heart."

Where can I go? Wan Fa Zong's shoushan squad is not a vegetarian, and Bacheng will ruin his traitor.

But he still hopes that Shen Qingxian can say something, even if he doesn't say it, just look at him.

But Shen Qingxian did not look at him.

Gu sees a deep smile, Wen said: "No, I have come out for a long time, it should go back."

Yan Tianrui also wants to invite, the seven divisions said: "The brothers should be polite, come to the Japanese party, we are close friends with the Qing Dynasty, and now we need to lift the front of the incident, only to have a good hospitality."

This is also very reasonable, Yan Tianrui will hand in the hand: "Whether, after the Lanfu event is closed, I hope to be drunk with Daojun!"

Gu Shen Shen said: "I am looking forward to it."

They said a lot here, Shen Qingxian has not been open, he is outside the appearance of the appearance, others are not surprised.

After all, he has always been like this, and everyone is used to it.

Only when you look deep, you are waiting for a word, a sentence, and a moment.

However, until he turned and left, nothing was waiting.

Wanfa Zong went to the sword and saw him turn deep. He could see a plain white, like the starlight in the night sky, leaving only the illusory afterimage.

Is it over, so is it over?

Not reconciled.

Back to Wan Fa Zong, they are all busy.

However, Shen Qingxian was taken out, and the seven divisions took the initiative and Master to mention: "This trip is hard and clear, let him have a good rest for a while."

This is also normal. Shen Qingxian has always been a temper who doesn't ask the world. He can't get involved with the upcoming work of Zongmen. Instead of following up with it, it is better to go to retreat and practice. If it can be sanctified, Tiandao can be regarded as a successor.

When the letter was approved, the real person nodded and said, "You go to rest."

So clear the strings will have nothing to do.

He wants to go to see and see, but he dare not go right away.

The seven divisions are cautious, and they are still paying attention. If they go out, they will definitely alarm him.

Shen Qingxian’s actions at this time were generally the same as those of the year.

At that time, he also left Gu Gushen, and he was so careful to hide it, and he was left in Wanfa Zong.

It was only in that year that his mood was completely different from today.

At that time, although he was cold on the surface, but his heart was burning, he was not standing or not. How could he not imagine that the family he had stayed for nearly two years ago had become a "cage" for him.

He wants to go out, wants to go to see and see, and wants to see him think he can't calm down.

rest? meditation? Retreat?

No... I can't do it all. He stays on the mountain, and even the most beloved Golden Red can't make him interested.

At this moment, Wan Fa Zong is like a hot pot that can't settle, and he is the ant above, walking back and forth, anxious and uneasy, unable to stop.

And he still can't stop thinking about it.

I want to spend half a year in the third world, I want to see each and every kiss, and I want to be with him every minute.

The strange third world, the unexpected flow, has become such a beautiful memory, who can think of it?

He is even annoyed, why should he find the source so quickly? Why are you coming back so soon? why why……

I shouldn’t think so, but I can’t stop these messy thoughts.

What is the age of the year, Shen Qing string cut body will come.

When the seven brothers were the busiest, they finally got down.

I can't wait any longer, I don't want to wait any longer. He wants to see and see, and I don't know what to do.

Can go down the mountain, Shen Qingxian found that he did not know where to go to find him.

He only knew that he was the son of Master's deceased, and the others did not know.

Of course, it doesn't matter. He likes him. No matter what he is, he likes it.

But he should know more, so that he can find him, not so confused.

Can't ask Master, where should he go to find him.

Shen Qingxian is going to find out where to see.

Lanfu State? I can't get in now...

Other places... he doesn't know...

If he is not sanctified, the scope of the voice is very narrow, and it is impossible to call for deepsight.

But is there any way to find him? Looking for a city or a city?

There are hundreds of thousands of towns under Wanfa Zong. Which one should he look for?

It doesn't matter, looking for one by one, the world of cultivation is big, he can find him too.

At that time, Shen Qingxian took this mood and went down the mountain to the first town.

The town has a very nice name, it is called Canxing Town.

It is said that there is a small flying beast similar to fireflies in this town. In the evening, it will fly in the sky, as if the stars are falling into the human world.

When Shen Qingxian came to this town, it was just the night.

The cool summer wind swept over the cheeks, as if the waves on the lake were blown up, fluttering and dancing, splendid the entire night sky.

Shen Qingxian hates the darkness, does not like the night, can see this scene, he also feels pretty good.

However, it is imperative to go to see and see!

I don't know where to go, I can only follow the path of my heart.

At this moment, just at this moment, a sigh rang in his knowledge of the sea.

"It's beautiful here, you will love it."

Shen Qingxian stood still and stood firm.

- Passing into the secret, is deep in sight.

He is in this small town!

Shen Qingxian used this spell countless times, but at this time he was like the first time he used it. He was awkward and asked nervously: "Where are you?"

Then, a rushing voice sounded: "Shen Qingxian?"

Shen Qing’s heart trembled and almost opened his eyes and said: “Where are you!”

At the next moment they dispersed the gods and found each other.

It is also unclear who first found who, in short, the moment of meeting, the feeling that has been full of nowhere to carry out completely broke out.

At this moment, the fireflies surrounded by them became the real starlight, surrounded by two people.

I don't know who is the first to take the initiative, they have already kissed together.

When separated, Shen Qingxian asked him: "Are you waiting for me?"

Gu Jian asked him: "Are you coming to me?"

Shen Qingxian took his hand: "Follow me."

He took him to his most precious and cherished most secret place.

Look at this "golden and silver nest", and see what you know.

Shen Qingxian said: "You are the first person to come here."

Gu sees him to him.

Shen Qing Xiandao: "Xia Qingshen, I like you."
