MTL - War God Asura-Chapter 20 Robbery? Anti-robbery!

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"Name, gender, age" In front of a counter at the Cabinet Office of the Royal Pavilion, a veteran with this reading glasses, holding a pen and paper in his hand, looked at the sentence and said.

"Penalty, male, 16" sentenced to learn the tone of the old man, but returned with a smile, but the heart is dark, you ah? Can't you see the gender?

"Change the robes, hold the letter, and go to the line." After hearing the sentence and learning his own tone, the old man was somewhat unhappy, but when he saw the appearance of the hippie smile, he was not worried, then white. After a criminal sentence, the letter of the prison sentence and a blue robes were thrown at the counter.

After changing the blue robes, he took the letter and came to the place where the old man said. He saw only a small square in the square, and there were dozens of disciples in blue robes standing neatly. There is a small podium above the square, but at the moment the platform is empty, but after the prison has sorted out his robes, it is also included.

After about half an hour after the cool sun, there was only one person on the podium, the old man in the blue robe, but the old man’s robes were somewhat different from the styles they were wearing. Yun Fengzong’s fan is the same, obviously he should be the elder of the Yufeng Pavilion.

"First of all, on behalf of the Royal Pavilion, I welcome you." The old man said in a high-pitched tone, and then said a lot of meaningful words, but it is these words that will make the prisoner sleepy, I don’t know how long it has been. It was like a recited chanting that ended in the applause of the disciples.

Then they sentenced them to a new line of people, and they were arranged in the residential area of ​​the disciples and settled down. The criminal decision was even more fortunate to be assigned to a single room with a size of ten square meters. It is said that the sentence must have a summary of the life of the disciple, although the architecture of the Imperial Court can be said to be magnificent and beautiful. Beautiful. However, the area in which their disciples are living is still terrible.

Opening the window and looking at the disciples who had just stayed in the attic, there was only one conclusion in mind, that is, it is simply a shanty town. Looking up at the luxury palace that looked like a distant palace under the night sky, it was secretly screaming. If it wasn’t for the loss of the cabinet’s letter, perhaps it should be the place where I lived.

"哎" accompanied by a helpless sigh, the criminal decision closed the window door, lying in bed thinking about the scene of today's affair, because only that thing, in order to make the sentence feel balanced, so it passed about half After the hour, a shallow smile hung from the corner of the sentence and entered the happy dream.

Time lapses, alternating day and night, after a few hours, in the east of the sky shrouded by the night, it began to emit a slight light, and a new day will come.

In the early morning, the Yufeng Pavilion can be described as lively and extraordinary. If you don’t count the disciples of the main cabinet and the cabinet disciples, you will have thousands of disciples in the cabinet where you are sentenced. This is a concept. ? In other words, this Yufeng Pavilion is simply a very large city.


"Mom, who? If you don't sleep in the morning, what do you do?" The sentence that was immersed in the dream was awakened by a rush of knocking on the door, and the door opened with anger.

"Amount, that, today is the day when the new disciples will receive the points in unison. If they don't go, they will be late." A teenager with glasses in front of the sentence, some timid about the sentence, it is obviously a sentence. Scared.

"Oh, I am really embarrassed, sorry." After hearing the words of the boy in front of him, the sentence was suddenly realized. Today is the day to receive points. So I quickly said an apology.

Points in the Yufengge are equivalent to food stamps, purchase martial arts, exercises, and even meals, all need to spend points, so this point is very important for the disciples of Yufengge.

Points can be exchanged for the club. It can be said that the most popular place in the Yufeng Pavilion is because, as a disciple of the cabinet, in addition to receiving 300 points every month, you can also get the corresponding points by performing tasks. So not only the disciples who just started, but many old disciples will come here to redeem points.

"Is this a loyalty card?" Points are exchanged outside the gate, looking at the crystal-like transparent card in his hand, the sentence is a bit of amazement, and the score card on the penalty card is printed with 300 words. This is to say that there are 300 points in the score card of the sentence.

After the loyalty card is collected, the sentence will go straight to the cafeteria, whether it is cultivation or God horse, it must be done under the premise of filling the stomach.

"Hey~ Isn't that four eyes?" On the way to the canteen, when LeDong rushed away, a familiar figure caught the attention of the criminal decision. At the moment, there was a corner in the roadside. There are about six cabinet disciples, and a thin teenager among the six is ​​the four eyes who got up in the morning and called for a sentence.

"Hey! Four eyes, go eat together." The criminal smiled and shouted at the four eyes in the crowd.

"Penalty?" After four eyes looked up and saw the sentence, some surprised.

"How? This kid is your friend?" Among the six, a thin disciple with a knife and scar on his face, looked at his eyes with a smirk, asked four eyes.

"No, no, no, I don't know him." Four eyes rushed back to the road, and then began to give the prisoner a look, let the sentence go quickly.

And the criminal decision can not see the situation, these four eyes must be in trouble.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The criminal decision not only did not go, but instead came over and dismissed and looked at the thin disciple.

"Nothing, just to protect the new collection point, have you not paid?" The thin disciple said that he did not say goodbye after the punishment. Because the criminal decision deliberately suppressed his breath, the thin disciple seemed to be a preliminary martial artist.

"Hey? You are not afraid of me reporting you?" After hearing the words of the thin disciple, I knew what was going on. The goods were actually being robbed.

"Ha ha ha, report it? It must be someone to manage." The thin disciple suddenly laughed as if he heard a funny joke. The disciples around him also laughed.

"Hey, it turns out that nobody cares? Is it easy?" Seeing the expression of the crowd, the sentence is also a smile. In my heart, I have learned a little more about the hidden rules of this Yufeng Pavilion.

"Boy, you are very interesting, so, give up 200 points, brother let you go today," said the thin disciple.

"Four eyes? Your points are given to them?" The sentence did not pay attention to the thin disciple, but looked at the four eyes, which suddenly found that there is only 0 word left on the score card in the hands of the four eyes. .

Four eyes did not speak, but only after a moment of silence, nodded gently.


But this action actually provoked the dissatisfaction of the thin and tall disciple, and hit a four-eyed lower abdomen with a fist, and the four eyes were more painful and curled up on the ground, but they did not dare to speak out.

"Mom, who is your point? To say it again," asked the thin disciple.

"Nobody gave it, it was my own expense." Four eyes rushed back.

"You see, he is a good role model, you have to learn from him..." The thin disciple turned and said to the sentence.

"噗" but not waiting for him to finish the words, the fists of heavy punishment have already been on his ugly face, just a punch, the thin man, is squirting a blood with three large front teeth After that, the heavy planting fell to the ground, and actually passed out.

"You **** to death" seeing that his brother was beaten, and a slightly fatter disciple next to him will have to take a shot.

"噗嗤" is a simple and sharp punch, and this disciple can't afford to fall down like the previous thin disciple.

The remaining few people are standing in the same place and looking at the criminal decision. They must know which two disciples are middle-ranked martial artists. However, in the face of criminal punishment, they have no power to fight back. They are even more afraid to shoot.

"Several of you each brushed 200 points for four points, or you will end up with them." The sentence was lowered, and from which two men took out two points cards, I saw the above one written 1200, one written 2000. After the penalty was taken with his own scorecard on the top, the two scorecards all became 0, and the penalty card was changed to 3500.

The few disciples and disciples were rushing to take out their loyalty cards. After each of them swept 200 points into the four-eyed card, they hurriedly lifted the two fainted disciples to run away. I thought, this time it really is a big loss.

"Penal, you.. You are the first stage Wu Zong?" Four eyes are some unbelievable to see the sentence. Because the criminal decision used the soul to suppress his own breath ~ ~ four eyes have always thought that he is only a famous martial artist.

However, after the criminal decision has just been taken, the four eyes have completely changed their own ideas. They can easily knock down two middle-ranked martial artists without using a smattering of martial arts. This is at least the strength of the first-order Wu Zong.

Don't look at the four eyes so weak, but the talent in cultivation is also extremely excellent.

"Hey, I said four eyes, at least you are also a middle-ranked martial artist. Why do you give them the points so embarrassed? You have this character is not appropriate." The penalty card will be smashed into the arms, and the sentence will be laughed. Said to the four eyes.

"Well, I will change it later, that.. Criminal decision, I invite you to eat, wrong.. These points are yours." Four eyes holding the 1200 scorecard in his hand, some embarrassed.

"It's yours in your hand, let's go, I invite you." After taking a look at the shoulders of the four eyes, he turned to God and walked toward the dining hall, and the four eyes also rushed to follow.

"The first stage Wu Zong, it seems that in this group of disciples, there is a good guy."

"It’s another competitor, it’s better to get rid of it earlier.”

"This is not necessary. He injured Zhao Wang’s men and will definitely take the shot with Zhao Wang’s character."

Just after the criminal decision and four eyes left, two figures emerged slowly from the roadside. These two are actually the first level of Wu Zong.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!
