MTL - War God Asura-Chapter 889 Ancestor soulless

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The soul is close to the earth, it is a super-sized underground city, the internal route, intricate.

If you change to other newcomers, if no one leads the way, it is really difficult to find a place to practice, and it is easy to get lost.

However, there is no soul guidance in the sentence, but since Liu Qiang insists on this, the criminal decision is naturally impossible to refuse.

After all, he can't tell Liu Qiang that he also has the guidance of the soul, and he can find his own cultivation place.

In the vastness of the soul, the criminal decision and Liu Qiang walked in the broad and majestic passage.

Although the time has passed, the soul has long been lost, but looking at the glory recorded on the wall, the criminal decision is still proud of what the ancestors did.

"The judge is the younger brother, here is the place to practice."

Under the leadership of Liu Qiang, the two men came to a vast land, saying that their vastness could never be overemphasized, because it can be described by another world.

Inside the circular hall, the upper star river turns, the earth is full of light, full of mysterious colors.

There are tens of thousands of floating stone chairs, and there is no regular floating at this moment. As Liu Qiang said, here is the cultivation place of the soul.

"It's really a big hand."

Looking at the spectacular scene in front of him, the punishment is determined to be amazed. He can see that this vast space is actually a huge array.

Every place, every stone chair, every spell is the key to this big array.

The mystery of this array is far from being accessible to the criminal decision. This kind of ruling can not be arranged at all. Even if we see the mysterious, we only see some fur.

"It is indeed a big deal, but today's here is just a seemingly spectacular, but useless display." Liu Qiang shook his head helplessly.

When I heard Liu Qiang’s words, the criminal decision also spread the soul and wanted to feel some strange things from it.

However, the accident is that in this mysterious array, it is really difficult to feel the strange power.

In this way, here, as Liu Qiang said, it is just a decoration. It can't be the same as the other three secrets.

"No, this is not just a display, but the door to cultivation has been closed."

Suddenly, the criminal determination was a move, and when he observed it, he still found a strange place in this large array.

Because he found that the big array is working, but one of the vital parts is closed. ,

Just like a strange lock, the singular energy that should exist is turned off, and to get the power, you have to open this lock.

"Penalize the younger brother, you are actually ...." However, after the sentence was decided, Liu Qiang’s face suddenly became amazed.

"Mr. Liu Qiang, is there anything wrong with it?" Seeing Liu Qiang’s appearance, the sentence was incomprehensible.

"This is by no means accidental. It is no accident. At the beginning, the sorcerer and sister who had gone to war, had said something similar to you."

“She said that this is not the end of the soul. Somewhere here, there must be a gateway to another space.”

"And there, there is the real power of the soul, that is, the power to summon her soul." Liu Qiang is somewhat unbelievable.

"Soul summoning? Yes, maybe this is the root of the door."

"Senior Liu Qiang, thank you very much."

At this time, the criminal decision was suddenly overjoyed. If it was not for Liu Qiang’s reminder, the criminal decision almost forgot to attract it, but it was a strong call from the depths of the soul.

Suddenly, the criminal sentence closed his eyes again. He found that the closer he was, the weaker the summoning, but he was still able to find clues.

After a moment of induction, the criminal decision went to a wall in the vast hall, in front of him, a great mural.

The murals are cast by spells. They are like iron but indestructible. The form is quite vague, but it can be roughly distinguished. It is countless unknown creatures.

There are so many creatures that they can't even see with the naked eye, but what shocked the criminal decision is that when he came close, he discovered that there are countless creatures, each of which has a large criminal sentence. It can be seen how much this mural is. huge.

"Oh." Suddenly, the criminals flew up and came to the center of the mural.

"There are people in this mural, why haven't they been discovered before?"

With the figure of the criminal decision flying, Liu Qiang was excited, because at this moment in front of them is no longer the vague creature, but a human back.

"Mr. Liu Qiang, can you say that you have never seen anyone in this mural?"

"I waited for nothing at the beginning, I wanted to count the number of demons in this statement. Although I couldn't find it at the end, this vice mural has been seen at least a hundred times."

"But it has been carefully observed in a hundred times, but it has never been found that human beings exist in this painting." Liu Qiang explained.

"Hey? It seems that this painting is indeed extraordinary."

The sentence was slightly smiled, and the color of expectation was already on the face.

Just as Liu Qiang did not know what was going on, the criminal decision was to find out the palm of his hand and tap on the back of the human being.

Because here is the root of the summoning of the criminal decision, that is to say, here is the key to opening another door.

"Oops, this feeling.."

However, just after touching the murals, the sentence was not good. He found that the soul in the body, like the tide, poured into the murals and could not control itself.

Even the criminal decision to remove the palm from the mural is already incapable of doing it. This mural seems to be the one who wants to squeeze the soul of the penalty.

"Take a judge, what happened to you?"


Seeing that the sentence was not correct, Liu Qiang rushed forward to help, but did not encounter the criminal decision, a powerful force will fly Liu Qiang.


At the same time, the stars in the sky actually accelerated, and the scrolls on the vast walls began to shine.


Just when Liu Qiang was in fear, the roar of the bursts came from all directions.

After a while, when everything subsided, both the criminal decision and Liu Qiang were full of excitement and excitement.

In particular, Liu Qiang, compared with the unexpected excitement of the criminal decision, Liu Qiang is more trembling, radiant in his eyes, and even suspected to see what he sees, is an illusion.

Because, in all directions, there are countless roads that lead to the sky, and the strange energy in the gates is constantly overflowing and flooding into the big battle.

At this moment, the entire vast hall is completely different from the previous ones. It is no longer a silent operation, but a real sacred place.

"Look, that.. what is that?"

However, compared to the surrounding, it is a door that simply emits energy and is actually inaccessible.

Before the criminal paintings that were previously touched, a real door was opened, which is the gateway to one place.

When Liu Qiang exclaimed, the criminal decision had already noticed the scene in front of him, because at this moment, the call from the soul was several times more intense than in the past.


The criminal decision was like a light, crossing the gate, and Liu Qiang followed the past.

This passage is not long, and soon a vast hall will come to the forefront, and Liu Qiang, who was shocked at this moment, could not calm down.

What emerged in front of the two is a giant statue. The texture of the statue is very special, haunting the faint brilliance, giving a sense of sacredness and inviolability.

But what is more attractive than the texture of the statue is the appearance of the statue.

The wild long hair is behind the shoulders, and the mighty armor is worn on the body. The hands are empty and there are no weapons, but there is an invincible feeling.

The appearance is not handsome, but it has the charm that the world can't match. That is the supreme majesty and the style of the king.

This person stands here, as if everything in the world must be surrendered. Although it is only a stone statue, there is an impulse to bow down in front of it.

The strong, the real strong, the vast sanctuary, the most prominent existence.

In front of him, all the strong people I have seen before the criminal decision are not worth mentioning.

"This.. this.. this.. Could it be?!"

Liu Qiang’s twitching face and trembling lips are already expressing his inner feelings at the moment.


However, it was not until Liu Qiang finished speaking, but the shaking legs suddenly fell to the ground, and he could not control himself against the stone statue.

"The younger generation is sentenced, and worships the ancestors!"

At the same time, the criminal decision was also tripped to the ground, and the face was sincerely worshipped.

The criminal decision is different from Liu Qiang. He is not controlled by the pressure of the stone statue, but is sincerely wanting to worship.

Because this stone statue is not someone else, it is the creator of this soul, the legendary figure who pushes the soul-eater to the top, and the soul is endless.


Suddenly, the eyes of the criminal decision were covered by white light, and the glare of the glare made the sentence not dare to face up, only to close the eyes.

It wasn't until a moment later that I felt that Guanghua had some convergence, but when the sentence was opened again, even the calmer, he could no longer calm down.

At this moment, Liu Qiang, who was already at his side, was gone. The huge statues were also missing. It was a world of heaven.

The dark space is boundless, and the faint brilliance emerges in the distance. Occasionally, meteors pass by in groups. Here, here is the depths of the sanctuary.

"Sanctuary? When did I leave the world and came to the depths of the sanctuary?" The criminal sentence was shocked. This real feeling, he is not sure whether this is true or吼"

Suddenly, a shrill roar came, and the sound of roaring carried a powerful sound wave, and the sound wave would spur the rotation of the sentence.

Like a weak ant, ups and downs in a strong wind, can not escape, can only wait to calm down.

"What is that? Is it the creature in the painting!"

After the violent sound of the hurricane, the sentence was stabilized, but it was once again shocked.

Because at the margin of the vast sanctuary, a huge shadow is approaching.

I can't describe how big it is, it's just as big as a continent, and even a small world.

However, it is undeniable that it is a living body, the star-like eyes, and the vague outline, which makes the sentence think that this is the creature in the mural.

However, this real behemoth in front of us is a pressure that can not be resisted by the criminal judgment. This is an unprecedented fear.