MTL - War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens-Chapter 4449 Yan Tianjun

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   "If you are a powerful person in the realm...It is said that you can use the power of blood to predict some situations that the immediate descendants will encounter if the immediate descendants are not dead?"

  This is what Meng Tianfeng heard from others.

   also because of this, he knew that although he was promoted to the strongest, it is almost impossible to know what happened to him without his direct descendants dead.

   "That person... probably doesn't want me to find him."

  Meng Tianfeng's face was gloomy, "However, he really thought...If he did this, I couldn't find him?"

   Soon, Meng Tianfeng went to see the contemporary Patriarch of the Meng family, and directly ordered the Meng family to join the family to inquire about people who have grievances with Meng Yuzheng.

  In the beginning, Meng Tianfeng was very confident and felt that he would be able to find the person who did it soon.

  It’s just that, after a while, the feedback from the Patriarch of the Meng family made him almost vomiting blood...

  Only then did he know that the direct descendant Meng Yuzheng, his favorite and optimistic, had provoked so many people outside, and he was a complete dude!

   "Old ancestors, if you only rely on such investigations, there are really too many suspects."

  The contemporary Patriarch of the Meng Family, looking at Meng Tianfeng, said with a wry smile.

  This matter was the first time this ancestor asked him to do it after he became the strongest man. Naturally, he wanted to do it beautifully and properly.

  However, after a period of inquiries and investigations, he almost vomited blood. He did not expect that Meng Yuzheng, who looked like a predecessor, would offend so many people secretly!

  Moreover, most of the people he offends are because of the Meng family, they dare not speak.

  Even, many people want to kill him quickly!


  Meng Yuzheng's offended people, those who want to kill him, definitely more than 90%!

  This also made him completely helpless, not knowing where to start...

  I really want to talk about the suspicion of kidnapping Meng Yuzheng. Everyone who has committed crimes by Meng Yuzheng is suspected.


Duan Lingtian didn't know that the disappearance of Meng Yuzheng caused the entire Meng Family to jump up.

  Even, the entire Canglan City was a sensation.

  Currently, Duan Lingtian, together with Tan Xiuteng, has arrived at the last city in Liangu territory, and further forward, it is the ‘Pingxiong Realm’, one of the six realms in the outer realm that is closest to the three holy realms.

  Liangu territory, in addition to the city where they are now based, Duan Lingtian and Tan Xiuteng also stayed in several cities, mainly to inquire about some things, and to buy some things that Duan Lingtian could use in his practice.

  Nowadays, the city Duan Lingtian and Tan Xiuteng have arrived is named ‘Guilan City’.

Outside Guilan City, Duan Lingtian and Tan Xiuteng walked slowly into the city gate one after another... This Guilan City is a city with a forbidden air formation. OK, but they are all the city guards of Guilan City.

  Guilan City is different from a city generally ruled by a certain family or several families.

  In this Guilan city, there is no family, there is only one force named ‘Yantian Army’.

   "Master, the predecessor of the Yantian Army is said to be a wandering force...Finally, the leader of the Yantian Army was promoted to the strongest, and this led the Yantian Army into Guilan City, and Champa was king."

   Duan Lingtian’s ears heard Tan Xiuteng’s voice, “Of course, at first, this city was not called Guilan City.”

   "The reason why he was named Guilan City is said to be the leader of the Yantian Army to commemorate his dead wife... Guilan is the name of his dead wife."

"Speaking of which, the leader of the Yantian Army is also a legend...Although he is not the invincible high-ranking god, he is also close to the top existence of the invincible high-ranking god. Power, expelled the three first-class families that originally controlled this city...repelled the three strongest with one enemy three!"

  "Since then, he fought to be a god, and was recognized by the people in Liangu as one of the strongest people in Liangu."

"And he, since then, has been based in Guilan City and built Guilan City into a city that completely belongs to their Yantian Army...In this Guilan City, no family exists, and all the industries in it belong to Yantian Army. The army. As for those in charge of the industry, it is said that they are all relatives and friends of the high-level Yantian army."

   "So, in this Guilan city, don't look at the inconspicuous shop owners... Among them, there may be close relatives of the Yantian army high-level!"

"In the current Yantian Army, more than one leader is the Xeon... It is said that another deputy leader was also promoted to become the Xeon a thousand years ago. However, this matter was only passed on by outsiders, Yantian Army. I didn’t say much inside, and I don’t know if it is true or not."

   "Perhaps, only by waiting for the deputy leader to take action can we confirm that he is the real Xeon!"


  Following Tan Xiuteng's words, Duan Lingtian also had a certain understanding of Yantian Army, and at the same time was full of curiosity about the city controlled by Yantian Army.

Entering Guilan City, what appears in front of Duan Lingtian is a clean and tidy avenue, which is different from the bustling and noisy city of ordinary cities. Although this city is also noisy, more people talk with each other. General fear.

Seeing this scene, Tan Xiuteng said: "It is said that the deceased wife of the leader of the Yantian army was a quiet woman before his death... Therefore, Guilan City also has rules, not to make loud noises. Those who make loud noises will be warned first. If you don’t listen to the warning and continue to make noise, you will be expelled from Guilan City!"

   Hearing this, Duan Lingtian suddenly, if so, everything in front of him would be easy to explain.

  In fact, when he settled in this city, Duan Ling Tiancun’s mind was to see if there was anything he needed here...or rather, it was something that was helpful to him, and even to his relatives and friends in their cultivation.

  Although he is in a place outside the world and is on the road to saving his wife, he has not forgotten his group of relatives and friends. If he can get something that is helpful to them, it can also save them from making detours.

   However, after entering Guilan City, although he had been mentally prepared, it still surprised him.

  In the beginning, I just heard Tan Xiuteng say that this city is different from ordinary cities.

  Now it seems that it is so.


   Suddenly, a figure greeted Duan Lingtian's eyes, making Duan Lingtian unable to help his color change.

  I saw that it was a young man with a height of about 1.8 meters. His face was handsome and determined, with a pair of sword eyebrows and heroic spirit. Wearing a blue robe, his long hair dancing in the wind was also blue.

  The seemingly inconspicuous young man walked through the street in front of him like others, but Duan Lingtian couldn't help but look sideways, and even changed his color!

  Only because he has seen this person.

  You can also say, know who this person is!

"you know me?"

  At the moment when Duan Lingtian's color changed, a ghost-like figure appeared in front of Duan Lingtian, asking slightly surprised.

  At this moment, Duan Lingtian only felt that a blast of cold air enveloped him. The cold power seemed to be able to easily pass through his body, oppressing his divine power.

  And Tan Xiuteng behind Duan Lingtian was also frightened by the sudden power in front of him. At the same time, he trembled, his pupils contracted, his throat swelled, and a bit of dryness forcibly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, shocked in his heart...

   "To... the strongest?!"