MTL - War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens-Chapter 4451 Another floating mirror image of the invincible upper god

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  The next words of King Han made Duan Lingtian completely stunned.

  Something, want to help yourself?

  Han King, but the best among the Xeons. With this kind of existence, what can't be done by oneself, need someone to help?

  Furthermore, let’s find him!

   "Is it possible that the King of Cold has discovered a place where the strongest cannot enter the ruins, and wants to find non-strongest ones to enter and share a piece of the pie?"

  Duan Lingtian couldn't help but guess like this.

  However, as soon as this speculation appeared in his mind, he suppressed it again, "Even if it is so, King Han can't find someone temporarily...he is looking for someone, and there are many people to find."

   "I am not the invincible high-ranking deity...I am close to the existence of the invincible high-ranking deity. With the strength and status of the cold king, it is not difficult to find it."

   "It shouldn't be this."

  Duan Lingtian secretly said.

  As if seeing Duan Lingtian’s doubts, King Han smiled and said, “Don’t worry, it’s just a matter of effort for you...”

"I have an old friend in the Pingxiong realm, and there is a junior underneath the old friend. He is extremely talented. Just after long live, I realized the law of death, one of the four highest laws, into the realm of small perfection... and because of this, he is talented. I am proud and suffered a lot of small losses for this, but I still go my own way, which makes my old friend a headache."

   "According to my old friend's words, unless you can find someone who is more talented and stronger than him, and you can compete with him and beat him dignifiedly, maybe he can be honest."

   "Of course, your strength may not be able to defeat him, but it is not difficult to think about it if you want to fight with him."

"If someone who is older than him gets a draw with him, he might not mind... But you are less than 10,000 years old, obviously much younger than him, if you can get a draw with him, for him, undoubtedly It was a huge blow, and it was obvious that he was inferior to you, or even far inferior to you!"

   "In this case, he will inevitably be much more honest."

  Speaking of this, King Han looked at Duan Lingtian with a deeper smile on his face, “If you can achieve what my old friend wants, I won’t be stingy...and my old friend, I won’t be stingy.”

  "This matter is just a matter of effort for you."

  After hearing King Han’s words, Duan Lingtian suddenly realized that he dared to feel that King Han wanted to call himself, and went to his old friend in the Pingxiong Realm, and by the way, ‘educate’ the younger of his old friend.

   "Just after long live, I realized the law of death, one of the four supreme laws, into the realm of small perfection..."

  Even Duan Lingtian was shocked.

  This kind of genius, even if you look at the entire outside world, and even the ten thousand realms, I am afraid that it is a top-notch genius.

  In the future, as long as the talent is not a flash in the pan, as long as it is not halfway through, as long as it is not bad luck, it can almost be concluded that he will become the strongest!

  Of course, Duan Lingtian disapproved of what King Han said that he was at most tied with the opponent.

  In the old days, in Wuyang City, although he made a shot, he did not do his best.

  Furthermore, he is now better than when he was in Wuyang City...

   Now, even if he faced the three big monsters close to the invincible upper gods under the Chiming Mountain Demon Venerable, even if he was not sure to defeat any of them, he was sure to fight with them!

  He can't help the other party, and the other party can't help him!


  Han Wang looked at Duan Lingtian as if he was thinking, and asked again.

  At this time, Duan Lingtian also came back to his senses, and at the same time agreed, "Since the cold king has this assignment, the younger generation will naturally not refuse...Moreover, I really want to pass through the Pingxiong Realm."

  "It is a great honor for me to be accompanied by senior Han Wang all the way."

  Faced with a powerful person like King Han, even Duan Lingtian knew that he had to be careful.

  This kind of existence, if you want to kill him at all, it will be difficult for him to live.


  Han King laughed, "Since you have agreed, then I will give you the ‘thank you’ I want to give you about this matter in advance...presumably, this thing will be of great help to you."

   "If you can take this one step further in a short period of time and defeat the younger generation of my old friend... I think my old friend will be even happier."

  After the voice fell, King Han handed Duan Lingtian a floating shadow orb containing the mirror image of the floating shadow. This floating shadow orb was exactly the same as the one given by the former Heavenly Sword'Situ Lei'.

  The floating shadow mirror recorded by this floating shadow bead cannot be copied. Once you try to copy, not only is it impossible to copy successfully, even this floating shadow bead will self-destruct.

  This kind of prohibition is very special, even the Xeon can't break it without destroying the floating shadow mirror inside.

At the same time, King Han glanced at Tan Xiuteng who was behind Duan Lingtian, and then a sound transmission was transmitted to Duan Lingtian's ears in a timely manner, "In this floating shadow bead, there is recorded an invincible upper **** who is good at space laws. Zun fights against another invincible high-ranking god..."

   Hearing King Han’s words, Duan Lingtian’s pupils suddenly contracted, and even his breathing became disordered in an instant.

  Invincible high-ranking god?

  Furthermore, is he still an invincible high-ranking deity who is good at the laws of space?

  For Duan Lingtian, this is undoubtedly the real treasure, at least for him at this stage, it is an absolute treasure...

In the past, he probably didn't have much idea about this kind of thing, but since he got such a floating shadow bead in the hands of the heavenly sword Situ Lei, his spatial law that hasn't entered the territory for a long time, in a short time, there is A very obvious improvement.

  If he can get such another floating shadow orb, it will undoubtedly further accelerate his advancement in the law of space!

  "Floating shadow mirroring against another invincible high-ranking god?"

Especially this point made Duan Lingtian realize that the Floating Shadow Orb given by King Han is more precious than that given by the Heavenly Sword Situ Lei. After all, the latter is only given by an invincible high-ranking **** who is good at the laws of space. Fight against the existence of a non-invincible high-ranking god.

  Two invincible high-ranking gods fought against each other. This kind of floating shadow mirror image, looking beyond the horizon, and even the ten thousand realms, is a first-class treasure, and even most of the strongest people will be moved by it and participate in the competition.

   Before Duan Lingtian had time to recover, the floating shadow orb had already floated in front of him.

  At the same time, before his eyes flashed, King Cold had disappeared out of thin air, leaving a cold air permeating the void, and then gradually disappeared...

"I will stay at the Yantian Army's main mansion for the rest of the time. When you are done with your business, come to me directly... then, tell the guard on duty in front of the Yantian Army's main mansion and say yes. Just come to me."

  The voice of King Han seemed to float slowly into Duan Lingtian's ears from a very far away.

  Recovered, Duan Lingtian grabbed the floating shadow bead floating in front of him with one hand, and then collected it like a treasure...

  At this moment, his disordered breathing, not only did not calm down, but also tended to become more disordered!

  For a while, he couldn't help taking a deep breath, trying to calm his mood.

  He had to be excited!

  The floating shadow beads given by King Han can be said to be something he wants to get in his dreams, something he can't refuse at all!

   "But... that Senior Cold King, just gave me the things in advance, don't you worry that I will run away with the treasure without doing anything for him?"

Together with the thoughts, Duan Lingtian suppressed it again, "However, I am now in this Guilan city and want to flee privately with my treasure, I am afraid it is impossible..."

  "Not to mention his spiritual knowledge, it is enough to easily spread out and monitor my every move in Guilan City..."

  "It is not relying on himself. As long as he greets, the people from the Heavenly Army will probably stare at me."

  Hearing the last words of King Han just now, it is not difficult to hear that King Han is very familiar with the leader of the Yantian army, that is, the leader of the Yantian army...

  He went to Yantian Army’s main mansion, maybe he went to talk to the old man!