MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 434 Widowed

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Chapters 3-4

Rheinnell has been in the blood, Hanjin's attack frequency is very high, only between the two, Hanjin can continuously switch more than ten times and swing more than a dozen swords. Rheinner relies on his outstanding response and quickness. Unbeatable speed, avoiding most of Han Jin’s attacks, but he also has seven or eight scars on his body. Fortunately, he has an extremely tough skin. If you change other creatures, even a dragon, it is early. Han Jin was killed on the spot. What is even more sad is that all the efforts he has endured and all the pain he endures are just lingering, because he faces an unbeatable opponent. From the beginning to the end, he can’t get close to Hanjin, so he can continue to wait. There is only one result for him, death!

Where is the deadly key of this human lord? ! Rheinner is screaming and thinking hard.

Han Jin did not give Rinner time to think. In fact, he did not have much time. Dominique was seriously injured and needed to be healed immediately. Yalina’s mental strength and magic were all overdraft and needed immediate support. He could not Rheinnner’s unrestricted fight.

Suddenly, Han Jin appeared on the right side of Rheinn. The distance between the two is about 50 meters. This distance is very dangerous. Rinner only needs a step to approach Hanjin. Of course, Han Jin’s The attack can also hit Rhinenell faster.

A mirror-like sword light sprinkled from Han Jin's hand and was sweeping toward the ankle of Rhine Neal.

In the eyes of Rheinnell, Han Jin’s figure is very small. If Hanjin only keeps moving his position and does not release the attack, maybe he needs to find a circle to find Hanjin, but Han Jin’s sword light is exceptional. Conspicuous, so at the same time as the Jianguang swept out, Rheinner immediately noticed it, but because of the beginning of the lesson, he never dared to jump into the air, and turned to attack Hanjin and there was some time left. He could only continue to storm forward. Trying to get rid of the attack range of Jianguang.

Han Jin’s attack was very fast, and Rheinel’s reaction was not slow. However, his position and dodge angle were somewhat deficient. As a result, his left foot escaped the attack of Jianguang and did not fall to the ground, supporting the right side of the body. The sole of the foot has been hit by Jianguang.

Boom... A **** light bloomed on Rinner's ankle. He couldn't help but have a slap in the face, and he supported his body with his two claws in time. At this moment, a figure jumped into his eyes.

With! Rinner was ecstatic in his heart, then jerked up and gave a roar: "Follow me!!"

The two Bimeng fighters who attacked Lydia turned around, plus Rhinenell and another Bimeng warrior, like four hills, rushing straight in one direction.

Gao Bin was leading the elves and the Bimeng fighters to see that Rheinner and the three Bimeng fighters gave up Han Jin and gave up Lydia, and rushed to him. Something was wrong, then he immediately understood. The intention of the Bimeng warriors, they are not attacking themselves, but to attack the lazy Siniel!

Han Jin did not react immediately as Rinnell expected. He lowered his head and stared silently at the sword light in his hand. The corner of his mouth showed a scornful smile, and he made these patterns in his eight-door lock. There is no point in it.

When Sunnier saw the Bimeng fighter suddenly rushing to himself, he was shocked first, but quickly calmed down and waved to the elves to spread quickly. Then she slowly opened the longbow and aimed at Rhinenell.

Three hundred meters... two hundred meters... Rheinnell’s eyes showed a surprise color, and he began to think again. Is it to kill Sunil or still try to make Xiannier adult? Not waiting for him to make up his mind, suddenly a flower in front, Xiannier's figure has disappeared, the next moment, Han Jin appeared in the position of Xiannier, cross sword in the chest, quietly staring at them.

Rinner's footsteps came to an abrupt end. Just like the tens of thousands of Hanjins who just saw him, he couldn't believe his eyes, and his body was shaking slightly. It was because of despair and despair in the depths of the soul.

"Useless..." Han Jin slowly shook his head.

Several Bimeng fighters looked around and found that Xiannier had completely disappeared. Rinner’s fists clenched tightly into a group, then slowly loosened, courage and will, at this moment, there was no loss, he was very It is clear that you and your brothers are like a group of clowns who are locked in iron cages. Their resistance will only make people feel ridiculous. The best result is just exhaustion. So, continue to fight?

Lydia led the elves to encircle them, and together with the elves commanded by Gao Bin, pulled the longbows, and a spurred arrow spurred like a raindrop. Han Jin also raised his long sword and fought to Rhinenell.

Rinner did not respond, until Jianguang was a few meters away from him, he woke up in the screams of other Bimeng fighters, but it was already late, and he only had time to turn his head.

Boom... Han Jian’s sword light rubbed Rinner’s cheek down, slammed on Rheinn’s shoulder, and tore to tear one of Rheinell’s ears hard, blood like a waterfall. Outflowing, unbearable pain, let Rinner make an earth-shattering roar, and it is because of pain that his heart rekindled his fighting spirit, whether he is really like a clown or not, whether his resistance is ridiculous, He must continue to fight! He can lose to others, but he will never lose to himself! At least, the latter means he has not given in!

Moreover, the fate of the entire orc family is in his hands. If you can kill or hurt Hanjin, the people will have a good chance to escape from birth. He is not fighting for himself, even if he is only one in ten thousand. Hope, even without hope, he can't give up!

Then... let you see the courage of the unparalleled warriors in the world! Even this is the last bloom! !

Rheinner slammed into a big step and rushed straight to Hanjin. This time, he would not evade Hanjin’s attack.

Rinner was betting that before he fell, Han Jin revealed flaws or mistakes, while several other Bimeng soldiers seemed to feel the will of Rheinel, and they rushed to Hanjin.

Han Jin swung his right hand and drawn a long purple light curtain. The sword light went straight to the head of Rheinel.

Rheinnell really did not evade, only raised his left hand on the top of his head, the speed suddenly increased a lot, the huge body forcibly opened the air, and even issued a faint whistling.

Boom... Jianguang opened a blood trough on the top of Rheinell's head, and then swept through the arms of Rheinel. He opened the nose and lips of Rheinel and extended it down to the chest and abdomen.

Rheinnell’s figure is less than 50 meters away from Hanjin. He opened his right paw and grabbed Hanjin in the distance. He was only one step away and he could save his race!

Han Jin’s figure disappeared from the place and appeared more than a hundred meters behind the Bimeng soldiers. Then he raised his sword and hit the back of Rheinel.

Rheinnell turned around and continued to rush to Hanjin. He still ignored Han Jian’s sword light. The distance of more than 100 meters is only two or three steps compared with the Mongolian soldiers. However, Han Jin Once disappeared.

Gao Bin had already raised the longbow. He was ready to help Hanjin, but slowly, he put the longbow down a little bit, and his face first showed a horrified look, then turned into a move, and finally, everything Turn into a sigh.

Han Jin’s figure is like a ghost, and the dazzling and deep swords are coming and going. Every sword light can hit the opponent accurately, and it can’t be lost. Fusa almost killed all the brothers, and his children showed a shocking unity. Six Bimeng fighters kept chasing Han Jin’s figure, and they were rushing to the front. To attack, but the brothers can play less, and hope for more.

The last few Bimeng fighters are spending their lives and Hanjin. They only need one chance, or Hanjin is exhausted, or Hanjin’s magic is invalid.

Xiannier was forcibly transferred to the Ares, but how could she survive? In the middle of the coalition's defense line, the last elite of the orc family has launched an offensive. In addition to thousands of hurricane wolves, there are thousands of shamans. The thunderbirds have been completely destroyed by the Phoenix Birds. The shaman has no use. They are behind the blast wolf warrior, desperately for the soldiers to hold magic, bloodthirsty, stone skin care, soul fire and other auras keep flashing, no one cherish their magic, just like a self-confident long The people are desperately squandering their wealth.

And the figure of Yalina has been faltering. There are countless thin cracks on the magic wand with a personal style. The people who see it are very worried. If they touch it, the magic wand will change. Have a broken bone?

"I will come." Sinnel appeared behind Yalina, then took a few steps forward and blocked Yarina: "You go back to rest."

"Sonyel's sister..." Yalena couldn't describe her feelings at the moment.

When I heard the voice of Elena, Sunil turned a little bit and looked at Yalina. The two men’s eyes collided. Since Yalena and Hanjin came together, they always deliberately avoided each other. The line of sight has never been as long-lasting as it is now, their eyes are not the same, Xiannier is very calm, and Yalina has a bit of weakness in her eyes, as if she is expecting something.

For a long while, Suniler smiled and whispered: "Go back, there is me here."

"Yeah." Elena nodded and smiled.

With the help of Guevara, Dominie has already gotten out of the body of the Bimen, and the broken right arm is not twisted. The elbow is completely torn apart, revealing the bones of Baisensen, all over the body. It is blood, it is impossible to tell which piece is her, which piece is the Bimeng warrior, but the silver mans shot in her eyes is still so sharp, coldly watching the more and more blast wolf warriors. Guevara wanted to persuade Dominique to go back to rest, but in the end she did not say it. He could sense that Dominique’s murder was not weakened by the injury.

Sunil slowly opened the longbow, and the mark of the **** on the forehead became bright. Then the fingers were relaxed and the arrows shot out like lightning.

There was a whistling sound in the air that almost ruptured the eardrum. The arrow passed by, leaving behind a confusing world. It seems that there is a force that trembles and swells inside, one after another. The **** fog of the group exploded in the nearby typhoon wolf warrior, and the shamans who were shouting at the back also followed the shackles. The arrow of Xiannier ploughed a hundred meters in the orcs. It is about a few tens of meters wide. The shamans, such as the stone skin care and other magic for the hurricane wolf warriors, do not play any role, as long as they are close to the scope of the whistling arrows, all are torn into pieces of flesh and blood.

And Chanel's face also became pale, and the body shook involuntarily, as if it had been exhausted all the strength.

"Dominie, Xiannier will hand it over to you!" Guevara finally found a reasonable excuse, then he lifted the dragon gun and rushed forward.

The dawn of victory has already been revealed to everyone, no matter how much the orcs are living and forgetting, and can not hide the shortcomings in combat effectiveness. The counterattacks of the various squadrons of the Holy City are becoming more and more fierce, not only pushing the front back to the distance, but also They continued to slam forward and finally they were able to see the figures of the Phoenix Birds.

The Phoenix Birds’ Legion made a great effort for this decisive battle. The attack of the exotic fire, the burning of the hell, the meteor fire and the tens of thousands of meters round, and the blizzard enchantment, the orcs’ casualties are calculated by 10,000. Outside the eight-door lock, there are smashed blood mud, scorched bodies, and ice sculptures in pieces. If there is no warrior army to help, the orc race will continue for a long time. For a while, the situation of the various Legion of the Holy Crown City can be imagined. However, the Phoenix Birds also paid a lot of money. Every magician in the Legion was a baby, but they were also blocked by the Thunderbirds. But at that time, they could not retreat and must fight! For the first time, I cooperated with Hanjin. When I was in danger, I chose to protect myself and give all the pressure to Hanjin. I don’t want to say that they can forgive themselves. Back to the capital of the elements, who will bear the wrath of the Grand Duke of Solomon? The two deputy heads, Tobias and Spengde, followed Solomon when the Grand Duke of Solomon started his business. Both sides were affiliation and friendship, and Solomon was still half of their teacher, without Solomon’s guidance, maybe They have been on the peak for many years, even for life. Solomon has always trusted them. They also know how Solomon appreciates the young Raphael and what kind of expectations he has, so they will never The strength of the cherished Legion will create a gap between the two sides.

Of course, if you change a partner, they can't be as hard as they are today.

Han Jin kept changing his position, and kept swinging his sword. The six Bimeng fighters headed by Rheinner had all been bathed in blood, trying to consume his Hanjin exhaustion, or wanting to wait for him to make mistakes. That is simply impossible. Taoism is not alchemy. As long as there is sufficient energy, he can easily appear in any position in the eight-door lock. In a moment, he has already sent hundreds of swords, and each sword has fallen solidly on the several Bimeng fighters. Rheinel and his brothers are like a group of children fighting for candy, as long as Han Jin shot, They rushed to rush, and this ridiculous scene caused an illusion. Even if Han Jin had an accident, Jianguang slashed into the empty space, and the Bimeng soldiers would habitually beat and beat.

Han Jin has no game heart. He never thinks that killing is a very interesting thing. In fact, he really wants to kill all the six Mengmeng soldiers with a sword, and then take care of Yalinna and look after it. Dominique, the body of the comparable soldier is too large. The body width from the front chest to the back is seven or eight meters. It is like a hill that can move at a speed, and the muscles of the Bimeng fighter are extremely tough. It’s easy to kill. ! Moreover, the Jianguang released by Han Jin was formed by the 'Tiandao'. The 'Tiandao' is ever-changing and omnipotent. This means that the 'Tiandao' refines by Star Gold does not have a specific shape, which means that the 'Tiandao' lacks. Hard and sharp, at some point, 'Tiandao' can exert great power, but in the face of a huge, muscular and tough Bimeng warrior, the attack power is somewhat insufficient.

Just like there are no perfect people in the world, there will be no perfect instruments. What's more, Hanjin's most powerful opponent is not the Mongolian warrior, refining ‘Tiandao’, at least half of it is to deal with Nikolay!

In the squadron, Lang Ning issued an order. In the horn sound, some knights rushed out from the battlefield and swept to the middle road. Alexandre Reiter immediately cooperated to separate nearly a thousand soldiers and put the remaining blast wolf warriors. With the shamans in it, the impact of the orcs is getting weaker and weaker, and they can handle other battlefields with ease.

The battle seems to be nearing the end, and the orcs who rushed into the eight-door locks were almost completely annihilated. They stumbled and followed in. They came in and died one. They did not need the core players to shoot. However, they did not rush to go back. Resting or treating the injury, Guevara, who stood upright, and Dominique, who supported his arm, seemed to be in the fascinating Sunil, returning to the Elena on the Ares, eight darings with all-round vision. They are all watching another battle.

That is the battle of Han Jin, fighting with an enemy six!

What kind of combat power the Bimeng fighters have, everyone has already seen, Guevara and Dominique play against two Bimeng fighters. In the sudden round-up of the Bimeng soldiers, Dominique is hit hard, and Han Jin? But it is challenging six Bimeng fighters!

It’s normal to be bullied, and it’s sensational to be ridiculous, but Han Jin is bullying the six Bimeng fighters.

Facing a fierce beast that is brave and jealous, Han Jin’s self-consciousness is free and easy to move, and the recruits are all offensive. The battle is a superb weapon that is weak and strong, and he is in the eight-door lock. There are too many ways to protect themselves. Although the Bimeng fighters are also attacking, they can't even touch the shadow of Han Jin. They can only run in vain.

What powerful power is this? ! Guevara's eyes are the most complicated. He sees a young man who has given great expectations and grows up gradually and gradually rises with himself. His feelings will be very pleasant and very gratifying, but the young man has not stopped to pursue. The pace continues to grow rapidly, and in a short time, it is far more than oneself. The pleasure and gratification are all replaced by shock.