MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 463 Follower

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Chapter 463 Followers

When the Gail manager returned to the storage room, everyone was waiting for it. When he saw the body of Gail showing his body shape, Yalena hurriedly asked: "Uncle Gael, there..."

"Hey!" Gail, hurriedly put his fingers in front of his lips and pressed his voice very low: "Let's go!"

"Go?" Gao Binton paused. He could see that Gail’s face was very uncomfortable: “Gai Dar, what did you see?”

"The army of the abyss world!"

Hearing this sentence, Gao Bin, Yalinna and others are all stunned. Although they are the most trustworthy partners of Hanjin, they know the incitement of the abyss world, but they are here to hunt for treasures, and they never dreamed of encountering dreams. To the army in the abyss world, and to look at the demeanor of Gail’s general manager, the strength of the abyss world army must be very strong. If they are accidentally discovered by the enemy, they will be devastated, otherwise the Gael will not be so nervous. .

"Gail, how many people are there?" Gao Bin also suppressed his voice very low.

"There are countless..." Gail’s manager showed a bitter smile: "But... they have more than a dozen black dragons. To be exact, there are a total of sixteen. This is what I saw."

Gaobin took a breath: "Xian Nier, let's leave now!"

“Here?” asked Senniel.

"How much can you take with you?"

"Don't you have the rest?" said Yalena.

Everyone looks at each other, they can take away extremely limited, and abandon such a large fortune, no one can reluctantly, but can they come a second time? What if the army in the Abyss world discovers it?

The Gaelic chief was silent for a long while, and suddenly bit his teeth: "You go back first, I stay here." The invasion of the abyss world is about to end, the holy crown city will usher in a tough war, not a battle, but a war, strategic resources. At this time, it is extraordinarily precious, and they give up, which means that the enemy is likely to get it. It is equal to double the loss. In any case, he has to take a risk and be worth taking risks.

"Uncle Gael..." Yalena shouted, and immediately reacted to his voice a little louder, hurriedly covering his mouth, whispering: "What are you going to do?"

"Where are you coming, do you remember?" Gail’s general manager did not answer.

"Remember." Xiannier said: "I have already marked the map."

"Good." Gail’s manager nodded. "We will discuss how to get all the magic crystals here out at once."

"If I bring the Magic Legion, should it be similar?" Kane said: "Is... worried about being discovered, the Magic Corps is not used to fighting underground. In case of an accident, the loss will be great."

"No." Julia vetoed Kane's proposal: "There are a lot of high-end magic crystals here. Can you guarantee that they can't afford greed? If every magician hides some magic crystals, what do we do?"

"It’s better than giving it to the abyss." Kane said.

"Let's go back and talk about it." Gao Bin cut off the argument between Julia and Kane: "The most important thing now is to go back immediately and tell Rafael what happened here."

Yalena and others silently nodded. To be honest, even Gao Bin and Gael’s directors did not have the confidence. They could only pin their hopes on Han Jin, because Han Jin always created miracles, and Han Jin had expected the abyss. The invasion of the race should have been prepared accordingly.

“When we came, how many days did it take?” asked Gail’s manager.

"It’s been eight days." Elena.

"When you go back, if you speed up, should you be able to go back within three days?" Gail's main pipeline.

"Almost." Xiannier said, when he came, he often stopped to look for magic marks. He also took a lot of roads and tried to go back. He will definitely return to the Holy City within three days.

"Xinnier, you first hand over the map to Kane, let him copy it for me. I am older, I am afraid that the memory is somewhat unreliable, and it may be a big problem." Gael's main pipeline.

"Okay." Sinnel hurriedly took the map and handed it to Kane.

"In this way, you can go back within three days, and then give you five days, can you come back?" Gail’s manager indulged: "Give me the map first."

Kane handed the map to the hands of Gail, and the Gael master spread the map and clicked on it: "On the sixth day, I will come here, leave a mark for you, see my mark, You can come over, if not... you will withdraw immediately, which proves that the treasure has been discovered by the abyss race."

"Understood." Gaobin said slowly.

"Right, the specific location here... Where should it be? We have left the territory of the Holy City?" Gail said, returning the map to Kane.

“Not very clear.” Shannier said: “It seems to be at the junction of the Holy City and the Black Crow City.”

"So, the army of the abyss race will appear in the Black Crow City?"

"The Black Crow City does have a passage to the abyss world, but it has been destroyed by Raphael." Xiannier said.

"It’s useless." Gail’s manager shook his head. “You don’t see the number of them. If you really want to dig up a passage, it’s very easy for them.”

Kane carefully spread the map on the stone platform, then filled the potion, then took out a blank magic scroll, and the map was coincident. After waiting for a few moments, the magic scroll was picked up and the map was copied. Successful, this method will cause damage to the original map, but now it has not taken care of a lot.

"The time is tight, you can go now." Gail took over the map copy: "Make as much as possible, it is best to choose the magic crystal of the fire system and the electric system."

When Gaier and Gaobin split their actions, Han Jin slowly opened his eyes. He had spent seven or eight days on the hill, and during this time he was not idle. It is a super-fax that can be described with supernatural powers. However, he is not sure about whether he can successfully accept Cesham. After all, he has never been in contact with Chesham. Everything is from others. understand.

Just opened his eyes, the first thing that jumped into the eye was Harley’s face. His distance from Hanjin was very close. He almost touched the nose of Hanjin. Hanjin’s instinct gave him a back, and he angered. :"what's wrong with you?"

"Master, not good! It’s going to be a big deal!!" Harley yelled.

"What is it?" Han Jinyi.

"Master, come with me!" Harley's body shape, re-formed as a soul-seeking bead, and flew along the steep **** to the other side of the mountain.

Han Jin hurriedly followed Hare. He knew that although Harley was a brainless mind, he would never lie about the military situation. Harley said it was a big event, and the problem would certainly not be small.

For a moment, after Harley had already flown into a bundle of thorns, he shouted and said: "Master, look here!"

Han Jin did not release the curse, the toes point to the ground, quietly drifted past, and then carefully explored half of the head, the cold shadow city's army actually put an array in the wilderness, but far from all efforts, those stay Soldiers standing on the plains, several times taller than ordinary people, and reflecting the sun, should be the stencils and steel shackles of the whole continent, but they are only six or seven hundred, hovering in the air. There are more than a thousand stone monsters. The calculation of stone monsters alone is not as good as that of Hogan alone.

Is this going to fight? Not quite like, who is welcome? Not too much like it.

Han Jin suddenly found that at the other end of the wilderness, there was a figure that was slowly moving forward, because the other party just walked past the mountain and the distance was relatively close, so Han Jin saw it very clearly, and the figure was slow. It's like taking a step that never changes, taking a step, always pause a little, then take the second step.

Han Jin’s heart rose to the feeling of deja vu, and he narrowed his eyes and observed it for a moment. He said, “That is Adolf? What is he doing here?!”

"Master, how do I know!" Harley's tone seemed helpless. He used to be afraid of Jedice. Later, after constant contact, he felt that Jedisi was very good. He didn't need to be afraid. After a while, he was relaxed. When I came to Adolf, Adolf was obviously harder than Jeddy. How could Harley not deal with Adolf? Only he was far away. Now he has hid in the cold shadow city. Who knows that Adolf has chased it, too Heaven is here!

Han Jin is silent and doesn't know what he is thinking.

Although Han Jin can take a full view of Adolf and the array of opposite Cold Shadow City, there is a long distance between them. It takes at least a few hours to go at the speed of Adolf. Interestingly, Adolf is very patient. The people in the cold shadow city waited more patiently and remained motionless.

Han Jinyan shot and grabbed Harley, and then his body sank into the ground.

The figure is indeed Adolf. He can see that there is a row of black lines waiting for himself at the other end of the wilderness. He also knows that because he forcibly passed through the city, he has caught the attention of the cold movie city, but he Nothing cares.

His wisdom comes from faith, his will comes from faith, and therefore, he has a harder heart than the stone. No one in the world can shake him. Only God's will can influence his direction.

Of course, Adolf does not care that the other party will lose patience. He is always so ill-advised, and slowly moves forward along a certain rhythm.

Time is passing fast, the sun is gradually breaking into the West, and the light is getting more and more bleak. Adolf finally approaches the cold shadow city.

Six or seven hundred stone shovel and steel shovel slowly let go to the sides, three Titan giants with their heights striding forward, followed by a dozen snow and ice mage, in comparison, those The ice and snow mage looks a little bit sorrowful. It is easy to understand. Whoever stupidly stood in the wild for a few hours, the spirits are not too good, and they look a little bad to Adolf, because Adolf just let them The chief culprit of hatred.

The Titan giants on both sides are cold-eyed. They don’t have any affection for the Holy See. The Titans always think that they are the direct descendants of Raytheon. They are the most noble races in the mainland. In any case, they can’t bow to another god. Not to mention now, even when the Holy See is the strongest, the Titans will not buy the account of the Holy See.

The Titans in the middle are much lower than their companions. They have wide faces and a pair of extremely thick eyebrows. The jaws are covered with a layer of green moustache. His eyes are the most weird. The entire eyelids are silver, and the pupils are not visible. Dialogue with such a monster is obviously very difficult, because no one can see what he is thinking, saying that the eyes are the windows of the soul, but the window of the Titan has been pulled up, he can observe others, but others Can't observe him.

"Oh... this should be Lord Adolf?" The Titan, who was in the middle of the room, smiled and said: "Long time, I am going to the cold shadow city. Why are you coming? Mission? Hey... Are you crazy?"

"Cesham?" Adolf stopped.

"No, no, you should add an 'adult' to the name." The Titan in the middle took off his helmet and scratched his blond hair with his hand: "It seems that your age is almost the same, even at least The courtesy doesn't understand?"

"I am looking for someone." Adolf avoided this provocative question. If it was before, Adolf would never give in, but the purpose of his coming was not to teach the Titans, at least until they did not get a clear signal. Will shoot.

"Looking for someone?" The middle of the Titanton paused, stroking his own scum with his fingertips. Once Adolf stopped, his body would be as quiet as a stone, and the Titan would like to do all kinds of small moves, for a while. Scratching your own hair, touching your beard for a while, always looking for something to do, but I don’t know why, he suddenly regained his respect for Adolf: "Who are you looking for?"

"Lord of the Holy Crown City, Raphael."

"Raphael??" The Titan in the middle was shocked, and the ice and snow mage behind him changed his mind. In a few years, the name Raphael was too loud, and nothing else, Han Jin and the elves. Combining the orcs with each other means that in some ways, as long as Han Jin is willing, it is possible to completely destroy the Cold Shadow City. Of course, the Titans think that they are much more advanced than those who are rude and brainless, so it is only possible. .

"Yes," Adolf said faintly.

The Titan, who was in the middle, hesitated for a long time, and slowly said: "I am sorry, I have never seen Rafael Lord. Where did you know... Lafayre Lord will come to the Cold Shadow City?"

"I want to see him." Adolf's tone changed. It was almost a word and a heavy one. As for whether the other person was lying or not, he was too lazy to analyze. He had to see it when he wanted to see it.

"He's not here." The Titans in the middle of the way learned Adolf's tone of voice, then said to the Titans around him and said: "Nick, is it that I am so powerful?"

"Yes, adults." Titan smiled and bent back.

Adolf’s eyes changed, looking at each other with a pity-like look, then taking a long breath and slowly moving forward.

The Titan in the middle suddenly became silent, only quietly watching Adolf approaching himself step by step.

At this moment, the distant rumors of the wind and thunder came from afar, Adolf could not see, but the opposite Titans and Ice and Snow Masters could see clearly, and an extremely dazzling purple light appeared in the sky, like a sly Comet, flying straight to the cold shadow city.

"Adult, look, what is that?!" A snow and ice mage screamed.

"Shut up, the blind man can see it too!" The Titan in the middle of the road shouted.

The body of the Snow and Ice Master had a chill, but the promise of Nono.

Adolf stopped again and glanced sideways, showing a glimpse of his eyes.

The purple light was very fast, and it only flew to the top of the sky in a moment. Then, in a loud explosion, the purple light turned into a myriad of scattered streamers. The range of the streamer was very wide, covering almost the entire sky. Then, people with excellent eyesight can see a figure flickering and falling from the sky. Every time the figure flashes, it can span hundreds of meters away without any pause.

It’s two different things to hear and witness. When those snow and ice mage see that there is a human being who can release the instantaneous movement like the abyss demon, the heart can’t help but chill. This kind of enemy is definitely the magician’s nemesis. Even the mental lock can not be completed, they can only be a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

The next moment, Han Jin has appeared next to Adolf. He did not go to the opposite Titan. His eyes fell on Adolf and he slowly asked: "Hello, Adolf, how come you?"

"Please allow me to follow your footsteps." The most persistent believer who couldn’t even bend over at the moment, turned to Han Jin deeply at this moment, and he did not rush to lift up and continue to bend down. It seems to be waiting for a promise.

Han Jin has secretly imagined many reasons, but this answer is far beyond his expectations. Han Jin was wrong there, staring at Adolf, even forgot to talk, his brain could not turn. The other side of Chesham is also stunned, as a ruler in the Quartet, in addition to the enemy in front of him, but also to consider the future opponents, so he sent a secret spy mixed into the Holy City, before he did not know Adolf Now that I have learned a rough idea, the monk who is more respectful than the Pope Jeddes will actually bend down in front of Han Jin. He can hardly believe his eyes.

Adolf is still bending over, his posture gives people the feeling that if Han Jin does not agree, he will wait here! Others may not be able to do it, but Adolf has a belief in persistence.

In fact, Adolf was able to do this kind of thing. It was a completely stimulating result. In the Holy See, the angels bowed to Hanjin and went on board to verify the thoughts in the heart. Han Jin once again shocked him and made him think of himself. I have already seen the true origin of Hanjin, but he still has some doubts in his heart. When he goes to the boat for the second time to go to Hanjin for verification, he knows that Hanjin has gone to the cold shadow city, and the people on board are still leisurely. Talking about the sky, drinking wine, then Adolf was extremely angry, coward! People without faith are all cowards! How can Han Jin go to risk alone, and these followers enjoy a comfortable life? ! The impulse broke out. He told Han Jin with his actual actions, you will never be alone!

Han Jin finally woke up and hurriedly reached out and grabbed Adolf’s body. He could not use words to describe his feelings. At first, he was bent on killing Adolf, how to fight and evolve into this result. ?

Adolf looked up a little, and his eyes flashed with a sparkling brilliance, but he did not say anything, only silently stood on the side of Han Jin.

"Is it Raphael? Welcome, please..." Chesham made a happy laugh and then let it go. In the eyes of Chesham, Han Jin’s status far exceeds that of Adolf. The power of the Holy Crown City is far more troublesome than the weaker Holy See. The most important thing is that Han Jin’s arrival in the Cold Shadow City will definitely not hold. It’s not too late to listen to what Han Jin wants to say.