MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 157 Shen Ruihui’s highlight moments

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Chapter 157 Shen Ruihui’s Highlights

The people at Daqingshan Prison Base responded correctly. Although they were panicked after receiving the first shot, they did not run away under Hu Yuan's strong suppression.

If you continue to run, you will continue to be bombarded. The only way is to rush. If you rush to the city wall, the enemy's cannons will be useless.

I have to say that Hu Yuan's strategy was correct. Those who survived the bombardment of the giant artillery continued to start a skirmish charge.

The black crowd is covering the city wall.

Shen Ruihui ordered the cannon to fire another shot, but the effect of this shot was much worse. It only swept in about 200 people.

“There is no need to fire, wait until the opponent enters the rifle range and start shooting.”

 The soldiers who stayed behind climbed up the city wall from below, preparing to snipe.

After the opponent entered the shooting range, the gun battle between the two sides began.

 At the beginning, the people from Daqingshan Prison used vehicles to charge, but they soon suffered the bitter consequences.

The Dawn Army’s rocket launchers and heavy machine guns taught them a lesson.

 After three armored vehicles and dozens of vehicles were destroyed in a row, they no longer dared to ride in a car.

 The vehicle target is too big, so you still have to rely on your feet.

 But it was not very convenient for them to move. After all, they had to carry a ladder and move slowly in the snow after getting off the car.

Some people used guns to cover the ladder man, and fired at the soldiers on the city wall.

The Dawn Army was hiding behind the crenels, while the people in Daqingshan Prison were exposed in the wilderness. This battle was not equal.

Thanks to the fact that there are not many people left behind by Shuguang Army and they have to defend many places, if there are five or six hundred people on this city wall, I am afraid that all the people in Daqingshan will soon be annihilated.

They ran around, taking advantage of every available bunker to move forward, trying to tangle with the Dawn Army as much as possible, but it was unlikely that they would be able to quickly attack the city wall.

And their leader Hu Yuan is not in the team now.

 Hu Yuan has realized that it is too difficult to break through the city wall head-on.

 It seems that attacking from the east city was a mistake, but the mistake cannot be changed.

 When the cannon was raging, he issued an urgent order, and then quickly moved towards the south city with a few of his evolvers.

 He wanted to enter from the outer city of the southern city, and then use a large force to attract attention. He entered the city from the side.

Only in this way can he have a chance to get close to Adjutant Shen.

The city wall of the outer city is not at the same level as the inner city. It is only more than three meters high and has not yet been completed.

And there is no watchtower behind it, it is basically just a decoration.

Maybe it can stop clumsy zombies, but an agile person can climb up.

Hu Yuan was followed by four evolvers. Five people in a jeep quickly arrived at the wall of the outer city.

 “Get off the car and enter the city!”

 The four men jumped down and swooped up the city wall like monkeys.

Hu Yuan, on the other hand, was like plucking onions on a dry land, and jumped up with one hand.

 After climbing down from the city wall, they had entered the outer city of Dawn City.

The streets are criss-crossed here, and the houses are scattered in an orderly manner. It seems that those houses are all inhabited.

Some of the houses also have corn, dried red peppers and other food hanging on them.

This made several people a little jealous.

  Food in the last days is very precious. Everyone is desperately collecting rice and noodles. Even though the Daqingshan Prison Base has occupied the coal city, they don’t have much food.

 Because a lot of food in cities cannot be taken out at all, and it will spoil soon.

 The consumption of a base with a population of over 100,000 is very alarming. When they go out to collect food, they are often attacked by zombies, causing considerable losses.

  Ordinary survivors only receive a little gruel every day. Good things like peppers are basically out of the hands of ordinary survivors.

  Why do ordinary survivors here in the Dawn Army have such things in their homes?

“Damn! This Dawn Army is really rich. How much have they harvested before?”

“Don’t worry about it, as long as we take Dawn City, these things will be ours.”

Several people moved quickly along the street. Some survivors saw them at home, but they didn't care about them and didn't go out. That was the responsibility of the Dawn Army. They just wanted to stay at home and not cause trouble to the army. .

 After running through several streets, we were almost approaching the main city.

While passing through another street ahead, an evolver was stunned for a moment.

 Because in a house, a beautiful woman came out.

Wearing a pom-pom hat and a pink down jacket.

His innocent face was a little red from the cold, and he was holding a chicken in his hand, which was put in a plastic bag and ready to be put away.

 There is no need for refrigerators in winter in the north, there are refrigerators everywhere.

 “What a beautiful girl! Such a girl actually lives in the outer city? Is Ye Fan of Shuguang Army really not a womanizer?”

Had this mission not been too important, he would have stopped and robbed him no matter what.

 They ran over and the beautiful woman snorted.

 “Hu Yuan..., you also have today, and I am relieved.”


 Several people continued to move forward and finally approached the main city.

The siege battle started on the east wall of the main city. As long as they could pass the gate here, they would have a chance to go up the city wall.

 When I arrived at the gate, I found that the city gate was actually open!

 “Great, the defense is so lax, go in!”

Several people rushed in through the small door.

After entering, the environment here looks better than that in the outer city. The house is a little bigger, and there is even a market in the distance, but there is no one in the market now.

Continue walking east, as long as you pass the frozen river, you will be near the east city wall.

Several people ran all the way to the river. As soon as they got here, they encountered a blockage.

 A large group of military dogs surrounded him from all directions.

These military dogs are surprisingly big. They look like ligers and tigers. They should be mutant beasts.

I don’t know how he was tamed by the Dawn Army, and he pounced on me with great ferocity.

 An evolver took out his gun and wanted to fire, but the shadow above his head flashed, and he was carried directly into the sky by a big bird!

The wingspan of three to four meters was so astonishing that his body flew up involuntarily. He hurriedly wanted to shoot the bird, but when the bird loosened its claws, he fell down again.

 A group of military dogs pounced on him from all sides, and one of them bit off one of his wrists, causing the gun to fall to the ground.

The evolved man let out a scream, and the bite force of these military dogs made him feel that the evolved man was superior.

 He is an evolver, these are also mutated beasts, and he has no advantages.

The situation of the other evolvers was similar. They were surrounded by hawks and dogs, and they all fell into a hard fight, and it seemed that they could not hold on for a long time.

 Only Hu Yuan crossed the river.

There were also hawks and dogs that intercepted him, but Hu Yuan's 1.9 evolution value was not for show. He kicked the two military dogs away with two consecutive flying kicks, and then fired with his gun. His marksmanship was extremely accurate, and he hit several more dogs and a dog. An eagle.

  It’s just that these tenacious mutant beasts were not killed and escaped with injuries.

 Hu Yuan didn't give chase. He didn't want to fight this large group of mutant beasts. He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to deal with Adjutant Shen.

On the city wall, Shen Ruihui also saw Hu Yuan.

Shen Ruihui specifically let them into the city because of this leading evolver.

 As a hero-level unit, Shen Ruihui can feel the powerful power of this person.

 This should be the leader of Daqingshan.

Shen Ruihui felt that the superior was the first to promote him to a hero, so he should be considering himself as his number one confidant.

 So the position of deputy leader is likely to fall on himself.

 But he is not without competitors, such as Zhongjing and so on.

So he wanted to accomplish something, such as capturing the enemy leader alive, to add a big bargaining chip to his promotion path.

 So after Hu Yuan broke through the defense line of military dogs and eagles, Shen Ruihui immediately came down from the city wall.

He took the initiative to meet Hu Yuan who was rushing over. He didn't even let the soldiers on the city wall shoot at Hu Yuan. He wanted to fight alone.

Two people met by the river. Without saying anything, they pulled out guns and shot each other at the same time!

Each person has a bullet, and the score is one to zero!

  Hu Yuan was shot in the waist, which he never expected.

 With his current strength, in a one-on-one situation, no one can hit him unless he is a sharpshooter evolver or a second-level evolver.

This Adjutant Shen is indeed strong enough!

However, since he was extremely physically strong, the shot was not fatal. He raised his hand and threw the gun away. He tightened his clothes to slow down the bleeding, and then he pounced on Shen Ruihui.

 Fight with bare hands and defeat your opponent quickly.

Shen Ruihui glanced at his opponent with disdain and took out a dagger from his trouser leg, which was only used by scouts.

 He accelerated his feet and rushed forward, the two people quickly approached!

 Leap up in the air at the same time!

Kick each other with flying feet!

 Hu Yuan volleyed 360 degrees and kicked three times in a row!

  Shen Ruihui turned 361 degrees and kicked three times in a row!

Hit three feet in the air and landed almost at the same time.

This time he was higher than before. Shen Ruihui landed on the ground and did not move, but Hu Yuan staggered back several steps. He was inferior to Shen Ruihui in terms of strength.

 “This is impossible! Is it a second-level evolver?”

 Hu Yuan's body has not yet stabilized, and another gap is reflected.

Shen Ruihui turned a little further than him, and just in time to raise his arm, the knife flew out!


 The knife was nailed to Hu Yuan's gunshot wound.

 Injury added to injury, the wound was completely torn, and blood began to spurt out.

 Shen Ruihui hit the target with one strike, and swung his military coat behind him in an elegant movement.

“You should be satisfied if you can fall under my flying knife.”

 “Flying knife...?”

"That's right, the flying is the flying that Adjutant Shen wants to take off, and the sword is the sword that Adjutant Shen is wearing."

After speaking, Shen Ruihui waved his hand, tossed his windbreaker, and strode forward.

 Hu Yuan was unwilling to take action against Shen Ruihui again, but this time the gap was even greater.

The opponent's strength and speed have reached an inhuman level, and his grappling and fighting skills are even more proficient. The injured Hu Yuan was subdued in just a few strokes.

 He was convinced.

Fighting alone, dozens of people were no match for him, yet he was defeated so easily. The opponent was undoubtedly a second-level evolver.

“I lost, but it’s not unfair. Since you are the adjutant of the Dawn Army, I don’t think I lost to an unknown person.”

Shen Ruihui trampled Hu Yuan under his feet and called the soldiers to tie him up, but he denied what he said.

“No, I guess that although I will soon become the adjutant, the commander-in-chief has not yet been appointed.”

 “Oh! Then you are the political commissar?”

 Shen Ruihui shook his head.

 “Batalion Commander?”

 He shook his head again.

Hu Yuan felt a little aggrieved: "Did I lose to a company commander?"

Shen Ruihui was a little embarrassed: "I am actually the platoon leader."

 A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Hu Yuan became confused.

 The pain in my heart is far greater than the pain in my body.

I think it is invincible in the world, but I lost to such a 喽. What is the Longtan Tiger Cave?

 (End of this chapter)