MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 163 The New Corpse King (Third update, 500 monthly tickets added!)

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Chapter 163 The New Corpse King (Third update, 500 monthly votes added!)

 Ye Fan is preparing for winter storage.

The so-called winter storage, in addition to hoarding the materials that can be collected, means that he is preparing to store a large amount of gold as the gold reserve of the Dawn Army.

Now that there are no obvious strong enemies outside, Ye Fan does not plan to launch a large-scale attack.

 The city defense of Shuguang City is definitely sufficient now, and adding more troops will also consume food.

 Store gold and you can add a large number of combat units at any time when needed.

Leaving some soldiers to guard the city, Ye Fan personally led more than a thousand people to Qinghe again.

Going out in this cold weather is not a good idea. The wind and snow are enough to deter many people who are not strong-willed enough.

But Ye Fan must capture Qinghe County within this period of time.

 The zombies in Pinggang Town suddenly disappeared, making Ye Fan feel a heavy sense of crisis.

 The birth of wild command zombies is likely to be more powerful than Wang Huining.

Wang Huining turned into a commanding zombie, which was actually an unexpected situation.

He was infected by the zombie virus and then cut off his arm. He is still an evolver himself. The number of infected viruses seems to be stuck at a certain level, making him mutated but not completely.

 Ye Fan already knew that evolvers actually belong to the first-level mutation. Wang Huining was re-infected by the evolver and should have reached the second-level mutation.

 But in fact he did not arrive.

 He is at level one and a half at best, which is equivalent to 1.5 of the evolution value.

 After the birth of wild command-type zombies, it will be an absolute second-level mutation.

 At the same level as King Kong Zombies.

 Hence, the ability of the wild command type must be higher than that of Wang Huining.

There is no doubt that there is a Corpse King in Pinggang Town, but Ye Fan didn't detect it. He was also surprised how the Corpse King escaped the radar scan.

 If he had discovered it at that time, he would have destroyed it without hesitation, but now it was too late.

Ye Fan can even think of where the corpse king went, it must have gone to Huacheng City.

Because Pinggang Town is only thirty kilometers away from Huacheng, the footsteps of the zombies being investigated by the scouts are also heading towards Huacheng.

You must know that Huacheng is a huge city with a population of 80 million. It will not take long for the Zombie King to get there and become a real Zombie King.

By then, the entire Huacheng area and each survivor base will face a huge test of survival.

Originally, Ye Fan wanted to go to Huacheng to take down the People's Bank of China's treasury. When he saw the zombies migrating there, he immediately gave up this unrealistic idea.

And according to the War Eagle reconnaissance report, the evolution of zombies is still continuing.

  The meteor shower at the end of the world provided the zombies with the energy to evolve, allowing them to evolve faster than humans.

Ye Fan doesn't know how powerful the Zombie King is, but he must store gold as soon as possible.

 Get out all the buildings that are not under construction at hand, and it is best to advance the technology further.

Of all the surrounding counties, Qinghe definitely has the fewest zombies. After several attacks by the Dawn Army, the number of zombies here has only exceeded one million.

After opening the Qinghe River, the road network between Ye Fan and other survivor bases in the north will also be opened, making it easier to travel back and forth and facilitate the flow of materials.

 Lead the troops back to Qinghe again. After calculating the time, it was exactly ten o'clock in the morning when they arrived in Qinghe.

This time, Ye Fan's troops were strong, and he brought all ten tanks over.

There are also ten armored vehicles, which together with the tanks have laid a thick defense line in an open area.

  The soldiers relied on various vehicles to form firepower networks to prevent zombies from crossing the defense line.

 Because the zombies nowadays are getting harder and harder to fight.

Some zombies have cuticles starting to appear on their heads. They are obviously ordinary zombies, and they are almost as difficult to kill as armored ones.

Some giant-clawed zombies have become so lethal that if it weren't for the cold weather, they might even dig holes to attack the Dawn Army.

The fat zombies whose stomachs are full of corrosive liquid have evolved an instinct to follow other zombies and not give people a good shooting angle.

Once this kind of guy gets close, it will definitely be a disaster, so Ye Fan instructed to kill the fat zombie first.

The sound of gunfire was rumbling incessantly, and zombies spread like a tide from the frozen river.

The soldiers of the Dawn Army are already very skilled at killing zombies. When a soldier's bullets are almost exhausted, he will retreat immediately, and the soldiers preparing behind him will immediately attack.

The flamethrower warrior's attack focuses on the rear of the zombies. Whenever the zombies are crowded in large numbers, multiple fire dragons will appear, taking advantage of the zombies' inability to rush up at once, burning them into charcoal.

 In this way, the zombies’ backup cannot keep up, and those in front will soon be wiped out.

 Skilled tactical coordination and the most reasonable attack method. Even though the zombies have become much stronger, the Dawn Army's killing efficiency is still very good.

 The two hours before the bullets were refreshed were the craziest time for killing. In two hours, more than 50,000 zombies fell under the guns of the Dawn Army.

 The battle continued after the bullets were refreshed. This time, there was no crazy output, and emphasis was placed on killing efficiency. By the afternoon, with about one-third of the bullets remaining, more than 40,000 zombies had fallen.

 About 100,000 zombies were killed in one day. This combat efficiency was astonishing.

 “Gather supplies!”

Ye Fan led the team to collect supplies, and the harvest this day was more than 70,000 gold!

 After the kill is completed, lead the team back immediately.

There are not many bullets left. If you stay here in the cold weather, you might as well go back, refresh the bullets at noon tomorrow, and come back the day after tomorrow.

According to this efficiency, Ye Fan estimates that Qinghe will definitely win in more than 20 days.


The Little Corpse King holds an iron bucket and rides on the back of a King Kong, and has entered the flower city.

He got this King Kong zombie in school, and there was an evolver among the survivors who ran in.

 The evolved ones were infected and became King Kong zombies.

The little one didn't devour the King Kong zombie. This kind of powerful zombie is rare, and it made it his personal bodyguard.

 After entering the Flower City, it saw a big scene.

There are simply too many zombies in this city.

The streets and alleys are full of people. It has been almost three months since the end of the world, and no one has the ability to attack such a big city.

 So the zombies here have always been in a state of free development.

 There are many mutant varieties that Ye Fan saw in Qinghe.

The little one felt like it was in heaven, and it began to quickly accumulate the number of subordinates.

It controls zombies. It does not mean that all the zombies around you immediately surrender with just one thought. That also requires a process and time.

It took Wang Huining a month to accumulate 300,000 zombies. Being able to accumulate 10,000 zombies in one day was the limit of Wang Huining's ability.

The little guy is more capable than Wang Huining. On the first day he entered Huacheng, the number of zombies under his command increased to 18,000.

 Some of the armored and agile ones were used as food by it.

 It can feel that devouring this kind of zombie can further enhance his abilities.

Of course, its small body cannot eat much, and a lot of it is used to feed its men.

The King Kong zombie also began to grow gradually.

 The next day, the number of zombies under its command reached 35,000.

 It was no longer content to stay at the edge of the city. It tried to move deeper into the city, trying to subdue more powerful subordinates.

 On the third day, the little boy encountered an enemy.

They are not other commanding zombies or humans, but a group of rats that emerged from the sewers!

The little one led a large army through the city. There were no survivors in this city. It had been three months. Even if there were people who survived, they were very few. The vast majority of people died or fled to the wilderness.

 Even if there are humans, we can only provide them with more food.

 Compared to devouring iron armor or something like that, the fresh flesh and blood of human beings improves it more. It is the most delicious food.

 It led the large army to advance in a swagger, and then felt a special place.

That's a crater.

There is also a crater in Pinggang Town, but it hit the town government side and cannot be passed through in the primary school.

There is the power it needs, and as soon as it gets close, it feels very comfortable.

Leading the zombie group and rushing over impatiently, it encountered the group of rats.

That's not just one or two mice, but tens of thousands of mice!

  Mice are bigger than cats in the past, and even smaller dogs.

The small eyes are glowing with scarlet light, and the open mouth contains fine fangs, which proves the extreme ferocity of these guys.

 The rats were lying near the crater, motionless, and there were not even zombies around.

 But many broken bones prove that there seems to have been battles here.

 Mutated beasts and zombies are originally in peace with each other, but if there is a conflict of interest, they will still fight.

 The crater is so big, and these rats have taken over it.

The little one felt angry. The place he liked was occupied by mice, and he wanted to drive the mice away.

But these mice are not easy to mess with. When they see the little ones coming over, they show their teeth and make a squeaking roar, threatening the approaching zombies.

The little boy commanded the zombies to drive away the rats, and a big war broke out.

 An ordinary zombie is not even a match for a mutated rat.

Those sharp claws of rats can easily cause damage to ordinary zombies. Even armored zombies surrounded by a group of rats will soon be chewed into a skeleton.

Tens of thousands of tiny zombies can’t even take advantage!

It got angry and roared at a big leading rat!

It was a rat that was bigger than a dog. It was fighting **** battles. When the little one roared, it instinctively took two steps back.

 Then he turned around and ran away!

More than 10,000 mice fled without a trace in an instant.

Tiny little dots occupy the crater.

 It made another discovery.

As long as it is stronger, it can control that big rat and this large group of rats.

It had this idea in its underdeveloped mind.

 After staying here in the crater for a few days, he will go find those humans!

 As long as he avoids the group of people who scared him last time, he can quickly become stronger.

 It not only has to lead zombies, but also rats!

 (End of this chapter)