MTL - Way of the Devil-Chapter 27 Recruit one

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A group of people took Lu Sheng to the bedroom and invited a special road doctor to come and check it out.

After the doctor enters the room, he will come out soon.

"Nothing serious, just physical exhaustion, and the lower abdomen was vigorously beaten. The big son is physically strong, and it doesn't hurt if he doesn't hurt the guilt."

Lu Quanan was relieved.

Lu Sheng’s own hands this time, it’s a bit rash.

As a big man of the road family, what should he do in the future if he has three long and two short?

"All security, this is also helpless."

The uncle sighed.

"The matter here, I intend to report to the court personally, and over the prefect. The Song Duan is a parent of a city. Before that, he said that he would report to the court, but now it is still.... I am a deputy commander and asked for command several times. When Yang Duorui was on the book, he was shirked by him."

"Is there any inside story?"

"I don't know....and the little girl, the missing people have not heard the news yet." The uncle shook his head.

The two kept the door and felt that they had to do something, but they didn't know what to do.

This kind of thing is beyond their imagination.

Although I have heard of such things from other places before, I really don’t know what to do when I encounter this at home.

“It’s not as good as...” Lu Quan’s indulgence, “We are offering a reward for recruiting people who can solve these spiritual things.”

"Under the heavy money, there must be brave, it may be feasible. Anyway, these things are also boiling, and the cover can't cover it."

The uncle nodded.

The two carefully discussed it and set it down.

After a short time, the people of Lufu took a stack of red paper and posted them on the public wall outside the road.

The red paper was quickly posted on several important traffic areas.

Has attracted a lot of people to watch.


A few days later.

At the gate of the city.

People come and go, the main road is fast.

A team of caravans carrying gray cargo slowly stopped at the gate, and the leader of the caravan began to greet the unloading, waiting for someone to move.

This caravan is just passing through Jiulian City, and unloading is just a part of it.

Between the leaders, the caravan jumped down one high and one short in a car.

The two were wearing robes, and the tall one was a middle-aged man with a ruddy face. Carrying a sword on his back and wearing white shoes on black.

The woman is also dressed in a robe, but looks pretty, although she is faint with a trace of exhaustion, but still can see that she is well educated. In this era, it is only possible to have such a situation when only a large family is born.

"Yan Big Brother, here is the city of Jiulian."

The woman’s voice is very crisp, just like the eleven-year-old girl who just opened her voice.

"Well, it should be the nine cities that the man said. All the way, Rong Rong, you are also working hard."

The man nodded and looked around.

Soon he noticed a red notice paper posted at the gate of the city.

The notice attracted a group of people, and even the two soldiers who guarded the city went over and chatted with people.

Everyone has a look of envy and envy.

"And Yan Kaige all the way, did not feel how bitter, the notice on the other side is like a reward notice, we first go and see, it is not allowed to have someone in trouble to post for help."

Rong Rong followed Yan Kai and went to Nanbei, and he also had a lot of experience in these matters.

The few incidents they had encountered before were to find the accidents by the notice.

Yan Kai nodded.

"Go, go check it out."

The two entered the city gate and soon rushed toward the notice post.

".... is the road house... Recently, the city is really not very flat. Even the road home has an accident."

"The road home, there were people who escaped before, I saw a look, it seems to be the former road guards, the whole house is heart-wrenching."

"I haven’t seen my sister’s purchase in a few days, can’t it happen?”

The people around you say a word, talk intermittently.

Yan Kai listened carefully and looked up at the posted notice.

‘A reward of five hundred gold, seeking a stranger.

Recently, there have been many strange things in the city, and the population has disappeared.

Before the Xu family tragedy, Wang Jiazhuang cast case. Now there is another half-woman crying in my road.

In order to achieve peace in the home, a special reward of five hundred and two gold, about five thousand two silver, the investigation thoroughly investigated the matter. Find out the missing person. ’

The notice was written very simply and the meaning was clear and concise.

There is also a deputy notice attached below. The above is the beginning and end of Lufu’s half-cry night.

The case of the disappearance of the population that occurred in Lufu was completely written before and after.

Yan Kai carefully read it again, and the brow was slightly locked.

"Just this. Let's go to the road."

Rong Rong also read the notice on the side.

"It’s just that we are looking for this ghost, and we can make a bit of it."

"I am waiting for the way, not for money." Yan Kai said.

"Yes is." Rong Rong spit out her tongue and quickly closed her mouth. She knew that Yan Kaige couldn’t stand the slogan.

Yan Kai did not say anything, but the notice was torn off.

The housekeeper who was guarded by the bypass house was bright, and suddenly came to the spirit.

"Two, please here!"

Yan nodded.

With Rongrong, I went with this Dingchao Road House.

Before watching the crowds around, there was a bit of a sudden uproar, and many good people followed.

I want to see if they really went to the road home.

The men and women dressed in these two robes seem to have two brushes.

No matter whether there is anyone following it, Yan Kai will not change the color when he walks. If he is innocent, he will obviously get used to being surrounded.

Rong Rong took the initiative to set up a message with the family and asked about the situation of Lufu.

After a short time, the two men got on the carriage, and the car turned left and right. After a while, they stopped.

When the two got off the bus, they were led by a special person and entered a big house. The rockery in the mountains, the small bridge garden, the birds and flowers, the layout is extremely beautiful and rich.

Yan Kai eyes are not moving, with Rong Rong all the way forward, and soon went to a meeting room.


A middle-aged man with a sad face and white face is sitting in the living room.

The man is in a state of wealth, wearing a white-breasted robe with a silver-brimmed copper coin pattern, and his chin is neatly groomed and clean.

It was the road that came from Lu Sheng.

"But the two teardown of the city gate notice?" Lu Quanan carefully looked at the two people.

Both of them are Taoist, the man's face is ruddy, shiny, his forehead is full, his eyes are awe-inspiring, his waist is straight and straight. If you change to a Confucian robe, you will have a famous style.

The woman's face is pretty, with a hint of innocence, her eyes are moving around and looking around, it looks like the lady sneak out and disguise herself.

"Exactly. The poor road is open. The color of the color, the beginning of the opening. The road number is still Yangzi."

Yan Kai introduced himself.

"This is the poor road teacher, Duan Rong, I am waiting for the two to come, it is for the disappearance of the population posted by the road."

"Please sit down, please sit down."

Lu Quanan reached out and gestured.

Yan Kai and the two sat, and the maid quickly went to tea and went to tea.

"The specific thing, I have written in the notice very detailed. If the Yangzi Daochang wants to take this reward, but also to see the children's road victory.

The reward for my trip home was reviewed by him. "Lu Quanan whispered. "Of course, if the Taoist really has the ability, no matter what happens at this time, there will be one hundred and two silver afterwards. ”

After the words were spoken, both Yan Kai and Duan Rongrong agreed.

Lu Quanan also asked a little about the origins of the two people, where are the people, how old. Where is Xianju?

Yan Kai answered them one by one.

After a short break, there will be a few more people in the living room.

Among the later few people, two were the monks of Honglian Temple, and one was the same as Yan Kai.

The last person, a Ranger, has a double-knife hanging waist, is a short knife, looks handsome, and looks like a woman dressed as a man.

Waiting for a while, the road was full of people, and everyone was asked to get up and go to the other hospital where Lu Sheng was.

There are a lot of roads and homes, and the land is also very large. Some of the homes even extend to the city wall, which makes the most prosperous area of ​​Jiulian City account for one-third of the total, showing its richness.

Among the five people in the city, the richest is the road home.

Everyone walked along the road to the Yellow Crane.

Along the way, everyone can see the courtyard between the courtyards, guarding the guards of the swordsmen.

These guards, each with a waist and a round waist, are strong and strong, standing upright, and at a glance they know that they have been trained in the military.

Yan Kai looked all the way, his face slightly dignified.

"This road home is a bit powerful..."

Duan Rongrong is puzzled on the side.

"It is rich and powerful. It is similar to the ones we have encountered before. What is the power?"

Yan Kai shook his head.

"It's not these, but the road family should have the background of the army. Otherwise, the guards here will not be in this style. The military regulations are strict. Only those who regularly accept military training will always maintain such a spirit."

This is not the shelf that veterans can use after retirement. ”

"There is an army background! This kind of person has to post a notice for help, and it seems that it is not a small matter."

Duan Rongrong is also a tongue.

The group traveled hundreds of steps and quickly entered the Yellow Crane Temple.

The Yellow Crane Temple is close to the school ground, and it is faint to hear the sound of the guard training on the school ground.

Lu Jia, the son of Dagong, was sitting on a recliner, his body was half lying, his face was white, his body was wrapped in a thick blanket, and the air could smell a clear smell. It seems that the spirit is not very good.

Yan Kai carefully looked at this road victory, and at first glance, he saw the debilitating spirit in the other's eyes, just like the sickness of the wounded.

"I have seen the men."

Lu Sheng coughed twice and arched his hand at the crowd.

"As you can see, the body is not very good, and the injury is not healed, you will not be able to welcome everyone."

"Song Gongzi is polite."

The monk of the Honglian Temple, the master of the real name of the law, went forward and said.

"The road home has always been one of the fragrant pilgrims of Honglian Temple. This time, the host told me to wait for a special trip to see if there is any place to help."

“Thank you for the master, I also thanked Honglian for hosting me.”

Lu Sheng back to smile.

In addition, the person asked about the case.

Lu Sheng answered one by one.

Yan Kai and the two listened carefully at the side, while also looking at the road victory.

"It was attacked by yin, and it was only a short-term injury."

After Yan Kai carefully observed, I saw the difference in the body of this Dagongzi.