MTL - We Are Still Farming, Have You Become a God In the Whole Country?-Chapter 586

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Of course, Fan Zhongyan and others are not suitable either.

Such a result gave Su Chen some headaches.

And the reason why I waited for Fan Zhongyan and others here, and let them go to Bianjing with me, is very simple, Su Chen doesn't know the way!

Although this Great Song is very similar to the Great Song in history, it is not the Great Song in history after all.

There are differences in both people and location.

If Su Chen wants to go to Bianjing, someone has to lead the way, otherwise it will inevitably waste more time...

After hearing what Su Chen said, Fan Zhongyan and the others looked at each other, smiled bitterly, and then nodded.

Not long after, Fang La, who had been tangled for a long time, also came to Muzhou City.

Seeing that Su Chen didn't want to say anything to him, he could only bite the bullet and join Fan Zhongyan and the others to arrange the war here.

With the addition of Fang La, the leader, everything became much simpler.

In less than an hour, everything was arranged.

Even the collapsed city wall has been restored to its previous appearance under the influence of the power of the four, and it is even better!

After doing all this, Su Chen took Fan Zhongyan and others on the journey to Bianjing.

Perhaps because of the thousands of years of development in the farm space, the Song Dynasty has a huge territory!

It is countless times larger than the map in history!

Even at the speed of Su Chen's five people, it took three days to arrive at Bianjing...

This time, Su Chen didn't waste any more time.

He took Fan Zhongyan and others directly to the sky over Bianjing!

A thought-

In an instant, the situation changed!

The endless thunderclouds enveloped the entire Bian capital in an instant...

Chapter 747 Zhumen's wine and meat stink! The road has frozen bones

Bianjing, this is an incomparably magnificent city!

Compared with the Bianjing in the history of Daxia, the Bianjing in this world is many times bigger!

At least from Su Chen's point of view, even if the imperial capitals of all dynasties in the history of Daxia are added together, they are not as big as half of the Bianjing in front of them!

Among the cities Su Chen has seen, only those giant cities on the Beast Continent that have been passed down for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, can compare with this Bianjing.

It's just that under this magnificent appearance, what Su Chen sees is not prosperity.

but corruption!

As the so-called Zhumen wine and meat stink, the road has frozen bones!

From Muzhou City to Bianjing, the capital of the Great Song Emperor, along the way, Su Chen saw countless people of the Great Song Dynasty who were struggling to survive, with yellow faces and thin muscles!

Those people are so skinny, they look like skeletons!

In many places, Su Chen even saw the situation of Yi Zi and eating!

It is hard for Su Chen to imagine that in the era of farm space, not to mention those spiritual crops, but at least ordinary food should be as much as possible!

For example, Da Xia, after his farm was promoted to the Xuan rank, Da Xia basically no longer has to worry about food issues.

Even if there is no food supply from the Bayang Kingdom, the ordinary food has long been too much to be eaten, and it can even be used for animal husbandry!

Although his farm is not comparable to an ordinary Xuanjie farm, you must know that he is only one person!

On the other hand, according to what he knew about Da Song, there are at least tens of thousands of farmers in Da Song!

These tens of thousands of farmers, even if they are all the lowest-level Xuan-level third-grade farmers, can bring in a huge amount of food!

But the real world of Song Dynasty is bleak!

Not only in other places, but even in this Bianjing, Su Chen saw a lot of sallow complexion from the corner of the street, and at first glance, it was a long-term malnutrition of civilians!

Even at the feet of the emperor, Su Chen saw the incident of the noble man robbing the civilian girl!

How can such a country exist?

Not only Su Chen, but also Fan Zhongyan and others who didn't want Su Chen to destroy Da Song, were completely silent at this moment.

They can fully imagine that if it were not the Song Dynasty who controlled almost all the spiritual crops, and the royal family background left by Song Taizu, such a Song Dynasty would have been overthrown long ago!

The farm space, which was originally a place that could bring unprecedented opportunities and benefits to the Song Dynasty, has now become an even more cruel tool for these royal nobles to suppress and exploit the commoners!

The spiritual crops that were originally able to give the entire Song Dynasty to the nation were completely monopolized by the royal family and nobles, and even ordinary food was controlled by the royal family and nobles!

The only way for civilians to survive is to kneel in front of the royal family and nobles!

Exchange your dignity, even your wife and daughter, for the chance to live!


"Is there any news from Muzhou City?"

Outside the Bianjing Imperial City, in a luxurious manor, a pale **** sat in a high position, while enjoying the service massage of the little **** next to him, while asking.

"Reporting to the lord, I haven't received any news yet, but the lord can rest assured that with the strength of Director Li and the puppet left by the Emperor Taizu that Director Li carried, it is not a matter of hand to deal with a mere Fang La? "

In the face of the eunuch's question, in front of the eunuch, a middle-aged man in the official robe of the Song Dynasty said with a flattering smile.

"Yeah." The **** nodded noncommittally, "If there is any news, let me know as soon as possible, and also pass the news to Director Li and ask him to start lightly. The official family said, that Fang La will live, the official family Use the blood of the rebels to kill the chickens and show the monkeys!"


The man in the official robe nodded immediately, and then seemed to have thought of something and was about to continue speaking.

However, at this moment-

Boom! ! !

Above the sky, a thunderous roar suddenly sounded!

Then, under the watchful eyes of countless people, above the blue sky, a thick cloud quickly enveloped the entire Bian Capital!

"what happened?"

Feeling the sudden change in the sky, the chief **** was a little surprised.

I don't know why, just at that moment, his eyelids suddenly jumped wildly!

As if some kind of horror is about to come!

"My lord, could it be made by the Eighth Prince?"

Just when the chief **** was restless, the middle-aged man in official robe guessed beside the chief eunuch.

"Eighth Prince?"

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, the head **** narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said directly: "Go! Let's go to the palace!"


At the same time, in the palace, an old man in a python robe with gray hair was also alarmed by the movement above.

"Who is the man in the sky?"

The white-haired old man had a gloomy face and asked the attendant next to him.

"Reporting to the Eighth Prince, according to the records of the archives, the people above should be Fan Zhongyan, Xin Qiji, Wen Tianxiang, and Fang La."

The attendant responded quickly.

"Fan Zhongyan?" Hearing this name, the expression of the old man in the python robe became more and more gloomy.

He is not unfamiliar with this name.

After all, he is one of the few Heavenly Rank farmers in Song Dynasty. He still knows the names of these Heavenly Rank farmers.

Especially Fang La, or the rebel who has been in the limelight recently, how could he not know?

"Who is this last?"

After figuring out the identities of the four people, the old man in the python robe turned his attention to the young man headed.

"Report to the lord, there is no record of this person in the file"

The attendant knelt down directly.

He didn't dare to lift his head, for fear that the old man in the python robe would blame him.

"A bunch of trash!"

The old man in the python robe gave the attendant a cold look, and then, under the frightened gaze of the attendant, he turned his attention back to the sky.

Now is not the time to deal with squires.

Just now, from above, he felt an unprecedented crisis!

There is no doubt that the above Fan Zhongyan and others are definitely bad comers!

Of course, if he was just Fan Zhongyan and others, he wouldn't care much.

He has the treasures left by the Great Ancestor, and his own strength is not weak, not to mention a powerful guardian left by the Great Ancestor!

Fan Zhongyan, or Fang La and others, no matter who they are, can't threaten his status.

But this mysterious person who doesn't even know his identity made him feel an unprecedented crisis!

This feeling is even stronger than the breath he felt when he faced Taizu! !

"What exactly is going on?"

For a time, the old man in the python robe was a little surprised.

Right at this moment-

boom! ! !

Above the sky, the thunder exploded again!

The next moment, a magnificent voice suddenly spread throughout Bianjing——

Chapter 748 God's Punishment Falls! I am god

"I! Su Chen! Lord of Xuanwu!"

With the incomparable voice, above the sky, a huge figure with a size of dozens of miles quickly appeared in front of countless people in Bianjing and even the entire Song Dynasty!

Under the influence of special power, even if they are separated by thousands of miles, even an ordinary civilian can clearly see the shadowy figure!

"what is that?"

Looking at the huge figure that suddenly appeared, all the nationals of Song Dynasty couldn't help but widen their eyes.

The unparalleled fear suddenly spread in everyone's heart!

This is a kind of fear from the heart, the fear of unknown and powerful beings!

Even the old man in the python robe himself couldn't help trembling slightly at this moment.

But for some reason, at the same time of fear, everyone felt an inexplicable intimacy from the incomparably huge figure!

It's as if this terrifying existence has some blood connection with them, even their relatives!

"Could it be that this is the **** of salvation? The **** saw the disaster in the Song Dynasty and came to the world specially to rid us of the disaster?"

A thought suddenly emerged from the hearts of countless people...

"Master of Xuanwu?"

"Su Chen?"

Forced to stabilize his mind, the old man in the python robe focused his attention on the incomparably magnificent voice.

"Who knows what happened to the Lord of Xuanwu and Su Chen?"

After thinking for a while, there was still no answer, the old man turned his attention to the **** director Tong Guan and others who had just arrived behind him.

Hearing the question from the old man in the python robe, Tong Guan and the others looked at each other in dismay.