MTL - Weak A, She Just Wants To Live To the End-Chapter 64

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Lin Anan circled around for a long time and finally found Yu Nanxi's car. She walked to the car beside the car and knocked on the window.

After a few seconds, the window of the rear seat was lowered, revealing Yu Nanxi's pale face.

She leaned back in the chair, her voice a little weak: "Why are you here."

Lin Anan didn't answer, pointed to the door, and whispered, "Open the door and let me in."

Yu Nanxi pursed her lower lip, hesitated for two seconds, then unlocked the car, opened the rear door, and moved in.

Lin Anan looked around, and after confirming that there was no one around, he still squeezed in through the rear door, then reached out and closed the door, before Yu Nanxi had time to remind, She reached out and pressed the window again.

After the windows were completely locked, Lin Anan realized that the whole car was full of Yu Nanxi's pheromones. She was embarrassed and did not dare to breathe hard, but she did not dare to reach out Going to press the window again, for fear of accidentally poking Yu Nanxi's self-esteem.

Yu Nanxi didn't think too much, she saw the discomfort in Lin Anan's eyes, she leaned over without saying a word, and lowered the car window by one-third.

She was actually hesitant to let Lin Anan in, for fear that Lin Anan's body would not be able to withstand the erosion of so many pheromones in the car. I dare not come to find myself.

But when she saw Lin Anan outside the car window, she yearned for her to give herself some comfort, so she thought about it and let this ignorant and fearless rabbit come in.

When the air outside slipped in through the window, Lin Anan dared to breathe vigorously. She glanced at the needle tube on the seat, and while releasing the comforting pheromone, she cared: "You Did you just inject an inhibitor?"

Yu Nanxi leaned on the back of the chair, sniffed Lin Anan's pheromone, and suppressed the discomfort in her heart: "Not yet, just about to fight, you will come."

"It was Xiaoyue who said that you were not feeling well, so let me take a look." Lin Anan said, "Otherwise, I will mark it for you temporarily, and then I will inject a little more pheromone, Otherwise, you may have a hard time in the afternoon."

In contrast, Yun Nanxi must have preferred to hold the rabbit and inject the excess pheromone into her glands, but in such a confined space, so A lot of pheromones are surrounded and injected. If the rabbit can't bear it, the afternoon scene is estimated to be unnecessary.

"Hmm." Yu Nanxi replied in a low voice in agreement, with a slight reluctance in his voice.

But Lin Anan looked at the positions of the two and didn't know where to start, so as to be able to hit the glands on the back of Yu Nanxi's neck.

"Then what do we do now, the car is so narrow." Lin Anan asked aloud, "Why don't you come over, lie down, and I'll hold you directly?"

"Don't!" Yu Nanxi angrily refused to do such a shameful action. Although Lin Anan said it unintentionally, these words made her think about it, and she couldn't control her mind. Running in an indescribable direction.

The more she thought about it, the more ashamed she became, and she became annoyed: "Change another one."

"Then how can I cooperate with you?" Lin Anan said innocently.

Yu Nanxi didn't know what posture would be more normal in such a narrow car, so awkwardly said: " think for yourself."

Based on Yu Nanxi's reaction just now, it seems that she is unwilling to move her posture. After thinking about it, Lin Anan can only adjust her position.

In this way, her height is higher than Yun Nanxi, so she can directly let Yu Nanxi lean on her like the last time in the dressing room, and then the angle is just enough to bite Yun Nanxi glands.

It's just that this pose looks a bit ambiguous.

Lin Anan smiled awkwardly: "Just... it's a bit narrow in the car, that's all."

"If you don't mind, then you can... move it over."

Yu Nanxi's ears were slightly hot, and Lin An'an's posture seemed to her to have a taste of courtship. If she didn't know that Lin Anan just wanted to make a temporary mark for her, This pose is really enough to make people want to think.

Yu Nanxi just smelled the heat that the comforting pheromone finally suppressed, and she was hooked by this posture, but she did not refuse, just with a little resistance and a little expectation The delicate mood, and then slowly moved over.

As soon as she moved, she heard the sound of the car next to it being unlocked, and then Ye Yu echoed with the noisy voice: "Why do you want to sign again? Last time I didn't Have you signed it? Don't ask me to come over next time they do this!"

Ye Yutong's assistant persuaded them in a good voice: "Sister, this contract is very important, you calm down, I will help you scold them later."

The two people in the car didn't have time to give each other a glance, and they reached out to the button of the car window at the same time.

Because the gap in the car window is not too low, but not too high, as long as Ye Yutong approaches, it is easy to find the two people in the car, and their posture at this time Still ambiguous.

Including the speed, of course, Lin Anan by the window was faster. She only turned her upper body at an angle, and immediately reached the button of the window, and then instantly pressed the window up .

Yun Nanxi, who was opposite her, was half a beat slower. When she half stood up and leaned over to press, Lin Anan had already pressed the car window and turned around.

The two were caught off guard and leaned against each other tightly.

When Lin Anan turned around, there was only a thin layer of air between her lips and Yun Nanxi, and the distance was not even a centimeter.

She opened her mouth slightly in shock, Yu Nanxi's eyes deepened, she instantly forgot what she was leaning over to do, and kissed her head short.

Yu Nanxi pressed Lin An'an's head against the window and made a small "dong" sound.

Ye Yutong outside the car window originally heard the sound of the car window closing, so he thought he heard it wrong, but then he heard the small "dong" sound.

She turned her head suspiciously and asked the assistant next to her: "Did you hear anything just now?"

The assistant listened carefully and shook his head: "No."

"Really?" Ye Yutong doubted, "But I really seemed to hear something just now, and then another sound."

The assistant thought about it seriously, but still shook his head: "I didn't hear it, sister."

Ye Yu frowned: "Did I hear it wrong?"

She and her assistant walked in front of her car, looked at Yu Nanxi's car next to her, and asked, "Why does this car look familiar, who does this car belong to?"

"It's Yu Nanxi's sister." The assistant replied truthfully.

"Is this from Yu Nanxi's?" Ye Yu looked into the car with a short body, "She will...isn't she in the car?"

Ye Yu said at the same time, then walked towards Yu Nanxi's car on his own, then covered his eyes with his hands and looked in.

The two people in the car naturally heard Ye Yutong's voice, they both slowed down their breathing and dared not move, for fear of making some noise accidentally and being caught by Ye Yutong.

Go in the direction of the front of the car.

Lin Anan struggled slightly with a trace of reason, but found that she was pressed by Yu Nanxi in this position and could not move at all.

And at this time, as Yun Nanxi approached, the mint pheromone attacked and harassed her will, coupled with Yun Nanxi's kiss and the car full of ambiguous pheromones surrounded by , her head stuck in the ground has gradually become confused.

Ye Yutong's footsteps got closer and closer to the front of the car, Yu Nanxi reached out and hugged Lin An'an's waist, then deepened the kiss, and pressed her body forward to prevent Ye Yutong from passing through The windshield saw two people in the back seat.

But because the front of the car was facing the partition, Ye Yu only walked to the side, and then looked at the driver's seat and the co-pilot through the side windshield, and then turned in. He glanced at the rear seat diagonally opposite.

Maybe it was because the windshield was dark and the garage was not bright enough. Ye Yu also saw that there was nothing moving in the car, so she thought there was no one in the car, and then suspiciously looked back.

She walked in the direction of her car suspiciously, and said to herself: "Strange, there is no one in the car, then why did I seem to hear something in the car just now, am I hallucinating? already?"

Her assistant followed behind and urged: "Sister, you must have heard it wrong, it is probably the echo of our footsteps, let's go."

"When we came out just now, I saw Xiaoyue come out of the dressing room with a kettle and a script. I guess that guy Yu Nanxi is in the dressing room."

"Oh, let's do it." Ye Yutong finally gave up exploring and stretched out his hand to open the passenger's door, "Oh yes, you will remember to tell those people for me later, and do this next time. , don't ask me to go, I'm really sick!"

"Okay, my sister, let's go, otherwise I won't be back in time for filming in the afternoon." The assistant persuaded while sitting in the driver's seat.

The two talked a few words in the car, then started the car, and it didn't take long for the car to drive out of the garage.

It wasn't until the sound of the car completely disappeared that Yu Nanxi got up from Lin An'an's body, and then saw Lin An'an's completely stunned expression, and then realized that he had just done it what.

She snorted and blushed for the most part, then sat up a little bewilderedly, forcing her composure to dare not look at Lin Anan again.

In fact, she didn't know why she kissed it just now, maybe because she saw the rabbit's frightened expression is very cute, or she suddenly wanted to taste the softer part of the rabbit.

She only remembered that the tip of her heart suddenly trembled, and her heart throbbed, so she subconsciously kissed.

The skin of the body is also delicate.

At first, she still had some shyness in her heart, but when Lin Anan was so stunned that she didn't resist, she had a rash impulse in her heart, she choked the soft and thin piece Sucking and biting, more and more fascinated, he refused to let go.

So she let herself be immersed in the ambiguous taste of the fusion of the two pheromones, getting more and more reluctant to give up the kiss, ignoring the slight trembling of the rabbit below, and even blocking Ye Yu with him When the windshield looked in, she pressed her body down and deepened the kiss.

It wasn't until Ye Yutong's car started the engine that the voice brought back her wandering sense, and when the car completely left, she withdrew her kiss, thinking about How to explain to the frightened Lin Anan below.

It's just that she didn't have time to explain, seeing Lin An'an's lips that were kissed red by herself, and the slightly wet eyes of Lin An'an, the shyness she had just left before she left, He swept over in revenge with thousands of troops and horses, choking her and unable to speak a word.

Lin Anan was stunned for a while, then hurriedly sat up with the back of the chair, and was caught off guard by the top of the car and hit her head. Seeing Yu Nanxi reaching out to help her, she was shocked while using With the back of his hand covering his lips, he quickly adjusted his sitting position and leaned hard towards the door.

Lin Anan didn't understand what was going on at all, how she kissed Yu Nanxi, she would come back to her senses, her head was still blank, she couldn't remember the middle of the kiss at all what's going on.

She rubbed the aching lips with the back of her hand, then peeked at Yu Nanxi next to her, hoping that Yu Nanxi could explain the inexplicable situation just now.

The sound of Lin Anan hitting the roof of the car shattered Yu Nanxi's already chaotic heartbeat.

She stole a glance at Lin An'an's aggrieved eyes, feeling ashamed and guilty, she coughed lightly to cover up the embarrassment: "Just now, I'm sorry... I just..."

"You are... influenced by pheromones, I, I understand." Lin Anan stammered to take Yu Nanxi's words, and her belated sense of shyness finally climbed up to her ear tips.

Yu Nanxi coughed again, followed her words calmly: "Yes, I just lost my mind by the pheromone in the susceptible period, don't take it to heart."

The two of them didn't know what to say, so the air was so vaguely silent.

Thinking of Lin An'an being so foolish, while Yu Nanxi was relieved, she inexplicably began to miss the soft kiss in front of her.

Although she had kissed Tang Xin before, she didn't know if it was because of the lack of differentiation. She felt that the previous kisses with Tang Xin were not with Lin An'an. verb: move.

This reminds me of the soft touch, and the tips of my teeth start to itch.

Although she didn't really want to admit it, she really felt that the kiss just now was very beautiful. The deeper she thought about it, the more she wanted to hold the rabbit and take a bite.

Lin An'an was suffocated by the quiet atmosphere, her thoughts were wandering, she suddenly remembered that she was going to make a temporary mark for Yu Nanxi, so she blushed to break the embarrassment: "Yu Nanxi , you... do you still need a temporary mark, I just... just didn't bite you..."

Yu Nanxi suppressed his still jumping heart, pretended to be calm and said, "Yes, if you don't mark it, how can do I film in the afternoon."

After Lin Anan replied "Oh", she began to struggle with which position to change to mark Yu Nanxi temporarily. After all, she didn't want to face the consequences of that position just now.

Yu Nanxi saw that Lin Anan still lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking, she pretended to be impatient and said, "Didn't you say you want to mark? Then... hurry up."

Lin Anan made another "oh" and moved over slowly, but she still didn't think it would be more convenient to bite.

Seeing Lin An'an's reaction, Yu Nanxi thought she was a little reluctant, and got angry: "What are you doing so slowly, are you unwilling to bite now? Otherwise, I will bite you ?"

"No, no." Lin Anan hurriedly waved his hand, "I want to bite, but I just don't know how to use... which position is more convenient."

She will still be in a mess, and the pheromone in the car is so strong. It was thrown in the past, and it was really embarrassing to see anyone in the afternoon.

Yu Nanxi said with a bit of awkward impatience: "Just... the posture in front of you is fine."

"Oh oh." Lin Anan responded, and had no choice but to take up the feet that had not had time to put on shoes just now, and then knelt into the position just now.

Then she froze, feeling that her cheeks were uncontrollably hot again, and whispered: "Is this okay?"

"It's alright." Yu Nanxi said, without waiting for Lin Anan to call her over, she took the initiative to move over and made a slight tilt.

Lin Anan was awkward, and then, like before, stretched out her hand to wrap Yu Nanxi's body, then froze, and whispered: "Then I can bite, please bear with me, It will hurt a bit."

Yu Nanxi leaned against Lin An'an's arms, greedily took a few mouthfuls of pheromones, and replied softly "um".

Getting a reply, Lin Anan shifted her angle, then bent her head and bit it gently.

Yes, in that slight pain, I felt a little sweet throbbing.

The author has something to say: I kissed when I was sober for the first time. It was the National Day that gave Yu a lot of courage, haha.

The author has held their heads wickedly, let them kiss again tomorrow and the day after, let her see you two days and nights, and every day!

Love the motherland, love you, be a big heart!