MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 32

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Monday morning, exam.

"..." Jiang Shuyi sat in the examination room and yawned after finishing the examination paper, and couldn't sit still and began to look out the window.

Today's weather is not very good, foggy.

Jiang Shuyi looked around the examination room. The middle-aged male teacher was sitting on the podium with an earphone in one ear. Jiang Shuyi's ears were sensitive. From his earphone's sound leakage, he could tell that the teacher was listening to the nine o'clock news in the morning.

Because this is the first examination room counting backwards, the students in the examination room are either missing the exam or sleeping on their stomachs. They only write three or four questions seriously. Most of them just write a few strokes at will. Lie down on the table and give up on yourself.

Jiang Shuyi sat up straight and stretched himself.

She glanced at the clock above her head. There was still some time before the exam would be over.

So she began to check the paper carefully again.

Not long after the bell rang.

The exam is over.

"Okay, put down the pen now." The middle-aged male teacher said on the podium.

Jiang Shuyi turned his eyes away from the paper and started packing his stationery.

After the papers were taken away, she stretched herself, got up slowly, and walked out of the examination room leisurely.

But before she could step out the door, she collided with a classmate.

The admission ticket in the man's hand fell to the ground together with the pencil case.

Jiang Shuyi quickly picked up the admission ticket on the ground and handed it to the person, "Sorry."

After she took a closer look, she realized that the person she bumped into was Yan Jingshu.

Yan Jingshu's grades were not bad, considered to be at the upper-middle level, and logically speaking, she would not be assigned to the last examination room.

But she just returned to school recently, and she didn't take the exam for a few months, so of course there was no record of the last exam result, and naturally it was the last exam room just like Jiang Shuyi.

Hearing Jiang Shuyi's apology, Yan Jingshu watched her take her examination admission ticket, but seeing Jiang Shuyi's eyes that were no longer moved by her, she couldn't help feeling a little lost for a while.

"..." Jiang Shuyi watched her take the admission ticket, and walked forward without saying a word.

Seeing her leave, Yan Jingshu found it difficult to maintain her usual expression.

She held the examination admission ticket tightly, and the way she lowered her eyelashes was moving just by standing there, but Jiang Shuyi didn't look at her.

Jiang Shuyi and Yan Jingshu are heading in the same direction.

They were all going back to the classroom, so the two walked in tandem.

The two walked halfway, and then met Song Jinxi who came out of the examination room in front.

Song Jinxi paused when he saw these two people.

"Oh? How did you do in the exam?" She asked casually.

"I think I did well in the exam." Jiang Shuyi replied.

Jiang Shuyi felt that he did well in the exam, although the other two might not believe her at all.

Yan Jingshu looked at Song Jinxi with a casual smile, "Are you asking me?"

Song Jinxi looked at her teasing smile and stopped asking.

The three walked silently in the noisy corridor, as if there was some deep hatred, and no one opened their mouths to speak...

Song Jinxi walked between the two of them.

After walking for a while, she really couldn't stand the atmosphere, so she picked up the test paper and started asking the two of them, "Hey, what did you choose for the penultimate question of the first test?"

Yan Jingshu raised her chin proudly and confidently: "B."

"A." Almost at the same time, Jiang Shuyi opened his paper and replied.

Jiang Shuyi and Yan Jingshu paused for a moment, both of them frowned in disapproval of the other's answer.

"How did you think of choosing A?"

"The answer to B can be ruled out from the beginning, right?"

Song Jinxi looked at his test paper, and couldn't help frowning at Yan Jingshu and Jiang Shuyi, "Didn't you choose C?"


The invigilator in class one happened to be the chemistry teacher of Wen Yao's class.

After the invigilation, he gave Wen Yao a stack of quiz questions by the way.

"This is homework for today and tomorrow. I will send it to the students in the class when they come back and ask them to finish it and hand it in the day after tomorrow."

Wen Yao accepted the stack of examination papers and began to distribute them to the students in the class.

When Wen Yao was sending to the middle row of the classroom, he saw He Yan Jingshu and Jiang Shuyi walking into the class.

The two seemed to be arguing about something.

Wen Yao paused for a moment, then continued to give out quiz questions as if nothing had happened.

She walked up to the two classmates, drew two papers, and before they put them down, she heard the two classmates looking at Jiang Shuyi's side, "What are Xiaohua and Mr. Yi talking about?"

"Is Mr. Yi finally together after chasing after him for so long?"

"The quiz will be handed in before the day after tomorrow."

Wen Yao interrupted the two of them, and handed the little test into their hands.

For no reason, the two felt that Wen Yao looked at him with cold eyes.


Not long after, Wen Yao walked to Jiang Shuyi's seat.

She silently put Xiao Ce on Jiang Shuyi's desk.

Jiang Shuyi, who was still arguing with Yan Jingshu, saw Wen Yao walking in front of him, and immediately laughed, "Wen Yao."

But Wen Yao just put down the quiz, and left Jiang Shuyi's seat without raising his head.

Jiang Shuyi thought she didn't hear his greeting, so he quickly took out the test paper and chased after him, "Wen Yao, do you know the answer to this question?"

Wen Yao stopped in his tracks.

After a while, she turned her head slowly. She glanced at the test questions, and then at Jiang Shuyi.

When Jiang Shuyi thought she would tell him the answer, Wen Yao said coldly: "After the exam, I won't check the answers with my classmates, because the past questions have become past tense, and the answers are useless now."

"It is your responsibility to concentrate on the next exam."

Wen Yao preached to Jiang Shuyi in a mature tone, the content sounded quite fair and impartial.

"...Oh, good." Jiang Shuyi thought for a while and felt that Wen Yao was right.

So he looked at Wen Yao intently and nodded.

Yan Jingshu looked at the way Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao, and felt a little uncomfortable again.

She stopped discussing with Jiang Shuyi, and walked to her seat without saying a word. When she found that there was also a quiz in her seat, she immediately walked out of the classroom with the quiz in her hands. out.


Song Jinxi had just come back from the bathroom when she was bumped by Yan Jingshu.

The quiz in Yan Jingshu's hand fell to the ground, but she didn't bother to pick it up and left angrily.

Song Jinxi saw the chemistry quiz left by Yan Jingshu at the door, and picked it up with a sigh. She followed behind Yan Jingshu, "Yan Jingshu, you dropped something."

Yan Jingshu watched her follow and quickened her pace.

"Why are you walking so fast?" Song Jinxi ran up, "Don't you want this one?"


Yan Jingshu stopped, and stretched out her hand in distaste, "Give it to me."

"...Miss Yan, has anyone made you angry?"

Song Jinxi sighed, and didn't hand out the paper, she had an intuition that if she handed it out, the eldest lady would throw it away or tear it up.

"Who can make me angry?"

Yan Jingshu raised her gaze and chuckled lightly.

But she happened to look over Song Jinxi's shoulder and saw Jiang Shuyi over there.

Jiang Shuyi was still talking to Wen Yao.

Yan Jingshu bit her lip and her smile disappeared.

Song Jinxi glanced at the focus of Yan Jingshu's eyes, and saw Jiang Shuyi, she sighed, "If you told her earlier that you liked her, there wouldn't be so much trouble."

"I like her?" Yan Jingshu smiled, "Stop joking."


Just as Song Jinxi was about to say something, Yan Jingshu hugged her arm and said something in a low voice.

"What did you say?" Song Jinxi asked.

"...I'm just not used to it."

Yan Jingshu raised her head with red eyes.

Song Jinxi, who thought she would only hear Yan Jingshu's hard-spoken words, couldn't help being stunned when she saw her expression.

"...Ah?" Song Jinxi asked out of habit.

"I'm just not used to it."

Yan Jingshu folded her arms against the wall and repeated it again.

Although her eyes were red, the little princess who was usually proud and self-respect bit her lips, still showing a haughty expression.

Song Jinxi paused holding Yan Jingshu's paper, "..."

"I'm not used to Jiang Shuyi not looking at me anymore, I'm not used to her not following me anymore."

Yan Jingshu hugged her arm a little casually, and snorted lightly, "Can't you?"

"I still feel that she should like me, and her eyes should be looking at me."

"Can't you?"

Although Yan Jingshu tried her best to maintain her usual superior appearance, the moisture in her eyes could not deceive anyone.

Song Jinxi had known Yan Jingshu for so long, and this was the first time she had seen such an expression on her face.

Song Jinxi saw the relationship between Yan Jingshu and Jiang Shuyi.

That's not really a healthy relationship. Song Jinxi thought.

Yan Jingshu hung Jiang Shuyi and hurt Jiang Shuyi many times.

Those injuries were all comforted by Song Jinxi.

Then, as long as Yan Jingshu is a little nicer to Jiang Shuyi, Jiang Shuyi will forgive Yan Jingshu for all the bad things.

Song Jinxi felt that the two of them would be consumed forever like this.

But maybe no matter how much liking seems to be smoothed out, no matter how carefree a person is, every injury seems to be remembered in his heart, so Jiang Shuyi doesn't like Yan Jingshu now.

In fact, this is all Yan Jingshu's own doing.

But at the same time, as a friend of this proud Omega, Song Jinxi couldn't help but feel sorry for her when she heard that she was not used to saying this sentence.

Unlike herself and Jiang Shuyi, Yan Jingshu's family gave her an elite education since she was a child.

Her mother asked her to be reserved, her father asked her to be noble, and they asked her not to bow to anyone.

So Yan Jingshu has been like a proud white swan since she was a child. She has never bowed her head to anyone. I don’t know how to express the feedback I like, so I can only express my mood with an unaccustomed…

"..." Seeing Yan Jingshu like this, Song Jinxi could only pat her on the shoulder and sighed, "Go back to the classroom, Yan Jingshu."

"If you stand outside for a long time, you will catch a cold."


"Jiang Shuyi," watching Yan Jingshu walk out, Wen Yao turned his head and said in a low voice, "You left something with me yesterday and forgot to take it."

"Is it my notebook? I found it was gone when I went back yesterday." Jiang Shuyi thought.

"...En." Wen Yao responded.

There's one more... Wen Yao thought about it, but somehow didn't say it.

Jiang Shuyi stood up and followed Wen Yao to Wen Yao's desk.

Wen Yao handed the notebook on his seat to Jiang Shuyi.

"Thank you." Jiang Shuyi smiled.

Jiang Shuyi took the notebook and planned to return to his seat, but before he took a few steps, he felt that his clothes were being pulled.

Jiang Shuyi turned his head and found that Wen Yao who was sitting on his seat was holding his clothes.

"What's the matter, is there anything else?" Jiang Shuyi asked.

Wen Yao reached out and picked up the paper bag she had hung beside the desk.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao with blank eyes.

The study bell rang.

Wen Yao looked at the teacher who came in from the door, and quietly hung the paper bag back.

"No, nothing."

"...Oh, then I'm going back."

Wen Yao nodded quietly.

After Jiang Shuyi went back.

Wen Yao looked at the paper bag hanging aside and lowered his eyes silently.

It's the same for returning it to Jiang Shuyi after washing it...

She shouldn't mind...

Wen Yao clenched his hand tightly.