MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 34

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Jiang Shuyi and Wen Yao went to the cafeteria late, and when they came out after eating, there was no one on the road outside the cafeteria.

Wen Yao didn't seem to want to talk much, so Jiang Shuyi didn't speak, and walked beside her quietly.

Wen Yao is also wearing the school sports uniform today.

This white school uniform is loose, but it has a sense of design. Wen Yao looks good in it.

As soon as the two entered the gymnasium one after the other, the grade director came to the class and called Wen Yao away.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the back of Wen Yao who was walking away, and suddenly felt a little lost.


Wen Yao followed the grade director.

Jiang Shuyi sat at the gymnasium seat of his class, boredly looking at the people who were jumping high in the distance.

Almost all of them are keen to participate in the competition.

Very lively.

But Jiang Shuyi looked at it and found it very boring.

Song Jinxi and Zhou Jingtang walked over with a pair of poker, "Playing poker? Jiang Shuyi."

Jiang Shuyi looked at the cards in Song Jinxi's hand and nodded.

She just felt the need for something to divert her attention.

Three people sat on one side of the gymnasium.

"Just playing cards seems a bit boring..." Song Jinxi skillfully shuffled the cards in his hand, "How about adding some prizes?"

Zhou Jingtang pressed his head, and seemed to have no opinion, "Yes."

"What lottery? I don't gamble..."

Jiang Shuyi glanced at the two of them suspiciously.

Playing this type of game, she has always been confident that she will be plucked.

"Don't worry, I don't gamble."

Song Jinxi skillfully dealt the cards in front of everyone.

Jiang Shuyi picked up the cards in front of him with one hand and sorted them out, "What is the lottery?"

"It's just a punishment game, we don't play too much anymore," Song Jinxi smiled, and raised an index finger, "The person who loses the first three games should listen to the person who won the most, and add an ending sound at the end of the sentence." .”

"'End sound'?"

"Like 'woof woof', or 'meow meow meow' or something like that."

This sounds like nothing. Jiang Shuyi thought.

"Okay," she replied.

It didn't take long for their battle situation to become anxious.

Although it was anxious, it was overwhelming, so Jiang Shuyi was the only one who was anxious.

Jiang Shuyi's luck is very bad.

For several games in a row, the cards in her starting hand were very messy, with neither consecutive pieces nor big cards.

So she lost as a matter of course, and lost three rounds in the blink of an eye.

Fourth inning.

Song Jinxi threw a three with one, "Three circles with a six."

"don't want."

"Where's your ending?" Song Jinxi reminded.

"...Sister." Jiang Shuyi said with a bitter face.

'Sister' is the ending sound Song Jinxi found for her.

Listening to her ending, Zhou Jingtang couldn't help but secretly laughed, and threw four seven bombs, "It exploded."

"Why are there still bombs at this time?" Jiang Shuyi looked at the cards in front of him in embarrassment, and after a while he remembered that he forgot to add the ending, "...Sister."

Jiang Shuyi felt that this punishment game was really shameful.

"Don't you have a calculation in your heart?" Song Jinxi also sighed.


Jiang Shuyi didn't reply, and wanted to minimize the number of times he spoke.

This game is really embarrassing.

Zhou Jingtang played a pair of eights.

The cards in Jiang Shuyi's hand are not very good, but there is still a pair of aces, but if a pair of aces is played, there will be a lot of cards left in his hand, and he doesn't know if he can catch them, and he might be eaten by others.

Jiang Shuyi hesitated a little.

A hand went over her shoulder, and gently pulled out the pair of aces and punched them out.

"Who is it?" Jiang Shuyi hastily turned his head with some complaints in his heart.

Wen Yao looked at her calmly, patted her head, and said in a gentle tone, "You can only win if you fight this now."

The smell of roses slowly soaked into her body in the air, she felt Wen Yao talking in her ear, and Jiang Shuyi felt her heart skip a beat.


The complaints in Jiang Shuyi's heart actually disappeared the moment he saw that it was Wen Yao who came.

"Then let's do this." She immediately said obediently.

Song Jinxi glanced at the two of them, coughed, and reminded very coldly and shamelessly:

"...Jiang Shuyi, did you forget something?"

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao who was standing beside him and paused for a while, before filling in the ending sound with red ears.

"…elder sister."

Listening to what they said, Wen Yao paused his fingers slightly.

"'Sister'?" Wen Yao repeated with his eyes lowered, his tone sounded similar to usual.

Jiang Shuyi's ears turned red, and he explained somewhat reluctantly: "We are playing Fight the Landlord, and those who lose three rounds will have to accept the punishment game..."

"The person who lost three rounds first has to add a word at the end of the sentence, like 'woof', or 'meow'..."

"I was unlucky and lost three games just now." Jiang Shuyi said with aggrieved tone.

"Jiang Shuyi, you forgot again..." Song Jinxi reminded.

Jiang Shuyi added with a displeased expression, "Sister."


Wen Yao casually said the same as usual.

Song Jinxi looked at the pair of A's that Jiang Shuyi had drawn out just now and said nothing, "Yes."

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao in surprise.

"Did you already know that their 'two' are separated?"

Wen Yao didn't answer, and started playing cards for Jiang Shuyi without saying anything.

Whichever card she points to, Jiang Shuyi will play the one. After one round, because of Wen Yao's guidance, Jiang Shuyi actually won.

Zhou Jingtang raised his head to look at Wen Yao while shuffling the cards, "Squad leader, do you want to come to play too?"

Wen Yao didn't immediately say 'yes' or 'no'.

"..." She stood behind Jiang Shuyi with her arms around her arms, "Is there a punishment game when I come in?"

"It's okay if you don't want to cancel, but it would be more fun if you do." Song Jinxi glanced at Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi got a little excited.

She really wanted to hear Wen Yao add the word 'meow' at the end of the sentence.

Wen Yao continued to ask in a cold voice: "The ending sound can be any word?"

Song Jinxi nodded while shuffling the cards, "Basically, it's fine if it's not too much."

Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi, and responded briefly after a few seconds, "Okay."

They immediately started a four-person fight against the landlord.

But everyone soon realized something was wrong...

Wen Yao has never lost once since he entered the poker table.

"Squad leader, aren't you too good?"

Zhou Jingtang looked at Wen Yao and sighed in frustration. He regretted asking Wen Yao to play this game.

"One to three," Song Jinxi smiled smugly.

She and Wen Yao are teammates now.

"I'm completely being led away by the boss now..."

"..." Wen Yao played his cards without responding.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao who was sitting side by side with Song Jinxi, and then glanced at the cards in his hand that he had not played all this time, without saying a word.

She felt a little uncomfortable again.

She has been losing since Wen Yao came here.

No one likes to lose all the time, but in fact, Jiang Shuyi wouldn't be so awkward if he lost a game because of bad luck.

The problem is that every time the game starts, she asks Wen Yao to choose her as a teammate, but Wen Yao doesn't choose her every time.

Either choose Song Jinxi, or choose Zhou Jingtang.

Not only that, Wen Yao can win every time he plays cards, beating his opponent violently like a king playing bronze.

Why don't you just play cards? What's wrong with me?

Jiang Shuyi was a little unhappy.

Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi's expression, and felt that if this Alpha could give feedback like an animal's ears, then her ears must be drooping now.

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi and narrowed his eyes, and played the last card without mercy.

"Boss Yi, we lost again." Zhou Jingtang, who was teammates with Jiang Shuyi, sighed.

"..." Jiang Shuyi didn't speak.

She didn't know that she had lost.

She also knew that at the end of this round, it was a fact that she was at the bottom.

"...What ending sound do you want me to add?"

Jiang Shuyi gathered his remaining cards together, and asked Wen Yao, who was number one, in an unhappy tone.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that she was being targeted.

Wen Yao must be deliberately bullying herself.

Looking at her reluctant expression, Wen Yao didn't even move her eyebrows.

Her lips moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but before she could say it, the radio in the gym rang.

This is a broadcast informing students to participate in the class tug-of-war.

Wen Yao lowered his gaze, stood up from his chair, and clapped his hands in the middle of the class, "Okay, everyone is ready to go to the playground for tug-of-war."

Song Jinxi also put away the poker.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao and felt that the game was over, so he got up and planned to walk to the meeting place.

"Jiang Shuyi."

Wen Yao's fingers pinched the cuffs of Jiang Shuyi's sportswear.

Among the crowd rushing towards the meeting place, Jiang Shuyi stopped and looked in the direction of Wen Yao behind him, "Huh?"

"I still can't think of any ending for you to add." After a moment of silence, Wen Yao said quietly as always.

As expected of Wen Yao, even the punishment game is serious, presumably this kind of unscrupulous game is very strange to her.

understandable. Jiang Shuyi nodded.

"It's okay, you can think about it slowly."

Isn't it just an ending sound?