MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 5

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"You're welcome." Jiang Shuyi looked at her and frowned proudly.

It was just that the two walked for a while, and Jiang Shuyi noticed that there was sweat on Wen Yao's forehead.

"you're uncomfortable?"

Jiang Shuyi followed in doubt.

"No." Wen Yao watched Jiang Shuyi walking over, and walked faster.

"Oh..." Seeing Wen Yao walk away distantly, Jiang Shuyi's complacent mood just now disappeared again.

The two walked to the equipment room of the gymnasium.

As soon as they walked into the narrow equipment room, the long distance between the two of them began to shrink.

Wen Yao put one hand on the equipment frame, and turned his back to Jiang Shuyi, "I'm going to return the registration form, you should go back first."

Jiang Shuyi looked at her suspiciously, "Let's go together, isn't it just to return the registration form?"

"Jiang Shuyi," Wen Yao pressed his forehead, "I don't really want to say it a second time, please go back first, okay?"

"Why?" Jiang Shuyi looked at her in disbelief.

Wen Yao sighed, and explained somewhat reluctantly: "I don't really want to stay with you right now."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Shuyi felt uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"Do you hate me that much? You ignore me, and you don't want to be with me..."

"I was kind enough to help you, why did you—" Before Jiang Shuyi could say anything, Wen Yao robbed him of it.

"I'm sorry, but my business has nothing to do with you, Jiang Shuyi." Wen Yao put Jiang Shuyi's back on his back, and put the sports equipment back into the equipment rack.

'...It doesn't matter at all. '

Jiang Shuyi put his hands in his pants with some discomfort.


"Then you'd better not talk to me for the rest of your life."

Jiang Shu closed the door of the equipment room with a bang, and walked out of the gymnasium without saying a word.

She really got angrier the more she thought about it.

Why did she get so nervous today that she suddenly thought of caring about Wen Yao?

Although Professor Wen eighteen years later was also a very indifferent person, Jiang Shuyi had never heard her say such a thing.

It's so irritating.

Jiang Shuyi wiped his face.


Hearing the loud bang from the door of the equipment room, Wen Yao slid down the sliding door powerlessly. She leaned against the door and began to fumble for the needles and inhibitors in her clothes with her hands.

She knew that her estrous period hadn't completely passed, and she would instinctively have a little dependence on the Alpha who had marked her.

I thought it would be enough to just mark it once.

But I didn't expect the so-called smell to be something that can wake up a person's memory the moment one smells it.

The moment Jiang Shuyi gently supported her, Wen Yao had nowhere to hide and remembered all the things that day, the temperature of that Alpha, his embrace, and the marks that were enough to make her mind fuzzy...

It seems that just a little pheromone can defeat her long-standing proud rationality.

Pheromone is the disease that makes people no longer look like themselves...

With trembling hands, Wen Yao took out a 5l medicine bottle from his pocket, shook it, inhaled smoothly with a needle, and then stuck it into his own vein.

The medicine hasn't taken effect yet, but the pain and the desire for pheromones made her clench her fingers tightly, "..."

Physiological tears brought about by the pain slowly fell from the corners of her eyes, and she felt the beast-like restlessness in her body gradually subside.


Wen Yao buried his head between his arms weakly, and slowly wiped away his tears.


In evening class, the physics teacher took out a set of papers and started a surprise test.

The whole class groaned again and again.

Not long after, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the physics teacher picked up his book, "I'm going to a meeting in the next class, Wen Yao help me collect the papers and put them on my desk."

Wen Yao responded with a sound and slowly began to collect the papers.

When it came to Jiang Shuyi, "Did you write it?" Wen Yao asked calmly.

A week had passed since the day in the sports equipment room, Jiang Shuyi kept his word, and never said a word to Wen Yao, except when Wen Yao came to collect her homework like this.

With her face turned away from Wen Yao, she casually pushed the paper over.

"..." Wen Yao glanced at her, and silently accepted her paper, which was full of writing, and her train of thought seemed logical.

"Jiang Shuyi, are you going to play basketball?" Song Jinxi greeted her at the door with the ball in his arms, "There are still 20 minutes before the self-study last night, you can play for a while."

"Oh, just come." Jiang Shuyi smiled at Song Jinxi, picked up her coat and walked out, she turned her back to Wen Yao and said in a low voice: "It's just right, so someone doesn't have to stay in the same space as me Here, are you happy?"

Wen Yao lowered his gaze, slowly picked up the test paper of Jiang Shuyi's classmate at the back table, and walked to the office without saying anything.

Jiang Shuyi couldn't help "tsk" when he went down the stairs.

What were you doing just now?

To her, Wen Yao was just a child, but she was very angry with such a child...

But every time she saw her indifferent face, she would think of what Wen Yao said that day, and couldn't help but get angry.

It really **** her off.

basketball court.

Because it was a class break, Jiang Shuyi didn't change into her sportswear and stood on the basketball court in her white shirt. When she ran, her clothes were blown up by the wind, her eyes and brows were full of wanton expressions.

Song Jinxi stretched out his hand towards the ball in Jiang Shuyi's hand and rushed towards it.

Jiang Shuyi didn't let her succeed, he skillfully surpassed others with a feint.

She has never been inferior to others in this matter, and soon she shot the basket, which attracted the applause of many people on the playground.

Both Song Jinxi and Jiang Shuyi are Alphas with long legs, and they emit aggressive hormones when they play the ball, making the Omega watching the ball blush and heartbeat.

As soon as Jiang Shuyi arrived on the court, she couldn't help her desire to show off herself. Every time she scored a goal, she would wink at the students cheering for her in the auditorium, causing a burst of excitement. Big cheers.

"Senior Jiang, come on!"

Jiang Shuyi looked at them and smiled.

Song Jinxi clicked his tongue, never seen such an Alpha who loves to show off.

Next to the window of the physics office, you can just see the movement of the school's basketball court.

After Wen Yao put down the test paper, she quietly looked out the window.

That place was being surrounded by a group of Omega, and the Omega eagerly called the name of that wanton Alpha.

Jiang Shuyi laughed like a sunflower in the middle of the basketball court after hearing the cheering sound with his name on it, and scored a few goals in a row in an angry manner.

Jiang Shuyi's tie was put on her back by herself, the top two buttons of her shirt were wantonly unbuttoned, hot sweat slipped from her forehead to her collarbone.

Wen Yao looked at the Alpha's fingers trembling slightly, and somehow turned his eyes away and hurried out of the physics office.



The evening self-study began, and suddenly it began to rain.

Some students in the class were also discussing the ball game played by Jiang Shuyi just now.

Wen Yao continued to write the question without paying attention.

The rain in Huanshi in October always makes people feel bitterly cold.

Wen Yao knew that it would rain at night, so he didn't forget to bring an umbrella.

Her umbrella is a blue curved handle umbrella, which was placed on the umbrella stand behind the door of the classroom as soon as she arrived at school this morning.

After evening self-study, she packed her schoolbag and walked to the door, only to find that although there were still a few umbrellas left behind the door, she couldn't find her own umbrella.

She stood there for a moment.

"...What's the matter?" Deng Ningxuan took out his umbrella from the umbrella stand and looked at Wen Yao, "Didn't you bring an umbrella? It's really rare for you."

"It was taken away." Wen Yao said expressionlessly.

Deng Ningxuan hummed in embarrassment, "How could it be? Did the other students accidentally mess it up?"

Everyone is already a high school student, it is hard to think that a knowledgeable and educated person would steal an ordinary umbrella.

"If it was mixed up, there should be a similar umbrella left, but there is no one here." Wen Yao insisted.

Deng Ningxuan gave a "hmm" and looked at her with a smile, "Well, I'll ask my classmates tomorrow to help you find an umbrella, and I'll take you home first today?"

"Need not-"

"Deng Ningxuan, do you distinguish first come first come first?"

Just as Wen Yao was about to speak, an Omega's voice sounded from behind her.

The person who spoke was Xie Mengting, "You promised me just now, why do you want to send the people who come later?"

Xie Mengting pronounced the words "the people who came later" clearly and loudly, and the rest of the class looked at them.

Deng Ningxuan looked at Xie Mengting and explained sternly: "But Wen Yao's home is farther away, yours is just across from the school, isn't it? If Wen Yao goes back like this, an Omega like her will definitely catch a cold."

Deng Ningxuan explained very seriously, but this explanation was obviously not accepted by Xie Mengting.

"But, I'm the one who made an appointment with you first. Why do you want me to go back in the rain?" Xie Mengting hugged his arms and glared at Wen Yao, "You also know that first come, first come first, right? Why do you jump in line? ?”

Wen Yao closed his eyes for a moment, and shook his head wanting to leave quickly, "Deng Ningxuan, I can go back without an umbrella, you don't have to see me off."

Xie Mengting hugged his arms and nodded, but Deng Ningxuan was not happy, he hurried over to stop Wen Yao, "Wen Yao, don't leave in a hurry!"

He glanced at Xie Mengting's eyes, as if he was trying to cover up his words, he spoke a lot faster, "You live so far away, you can't catch a cold when you go back without an umbrella? You are an Omega again, and it's so cold now, why should I send you back home?" Bar…"

Deng Ningxuan looked at Xie Mengting, "Xie Mengting, can I ask Gu Haizhou to take you home?"

Xie Mengting was unhappy when he heard it, "Deng Ningxuan, what do you mean? Then why can't Gu Haizhou send Wen Yao off."


"But what? I only know that you promised me!" Xie Mengting stomped his feet angrily.

"I'll go first." Wen Yao felt a little tired, picked up his schoolbag and was about to go out.

"Wen Yao, wait a moment, I can convince her." Deng Ningxuan reached out and wanted to grab Wen Yao's wrist.

A hand snapped off his hand.

"There's no need to persuade, I'll just come and see you off." Jiang Shuyi calmly beat Deng Ningxuan's hand.

Jiang Shuyi put his hands back into his trouser pockets, looked at Wen Yao indifferently, "Is it okay?"

Wen Yao silently glanced at Alpha who was guarding in front of her, and just as she was about to refuse, she saw Deng Ningxuan who hesitated to speak.

"...Mmm." Wen Yao nodded.