MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 62

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"Jiang Shuyi." After taking a shower, Jiang Shuyi was stopped by Wen Yao.

Jiang Shuyi was a little happy, he didn't know why Wen Yao called him to stop him.

Wen Yao tidied up the books in his hands, and handed a mug on the table to Jiang Shuyi, "Drink this."

Jiang Shuyi looked at the unknown content in the cup, and then took another look at Wen Yao.

"Prevention of cold medicine."

Jiang Shuyi was greatly disappointed, this was completely different from what she had imagined!

She tiptoedly put the cup on the table, "I can count the number of colds I've had since I was a child, and I can't catch a cold."

Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi, then naturally picked up the mug on the table and put it back in Jiang Shuyi's hand.

"Drink it, I'll give you three seconds."


Jiang Shuyi knew that he couldn't screw Wen Yao, so he drank it reluctantly.

Wen Yao quietly tidied up the medicine box in front of her.

"Then go to bed early, good night."

Watching Jiang Shuyi finish drinking the granule, Wen Yao walked out of the room quietly.

"...Good night." Jiang Shuyi said aggrievedly looking at Wen Yao's back.

The next morning, the weather was not very good, and there was the sound of water in the corridor.

Jiang Shuyi rubbed her eyes sleepily, feeling her shoulders were sore, she looked up at the alarm clock by the bed, it was already the usual time for class to start.

Because today is New Year's Day, it doesn't matter if you don't need to get up early.

But Jiang Shuyi still scratched his ears, slowly got up, the light in the bathroom opposite was on, and the door was half open.

Jiang Shuyi rubbed his eyes and walked over, only to find that Wen Yao was washing up.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the smooth neckline of her neck, reacted for a while, and remembered what happened yesterday.

In a daze, she hugged Wen Yao's waist from behind, and pressed her whole body onto Wen Yao's body, and took a deep breath on her shoulder.

"... mine."

Wen Yao, who was brushing his teeth, was hugged so suddenly that he froze as if he didn't move.

"Jiang Shuyi..." After a while, Wen Yao said seriously, "I can't move anymore."

"Go out if you don't brush your teeth." Wen Yao said harshly.

Jiang Shuyi pressed against Wen Yao's back, and said vaguely, "Then I want you to squeeze the toothpaste for me."

Looking at Jiang Shuyi who has degenerated from a human into a hermit crab, Wen Yao sighed and squeezed toothpaste onto Jiang Shuyi's toothbrush.

Wenyao Squeeze toothpaste is squeezed from the end of the toothpaste.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao's way of squeezing the toothpaste, and lazily sighed, "No wonder I use it like new every time."

"Then you'd better squeeze like this."

Wen Yao carefully rolled up the toothpaste, closed the lid and put it back in place.

"..." Jiang Shuyi pretended not to hear these words and put the toothbrush into his mouth.

Wen Yao then said expressionlessly, "When I went to the bathroom yesterday, I saw that the towels were all scattered."

"Why do you always have to pull the towel from the middle?"

The bath towels and towels in the bathroom of Jiang Shuyi's home filled a shelf. Every time Jiang Shuyi picked up the bath towels, he liked to draw from the middle, which sometimes caused the upper part to start to fall down.

The little butler began to preach again.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao who was helping her squeeze the toothpaste just now, a little smug and wanted to say something back, but she quickly figured out that she was the one who suffered when she said it, so she obediently closed her mouth.

Jiang Shuyi rinsed off the foam on his face with water, and honestly moved his hand to the top of the towel and took one off to wipe his face.

Although it was the New Year's Day holiday, Wen Yao arranged as much homework for Jiang Shuyi as usual. Jiang Shuyi was reluctant at first, but Wen Yao asked her what she wanted to do, but she didn't say anything for a while. After all, she just wanted to stick with Wen Yao.

Furthermore, Wen Yao was very likely to add homework during the holidays, so Jiang Shuyi obediently did his homework.

"By the way, movies."

"Shall we watch a movie at home?"

After finishing his homework, Jiang Shuyi obediently seeks Wen Yao's consent.

Wen Yao didn't say anything either, she thought it was forgiven to relax for 120 minutes.

Jiang Shuyi randomly picked a movie to watch, holding a bowl of cherries in his hand and kept stuffing it into his mouth, watching very intently.

The movie is a movie with reasoning elements, the storyline seems to be very brain-inducing, the cover is cool, and the score is very high.

But Jiang Shuyi was very tired from watching it, she didn't expect to use her brain to watch a movie, but her curiosity made her stare at the screen and widen her eyes every time the key plot came out.

Unlike her, Wen Yao already knew who the prisoner was after ten minutes of watching, with a calm and bored expression on his face.

Jiang Shuyi asked questions like a machine gun, "Who is the prisoner?" "How did he kill the man?" "How did you know?".

However, no matter how Jiang Shuyi asked, Wen Yao just didn't tell Jiang Shuyi who the murderer was.

Jiang Shuyi felt his head hurt very much, and gave up thinking after a while.

I don’t know if it’s because all the suspense movies in the world are so dark and drowsy in order to exaggerate the horror atmosphere.

Wen Yao felt a little sleepy after watching for a while, so he leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes.

Seeing Wen Yao leaning on the sofa, Jiang Shuyi directly put Wen Yao's head on his lap.

Wen Yao felt his head was lifted a bit, and did not speak.

"Your neck will hurt if you sleep like that." Jiang Shuyi rubbed her hair, "Put your legs up to sleep."

It seems that Wen Yao didn't want to lie down in the position Jiang Shuyi said in a place like the living room, and it took a long time before he put his legs on the sofa.

Jiang Shuyi didn't bother her either, and continued to watch movies while eating cherries.

After a while, Jiang Shuyi's cell phone lit up, Jiang Shuyi looked at the person on his lap, and answered the phone in a low voice.

"Hello?" Jiang Shuyi lowered his voice.

Song Jinxi's voice came from the opposite side.

"Jiang Shuyi, Zhou Jingtang and I have arrived at the supermarket near your home. Do you have any cheese at home? I don't know if it will be enough for us to make baked lobster later..."

Yan Jingshu's voice came from the phone, "I don't like onions, put them back."

"But, it won't taste good if you don't add this, why don't you choose white onions?" Zhou Jingtang's voice also came out.

"..." Jiang Shuyi was stunned when he heard the loud background sound, "You guys, are you coming to my house now?"

"Yes, isn't it always like this in previous years?"

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao with his eyes closed on his lap, "But, there is nothing in my house..."

Only people.

"It's okay, we're buying it, just say what you need, do you have cheese at home? If not, I'll buy a piece, and we also bought your favorite ice cream, this season unexpectedly came out with mustard and honey flavor..."


Jiang Shuyi immediately rebuffed, "I'm actually not feeling well today, so today is still a little..."

"'Uncomfortable?', are you okay? Didn't you feel fine when you played the piano yesterday?"

A worried voice came from Song Jinxi.

"...Ah, um, it snowed yesterday, maybe I have a cold."

Jiang Shuyi followed suit and pretended to cough a few times.

"Shu Yi, are you sick? Don't you really need us to come and see you?" Yan Jingshu's concerned voice came from the other end of the phone, loud and energetic.

"Ah, you may be infected when you come, so it's best not to come here."

Maybe because of Jiang Shuyi's resolute attitude, Song Jinxi answered the phone.

"Then you must take the medicine in time, and pay attention to the ventilation of the room. If you have the flu this season, you will easily have a fever."

Jiang Shuyi felt his conscience ache, "Well, I know."

"Remember to call me when you feel better." Song Jinxi reminded.

"Oh, you guys had fun." Jiang Shuyi said a few words and then hung up the phone.

Lying is still not a good feeling. Jiang Shuyi looked at the phone and thought.

"Don't let them come?"

Wen Yao's voice came from below.

Jiang Shuyi was startled, and lowered his head to look at Wen Yao, "It's okay, you can continue to sleep."

She patted Wen Yao on the shoulder.

Wen Yao turned over slowly, her soft and warm body was tightly attached to Jiang Shuyi's thigh, she opened her eyes and looked at Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi started to watch the movie again, the light cast a shadow on Jiang Shuyi's face, she focused on the characters on the big screen.

The plot of the movie reaches its climax.

The characters on stage began to gather together, Jiang Shuyi knew very well that at this stage the prisoner would be revealed, even though this had become a routine, Jiang Shuyi was still looking forward to seeing the truth.

She was very concerned about whether the murderer was the one she guessed.

Wen Yao lay on Jiang Shuyi's lap, opened his eyes and watched Jiang Shuyi concentrate on stuffing cherries into his mouth, the dark red cherries juice remained at the corner of Jiang Shuyi's mouth.

Just looking at it, I don't understand what the juice tastes like.

"Are cherries sweet?" Wen Yao asked abruptly.

Jiang Shuyi focused on the big screen and nodded, "Well, do you want to eat?"

She handed the bowl of cherries to Wen Yao.

Wen Yao picked up a stemless cherries and looked at it, "Open your mouth."

Jiang Shuyi blinked, and opened his mouth in doubt.

Wen Yao gently put that one into Jiang Shuyi's mouth, when she put it in, her index finger accidentally rubbed against Jiang Shuyi's lips, and the juice of the crimson cherries accidentally got a little bit on it.

Jiang Shuyi was taken aback for a moment, she was a little surprised that Wen Yao would take the initiative to feed herself, and immediately bit Wen Yao's fingers together.

"Release." Wen Yao sighed.

"Oh, sorry."

Jiang Shuyi was a little embarrassed.

Wen Yao withdrew his finger that was bitten by Jiang Shuyi, and slightly stuck out the tip of his tongue to lick it.

This action was really too sexy, Jiang Shuyi felt his heart stop beating.

The expression on Wen Yao's face remained unchanged, and he said quietly to Jiang Shuyi, "Close your eyes."

Instinct told Jiang Shuyi not to resist, so she obediently closed her eyes again.

After closing his eyes, Jiang Shuyi felt Wen Yao's cold hands wrapped around his neck like soft ivy in the darkness, and slowly pulled his head down.

Then, Jiang Shuyi felt the warm breath on his face, and then his lips were bitten lightly, and then his mouth was wrapped around softly.

The breath of intoxicating roses came to his mouth.

Jiang Shuyi responded to Wen Yao with some ecstasy.

In the movie, two police officers are seriously pointing out who the prisoner is.

After a while, the red fruit that was just fed in Jiang Shuyi's mouth was also taken away, Wen Yao let go of her hand wrapped around Jiang Shuyi's neck, and she slowly bit the snatched cherries Son, commented very calmly, "It's too sweet."

Jiang Shuyi took a breath, a lot of questions flashed in his head, he swallowed his saliva a little out of habit, the aftertaste of roses remained in his mouth.

— Hey, French.

"..." Wen Yao quietly sat up from Jiang Shuyi's lap, as if nothing happened, and neatly arranged her hair with her back to Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi's dog glanced at Wen Yao sullenly, and felt that Wen Yao's expression was very cool.

If it wasn't for the smell of roses in his mouth, Jiang Shuyi would really think that nothing happened.

"What are you looking at?" Wen Yaoyun asked calmly.

Jiang Shuyi coughed, "I think we should eat a few more...?"

Wen Yao casually glanced at the screen in front of him.

In the movie, the prisoner has already started to kneel on the ground and cry bitterly.

"Watch the movie next time."

Jiang Shuyi immediately imitated Wen Yao's appearance just now, and put a cherries into Wen Yao's mouth, "Anyway, let's eat ten cherries first?"

"..." Wen Yao frowned.

Before Wen Yao could speak, Jiang Shuyi bit him.