MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 96

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August has always been a hot weather, and even the oncoming wind carries heat.

"Wen Yao, this is your book too." Jiang Shuyi moved the last box into the room.

she stands in the air conditioner

"Thank you, take a break." Wen Yao didn't turn his head, and sat quietly on the bookshelf and started to put the books.

Jiang Shuyi seemed to be tired and fell down on the sofa in the living room.

At the beginning of July, both Jiang Shuyi and Wen Yao were admitted to University A.

Without further ado, Jiang Haichao took Jiang Shuyi to Beijing to see the house.

Now this house has good lighting and fits Jiang Shuyi's eyes, more importantly, the bathroom is big, Jiang Shuyi immediately made up his mind after seeing it.

Jiang Haichao's secretary was also quick to complete their procedures almost without hindrance, and told them they could move in at the end of August.

They moved in before the start of a university.

After Jiang Shuyi rested for a while, he stared in a daze at the dense shade of trees outside the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows.

"This place is like another country."

"Anyway, you'll get used to it after a while. Your adaptability has always been amazing."

Wen Yao didn't say much, and then began to sort out his books.

She flipped through the book in her hand and put it quietly in the bookcase.

Jiang Shuyi watched Wen Yao arranging the books, got up from the sofa and hugged her waist, "What language is this book in? French?"

"French." Wen Yao quietly put a book in.

"I seem to have only heard you speak English, but I haven't heard you speak other foreign languages..." Jiang Shuyi rested his head on Wen Yao's shoulder.

"so what?"

"I want you to read it to me." Jiang Shuyi blinked his eyes.

" don't know French, so what's the point of saying that?"

Wen Yao was a little confused, so he continued to put the books on the shelf.

"I'll be very happy." Jiang Shuyi smiled.

"For example," Jiang Shuyi put his hand over Wen Yao's shoulder, and turned a page, "What is this page about? Can you read it to me?"

"It's just an ordinary fairy tale," Wen Yao glanced at her, "What's the point of this kind of thing..."

"You read it a bit." Jiang Shuyi begged desperately.

Wen Yao was so entangled by her that she had no choice but to finally read it out.

Her voice is very cold, and her uvula sounds very moving when she speaks French.

Hearing Wen Yao's voice, Jiang Shuyi gently kissed her neck, "It sounds better this way."

"..." Wen Yao's voice stopped abruptly, "Not serious."

Jiang Shuyi stared into her eyes intently, looking very cute.

Wen Yao looked into her eyes and frowned slightly, "I'll talk about it after I finish tidying up..."

"Okay." Jiang Shuyi reluctantly let go of his hand, and suddenly found something shiny on Wen Yao's neck.

Because Wen Yao usually wears clothes with high collars, so she didn't notice...

Jiang Shuyi stretched out his fingers to hook the shiny place, and the pendant of the necklace slipped out.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the ring that had slipped out, and was stunned.

—Why is this design so similar to the one I brought?

"..." Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi, and put the pendant back inside his clothes calmly.

Jiang Shuyi looked at her and immediately laughed,

"...I just said why did you give me a ring, you bought a pair of rings secretly."

Jiang Shuyi smiled and buried his head on Wen Yao's shoulder, "You still say that's not a marriage proposal, what is it if it's not a marriage proposal?"

Wen Yao tapped her on the head with the book in his hand, "Whispering."

"Cough, do you want to marry me, Wen Yao?".

Jiang Shuyi took off Wen Yao's necklace at once, smiling from ear to ear.

Wen Yao watched her pendant being taken off at once, frowned and turned around, "Jiang Shuyi, I'll give you three seconds and give it back to me."

Jiang Shuyi took the pendant behind his back.

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi expressionlessly, "One..."

"No, your three seconds are useless now, I won't listen," Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao's appearance, and hugged her tightly again, feeling a little happy in his heart, "Unless you tell I, is this what I mean..."

Wen Yao didn't speak.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Jiang Shuyi smiled and knelt down in front of Wen Yao.

She imitated Wen Yao's tone and said: ""Take out your left hand."

Wen Yao looked at her helplessly, and handed out his left hand.

Jiang Shuyi smiled and gently put the ring on Wen Yao's ring finger, and kissed her hand involuntarily,

"You are mine."


The Department of Life and Medicine stipulates that after the semester is changed, one must meet with the professor.

Even though Jiang Shuyi's seniors and sisters warned her not to fill in the name of a devil professor, Jiang Shuyi still filled in Wen Yao's name by mistake.

People in the department now call her the Brave.

Professor Wen Yao's research room is on the third floor of the West Building.

Jiang Shuyi knocked on the door, but the door of the research room was not closed, the kettle inside had just boiled, and it was filled with the bitter aroma of black coffee and a faint fragrance of flowers.

Jiang Shuyi looked in front of the bookshelf, there were many books in it, besides English, German and French...

"Are you the only one this year?" A cold voice sounded from outside the door.

Jiang Shuyi turned his head, and saw a woman in a white coat slowly walking into the research room with a few file folders. She was wearing a shirt, a pair of black leather shoes on her feet, and her hair was neatly coiled behind her head.

"Ah, hello Professor Wen, I'm Jiang Shuyi." Jiang Shuyi bowed.

Professor Wen's tone was very cold, "Hello, sit down first, I want to look at your file first."

—Look at the file.

Jiang Shuyi sat tremblingly on the seat, feeling as if he was sitting on the edge of a cliff.

It was time for the season to change, and it began to rain lightly outside the window.

"..." Professor Wen sat in front of the computer and flipped through the proposal and report card written by Jiang Shuyi, his brows were gradually furrowed, and his body, which was sitting upright, slowly became supported by one hand. jaw.

Jiang Shuyi felt his heart sinking more and more.

Professor Wen sighed and slowly took off her glasses. She pinched the corners of her eyes and took a sip of coffee.

"I'm very strict with the students here, I hope you can work harder yourself." She said in a deep voice.

Jiang Shuyi nodded, respectfully intending to continue listening.

"I'm going to give a speech at University B later," Wen Yao looked at his watch, "I originally hoped that you could listen to this lecture, but after looking at your grades, I think you might not be able to listen to it now." Understand."

"..." Jiang Shuyi wiped his sweaty forehead.

"Let me arrange your tasks for these few months first, is it convenient for you?"

Jiang Shuyi didn't dare to say no, so he nodded.

"Then let's talk while walking, you start a recording."

Jiang Shuyi immediately turned on the phone's recording.

The two opened their umbrellas and walked towards the school parking lot while talking.

"You should have sent out your book list this semester. You should read those green textbooks within the next month, and write a book report by the way. The number of words in the report will be based on my mid-term homework."

Jiang Shuyi felt a chill behind her back. She remembered that those green books were as thick as dictionaries, and that the mid-term homework had at least 8,000 words, but she didn't dare to refute, so she could only nod, "...Oh, okay of."

"Our English is also very good in this class.

Importantly, there is a blue handbook for the book of professional terms, and you should memorize that book first. "

"..." also first." Jiang Shuyi repeated in despair.

Did you use "ben" as the unit in the first place?

Jiang Shuyi lowered his head, not daring to look into the professor's eyes, feeling cold in his heart.

"And there is..." Professor Wen arranged a study plan for Jiang Shuyi, and walked slowly to the parking lot.

"I will check it regularly, and I will revise your plan again, but the current one is unqualified."


"Our laboratory has many past materials of students, you can read what your seniors wrote."

"Okay." Jiang Shuyi nodded, "Then how do I contact you, the professor, after I finish writing?"

"..." Wen Yao took a look at Jiang Shuyi, and told her his mobile phone number and email address neatly, "This email address is my contact information for work, and I check it every morning, so it doesn't matter if I send my homework at night. "

"You can call me between nine o'clock and five o'clock in the evening. Please act accordingly when there is an emergency."

"I understand." Jiang Shuyi nodded his thanks.

"so be it."

Wen Yao looked at her and nodded.

"Professor Wen." Jiang Shuyi stopped Wen Yao.

"Anything else?" Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi held his umbrella, and quietly half-kneeled and squatted in front of her.

"..." Wen Yao was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to ask Jiang Shuyi what he was doing, he saw her put her hand on the shoelace of her left foot that she loosened at some point.

Jiang Shuyi carefully helped her tie the shoelaces, then slowly stood up, showing a smile, "It's not easy to untie the shoelaces like this."

Wen Yao was silent for a while and then said: "Thank you, but next time, just tell me about this kind of thing."

"I'm just doing it, you're holding something in your hand, aren't you?"

"..." Wen Yao didn't reply.

"Thank you, Professor, for guiding me today."

Jiang Shuyi laughed again, her smile made people feel refreshed.

"Bon Voyage."

-End of text-