MTL - What If I Can’t Die?-Chapter 19 Dragon Elephant Prajna

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Song Shi nodded, he has great wisdom, he cultivates normally, and when he is not around, he goes mad and seeks death.

"That's good!"

Da Zhiming took out an old booklet from his bosom: "This is the Prajna Kung Fu that I cultivated. It belongs to the superior martial arts of Buddhism. It is extremely yang and strong. It is as powerful as nine oxen and two tigers when it is cultivated to great success, but it is just an introduction to another magical skill basic part."

"What effort?"

"Dragon Elephant Wisdom Skill!"

Song Shi was surprised. Does this world not only have Iron Sand Palm, but also Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu?

"On top of Prajna Kungfu, there is also the Dragon Elephant Kung Fu part, which is suitable for the innate level. After practicing, you will have the power of the Dragon Elephant. If you practice the complete magical kung fu, you will have the power of the Dragon Elephant, which is comparable to the land gods."

Da Congming introduced: "In fact, the iron sand palm cultivated by Dai Dou is also a part of the real **** sand palm, but for us, it will take a lifetime to practice this introductory part of martial arts. How can we talk about innate or even extraordinary?"

Song Shi was stunned: "According to what you mean, can one practice martial arts be comparable to a cultivator?"

"It's possible in the legend, but I haven't seen it yet, and I'm not qualified to see it."

Great Wisdom smiled wryly: "However, there are tens of thousands of people who practice martial arts. There are always powerful people who can break through the acquired limit and cultivate to the innate level, and among the innate ones, there are also those who can transcend the vulgarity and be comparable to the gods on land."

Song Shi was a little dazed, "I thought the immortal cultivators were the most powerful in the world."

"I heard from Mr. Qin that if you reach a high level, whether you are cultivating immortals or practicing martial arts, they all lead to the same goal by different routes. It's just that the early stage of martial arts training for us is too difficult, but we are not restricted by such illusory things as spiritual roots. Hard work is more important."

Da Zhiming didn't know much about these either.

"Old Qin?"

"It's a congenital master enshrined by your Song family."

"Our family still has innate talent?"

Song Shi was surprised, he didn't have access to these things at all.

"Well, the Song family's wealth in this Splendid City is enough to rank among the top ten, and it is still qualified to enshrine a congenital master."

Having said this, Da Congming enviously said: "But the innate masters are not as powerful as your immortal root, young master. Perhaps the innate masters are one in ten thousand martial arts practitioners, which is almost the same ratio as those with immortal roots, but as long as you With cultivation, one can easily rival the innate masters, while Mr. Qin has to practice for decades to reach this level."

Song Shi was thoughtful.

People who practice martial arts are acquired, innate, and extraordinary.

Immortal cultivators practice qi and build foundations...

The world is more exciting and complex than I imagined.

"Don't talk about this, you can teach me Prajna Kung Fu."

Song Shi didn't think too far, even if he practiced martial arts now, he was still at the acquired level, and he was still far away from what was extraordinary.

With one more kung fu, you will have more chances to go crazy, and you can even draw a lottery if you complete your practice, why not do it?


Da Zhiming handed the secret book of Prajna Kungfu and the scroll of Iron Sand Palm to Song Shi: "Prajna Kungfu and Iron Sand Palm have different positions to gather true energy. Prajna Kungfu cultivates the dantian and focuses on refining essence, while Iron Sand Palm focuses on transforming Qi."

"If I cultivate my dantian, will it affect my future cultivation of immortality and Qi?"

"No, the qi training method is more advanced, and it can directly overwrite the refining qi method. This is also one of the reasons why I did not refuse to teach you Prajna Kung Fu after I was sure that you really have immortal roots, young master."

Da Congming shook his head: "However, Prajna Kung Fu is different from the method of promoting qi with the iron sand palm. If you are a fellow practitioner, young master, you still have to be careful, don't practice qi."


Song Shi began to listen to Da Congming explaining the basics of cultivation to him, knowing all the meridians, acupuncture points and bones of the whole body.

His strong comprehension made it easy for him to master it, and then he directly entered the stage of inner strength and mental method cultivation.

With the guidance of great wisdom, Song Shi himself also had the experience of cultivating the iron sand palm inner strength and mental method.

For the practice of Prajna Kungfu, basically he successfully started without any problems, the whole body's energy is concentrated in the dantian, and his abdomen is hot.

Da Congming saw that Song Shi had achieved what he achieved in ten days in the past in just half a day, and felt sour for a while.

"Is this the real fairy seedling? It's incomparable."

At this time, Song Shi opened his eyes and let out a hot breath: "Let's go to the Yueyue Tower."

He practiced slowly for a few weeks, but he still felt hot all over his body, and his body was burning with desire. It was really unbearable.

"Look, I said this is not suitable for you, young master."

Great wisdom is speechless: "To practice this Buddhist martial arts, one must abstain from sex, and the six roots must be pure."

"I'm not a Buddhist disciple, so there's no need to pay so much attention to it. Forget it. Forget that you said that you are not suitable to go to Yaoyue Tower. I will go by myself."

Song Shi stood up, "As for my safety, don't worry. Although my combat experience is not as good as yours, I still have some brute force. Ordinary people can't bully me."

"Thank you, young master, for your understanding. Old Liu, I had a fight with the monster who was infected with a gu today, and I gained a little. I really want to retreat and practice."

Da Zhiming said politely: "I hope you have a good time, young master!"


Song Shi couldn't wait to leave!

Practicing Prajna Kung Fu this time is a standard entry, and it took a lot of time, and it was already sunset when I sneaked away from the side door.

When the carriage arrived at Yaoyue Building, the willows were already on the top of the moon, Song Shi entered the door and said, "I'm looking for Xue'er!"

A look of surprise flashed in Mei Niang's eyes, she never expected that this kid would be alive and well within a day.

Young people are full of energy, and they can recover so quickly after being drained by Xueer's greedy girl.

She greeted her on catwalks, and said with a smile: "My lord, go to the Meiyue Yajian and wait for a while, I'll go and ask."

"Give me some wine and food first!"

Song Shi was hungry, UU Reading told the maid to prepare to fill his stomach again.

"Yo, Song Laoqi, your dead dog has been cheated, are you still in the mood to come here to look for Xue'er?"

A chubby young man appeared upstairs, and looked at Song Shi jokingly: "Tonight, Miss Xue'er belongs to me, Sun Xuan!"

This man is the concubine of the Sun family, a large official family in Jinxiu City, similar to him, he likes to visit brothels, but he has a strong taste, and usually harms women from good families. Song Shishi is with him, and he fights for girls from time to time, so the relationship is a bit stiff.

"Xue'er has been with me since I came here. Is that how you like to steal people's favors?"

Song Shi disdains, this guy especially likes to harm young married women, causing many families to be ruined, he looks down on it from the bottom of his heart.

"Girls here, whoever has money belongs to them. So what if she stays with you all the time. I don't know if I did it on purpose. Let her have some experience so that she will be comfortable serving me, haha."

Sun Xuan laughed triumphantly, causing many people to laugh wretchedly.

Song Shi frowned, quite upset.

Men are possessive, and even though he knew that Xue Er had lost much affection after knowingly sucking his yang energy, this guy's words still made him uncomfortable.

"Song Laoqi, just get lost if you are sensible, and go back to deal with your dog who cheated on the corpse, haha!"

Sun Xuan laughed arrogantly. He saw that Song Shi didn't even bring a guard with him today, so even if he bullied him, what can he do?

Song Shi rubbed his palms.

A gentleman uses his mouth but does not move his hands. He thinks he is not a gentleman, so he strode upstairs and walked over.

"Why, you've become angry from embarrassment and want to do something?"

Seeing Song Shi approaching, Sun Xuan sneered, "You are the only one, dare you? Come and hit me?"