MTL - What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?-Chapter 16 trample to death

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  Chapter 16 Trampled to death and shot to death

  Tang Lin stomped his feet and sighed in his heart: "The Heart of the Stone Man skill has been strengthened, no wonder I wake up as if I had been injected with chicken blood."

  Three mutation options, the first one seems to be very cost-effective. Tang Lin has personally experienced the power of the stone man's heart, and if he suddenly upgrades to lv5, the effect will definitely be doubled. Looking at the other two options, upgrading a silver-level skill to a gold-level skill, it is difficult to estimate how big this change is from the description, but it needs to consume 1000 points of will power.

   This was originally a deduction item, but in Tang Lin's view, it strengthened his determination to choose gold skills. If the system didn't deliberately trick him, then this gold skill is obviously more expensive than the lv5 silver skill by 1000 will power.

  Since gold skills are so precious, how could Tang Lin give up.

  So he only chose from the two skills "Son of the Earth" and "Master of the Wasteland".

  Son of the Earth, from the description, it looks like an enhanced version of Heart of the Stone Man. In addition to the original ability, it also comes with a terrain-changing effect. But how strong it is, it's hard to say, anyway, it won't be like apocalypse just randomly pinching the pyramid. The effect of Stone Man's Heart is not very strong, it requires 1500 points of willpower, and this gold skill only adds 1000 points of willpower, it is impossible to directly upgrade to the state of apocalypse.

  The Lord of the Wasteland sounds more powerful than someone else's son. He can directly extract the vitality of the earth to strengthen himself. Although it looks unfriendly, the strengthening effect is definitely much stronger than the stone man's heart. One is a one-shot deal, and the other is small profits but quick turnover. It is obvious which one is more profitable in the short term.

   From the perspective of skill effects, the Barren Land Master has a better effect, but Tang Lin chose Son of the Earth after much thought.

  Because he not only has to consider the strengthening effect, but also considers the impact of using skills. Tang Lin has no scruples about using the barren land dominance skill in the time-traveling state, since he doesn't live here long anyway.

   But considering that he is going to return to the real world, it is very likely that he will use this ability in the real world. If he is deserted for several kilometers at every turn, he will become a sinner of the country. Thanks to the efforts of many seniors in China, the growth rate of green area ranks among the top in the world.

  If Tang Lin chooses the master of the barren land, he will get PM2.5 or something after returning to the real world to practice his skills, and he will be too sorry for his status as the successor of communism.

   "Now is a harmonious society, of course we must take the route of sustainable development." Tang Lin comforted himself in this way, and then chose the skill "Son of the Earth".

  Originally, Tang Lin still had 1200 points of willpower left, but this upgrade seems to be back to before liberation.

  However, the evolution effect of this skill is quite good. After the Heart of the Stone Man evolved into the Power of the Earth, Tang Lin found that he had a different feeling when he stomped his foot down.

  The originally soft ground had been smashed to pieces by Tang Lin, and Tian Qi fell into the mud because of this, and did not suffer too much damage. At most, the power of the shock needs him to resist, and he can still withstand it with his own recovery ability.

   But now, when Tang Lin stepped down, he felt that the ground under his feet was automatically solidified, and Tian Qi was "topped" out, making intimate contact with the soles of Tang Lin's feet. Not only that, but the ground also became hard, transforming from muddy land to rock formation.

  Tian Qi took this heavy kick, and immediately spit out a big mouthful of blood, and his whole body was almost turned into a meatloaf.

   This is the effect of Son of the Earth changing the terrain. Although it can only affect a very small range for Tang Lin, the difference in size here is a fatal blow for Tian Qi.

   Tang Lin only felt that the touch under his feet was much stronger, and he stomped more vigorously. He stepped on more than a dozen feet in a row, and then stopped.

   This round of attack is Tang Lin's maximum output. If Tian Qi doesn't die, Tang Lin really has nothing to do.

  Raise your feet and look, there is a mosaic on the flat ground, and you can barely see the original appearance of Apocalypse. But just like encountering a two-way foil attack, it has been directly reduced from three-dimensional to two-dimensional.

   "This should be dead, right?" Tang Lin thought.

   Just as he was thinking of picking up this piece of two-dimensional flesh and burning it, and then throwing away the ashes, Tang Lin suddenly felt a pain in his neck, and when he reached out his hand, it was dripping with blood.

  The angel who was blown away just now came back again. Seeing Tian Qi being trampled into meatloaf by Tang Lin, this loyal angel came up to protect the Lord desperately. His steel wings cut the gauze around Tang Lin's neck and cut his skin.

   But the wound is shallow and is healing fast. Tang Lin felt that his recovery ability was more than doubled than before, and the gold skill was really powerful. Seeing the angels flying around in front of his eyes, Tang Lin didn't use the toilet brush, but clapped his hands together as if to beat a mosquito.

The speed of the angel's flight is very fast, and it can fly out of the gap between Tang Lin's palms. Although the huge vibration and the whirlwind made by the palm make it difficult for the angel to keep his balance, he still flies around Tang Lin tenaciously, looking for a way to fight back. Opportunity.

  Angel knew that he was small in size, and the damage he caused to the giant was negligible, so he could only attack the giant's vital points. Attacking the neck was just an attempt. I didn't expect that the mummy giant would really bleed, so there was a chance to turn defeat into victory.

  Tang Lin turned around a few times and found that he couldn't keep up with the angel's speed. Having been bullied by the toilet brush once before, Angel has adapted to Tang Lin's movements and will not be easily hit again.

   But the angel didn't know that the current Tang Lin was no longer the previous Tang Lin.

   Tang Lin closed his eyes, feeling the pulse from the earth. This feeling is much clearer than before. He can not only "hear" the voice of the earth, but also "communicate" with the earth.

  I saw that the sand on the ground seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, and it flew away from the ground, and began to fly towards Tang Lin's hands. The angel failed to see these changes below. He flew two hundred meters in the air, closely watching Tang Lin's movements, and was always ready to attack.

  Seeing that Tang Lin suddenly closed his eyes and remained motionless, he thought that the opportunity had come, so he flew towards Tang Lin's neck at the fastest speed, intending to cut a bigger wound than before.

  But when he just got close to Tang Lin, a huge palm slapped him. The action was the same as before, and the angel secretly yelled that it was a pity, and was about to turn to avoid it. But this time it was different from before, Tang Lin's palm unexpectedly had a mass of spinning sandstorm, which exploded instantly when the angel was about to dodge.

  The sandstorm pinched in Tang Lin's palm exploded like a big net, covering a much larger area than Tang Lin's palm, leaving the angel with nowhere to hide. The angel was taken aback, and could only gather the steel wings as much as possible to protect himself.

  The gravel and sand hit the wings and made a chaotic sound, which made the angel's ears hurt. But this pain only lasted for half a second, the angel only felt the pain all over his body, and he didn't know anything.

   Tang Lin slapped the angel between his hands, rubbing the angel a few times for fear of not killing him, and then opened his hands. There is a dark red mass in the sand in the palm, like a squashed mosquito.

   Tang Lin stretched out his fingers in disgust and flicked the ball of flesh and blood, not knowing where it went.

   Slapping this annoying mosquito to death, Tang Lin finally felt comfortable.

   Next, solve the problem of Magneto, and you will be able to return smoothly.

   Tang Lin looked down... Hey, where is Lao Wan?

   Thank you for your rewards. I’m working overtime today. I’m afraid there will be only one update tonight.

   Tomorrow try to make up three more



  (end of this chapter)