MTL - What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?-v2 Chapter 465 highly contagious

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  Chapter 465 Very Contagious

  For Ao Bing, his name has always been a thorn in his heart. It’s fine if the brothers all use the ranks of A, B, C, or Uncle Zhong. Why does the boss and the second have a decent name and become C when it’s my turn?

  Although their names are not very good, at least they don’t look so perfunctory. Isn’t it my own?

   But the kid in front of me still dares to mention this, even if the Dragon King of the East China Sea is really partial, can he say this in person? Do you still know how to be polite? Do you have a tutor?

   "Who are you?" Ao Bing asked angrily.

"Li Nezha, my father, Li Jing, the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan, is a teacher of Jujiao Lihuo, the third in the family, and two older brothers, Li Jinzha and Li Muzha." Nezha honestly reported his family background .

  But there are a few more veins on Ao Bing's forehead, you brat, did you do it on purpose? ! It doesn't matter if your name sounds a little bit, do you want to fight? !

   Tang Lin couldn't stand it anymore, Nezha stabbed Ao Bing's heart with a knife. Nezha, what national uniform do you wear, is Wendou the number one national uniform?

  Ao Bing was so angry that he wanted to explode, but for Tang Lin's sake, he forcibly suppressed his anger. Taoist Lihuo was so famous that even the Golden Immortal of Chanjiao was defeated by him, and Dragon Palace didn't dare to provoke too much, otherwise the Dragon King of the Four Seas would not be an opponent in a fight.

  Tang Lin hurriedly said to Nezha: "Go back and get your share, adults chat, children don't talk too much."

  Nezha let out an oh and continued to play his game. Judging by his expression just now, it seemed that he had really made a mistake by accident and started playing his game again.

  The scene calmed down, and it took a while for Ao Bing to calm down, and then he went to the model of the waterwheel and observed it in amazement. In Ao Bing's view, he has already won 90% of this bet, and it is impossible for ordinary people to rain without mana.

  Even if it’s a step back, Taoist Lihuo really made a device that can pour river water into the sky, but with him as a dragon, can they really make them rain?

  The gamble said that Tang Lin couldn't use mana to rain, but it didn't say that the Dragon Clan couldn't use mana to stop it.

   This careful thought made Ao Bing very proud, and the famous Taoist Lihuo was finally defeated by him, Ao Bing. Ao Bing has already begun to think about how to use this waterwheel... no, it is a dragon cart, how to push this dragon cart to the world.

   Directly display the appearance of this dragon chariot in the Dragon King Temple, so that mortals can control themselves? In this way, people in the world should be able to use this treasure soon. At that time, I am afraid that it is not the resonance of heaven and earth, and all the power of merit will belong to the dragon clan.

  At this time, the human race should be prosperous, if they can be enshrined by the human race's beliefs, and have merits and virtues, the dragon race will not be afraid of any catastrophe coming.

   Tang Lin didn't expect Ao Bing to be so insidious. If the Dragon Clan really used their natural instincts to disperse the rain clouds, then relying on the weather controller alone would not be safe.

   Time passed, and soon day turned to night.

  Li Jing still has official duties, so he left long ago. The rest of Tang Lin and other extraordinary people were still waiting on this high platform. For the sake of fairness, Tang Lin could only watch, otherwise he would help Jianshe for fear that Ao Bing would not admit it if he lost.

   Fortunately, this engineering team gathered the elites of the elites of the heavens, leveled the wasteland and built the foundation, and everything went in an orderly manner.

   Ao Bing looked at it for a day, and was not interested at first. He always thought that those big guys were some kind of puppets, and they were driven by magic circle aura. He Ao Bing also knows this method, it's nothing unusual.

  However, he gradually discovered that these things did not rely on spiritual power at all, and were driven by some kind of power that he could not understand at all. Ao Bing has been very interested in these mechanism techniques since he was a child, otherwise he would not have seen the benefits of the waterwheel at a glance, so he wanted to make a bet with Tang Linli.

   The more Ao Bing watched, the more fascinated he became, and he was completely addicted to it. He even walked into the construction site to fumble and look around, and was almost kicked out. Ao Bing was not angry at all, and politely asked these engineers to find out what was going on with these machines.

  However, compared with waterwheels, these large-scale equipment designed in the peak age of industry are simply the difference between Riemann's conjecture and counting fingers. Ao Bing has to ponder for a long time before he understands any word.

  In the end, he had no choice but to return to the high platform unconsciously, but his eyes were fixed on the construction site without blinking.

  Nezha played games all day, finally put down his phone, and began to meditate and practice Qi earnestly. In order not to die suddenly while playing games, Nezha worked very hard in practice.

  Just waited for Nezha to run the kung fu for a week, and when he opened his eyes, he still saw Ao Bing staring at the construction site with bright eyes, and the bear boy couldn't help talking to Ao Bing again.

   "What's the use of staring at it? The cement has just been poured, and it's still far from being completed." Nezha asked.

   "Cementing? What is that?" Although Ao Bing was very upset with Nezha, he became interested when he heard this new word.

  Nezha thought for a while, and explained: "It is the mud-like thing, which is harder than rocks when it dries out. It is used to level the ground so that other things can be built on it."

   "The mud is harder than rocks when it dries? Is this the technique of turning the earth into steel?" Ao Bing asked again.

   "It's not magic, it's just burning stones into powder and then making cement after mixing." Nezha continued to explain.

   "So amazing? Do you know this recipe?" Ao Bing asked.

  Nezha certainly doesn’t know the formula of cement. He knows this common sense because Tang Lin gave him a set of 100,000 whys when he was a child.

  However, Nezha has a mobile phone. This Chentangguan was covered by Tang Lin's WiFi a few years ago, and connected to the heavens through the stable space door in the residence where they practiced.

   After searching on the mobile phone, the cement formula will naturally come out.

   Passed it to Ao Bing. He couldn't understand the words on it at first, but he only felt that he could understand it in a blink of an eye. That was when Tang Lin saw this scene and exchanged for a permanent translation for Ao Bing. The higher the IQ, the cheaper it would be to exchange life for translation. Ao Bing's IQ is naturally no problem, and it wouldn't cost Tang Lin a few hundred wishes.

  Seeing that this pair of enemies who must die can sit and chat together, Tang Lin also has a special sense of accomplishment. Does this mean that knowledge can change fate?

   "Limestone, clay, iron ore powder... what are these things?" Ao Bing didn't care about the translation question at all, and continued to ask like a curious baby.

  Nezha didn’t dislike it either. Instead, he had a sense of accomplishment as a big brother educating his little brother. He continued to search for Ao Bing on his mobile phone, and all kinds of content were displayed in front of Ao Bing one by one.

   "It's amazing, there are so many types of stones? There are so many wonders in the world. By the way, what is this magic weapon, and how can it know the world's affairs?" Ao Bing asked.

  Nezha said quite proudly: "This is a mobile phone, a treasure given to me by Master. Let me tell you, a mobile phone can not only check information, I will show you something interesting..."

   Tang Lin: …

   It's over, Nezha's internet addiction is still contagious.

  (end of this chapter)