MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 117

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The structure of the sightseeing car is very simple, the accelerator brakes the steering wheel, and the car keys are all inserted into it and not pulled out. Xu Turan didn't know what was driving this thing, anyway, it was done after it was driven.

She was worried that the car would be too heavy and it would not be easy to move in the overgrown forest. It wasn't until I drove the car out of the execution ground that I realized that this thing seemed to have the priority of piercing. When it hit a tree, it seemed to hit the air, and it passed through naturally.

...a thought too. This thing was originally intended for **** bears. That bear must not be driving as well as her. If it's not convenient, wouldn't it be more difficult for my family?

Xu Turan thought confidently, stepped on the accelerator, and the whole train came to an abrupt stop. Everyone rushed forward due to inertia. Fang Xiaoke, who was sitting in the first car, slammed down on the bumper in front of him, and raised his head in horror: "Sister, what's going on?"

Xu Tuoran: "..."

"Well, I'm sorry, I stepped on the wrong one." Xu Tuoran lowered his head to check, then released his foot from the brake with a little embarrassment, and restarted.

The little train hummed forward again, Xu Tuoran was much more cautious this time, seeing a tree blocking him, he even turned the steering wheel. Fang Xiaoke sat at the back and poked his head, looked at it for a while, and finally couldn't hold back and opened his mouth:

"Sister, you turn to the right, it's off to the right... Hey, I want you to turn the steering wheel straight."

Xu Tuoran: "...Oh."

While speaking, the entire train had already left the gate of the execution ground—because Xu Tuoran didn't turn the steering wheel back in time, the car veered a lot to the side. Fortunately, this car comes with a mold-piercing effect, so it won't get stuck, but it takes a little effort to turn it back.

Xu Tuoran, who is better at driving than a bear, hurriedly corrected the direction of the little train under Fang Xiaoke's command. Hearing the wheels running over the fallen leaves rhythmically, and the slightly colored red light flowing above his head, everything returned to the right track without any danger, Xu Turan heaved a sigh of relief, held the steering wheel with both hands, and drove steadily towards the depths of the forest. go.

Through the rearview mirror, she could see that everyone was sitting safely in the car. This is undoubtedly good news for them - it means that Xu Turan guessed right.

Human tourists will get lost when walking in the woods, but not when they stay in place. Not in buildings either. So when they are in the woods, but they don't use their feet to walk, will it still lead to separation?

At least for now, the answer is no.

In this way, at least you don't have to worry about the convergence problem later.

However, this also led to another embarrassing situation—after entering the woods north of the execution ground, the probability of the **** bear appearing would definitely increase again. In order to ensure safety, only Xu Tuoran, who is immune to the mental attack of black bears, is responsible for driving.

And Xu Tuoran... Her driving skills are obviously not as good as she thought.

"Sister, let your foot loose, and you stepped on the brake again... Oh yes, don't step on the accelerator to the bottom. Don't move the steering wheel! Don't move the steering wheel if the front of the car is not in the way. Remember to turn it back, turn it back..."

Fang Xiaoke stretched his neck, and kept pointing actively behind Xu Tu. Thanks to her presence, Xu Tuoran's car finally drove a lot more stably - at least he wouldn't suddenly turn around while driving, or brake so hard that he wanted to throw everyone out of the car.

Fang Xiaoke breathed a sigh of relief and sat back in his seat. Someone behind him raised his hand again: "Boss, what should we do with the mud ball in our hands?"

Before boarding the car, Xu Tueran asked Yang Buqi to distribute the mud balls. The reason for the distribution is simple. According to her previous experience, if there is no "worm corpse" in hand, it is difficult to see the small train used to transport the insect corpse. Let alone climb up.

But Xu Turan didn't know if the mud ball was still useful at the moment. Out of caution, let the others keep it first—in case the car turns around and throws people on the road after losing it.

"But be careful, you can't touch it directly with your hands. You must put something on it." She thought for a while, then turned on the microphone function of the singing pen, and instructed the people in the rear compartment, looking at the rearview mirror while talking, " There will be side effects when you encounter it... Hey, who is that, Li Yun, right? Tell the white bear next to you to retract its head! It's going to get out!"

Li Yun, who was carefully wrapping the mud ball in his hand, was startled when he heard this, and immediately pulled back the white bear who was poking out beside him. Xu Tueran breathed a sigh of relief, and said a few more words, "Everyone remind each other not to fall into chaos." Suddenly, he noticed the black figure swaying behind the trees in the distance with sharp eyes, and his tone suddenly sank:

"Black bears appear, watch out for black bears! Attention everyone—"

After the voice fell, everyone sat obediently in their seats and closed their eyes tactically. It doesn’t count if you close your eyes, the bundle of stone spears that Xu Tueran threw on the seat earlier has already been distributed, plus the ones from her and Yang Buqi’s hands, now everyone has one, and some people even took it. couple...

On the other end, Xu Tuoran looked at the approaching black bear without any fear. Confidently turned the steering wheel to show respect, but actually stretched out his hand to his chest and pressed the play button of the singing pen.

"I'm a Little Bird, is it okay?" She asked the people in the carriage.

Sparse responses sounded, and quite a few people agreed. However, some people pointed out that at this time, trying to arouse the vulnerability of the other party may not be effective. Time is limited, instead of weakening the opponent, it is better to find ways to arm yourself.

Xu Furan thought about it, and it made sense, so he pressed his fingers a few times and cut from "I'm a Little Bird" to another song.

—The next moment, a rather powerful prelude sounded in the air. The little train was moving forward amidst the passionate melody. A group of people on the car shook their heads with their eyes closed, and sang "Wind, Rain, Rainbow and Clang Rose" in unison, and at the same time poked the stone spears out of the car, and poked them neatly with the rhythm. Shaking, jagged like centipede legs.

…Those who knew it were preventing black bears, but those who didn’t know thought it was rowing a dragon boat on dry land.

It's hard to say what the black bear felt when he saw this scene, but Yang Buqi, who was sitting in the last quarter, was already dumbfounded.

Also looking silly was the girl in overalls sitting in the seat in front of him. She's obviously not quite into this atmosphere yet. Yang Buqi watched her froze on the spot the first time the melody sounded, and then looked around uncomfortably.

Yang Buqi frowned. Although he somehow didn't like the person in front of him very much, but out of kindness, he poked the other person's shoulder with a stone spear and reminded: "Warning, don't move around."

"I didn't move." The other party glanced at him and said firmly, "I want to jump out of the car."

Yang Buqi: "..."

For some reason, he suddenly had the urge to poke the opponent down with a stone spear. He forced down this inhuman thought and reminded again: "If you go down, you will meet a black bear."

"I know." The other party's tone was inexplicably firm, "The black bear is not as scary as this scene."

Yang Buqi: "..."

Well, he couldn't refute that.

But the girl failed to make it in the end. Because it didn't take long for those enhanced black bears to really surround them from all directions. She was finally forced to recognize a reality - it seems that black bears are more scary.

So, she decisively abandoned the insistence of the previous minute. He also closed his eyes and started to "clang" in a low voice. While singing "clang clang rose", he poked out the stone spear and danced wildly. The force of his movements can be called the hardest cub on this dry land dragon boat.

What made her feel even more outrageous than this outrageous method was that this method actually worked.

It is said that the black bear north of the execution ground is more ferocious, with nightmarish fear, followed by blankness and sluggishness... Even if you can avoid looking directly at it, you still cannot completely avoid the mental suppression it brings.

However, perhaps "Clanging Rose" has enough energy. Even though they were surrounded by two or three black bears, the people in the carriage were not affected too much. In addition, they had one or two stone spears in their hands and a defensive formation like centipede legs—what is this? This is the enhanced version of the humanoid tank.

Xu Tuoran was even more arrogant. When he first saw a black bear, he knew how to turn a corner to see if he could avoid it. I didn't even bother to dodge from behind, and I didn't even bother to activate the freezing skill. I took a stone spear and put it in front of the locomotive. When I saw the black bear, I stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom—come on, hit it. I call you, do you dare to come over?

It turns out that black bears dare not.

They can only be like the tragic male lead in an ancient romance novel, watching in vain the despicable human beings drive away with the remaining two big white bears.

That lonely and desolate figure made everyone in the car doubt themselves. Li Yun poked his head out curiously, looked away, thought for a long time after looking away, and couldn't help but patted the teahouse woman in front: "Hey, we are good people, right?"

"..." The woman in the tea room gave him a slightly speechless look, and she refused to answer this question with her actions.

On the other side, after rushing out of the siege of black bears, Xu Tuoran's car became more and more stable, but his heart was gradually suspended.

If I remember correctly, it should be this way... well, if you come around from the Bug Museum, it should be near here... right?

Because he didn't go through the inside of the Bug Museum this time, Xu Tuoran couldn't be 100% sure that the route was correct. Especially after driving for a long time, the scenery in front of her was repeated again and again, but she never felt the existence of the air wall, which made her doubt the current route even more.

And just when she was thinking about whether to let a white bear down to lead the way, a huge shadow caught her attention.

That's a statue.

A giant statue of a black rabbit - at least at first glance it looks like a black rabbit. Xu Tuoran was actually not sure what it was, but instinctively thought it looked good.

It seemed to be far away from her, its edges covered by trees, like a huge black cloud in the sky. It was obviously so eye-catching, but when Xu Tuoran looked down at the rune on his arm, and raised his head again, it disappeared without a trace and was never seen again.

"..." Xu Tueran looked at the intact rune on his arm, then looked at the direction where the statue disappeared, pondered for a while, stepped on the accelerator decisively, and drove in that direction.

After driving a few hundred meters further, he knocked over two black bears. Xu Tuoran's car suddenly seemed to hit something, and his forward momentum faltered slightly.

She made a move. Grabbing the stone spear, he tentatively poked forward.

Sensing her movement, the people behind asked in a low voice. Xu Tuoran waved his hand, carefully felt the touch from the spear tip, and let out a deep breath.

"We've arrived at the entrance." She said softly, "It should be possible to go in."

She could feel that this wall of air was different from the previous state. When she came here last time, it was still solid and cold, but now it is like a bowl of sticky lotus root powder. Although there is resistance, as long as a little force is applied, the stone spear can pass through.

Xu Turan settled down, sat back in the driver's seat, and told the people behind to sit still and support the hostages, and immediately stepped on the accelerator deeply, and the engine hummed again.

The locomotive dragged the long carriage, without hesitation, it drilled into the air wall. The moment he passed through, it seemed as if there was a pouring rain pouring down his head, and Xu Tuoran subconsciously closed his eyes. When I opened my eyes again, my heart skipped a beat.

The flowing red light that originally shrouded the head has completely disappeared, replaced by a streamlined light that flows lightly among the branches as if alive. The surrounding camphor trees became more sparse, and the crowns were no longer connected together. Looking higher, the trunk seems to lead to the sky, and the crown of the tree blends with the sky. It is impossible to see whether it is a tree or a cloud shaking overhead.

The ground is still covered with fallen leaves, but the leaves here can't fly. Xu Tuoran looked around and carefully drove the car in. The companions behind the air wall seemed to be shocked by the scene in front of them. When Fang Xiaoke came over to talk to Xu Tuoran, his voice was very cautious, as if he was afraid What woke up:

"Well, Li Yun asked me to ask you. Is the white bear, do you want to let it go now?"

"..." Xu Tuoran paused for a moment, then shook his head, "Don't. Then look inside. You may need them to lead the way."

In Xu Tuoran's plan, it was originally planned that two white bears would be needed. One is used to open the gate of the execution ground, and the other is used to block the progress, to prevent the exit of the air wall from being closed in advance due to the collective passage of white bears, and it is also planned to be used as a guide bee.

Although they got one more white bear than originally planned because of the help of the lady in the tea room, the situation is unclear at the moment. Xu Tuoran still thinks it's better to save some...

Just as he was talking, the locomotive moved forward tens of meters. The whole train was dragged into the air wall, Xu Turan accidentally turned his head again, and was about to correct his position, he glanced through the rearview mirror inadvertently, and suddenly frowned.

—Because she turned too far, from her current position, she could just see the end of the last carriage, including the ground dragged by the wheels behind her.

Because of this, Xu Tuoran finally noticed that the areas that were run over by the wheels seemed to be different from other grounds—it seemed that the fallen leaves accumulated on the surface had been plowed away, exposing the ground below. It's just that for some reason, the color of the ground is extremely light, as if covered with glass. But around the ground, there is no accumulation of fallen leaves that have been plowed up...

Xu Tuoran stared at that direction blankly, his heart skipped a beat. Other people came from behind with worried inquiries, but she didn't bother to answer, she simply said "sit still", jumped out of the car, stood still in one place, and leaned over to look under the car .

Sure enough, wherever the wheels passed by, there were similar traces. Because of the angle, Xu Tueran couldn't see more closely. He straightened up and thought for a while, but fortunately he sat back in the car, raised the stone spear, and smashed it **** the ground.

Fang Xiaoke, who was closest to her, looked over in a daze, and was about to ask, when his gaze swept over the place Xu Tuoran had passed by, he froze suddenly, and his eyes widened in astonishment.

...I saw those leaves falling down.

Following Xu Tuoran's movements, the fallen leaves that were already on the ground were falling down bit by bit.

Pass through the "ground" and fall down, like a large butterfly with wings, sinking leisurely into the…


Yes, underwater.

Fang Xiaoke's eyes widened, struggling to digest everything in front of him.

Underneath the leaves is not the land, but the surface of the water. They were actually standing on the water, only with a layer of fallen leaves in between.

When the fallen leaves are disturbed, they sink. The covered water surface will be exposed, and through the clear surface, they can vaguely see a corner of the "bottom"—

There are huge boulders deposited there. The stone is very similar to the weapons in their hands. The rippling ripples and refracted light made it difficult for them to see clearly, but Fang Xiaoke had a faint feeling: the place where those stones were located should be farther away than they perceived.

"This... what is this?" Fang Xiaoke's heartbeat accelerated for no reason, and he asked cautiously. Xu Tuoran shook his head, indicating that he didn't know. Trying to poke the exposed water surface with a stone spear, the spear tip sank into it.

However, as she withdrew the stone spear, the surrounding fallen leaves seemed to sense something, and began to squirm towards the middle again, the movements were slow but fast, and the exposed water surface was completely covered in the blink of an eye.

Xu Tuoran tried to step on it with his foot. It is still the thick touch of the leaf pile.

Looking at the back of the little train, the little water surface that was plowed out just now has been tightly covered by fallen leaves.

"So it is." Fang Xiaoke recalled the clues shared by Xu Tuoran, and suddenly realized, "'Leaves are barriers', that's what it means."

Xu Tuoran nodded in agreement, and carefully recalled the clues he got in the Bug Museum - [leaves are barriers. The crown is the root of the tree. Bugs are food. Just the soil. 】

At present, the two sentences "leaves are barriers" and "bugs are food" have been explained. I just don't know what the remaining two sentences mean.

However, she just thought about it for a short while, and quickly put the question to rest—the most urgent thing is to locate the brooch as soon as possible.

She closed her eyes and turned her head to look back. Because of the movement between her and Fang Xiaoke just now, many people in the car are looking at it curiously. Xu Turan was about to say something to comfort him, when he suddenly heard Li Yun's exclamation - a white dumpling suddenly jumped out of his carriage, twisted his waist and ran deep into the forest!

The point is, even if it ran, the thin cloth strips tied to its body could not be untied before running. Li Yun didn't know what to think, and tied the other end of the thin cloth strip to his body, and was immediately thrown out. After finally stabilizing his body, he was led to stumble forward a few steps. The big white bear dragged it away!


Rao Xu Turan didn't expect this to happen. Seeing that someone couldn't help but want to jump out of the car, he stopped immediately, started the small train instead, stepped on the accelerator, and followed.

Fortunately, the vegetation in this area is sparse, so it is not easy to lose face. Xu Tuoran carefully followed Li Yun forward, and suddenly saw Li Yun being dragged behind a standing stone tablet, followed by a heart-piercing scream—Xu Tueran's heart skipped a beat, and he hurried to catch up, but saw Behind the stele is a large altar surrounded by stones, inside the altar is covered with a large piece of blood-colored amber. Li Yun was lying on the hard blood-colored amber, looking forward in horror, his chest heaving violently.

Xu Tueran followed his gaze and saw only a wooden house with two doors open. The house is very big, at least seven or eight meters high, and its shape is extremely distorted and weird—a huge decoration like a human face hangs in front of the house, there are strange mechanisms running on both sides of the roof, and a small red waterfall hangs on the outer wall.

Xu Tuoran frowned, stopped the car and walked forward quickly. While telling the others to continue to sit, he stepped forward to help them up alone, and asked strangely, "Are you okay? What happened just now?"

"Just, just now that bear suddenly seemed to be crazy and wanted to get out of the car, and I was brought all the way..." Li Yun held the torn thin cloth strip in his hand, looking as if he hadn't recovered, "Then, Then it dragged me and ran into this guy...but I was spat out..."

Xu Tuoran: "...?"

"What are you talking about?" She frowned, "What 'person'..."

As she spoke, she raised her head again, her eyes fell on the wooden house in front of her, and her breathing suddenly stopped.

She knew what Li Yun meant.

That "wooden house", what she thought was a "building"—was actually a person. A huge wooden man.

Only the waist above the wooden figure was exposed on the ground, the neck protruded forward, the head was almost parallel to the back, and the facial features seemed to be carved with a knife, but they were carved very shallowly—that's why she recognized it as "" house", and uses its head as a decoration similar to a human face.

And the two open doors she saw were actually its left and right ribs, where two deep holes were opened. There are no bones in the wooden man's body, and the inside of the cave is pitch black, like two deep tunnels, judging from the height and width, it is indeed enough for a big bear to pass through.

As for what Xu Tuoran thought of as an "organ" - it really was an agency. It was a machine made of wood and gears, and at the end of the rotating arm was a bunch of huge brambles, like a giant mace. These twigs hit the wooden man's shoulders one after another with the operation of the mechanism, until the wooden man's skin was broken.

A crimson liquid trickled down the cracked gap continuously. That's why Xu Turan mistook them for red waterfalls. Now it seems that these are more like blood—the blood that the wooden giant in front of him bleeds after being whipped by a machine.

The blood gurgled down, part of it soaked deeply into the ground and flowed into the lower part of the altar; the other part turned into red water mist and rose upwards, lingering on the crown of the camphor tree.

Xu Tueran stared blankly at everything in front of him, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

It would be a lie to say I wasn't shocked. In the shock, she didn't know why, but she felt a little heavy—she didn't know where the heaviness came from, but she seemed to hear a long sigh.

Following the sigh, she raised her head, and her eyes fell on the wooden man's pale facial features. Just as he opened his mouth to say something, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a big white ball passing by from the corner of his eye, and without looking back, got into the dark rib tunnel in front of him, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xu Tuoran: "..."

She blinked blankly, and belatedly realized that the white bear should be the other one trapped on the train, and quickly turned her head—only to see that the train had swayed to and fro. Everyone closed their eyes tightly, unconscious.

Even Li Yun, who was supported by her, had closed his eyes at some point. Xu Tuoran unconsciously gave his hand away, and he immediately fell to the ground with a thud, without any reaction.

Xu Tuoran was startled, and just about to reach out to grab it, he suddenly heard a strange voice next to his ear:


"Man, it's okay."

"Just rest."

Xu Tuoran: "..."

Following the voice, she raised her head and looked at the deformed face of the wooden figure again.

Different from before, the originally shallow facial features became much deeper in the blink of an eye. The position of the eyes, as well as the eyeballs carved with a knife, are turning slightly.

"I want to talk to you." Xu Tuoran heard him say, "Alone."

"...Me?" Xu Tuoran was taken aback for a moment, slowly straightened his body, and looked over without fear, "Why me."

"Because, it can only be you." The huge wooden man's mouth did not move, but the voice buzzed in Xu Tuoran's ears, "I am waiting, only you."

Xu Tuoran: "..."

really. I knew it. I am super awesome.

She turned her eyes slightly, and then looked over quickly: "What are you waiting for me to do?"

"Waiting for the sacrifice. Waiting for your return. Waiting, after your ceremony is over, I will sacrifice everything for you." The wooden man said slowly, "In all fairness, I am a little surprised now. I am also very surprised."

Although he said surprise, his tone was still firm. Xu Tuoran raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why are you surprised?"

"I didn't expect you to come so soon." The giant wooden man said slowly, "Although I tried my best to help you in advance...but I thought you still need at least a few months...?"

Having said that, the huge wooden man suddenly paused.

Xu Tuoran: ...?

Huge wooden man: …

Realizing that the other party had paused for a long time, Xu Tuoran reached out and waved at him: "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

"...No." After a while, she heard the wooden man say slowly, "It's not long since the university started..."

"Shouldn't you still be in school?"

Xu Tuoran:?

Well, I can't understand more and more.

She looked at the wooden man in front of her with a complicated expression, wondering if she should remind it, because she couldn't understand what it was saying because of the **** mechanism of this camphor forest.

And the huge wooden man seemed to be completely immersed in his own thoughts. I don't know if it's Xu Tuoran's illusion, but it seems quite confused now.

Wooden man: "...ah."

Xu Tuoran:?

Wooden man: " have already upgraded."

Xu Tuoran:? ?

Wooden man: "Ah."

Wooden man: "It's still promoted to Hui."

Wooden man: "...ah."

...are you reciting poems? Ignore you and still "ah" endlessly, right?

Xu Tuoran was now full of question marks, and was upset by the other party's self-talk. So much so that she didn't notice that the whipping mechanism on the opponent's body stopped for a moment because of the shock in her heart.

After a while, Fang heard it speak again. The originally calm and rigid tone now reveals a bit of obvious disbelief:

"May I take the liberty to ask you a question?"

Xu Tuoran:? ? ?

She stared at the wooden man inexplicably, and waved her hands patiently. Then I heard the wooden man say in a slightly bewildered tone:

"May I ask your upgrade route...who planned it for you?"

"I don't understand."

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Chapter 1611

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