MTL - When Golden Finger Meets Salted Fish-Chapter 598 extra twenty

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A hoarse and familiar voice called out familiar words. For a moment, Qing Yu even suspected that Zhu Baiyi was back. Her body stiffened in an instant, and her mind was filled with thoughts, joyful, nervous, and at a loss.

But soon, the chaotic thoughts stopped, because she felt a little furry head gently rubbing against her arms.

The little fox's dark eyes were as clear as ever, and she gently rubbed against Qing Yu's arms coquettishly, her hoarse and jerky voice gradually became normal, and she continued to call Qing Yu's name over and over again. At the same time, the three tails she had just grown were also shaking vigorously, and they rubbed against Qing Yu's hands deliberately, obviously showing off proudly.

For a moment, Qing Yu felt a basin of cold water poured down her head, and all the nervousness and bewilderment before were replaced by disappointment at this moment. Especially when she heard the little fox babbling and calling her name, my heart suddenly felt sour.

The little fox acted coquettishly for a while, but did not get any response from Qing Yu, and looked a bit puzzled: "Yu?"

From the time the little fox opened her mouth until now, she seemed to only be able to say this one word. Qing Yu's heart soaked in sourness suddenly softened a little. She finally raised her hand to touch the little fox's head, and said with restraint, "What's wrong?"

The little fox had just learned to speak with a breakthrough in his cultivation base, and he held back for a long time before uttering a few words: "Are you unhappy?" He said with puzzled eyes, then shook his tail behind him after speaking, and continued to utter words: "Look, Tails, three."

Qing Yu has lived for hundreds of years, and she is not someone who can't stand the storm. It's just that her mood went up and down in an instant before, so she couldn't fully control it. At this time, she had quickly sorted out her mood, and she could look at the little fox in front of her with a normal heart again. So she nodded after hearing what the little fox said, avoiding the previous question, and praised: "That's right, Xiaobai is really amazing."

The little fox has not yet recovered Zhu Baiyi's memory, and the whole fox is innocent. Sure enough, she didn't realize that Qing Yu avoided the problem. Instead, she was complacent because of the other party's praise, and even took the initiative to ask Qing Yu for a reward.

There was helplessness and regret in Qing Yu's eyes, and finally she bowed her head lightly and kissed the tip of the fox's ear like a dragonfly.

The little fox was stunned for a moment, then raised his front paws to cover his face, and after a while covered his ears together.

The little fox made a breakthrough because of the fusion of the soul fragments. Although the whole process affected people's hearts ups and downs, Qing Yu also discovered how important the remaining soul fragments were to the little fox.

So in the following days, Qing Yu no longer focused on feeding the foxes, but put all her energy on searching.

The world is far and wide, the abyss of the secret realm, as long as it is the direction pointed by the white jade compass, Qing Yu will rush to it without hesitation. Fortunately, her cultivation base is high enough, and her reputation is strong enough, so she hardly encounters any obstacles when walking in the realm of cultivation. Occasionally, when encountering some unavoidable dangers, she can always protect the little fox and escape safely.

Time flies like this, and ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Ten years was enough for Yun Qingyue, who was reborn from Nirvana, to recover for a few rounds, but it was not enough for the little fox. Even if she had no shortage of resources or assistance, ten years hadn't allowed her to grow another tail.

Qing Yu was a little worried when she saw this, fearing that this was the restriction of heaven, and even if she gathered her soul, Zhu Baiyi would not be able to recover from the past.

The fox is always keen, whenever Qing Yu falls into a depressed mood because of worry, she can always get up to make jokes just right. And Qing Yu was not originally a self-pitying temperament, so she could always adjust her mentality in time.

One person and one fox have been together for ten years in this way, during which they lived a normal life and also experienced wind and rain.

Not to mention the past friendships, just the re-experiences are enough to form a deep relationship with each other. And Qing Yu also completely sorted out the previous feelings in this day-to-day relationship-no mention of identity, no confrontation, no mention of deception. As far as the relationship between the two is concerned, she has actually never let go of each other, but the love is not that deep.

But cultivator Bing Linggen is rarely emotional, she thought she was not deep, until the moment she faced the loss, she realized in a trance that she couldn't let go. So there are hundreds of years of waiting and pursuit, and ten years of companionship.


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Cultivation does not know the time, when Xuanqingzong heard that Baihu and Mingxia peak master both advanced to the stage of crossing the catastrophe, Qingyu's cultivation still remained at the early stage of Mahayana, and the little fox still hadn't grown a fourth tail.

Fortunately, time will never disappoint those who care, Qing Yu once again came out of the fierce place with injuries, holding a little light in his hand.

This should be the last bit of soul fragments she could find, maybe there are even finer ones scattered outside, but the souls that have been shattered into slags are scattered all over the world, even with the white jade compass in hand, Qing Yu can't find any more—Sacrifice Of course there is damage, and the soul does not mean that reunion can be pieced together. Qing Yu has long been prepared, as long as the vast majority are gathered, the rest can be spent on treasures to nourish the soul.

Traveling and searching all the way, after more than a hundred years, Qingyu has even prepared the treasures for nourishing the soul. It's just that now she is holding the last piece of soul in her hand, but she has the last worry in her heart...

She was still worried, but the little fox in the Mustard Dimension had already sensed that the crisis outside was over.

Because the latter is not a real fox, Qing Yu has no intention of controlling her as a spiritual pet, so the little fox in this mustard space also holds half of the control. At this time, she sensed that the crisis outside had been resolved, so she rushed out immediately. It wasn't surprising to see Qing Yu's injuries all over her body, but no matter how many times she saw this situation, she still felt distressed.

The little fox rushed up immediately, looked around Qing Yu several times, and then hurriedly asked: "Yu, Yu, how are you, are you seriously injured?" In a flash, two bottles of elixir appeared: "Hurry up and heal your wounds."

Zhu Baiyi's soul fragments were scattered everywhere, it may be in random mountains and rivers, or it may be in various fierce places that strangers should not enter. The former gradually condenses with the main soul on the little fox, and may even be attracted to him on his own initiative. Unfortunately, this last piece of remnant soul was left somewhere in a fierce place. Even if Qing Yu was already at the Mahayana stage, rushing in rashly would still result in a whole body of injuries.

This is not only Qing Yu's preparation, but also the little fox, but she can't persuade Qing Yu to take risks.

Fortunately, Huang Tian paid off, and Qing Yu finally got back the last piece of remnant soul with a wound all over her body. It's just that she looked at the anxious look of the little fox surrounding her, but she suddenly tightened her grip on the aura in her hand to prevent it from leaking out.

The little fox held the elixir but did not see Qing Yu making any moves, but became even more anxious. Because she found that Qing Yu seemed to be in a daze all the time after she came out of the fierce place, which made her wonder whether the other party had hurt his soul in that fierce place—this is not a rare thing in the world of cultivation, as if she herself The same is the damage of the soul. Although she doesn't remember what happened in the past, but thinking about it, she wasn't plotted against by someone, or she was injured accidentally.

What if Qing Yu is like her? She has only grown three tails now, and she is still a little fox in the foundation building stage. Even if she wants to heal Qing Yu, she can't do it... Of course, the elixir in her hand is definitely not right.

The little fox became more and more worried as he thought about it, and circled Qing Yu twice, with three big fluffy tails dangling back and forth, showing his irritability.

Qing Yu finally calmed down, and the moment he came back to his senses, he just felt the fox's tail rubbing against his calf. Immediately she looked down, good guy, the snow-white fur of the little fox was rubbed with a layer of blood.

Fortunately, no one cares about this at the moment. Seeing her come back to life, the little fox immediately became happy: "Yu, are you okay? That's really great. Take some elixir to heal your wounds, or your blood will bleed... "

Before the little fox could finish speaking, she saw Qing Yu spread out her palm, and the aura in her palm was all too familiar.

To be honest, just after coming out of the mustard space, the little fox looked at Qing Yu's wounded look, and thought she had finally missed this time. But I didn't expect this person to be so strong and stubborn, and actually found this remnant soul from that terrible place.

The little fox doesn't know the process, but she can guess that it is very difficult, so instead of being high, she is even a little depressed—she thinks it doesn't matter whether there is this remnant soul, or not, anyway, it won't be complete, and it will take more time for her It is better to take the risk of Qingyu to nourish the soul. Ke Qingyu refused to listen

Hers, she has never been willing to compromise in this regard, and it is not the first time she has been injured.

This time it was Qing Yu who saw that the little fox hadn't moved for a long time, and the little fox with amnesia was like a piece of white paper rewritten, what was written on it could be seen at a glance. So she freed her other hand to touch the fox's head: "Don't worry, I promise you, this is the last time."

The little fox is very clever, but also easy to deceive. She always has ways to coax Qing Yu to be soft-hearted and doting on her, and she always believes Qing Yu's casual promises. Although Qing Yu kept her promise most of the time, but this time she was obviously playing a little tricky.

It's just that the little fox didn't know, so she quickly became happy, and the black fox looked at it: "Really?"

Qing Yu nodded, so the little fox no longer doubted, and happily swallowed that bit of spiritual light.

The process of soul fusion has been experienced thousands of times, and even a little fox whose cultivation is not going well has already become extremely proficient. Even because the last piece of remnant soul was too small, she digested and fused it without even belching after eating it.

During this period, Qing Yu didn't say a word, and she didn't do anything. She just stared at the change of the little fox after fusion—this was the last piece of remnant soul she could find, but the little fox hasn't recovered yet. Zhu Baiyi memory. If she still can't remember this piece of remnant soul after fusion, then the possibility of recovering her memory in the future will be infinitely reduced.

Yes, after years of companionship, Qing Yu has accumulated another deep relationship with the little fox. But the basis of everything is still the past, and the person who moved her heart is also the former Zhu Baiyi. If she can't recover her memory, is the person in front of her still an old friend?

Qing Yu is a stubborn person, since she can't accept Mu Bai, what she wants is naturally an old friend.

So she stared at those beautiful fox eyes, trying to see the familiar...