MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 102

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"Sir, what's the matter with you?"

Mr. Ouyang's concerned voice came from behind.

"It's okay," Xie Liuyi turned around with a cold face, but his eyes unconsciously fell on the cells of the interstellar pirates in the northeast, "Can the translator be transplanted?"

Ouyang was stunned for a moment, followed her line of sight, his eyes flickered, "Is there something wrong with your translator?"

Xie Liuyi nodded and said nothing.

"Yes," he showed a smile, "The Interstellar Pirate's translator was stolen from someone else. Xiao is the military doctor accompanying the team, you can find him for this matter."

Xie Liuyi raised her eyebrows, but she didn't expect to save a military doctor, not bad.

Although Xie Liuyi poured a big red bottle to fill the blood line at the military doctor in that location, he suffered more damage to his spirit in the arena, and needed enough sleep to keep his spirits up.

While waiting for him to wake up, Mr. Ouyang and another surviving soldier, Ah Meng, dragged the wild lion's body into the empty cell in the far corner and covered it with straw.

“The price of human beings is very high in the giant country, and the giants do not allow us to kill each other,” he explained, “The wild lions are **** in the arena, and they are very popular with customers. Red man. Usually he kills one or two people, and the guards turn a blind eye. If the giant finds out that you have killed a wild lion, it will first throw you into the arena to see if you have any commercial value, if not..."

He didn't say any more, Xie Liuyi could guess his unfinished words. If she can't bring the same benefits to the arena as the wild lion, the giant will use her to kill the chickens and show the monkeys.

"My lord, the body of the wild lion will not be hidden for long. Tomorrow morning, the giant will come to choose the person who will fight that day. Once he is selected, you will be exposed."

Xie Liuyi pondered for a moment, then asked carefully, "If I kill all the guards..."

This sentence made Mr. Ouyang's pupils twitch, but she stopped halfway through speaking, Mr. Ouyang's surprise turned into puzzlement, and then turned into a wry smile, "The giant is too strong, even if you It is a 3S-level powerhouse, lacking the support of spiritual power, it is difficult to kill all the guards."

Xie Liuyi frowned, waiting for the restriction of the taciturn seal to pass. During this period, the old man said a lot of words, but Xie Liuyi didn't want to waste his precious words in response to his words, and then asked the assumption of the previous sentence: "How many people can you take to escape?"

"Huh?" Mr. Ouyang's expression at this moment can be called funny.

However, thanks to the information processing ability he has trained in the forward army for many years, he quickly reacted to Xie Liuyi's meaning and confirmed in surprise: "You mean, it's up to you Kill all the guards?"

"Yeah." Xie Liuyi nodded calmly, as if she wasn't talking about killing a giant several times her size, but killing a few flies.

"How sure are you?" Mr. Ouyang's expression became serious.

Xie Liuyi made an estimate and replied conservatively: "70%."

After speaking, I wondered if I was being too conservative. The old Mr. Ouyang on the opposite side was so excited that his eyes lit up.

He suddenly stood up, straightened his clothes, and saluted Xie Liuyi earnestly, "If your lord can kill the guards of the arena, I can lead all the prisoners to escape successfully."

"No need for everything," Xie Liuyi waved his hand, leaned forward slightly, his voice was very soft, but revealed an unquestionable killing intent, "Kill the most vicious people!"

Mr. Ouyang knew the elegant meaning when he heard the sound of the strings, and immediately stated objectively the crimes of the mad lion's group.

That group of people is not only the interstellar pirates under the wild lion, but also many people who joined later. Using the power of the mad lion, bullying men and women, doing all kinds of evil, everyone is unforgivable.

"In fact, in the arena, in order to survive, each of us has blood on our hands," the old gentleman said this, his eyes did not waver, "but I can guarantee , Except for the mad lion and the group, everyone in this prison, if they have other choices, would not be willing to exchange the lives of their compatriots for the chance to survive."

Xie Liuyi was noncommittal about his assurance.

She believed that people in the arena had to kill their compatriots in order to protect themselves. But after years of soaking in the silt made of the flesh and blood of compatriots, how many people can keep their hearts like Mr. Ouyang?

However, these are not to be considered for the time being. The most urgent task is to remove the tumor in humans, so as to prevent the escape from being held back.

Go up the stairs.

The interstellar pirate gang lived in the corridor on the northeast side of the second floor. Going up the stairs, Xie Liuyi walked into the first cell on the right.

The flattering expression on his face has not completely disappeared, mixed with a little surprise and unwillingness to break the ground.

After solving one, Xie Liuyi calmly walked into the second room on the right. There were two star thieves in this room. Seeing Xie Liuyi with a knife in his hand, his face instantly turned hideous, and he rushed over with the momentum of a fish and a net.

Xie Liuyi's figure was as fast as lightning, and he passed by the gap between the two of them.

Maybe I heard something wrong, the star thief in the third cell on the right came out to check the situation, and happened to bump into Xie Liuyi who had just come out of the second cell. As soon as his terrified expression rose, he would always freeze at his face.

Stepping over his corpse, Xie Liuyi continued to move forward, three star thieves gathered in the fourth room on the right hand, the three were disheveled, hugged in a ball and slept soundly.

Xie Liuyi didn't like sneak attacks, so she kicked three people's calves one by one, and wiped their necks when everyone woke up.

There was no one in the rest of the house on the right, Xie Liuyi turned to the left again, and when he reached the entrance of the stairs, a star thief happened to be standing by the fence.

Seeing the figure of Xie Liuyi carrying the knife, and the continuous dripping blood from the tip of the knife, he let out an exclamation and stepped back, causing another star thief in the same room to come over to watch the fun.

Then, he saw the cold-looking blue woman outside the fence, and a long knife stabbing his throat.

The star thief who exclaimed earlier saw his companion die under Xie Liuyi's knife, clinging to the wall, and wanted to embed himself in it. At the same time, he raised his voice, trying to attract the attention of other star thieves.

"Help, help—" the last word came to an abrupt end.

Xie Liuyi threw a long knife, the long knife passed through the gap of the iron fence, stabbed him in the chest with lightning speed, and nailed him to the wall.

Xie Liuyi slowly opened the prison door, went in and pulled out the knife. The puncture wound in the chest would not kill him immediately, but the knife just stabbed his lungs, and the blood choked back into the trachea. He kept coughing and sprayed blood from his mouth.

At this time, the star thieves who heard the voice came out of the cell.

He looked at the corpse of his companion on the ground with a slow reaction, and then looked at the long knife in Xie Liuyi's hand, but he didn't realize what happened.

Responding quickly, he has already turned over the handrail by the corridor and jumped directly from the second floor. Because Xie Liuyi happened to be at the door of the first cell on the left of the stairs, blocking their way to the stairs.

There were two stones the size of their fists that came out of nowhere, and charged with the stones with a hideous expression. Xie Liuyi flew with both feet and kicked the two out, knocking over the two fastest star thieves downstairs.

Other humans came out of their cells one after another, gathered in a place where Xie Liuyi could kill the star thieves, and remained silent without saying a word.

They have hatred, pleasure, and fear on their faces.

Seeing a star thief jumped to the first floor to try to escape, they swarmed up, took advantage of the number of people, used their teeth and hands to tear, and used all the parts of their body that could be attacked to kill each other.

Each of them survived by stepping on the lives of the same kind, and every heart is unimaginably hard.

Xie Liuyi took a look and ignored the first floor, and quickly ended the lives of the remaining star thieves on the second floor. One of the star thieves knelt down and begged Xie Liuyi to let him go. Xie Liuyi took the knife, helped him up, and killed him.

In just a few minutes, none of the eighteen star thieves survived. But Xie Liuyi's heart did not fluctuate at all.

Her hands were stained with blood, but her heart was pure as ever.

Xie Liuyi jumped off the second floor and made up for the star thieves who were almost torn apart by others. At this point, the first obstacle of the escape action is cleared.

Mr. Ouyang asked Ah Meng to take someone to dispose of the star thief's body. They glanced at Xie Liuyi in awe, and obediently acted as instructed, no one dared to disobey.

Xie Liuyi cleans up the star thieves with great fanfare, one of the intentions is to deter other humans in the prison. Now it seems that the effect is good, whether it is out of fear or gratitude, their attitude towards Xie Liuyi can be called fear and fear.

Mr. Ouyang frowned and waved at Xie Liuyi, "Come with me."

Back to Mr. Ouyang's room, he asked with a serious expression, "Is the space button still on your body?"

Xie Liuyi did not speak, but raised her eyebrows to express her doubts.

Mr. Ouyang looked at the Tang Hengdao in Xie Liuyi's hand, "I saw your master draw this weapon out of thin air just now, presumably your space button is still on your body. If you were sold by star thieves, they It's impossible to leave the space button to you."

His expression suddenly became excited, his voice trembled, and he asked softly: "Are you...are you a rescuer sent by the Federation?"

Xie Liuyi wanted to deny it, but seeing the eager hope in the eyes of the old man, she swallowed the word "no" again.

"I'll get you out." She said calmly.

Mr. Ouyang was stunned for a moment, the tears in his eyes slid down the corners of his eyes. He covered his face and opened and closed his mouth a few times before calming down a little, "I knew that the motherland would not give up on us, and the federation would not give up on us."

Seeing the old gentleman crying silently, Xie Liuyi's expression softened and he said "um".

Then the next sentence of the old gentleman made Xie Liuyi regret recognizing this.

"Then, sir, there must be a spaceship for this rescue operation in your space button?"

Xie Liuyi: "…"

"Cough, no," she cleared her throat and returned to her expressionless indifference. In the old gentleman's surprised eyes, she said, "Let's rob the interstellar pirate ship."

The author has something to say:Mr. Ouyang: Are you a rescuer sent by the Federation?

Xiao Xie: No, I'm Dobby from Monkey.

An update today~

The consequence of all night yesterday is that my mind is filled with paste all day today, and I can't move at all!

The stupid author uses his own painful experience to persuade everyone not to stay up late! Do not stay up all night! Do not stay up all night!

I don't even set a flag to say how much more tomorrow, I promise to go to bed early today, wake up early tomorrow, and write as much as I can, hehe.